Exemple #1
def filter_objs_to_roi(instances: np.ndarray, avm: ArgoverseMap,
                       city_SE3_egovehicle: SE3, city_name: str) -> np.ndarray:
    """Filter objects to the region of interest (5 meter dilation of driveable area).

    We ignore instances outside of region of interest (ROI) during evaluation.

        instances: Numpy array of shape (N,) with ObjectLabelRecord entries
        avm: Argoverse map object
        city_SE3_egovehicle: pose of egovehicle within city map at time of sweep
        city_name: name of city where log was captured

        instances_roi: objects with any of 4 cuboid corners located within ROI
    # for each cuboid, get its 4 corners in the egovehicle frame
    corners_egoframe = np.vstack([dt.as_2d_bbox() for dt in instances])
    corners_cityframe = city_SE3_egovehicle.transform_point_cloud(
    corner_within_roi = avm.get_raster_layer_points_boolean(
        corners_cityframe, city_name, "roi")
    # check for each cuboid if any of its 4 corners lies within the ROI
    is_within_roi = corner_within_roi.reshape(-1, 4).any(axis=1)
    instances_roi = instances[is_within_roi]
    return instances_roi
Exemple #2
def transform_xyz(xyz: np.ndarray, pose1: SE3, pose2: SE3) -> np.ndarray:
    # transform xyz from pose1 to pose2

    # convert to city coordinate
    city_coord = pose1.transform_point_cloud(xyz)

    return pose2.inverse_transform_point_cloud(city_coord)
def get_B_SE2_A(B_SE3_A: SE3):
        Can take city_SE3_egovehicle -> city_SE2_egovehicle
        Can take egovehicle_SE3_object -> egovehicle_SE2_object

        Doesn't matter if we stretch square by h,w,l since
        triangles will be similar regardless

        -   B_SE3_A

        -   B_SE2_A
        -   B_yaw_A
    x_corners = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1])
    y_corners = np.array([1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1])
    z_corners = np.array([1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1])
    corners_A_frame = np.vstack((x_corners, y_corners, z_corners)).T

    corners_B_frame = B_SE3_A.transform_point_cloud(corners_A_frame)

    p1 = corners_B_frame[1]
    p5 = corners_B_frame[5]
    dy = p1[1] - p5[1]
    dx = p1[0] - p5[0]
    # the orientation angle of the car
    B_yaw_A = np.arctan2(dy, dx)

    t = B_SE3_A.transform_matrix[:2, 3]  # get x,y only
    B_SE2_A = SE2(rotation=rotmat2d(B_yaw_A), translation=t)
    return B_SE2_A, B_yaw_A
def draw_ground_pts_in_image(
    sdb: SynchronizationDB,
    lidar_points: np.ndarray,
    city_to_egovehicle_se3: SE3,
    dataset_map: ArgoverseMap,
    log_id: str,
    lidar_timestamp: int,
    city_name: str,
    dataset_dir: str,
    experiment_prefix: str,
    plot_ground: bool = True,
    motion_compensate: bool = False,
    camera: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Union[None, np.ndarray]:
    """Write an image to disk with rendered ground points for every camera.

        sdb: instance of SynchronizationDB
        lidar_points: Numpy array of shape (N,3) in egovehicle frame
        city_to_egovehicle_se3: SE3 instance which takes a point in egovehicle frame and brings it into city frame
        dataset_map: Map dataset instance
        log_id: ID of the log
        city_name: A city's name (e.g. 'MIA' or 'PIT')
        motion_compensate: Whether to bring lidar points from world frame @ lidar timestamp, to world frame @ camera
        camera: camera name, if specified will return image of that specific camera, if None, will save all camera to
                disk and return None

    # put into city coords, then prune away ground and non-RoI points
    lidar_points = city_to_egovehicle_se3.transform_point_cloud(lidar_points)
    lidar_points = dataset_map.remove_non_driveable_area_points(
        lidar_points, city_name)
    _, not_ground_logicals = dataset_map.remove_ground_surface(
        copy.deepcopy(lidar_points), city_name, return_logicals=True)
    lidar_points = lidar_points[np.logical_not(not_ground_logicals)
                                if plot_ground else not_ground_logicals]

    # put back into ego-vehicle coords
    lidar_points = city_to_egovehicle_se3.inverse_transform_point_cloud(

    calib_fpath = f"{dataset_dir}/{log_id}/vehicle_calibration_info.json"
    calib_data = read_json_file(calib_fpath)

    # repeat green to red colormap every 50 m.
    colors_arr = np.array([
        for color_obj in Color("red").range_to(Color("green"), NUM_RANGE_BINS)

    for cam_idx, camera_name in enumerate(RING_CAMERA_LIST +
        im_dir = f"{dataset_dir}/{log_id}/{camera_name}"

        # load images, e.g. 'image_raw_ring_front_center_000000486.jpg'
        cam_timestamp = sdb.get_closest_cam_channel_timestamp(
            lidar_timestamp, camera_name, log_id)
        if cam_timestamp is None:

        im_fname = f"{camera_name}_{cam_timestamp}.jpg"
        im_fpath = f"{im_dir}/{im_fname}"

        # Swap channel order as OpenCV expects it -- BGR not RGB
        # must make a copy to make memory contiguous
        img = imageio.imread(im_fpath)[:, :, ::-1].copy()
        points_h = point_cloud_to_homogeneous(copy.deepcopy(lidar_points)).T

        if motion_compensate:
            uv, uv_cam, valid_pts_bool = project_lidar_to_img_motion_compensated(
                points_h,  # these are recorded at lidar_time
            uv, uv_cam, valid_pts_bool = project_lidar_to_img(
                points_h, copy.deepcopy(calib_data), camera_name, False)

        if valid_pts_bool is None or uv is None or uv_cam is None:

        if valid_pts_bool.sum() == 0:

        uv = np.round(uv[valid_pts_bool]).astype(np.int32)
        uv_cam = uv_cam.T[valid_pts_bool]
        pt_ranges = np.linalg.norm(uv_cam[:, :3], axis=1)
        rgb_bins = np.round(pt_ranges).astype(np.int32)
        # account for moving past 100 meters, loop around again
        rgb_bins = rgb_bins % NUM_RANGE_BINS
        uv_colors = (255 * colors_arr[rgb_bins]).astype(np.int32)

        img = draw_point_cloud_in_img_cv2(img, uv, np.fliplr(uv_colors))

        if not Path(f"{experiment_prefix}_ground_viz/{log_id}/{camera_name}"

        save_dir = f"{experiment_prefix}_ground_viz/{log_id}/{camera_name}"
        cv2.imwrite(f"{save_dir}/{camera_name}_{lidar_timestamp}.jpg", img)
        if camera == camera_name:
            return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    return None