Exemple #1
    def write(self, r, c, label='', *args, **kwargs):
        self.sheet.write(r, c, label, *args, **kwargs)
        width = int(arial10.fitwidth(label))

        if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
            self.widths[c] = width
            self.sheet.col(c).width = width
Exemple #2
 def write(self, r, c, label="", style=pycel.Style.default_style):
     self.sheet.write(r, c, label, style)
     width = arial10.fitwidth(label)
     if style is not None and style.font is not None and style.font.bold:
         width *= 1.062 # jnm fudge factor
     if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
         self.widths[c] = width
         self.sheet.col(c).width = width
Exemple #3
 def write(self, r, c, label="", style=pycel.Style.default_style):
     self.sheet.write(r, c, label, style)
     width = arial10.fitwidth(label)
     if style is not None and style.font is not None and style.font.bold:
         width *= 1.062  # jnm fudge factor
     if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
         self.widths[c] = width
         self.sheet.col(c).width = width
Exemple #4
 def write(self, r, c, label='', *args, **kwargs):
     self.sheet.write(r, c, label, *args, **kwargs)
     width = int(arial10.fitwidth(label))
     if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
         self.widths[c] = width
             c, int(width)
         )  #modified this as per XlsxWriter https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/working_with_pandas.html
Exemple #5
 def __write_row(self, data, style):
     self.__current_row_counter += 1
     for index, item in enumerate(data):
         item = str(item)
         self.ws.write(self.__current_row_counter, index, item, style)
         width = int(arial10.fitwidth(item))
         if width > self.__widths.get(index, 0):
             self.__widths[index] = width
             self.ws.col(index).width = width
        def write(self, r, c, label, *args, **kwargs):
            self.sheet.write(r, c, label, *args, **kwargs)

            offset = 0
            if type(label) == float:
                offset = 262.637 * 2 + 146.015

            width = arial10.fitwidth(str(label)) + offset
            if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
                self.widths[c] = width
                self.sheet.col(c).width = int(width)
Exemple #7
    def write(self, r, c, label='', style=None):
        if isinstance(label, datetime) and not style:
            style = xlwt.XFStyle()
            style.num_format_str = 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'

        if style:
            self.sheet.write(r, c, label, style)
            self.sheet.write(r, c, label)
        width = arial10.fitwidth(style and style.num_format_str or str(label))
        if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
            self.widths[c] = width
            self.sheet.col(c).width = int(width)
Exemple #8
    def write(self, r, c, label='', *args, **kwargs):
        self.sheet.write(r, c, label, *args, **kwargs)
        self.sheet.row(r).collapse = True
        bold = False
        if args:
            style = args[0]
            bold = str(style.font.bold) in ('1', 'true', 'True')
        width = arial10.fitwidth(label, bold)
        if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
            self.widths[c] = width
            self.sheet.col(c).width = width

        height = arial10.fitheight(label, bold)
        if height > self.heights.get(r, 0):
            self.heights[r] = height
            self.sheet.row(r).height = height
Exemple #9
    def write(self, r, c, label='', *args, **kwargs):
        self.sheet.write(r, c, label, *args, **kwargs)
        self.sheet.row(r).collapse = True
        bold = False
        if args:
            style = args[0]
            bold = str(style.font.bold) in ('1', 'true', 'True')
        width = int(arial10.fitwidth(label, bold))
        if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
            self.widths[c] = width
            self.sheet.col(c).width = width

        height = int(arial10.fitheight(label, bold))
        if height > self.heights.get(r, 0):
            self.heights[r] = height
            self.sheet.row(r).height = height
Exemple #10
    def write(self, r, c, label=u'', style=None):
        if not style:
            style = XFStyle()

        if isinstance(label, datetime.datetime):
            _saved_format = style.num_format_str
            style.num_format_str = 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss'
            self.sheet.write(r, c, label, style)
            style.num_format_str = _saved_format
        elif isinstance(label, datetime.date):
            _saved_format = style.num_format_str
            style.num_format_str = 'dd/mm/yyyy'
            self.sheet.write(r, c, label, style)
            style.num_format_str = _saved_format
        # elif isinstance(label, (float, Decimal)):
        #     _saved_format = style.num_format_str
        #     style.num_format_str = '#,##0.00'
        #     self.sheet.write(r, c, label, style)
        #     style.num_format_str = _saved_format
            self.sheet.write(r, c, label, style)

        self.sheet.row(r).collapse = True

        unicode_label = unicode(label)

        bold = str(style.font.bold) in ('1', 'true', 'True')

        width = min(int(arial10.fitwidth(unicode_label, bold)), MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH)
        if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
            self.widths[c] = width
            self.sheet.col(c).width = width

