Exemple #1
def calculate_density(f, vel_x):
  deltav           = af.sum(vel_x[0, 1]-vel_x[0, 0])
  value_of_density = af.sum(f, 1)*deltav

Exemple #2
def initialize_f(q1, q2, v1, v2, v3, params):

    m_e = params.mass[0, 0]
    m_i = params.mass[0, 1]

    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    n_b_e = params.n_background_e
    T_b_e = params.temperature_background_e

    n_b_i = params.n_background_i
    T_b_i = params.temperature_background_i

    n_e = n_b_e + params.alpha * af.cos(q1)
    n_i = n_b_i + 0 * q1
    T_e = T_b_e
    T_i = T_b_i

    f_e = n_e * np.sqrt(1 / (2 * np.pi)) * af.sqrt(m_e * T_i/m_i * T_e) \
              * af.exp(-0.5 * (m_e * T_i/m_i * T_e) * (v1[:, 0])**2)

    f_i = n_i * np.sqrt(1 / (2 * np.pi)) \
              * af.exp(-0.5 * (v1[:, 1])**2)

    f = af.join(1, f_e, f_i)

    return (f)
def f_interp_2d(self, dt):
    if(self.performance_test_flag == True):
        tic = af.time()

    # Defining a lambda function to perform broadcasting operations
    # This is done using af.broadcast, which allows us to perform 
    # batched operations when operating on arrays of different sizes
    addition = lambda a, b:a + b

    # af.broadcast(function, *args) performs batched operations on
    # function(*args)
    q1_center_new = af.broadcast(addition, self.q1_center, - self._A_q1 * dt)
    q2_center_new = af.broadcast(addition, self.q2_center, - self._A_q2 * dt)

    # Reordering from (dof, N_q1, N_q2) --> (N_q1, N_q2, dof)
    self.f = af.approx2(af.reorder(self.f, 1, 2, 0),
                        af.reorder(q1_center_new, 1, 2, 0),
                        af.reorder(q2_center_new, 1, 2, 0),
                        xp = af.reorder(self.q1_center, 1, 2, 0),
                        yp = af.reorder(self.q2_center, 1, 2, 0)

    # Reordering from (N_q1, N_q2, dof) --> (dof, N_q1, N_q2)
    self.f = af.reorder(self.f, 2, 0, 1)


    if(self.performance_test_flag == True):
        toc = af.time()
        self.time_interp2 += toc - tic

Exemple #4
    def yee_grid_to_cell_centered_grid(self):

        E1_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0]  # (i + 1/2, j)
        E2_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1]  # (i, j + 1/2)
        E3_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2]  # (i, j)

        B1_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3]  # (i, j + 1/2)
        B2_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4]  # (i + 1/2, j)
        B3_yee = self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5]  # (i + 1/2, j + 1/2)

        # Interpolating at the (i + 1/2, j + 1/2) point of the grid:
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[0] = 0.5 * (E1_yee +
                                                 af.shift(E1_yee, 0, 0, 0, -1))
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[1] = 0.5 * (E2_yee +
                                                 af.shift(E2_yee, 0, 0, -1, 0))
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[2] = 0.25 * (
            E3_yee + af.shift(E3_yee, 0, 0, 0, -1) +
            af.shift(E3_yee, 0, 0, -1, 0) + af.shift(E3_yee, 0, 0, -1, -1))

        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3] = 0.5 * (B1_yee +
                                                 af.shift(B1_yee, 0, 0, -1, 0))
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[4] = 0.5 * (B2_yee +
                                                 af.shift(B2_yee, 0, 0, 0, -1))
        self.cell_centered_EM_fields[5] = B3_yee

Exemple #5
def initialize_f(q1, q2, v1, v2, v3, params):

    m = params.mass
    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    n_b = params.density_background
    T_b = params.temperature_background

    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    v1_bulk = 0

    # Assigning separate bulk velocities
    v2_bulk =   params.amplitude * -1.7450858652952794e-15 * af.cos(params.k_q1 * q1) \
              - params.amplitude * 0.5123323181646575    * af.sin(params.k_q1 * q1)

    v3_bulk =   params.amplitude * 0.5123323181646597 * af.cos(params.k_q1 * q1) \
              - params.amplitude * 0                  * af.sin(params.k_q1 * q1)

    n = n_b + 0 * q1**0

    f = n * (m / (2 * np.pi * k * T_b)) \
          * af.exp(-m * (v2 - v2_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T_b)) \
          * af.exp(-m * (v3 - v3_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T_b))

