def get_bulk_actions():
    import re
    config = fetch_aristotle_settings()
    if not hasattr(get_bulk_actions,
                   'actions') or not get_bulk_actions.actions:
        actions = {}
        for action_name, form in config.get('BULK_ACTIONS', {}).items():
            if not'^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]+$', form):  # pragma: no cover
                # Invalid download_type
                raise registry_exceptions.BadBulkActionModuleName(
                    "Bulk action isn't a valid Python module name.")

            from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
            # module, form = form.rsplit('.', 1)
            # f = exec('from %s import %s as f' % (module, form))
            f = import_string(form)
            # We need to make this a dictionary, not a class as otherwise
            # the template engine tries to instantiate it.
            frm = {'form': f}
            for prop in ['classes', 'can_use', 'text']:
                frm[prop] = getattr(f, prop, None)
            actions[action_name] = frm
        # Save to method to prevent having to reimport everytime
        get_bulk_actions.actions = actions
    return get_bulk_actions.actions
Exemple #2
def get_bulk_actions():
    import re
    config = fetch_aristotle_settings()

    actions = {}
    for action_name in config.get('BULK_ACTIONS', []):
        if not'^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]+$', action_name):  # pragma: no cover
            # Invalid download_type
            raise registry_exceptions.BadBulkActionModuleName("Bulk action isn't a valid Python module name.")

        from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

        f = import_string(action_name)
        # We need to make this a dictionary, not a class as otherwise
        # the template engine tries to instantiate it.
        frm = {'form': f}
        for prop in ['classes', 'can_use', 'text']:
            frm[prop] = getattr(f, prop, None)
        actions[action_name] = frm
    return actions