        height = int(arial10.fitheight(unicode_label, bold))
        if height > self.heights.get(r, 0):
            self.heights[r] = height
            self.sheet.row(r).height = height
Exemple #11
def buildexcel(file_dest):
    # prepare an empty workbook
    workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(file_dest,
                                   {'default_date_format': 'YYYY-mm-dd'})
    header_row_format = workbook.add_format({
        'bg_color': '#C2C2D6',
        'bottom': 3,
        'top': 3,
        'text_wrap': True,
        'font_name': 'Arial',
        'font_size': 10
    data_row_format = workbook.add_format({
        'font_name': 'Arial',
        'font_size': 10
    # work on each URL, as one new worksheet
    for url, csvy in webscraping():
        lines = csvy.split("\n")
        # Extract and parse the CSVY metadata part
        fields_def_yaml = [
            ln[1:] for ln in itertools.takewhile(lambda s: s[0] == '#', lines)
        if not fields_def_yaml:
            # the metadata is not in comment, look for limiters instead
            fields_def_yaml = [
                ln for ln in itertools.takewhile(
                    lambda s: not s.startswith('---'), lines[1:])
            fields_def_yaml = fields_def_yaml[1:-1]
        fields_def = yaml.load("\n".join(fields_def_yaml))
        assert ('fields' in fields_def)
        assert (all('name' in f for f in fields_def['fields']))
        fields = {f['name']: f for f in fields_def['fields']}
        for name in fields:
            if 'labels' in fields[name]:
                labeltext = "\n".join([
                    str(int(x2)) + " : " + str(x1)
                    for x1, x2 in sorted(fields[name]['labels'].items(),
                                         key=lambda x: x[1])
                fields[name]['labels'] = labeltext
        # Extract and parse the CSVY data part
        csvdata = list(
            csv.reader([ln + '\n' for ln in lines[len(fields_def_yaml) + 2:]]))
        # Create worksheet and set title
        worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(
            deduce_name(url))  # new sheet at end
        # Header rows: label, labels, name
        header = csvdata[0]
        if len(header) < len(csvdata[1]):
            # in case header row is shorter, align to right
            header = [None] * (len(csvdata[1]) - len(header)) + header
        option = [fields.get(h, {}).get('labels', ' ') for h in header]
        label = [
            breaklabel(fields.get(h, {}).get('label', ' ')) for h in header
        worksheet.write_row(0, 0, header, header_row_format)
        worksheet.write_row(1, 0, option, header_row_format)
        worksheet.write_row(2, 0, label, header_row_format)
        # Data rows
        for j, row in enumerate(csvdata[1:]):
            for i, col in enumerate(row):
                if header[i] == 'date':
                    row[i] = datetime.datetime.strptime(col, "%Y%m%d").date()
                elif col.isdigit():
                    row[i] = int(col)
                        row[i] = float(col)
                        row[i] = None if col == 'NA' else col
            worksheet.write_row(3 + j, 0, row, data_row_format)
        # Add autofilter
        ignore_col = ['weight', 'caseid', None]
        maxrow = len(csvdata) + 2
        minrow = 2
        mincol = min(i for i, c in enumerate(header) if c not in ignore_col)
        maxcol = max(i for i, c in enumerate(header) if c not in ignore_col)
        worksheet.autofilter(minrow, mincol, maxrow, maxcol)
        # Adjust column width: usually to fit the option text
        colwidths = []
        for c in range(len(header)):
            columndata = ["00000", header[c], option[c]] + [
                str(row[c]) for row in csvdata[1:] if len(row) > c
            width = max(arial10.fitwidth(x) for x in columndata if x)
            worksheet.set_column(c, c, width / 256.0)
        # Adjust row height for option text row
        height = max(arial10.fitheight(x) for x in option if x)
        worksheet.set_row(1, height / 18.0)
        # Adjust row height for option text row
        height = max(arial10.fitheight(x) for x in label if x)
        wrapped_add_height = max(
            arial10.fitheight("\n" * math.ceil(arial10.fitwidth(l) / w - 1))
            for l, w in zip(label, colwidths))
        worksheet.set_row(2, (height + wrapped_add_height) / 18.0)
        # Freeze the 3 header rows
        worksheet.freeze_panes(3, 0)
    # save to disk
Exemple #12
pstyle = xlwt.easyxf("font: color green; align: horiz center")
sstyle = xlwt.easyxf("font: color blue; align: horiz center")

