Exemple #1
    def loadScanEnergies(self):
        Extract the optimized energies in J/mol from a QChem log file, e.g. the
        result of a QChem "PES Scan" quantum chemistry calculation.
        Vlist = []
        angle = []
        read = False
        with open(self.path, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                if '-----------------' in line:
                    read = False
                if read:
                    values = [float(item) for item in line.split()]
                if 'Summary of potential scan:' in line:
                    logging.info('found a sucessfully completed QChem Job')
                    read = True
                elif 'SCF failed to converge' in line:
                    raise InputError('QChem Job did not sucessfully complete: SCF failed to converge')
        logging.info('   Assuming {0} is the output from a QChem PES scan...'.format(os.path.basename(self.path)))

        Vlist = numpy.array(Vlist, numpy.float64)
        # check to see if the scanlog indicates that one of your reacting species may not be the lowest energy conformer
        check_conformer_energy(Vlist, self.path)
        # Adjust energies to be relative to minimum energy conformer
        # Also convert units from Hartree/particle to J/mol
        Vlist -= numpy.min(Vlist)
        Vlist *= constants.E_h * constants.Na
        angle = numpy.arange(0.0, 2*math.pi+0.00001, 2*math.pi/(len(Vlist)-1), numpy.float64)
        return Vlist, angle
Exemple #2
    def load_scan_energies(self):
        Extract the optimized energies in J/mol from a log file, e.g. the 
        result of a Gaussian "Scan" quantum chemistry calculation.
        opt_freq = False
        rigid_scan = False

        vlist = []  # The array of potentials at each scan angle

        # Parse the Gaussian log file, extracting the energies of each
        # optimized conformer in the scan
        with open(self.path, 'r') as f:
            line = f.readline()
            while line != '':
                # If the job contains a "freq" then we want to ignore the last energy
                if ' Freq' in line and ' Geom=' in line:
                    opt_freq = True
                # if # scan is keyword instead of # opt, then this is a rigid scan job
                # and parsing the energies is done a little differently
                if '# scan' in line:
                    rigid_scan = True
                # The lines containing "SCF Done" give the energy at each
                # iteration (even the intermediate ones)
                if 'SCF Done:' in line:
                    energy = float(line.split()[4])
                    # rigid scans will only not optimize, so just append every time it finds an energy.
                    if rigid_scan:
                # We want to keep the values of energy that come most recently before
                # the line containing "Optimization completed", since it refers
                # to the optimized geometry
                if 'Optimization completed' in line:
                line = f.readline()

        # give warning in case this assumption is not true
        if rigid_scan:
            print('   Assuming', os.path.basename(self.path), 'is the output from a rigid scan...')

        vlist = np.array(vlist, np.float64)
        # check to see if the scanlog indicates that a one of your reacting species may not be
        # the lowest energy conformer
        check_conformer_energy(vlist, self.path)

        # Adjust energies to be relative to minimum energy conformer
        # Also convert units from Hartree/particle to J/mol
        vlist -= np.min(vlist)
        vlist *= constants.E_h * constants.Na

        if opt_freq:
            vlist = vlist[:-1]

        # Determine the set of dihedral angles corresponding to the loaded energies
        # This assumes that you start at 0.0, finish at 360.0, and take
        # constant step sizes in between
        angle = np.arange(0.0, 2 * math.pi + 0.00001, 2 * math.pi / (len(vlist) - 1), np.float64)

        return vlist, angle
Exemple #3
    def load_scan_energies(self):
        Extract the optimized energies in J/mol from a TeraChem torsional scan log file.
        v_list = list()
        with open(self.path, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
            v_index, expected_num_of_points = 0, 0
            for line in lines:
                if 'Scan Cycle' in line:
                    # example: '-=#=-     Scan Cycle     5/37        -=#=-'
                    v_index += 1
                    if not expected_num_of_points:
                        expected_num_of_points = int(
                if 'Optimized Energy:' in line:
                    # example: '-=#=- Optimized Energy:    -155.0315243910 a.u.'
                    v = float(line.split()[3])
                    if len(v_list) == v_index - 1:
                        # append this point, it is in order
                    elif len(v_list) < v_index - 1:
                        # seems like points in this scan are missing... add None's instead,
                        # later they'll be removed along with the corresponding angles
                        v_list.extend([None] * (v_index - 1 - len(v_list)))
                        # we added more points that we should have, something is wrong with the log file or this method
                        raise LogError(
                            f'Could not parse scan energies from {self.path}')
            '   Assuming {0} is the output from a TeraChem PES scan...'.format(

        v_list = np.array(v_list, np.float64)

        # check to see if the scanlog indicates that one of the reacting species may not be the lowest energy conformer
        check_conformer_energy(v_list, self.path)

        # Adjust energies to be relative to minimum energy conformer
        # Also convert units from Hartree/particle to J/mol
        v_list -= np.min(v_list)
        v_list *= constants.E_h * constants.Na
        angles = np.arange(0.0, 2 * math.pi + 0.00001,
                           2 * math.pi / (len(v_list) - 1), np.float64)

        # remove None's:
        indices_to_pop = [
            v_list.index[entry] for entry in v_list if entry is None
        for i in reversed(indices_to_pop):
        if v_index != expected_num_of_points:
            raise LogError(
                f'Expected to find {expected_num_of_points} scan points in TeraChem scan log file '
                f'{self.path}, but found: {v_index}')

        return v_list, angles
Exemple #4
    def loadScanEnergies(self):
        Extract the optimized energies in J/mol from a Qchem log file, e.g. the
        result of a Qchem "PES Scan" quantum chemistry calculation.
        Vlist = []
        angle = []
        f = open(self.path, 'r')
        line = f.readline()
        while line != '':
            if 'Summary of potential scan:' in line:
                line = f.readline()
                print 'found a sucessfully completed Qchem Job'
                while '-----------------' not in line:
                    # print len(line.split())
                    # Vlist.append(float(line.split()[1]))
                    values = [float(item) for item in line.split()]
            # Read the next line in the file
                    line = f.readline()
            line = f.readline()
            if 'SCF failed to converge' in line:
                print 'Qchem Job did not sucessfully complete: SCF failed to converge'
        # Close file when finished
        print '   Assuming', os.path.basename(self.path), 'is the output from a Qchem PES scan...'

        Vlist = numpy.array(Vlist, numpy.float64)
        # check to see if the scanlog indicates that one of your reacting species may not be the lowest energy conformer
        check_conformer_energy(Vlist, self.path)
        # Adjust energies to be relative to minimum energy conformer
        # Also convert units from Hartree/particle to J/mol
        Vlist -= numpy.min(Vlist)
        Vlist *= constants.E_h * constants.Na
        angle = numpy.arange(0.0, 2*math.pi+0.00001, 2*math.pi/(len(Vlist)-1), numpy.float64)
        return Vlist, angle