fstart = 2
estart = 2
ID, F, E, S, P = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
for k, line in enumerate(sys.stdin,1):
    lines = line.split("\t")
    ws = wb.add_sheet(str(k), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
    ws.set_panes_frozen(True) # frozen headings instead of split panes
    ws.write(0, 0, "ID="+lines[ID])
    ws.write(0, fstart-1, "NULL")
    ws.write(estart-1, 0, "NULL")
    ws.col(fstart-1).width = int(math.ceil(arial10.fitwidth("NULL")))
    for j, fj in enumerate(lines[F].split(), fstart):
        ws.write(0, j, fj)
        ws.col(j).width = int(math.ceil(arial10.fitwidth(fj)))
    for i, ei in enumerate(lines[E].split(), estart):
        ws.write(i, 0, ei)
    if len(lines) > P: # possible
        for ji in lines[P].split():
            col, row = map(int, ji.split("-"))
            ws.write(row+estart, col+fstart, "P", pstyle)
    if len(lines) > S: # sure (overwrite possible)
        for ji in lines[S].split():
            col, row = map(int, ji.split("-"))
            ws.write(row+estart, col+fstart, "S", sstyle)
 def write(self, r, c, label='', *args, **kwargs):
     self.sheet.write(r, c, label, *args, **kwargs)
     width = arial10.fitwidth(label)
     if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
         self.widths[c] = int(width)
         self.sheet.col(c).width = int(width)
 def write(self, r, c, label="", *args, **kwargs):
     self.sheet.write(r, c, label, *args, **kwargs)
     width = int(arial10.fitwidth(str(label)))
     if width > self.widths.get(c, 0):
         self.widths[c] = width
         self.sheet.col(c).width = width
def CreateExcelSpreadsheet(table, output_excel, use_alias=True):
    """Exports table to excel

        table -- input table
        output_excel -- output excel table (.xlsx, .xls)

        use_alias -- use field alias name for column headers. Default is True
    # build field dict
    fieldNames = [(f.name, f.aliasName) for f in arcpy.ListFields(table) if f.type != 'Geometry']
    fields = [f[1] if use_alias in ('true', True) else f[0] for f in fieldNames]
    widths = {i: arial10.fitwidth(f) + 1024 for i,f in enumerate(fields)}

    # get field values  *Changed from type dict to list
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(table, [f[0] for f in fieldNames]) as rows:
        values = [r for r in rows]

    # Create spreadsheet
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
    cols = len(fields)
    rows = len(values) + 1

    # set styles
    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = Borders.THIN
    borders.right = Borders.THIN
    borders.top = Borders.THIN
    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN

    style = XFStyle()
    style.borders = borders

    # headers
    fntHeaders = Font()
    fntHeaders.bold = True
    fntHeaders.height = 220

    styleHeaders = XFStyle()
    styleHeaders.font = fntHeaders
    styleHeaders.borders = borders

    # for date fields
    styleDate = XFStyle()
    styleDate.borders = borders
    styleDate.num_format_str = 'MM/DD/YYYY'

    # write headers and freeze panes
    for ci,field in enumerate(fields):
        ws.write(0, ci, field, styleHeaders)

    # freeze headers

    # fill in values
    start = 1
    for vals in values:
        for i, value in enumerate(vals):
            ws.write(start, i, value, styleDate if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) else style)
            v_width = arial10.fitwidth(str(value).strip())
            if v_width > widths[i]:
                widths[i] = v_width
        start += 1

        if not start % 1000:

    # autofit column widths
    for ci,width in widths.iteritems():
        ws.col(ci).width = int(width + 256) # just a little more padding

    # save workbook
    del wb
    out_url = '/'.join([PATH_URL, os.path.basename(out_file)])
    arcpy.SetParameter(2, out_url)
    return out_url
Exemple #16
    if out is None: # for wb.encoding
        out = xlwt.Workbook(encoding=wb.encoding)
    if k % 10 == 0:
    if k % (10*80) == 0:
    for ws in wb.sheets():
        wsout = out.add_sheet(ws.name)
        wsout.set_panes_frozen(True) # frozen headings instead of split panes

        for row in range(ws.nrows):
            for col in range(ws.ncols):
                c = ws.cell(row,col).value
                if type(c) != type(u''):
                    c = unicode("{0}".format(c), "utf-8")
                if row == 0 and col == 0 and not c:
                    #wsout.write(0,0, u"ID="+i.strip(), istyle)
                if row == 0 and col > 0:
                    wsout.col(col).width = \
                if c == 'S':
                    wsout.write(row,col, c, sstyle)
                elif c == 'P':
                    wsout.write(row,col, c, pstyle)
                    wsout.write(row,col, c)
The below function finds the max number of characters for indexes: 1,2 and 7
We can use the answer to solve how long the width of the cells need to be using the arial10 module

def get_longest_name(a_list):
    return max((name for name in a_list), key=len, default='')

longest_index_1 = get_longest_name(index_product_code)
longest_index_2 = get_longest_name(index_description)
longest_index_7 = get_longest_name(index_PO_num)

Using the arial10 module, we will find the correct fit of inexes 1,2 and 5

ws.col(1).width = int(arial10.fitwidth(longest_index_1))  
ws.col(2).width = int(arial10.fitwidth(longest_index_2)) 
a =  int(arial10.fitwidth(longest_index_7))

for index 7 below, I am subtracting the 2 merged cell lengths and adding a little bit extra room that is RELATED to the initial value, because arial10 is smaller than the font I'm using

ws.col(7).width = (a - 6200) + int(a*0.1)

wb.save(workbook_to_extract + ' - Extract.xls')

print("\nExtract Completed.")
print("My program took", time.time() - start_time, "to run")