    return (f)
Exemple #6
def fraction_finder(positions_x, positions_y, x_grid, y_grid, dx, dy):
    function fraction_finder(positions_x, positions_y, x_grid, y_grid, dx, dy)
    Input variables: positions_x and length_domain_x

        positions_x: An one dimensional array of size equal to number of particles taken in the PIC code. 
        It contains the positions of particles in x direction.
        positions_y: An one dimensional array of size equal to number of particles taken in the PIC code. 
        It contains the positions of particles in y direction.
        x_grid, y_grid: This is an array denoting the position grid chosen in the PIC simulation in
        x and y directions respectively

        dx, dy: This is the distance between any two consecutive grid nodes of the position grid 
        in x and y directions respectively

    returns: x_frac, y_frac
        This function returns the fractions of grid cells needed to perform the 2D charge deposition 

    x_frac = (positions_x - af.sum(x_grid[0])) / dx
    y_frac = (positions_y - af.sum(y_grid[0])) / dy

    af.eval(x_frac, y_frac)

    return x_frac, y_frac
Exemple #7
    def cell_centered_grid_to_yee_grid(self):

        E1 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[0]
        E2 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[1]
        E3 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[2]

        B1 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[3]
        B2 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[4]
        B3 = self.cell_centered_EM_fields[5]

        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[0] = 0.5 * (E1 + af.shift(E1, 0, 0, 0, 1)
                                            )  # (i+1/2, j)
        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[1] = 0.5 * (E2 + af.shift(E2, 0, 0, 1, 0)
                                            )  # (i, j+1/2)
        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[2] = 0.25 * (
            E3 + af.shift(E3, 0, 0, 1, 0) + af.shift(E3, 0, 0, 0, 1) +
            af.shift(E3, 0, 0, 1, 1))  # (i, j)

        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[3] = 0.5 * (B1 + af.shift(B1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
                                            )  # (i, j+1/2)
        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[4] = 0.5 * (B2 + af.shift(B2, 0, 0, 0, 1)
                                            )  # (i+1/2, j)
        self.yee_grid_EM_fields[5] = B3  # (i+1/2, j+1/2)

def calculate_dfdp_background(self):
    Calculates the derivative of the background distribution 
    with respect to the variables p1, p2, p3. This is used to
    solve for the contribution from the fields
    f_b = af.moddims(self.f_background, self.N_p1, self.N_p2, self.N_p3)

    # Using a 4th order central difference stencil:
    dfdp1_background = (-af.shift(f_b, -2) + 8 * af.shift(f_b, -1) + af.shift(
        f_b, 2) - 8 * af.shift(f_b, 1)) / (12 * self.dp1)

    dfdp2_background = (-af.shift(f_b, 0, -2) + 8 * af.shift(f_b, 0, -1) +
                        af.shift(f_b, 0, 2) -
                        8 * af.shift(f_b, 0, 1)) / (12 * self.dp2)

    dfdp3_background = (-af.shift(f_b, 0, 0, -2) +
                        8 * af.shift(f_b, 0, 0, -1) + af.shift(f_b, 0, 0, 2) -
                        8 * af.shift(f_b, 0, 0, 1)) / (12 * self.dp3)

    # Reordering such that the variations in velocity are along axis 2
    self.dfdp1_background = af.reorder(af.flat(dfdp1_background), 2, 3, 0, 1)
    self.dfdp2_background = af.reorder(af.flat(dfdp2_background), 2, 3, 0, 1)
    self.dfdp3_background = af.reorder(af.flat(dfdp3_background), 2, 3, 0, 1)

    af.eval(self.dfdp1_background, self.dfdp2_background,

Exemple #9
def RK2(dx_dt, x_initial, dt, *args):
    Integrates x from x_initial(t = t0) to x(t = t0 + dt) by taking 
    slope from dx_dt, and integrates it using the RK2 method. This method 
    is second order accurate.
    dx_dt: function
           Returns the slope dx_dt which is 
           used to evolve x

    x_initial: array
               The value of x at the beginning of the

    dt: double
        The timestep size.
    x = x_initial + dx_dt(x_initial, *args) * (dt / 2)
    args[1].time_elapsed += 0.5 * dt
    x = x_initial + dx_dt(x, *args) * dt
    args[1].time_elapsed += 0.5 * dt

    return (x)
Exemple #10
def compute_electrostatic_fields(self, rho_hat):
    Computes the electrostatic fields by making use of FFTs by solving
    the Poisson equation: div^2 phi = rho to return the FT of the 


    rho_hat : af.Array
              FT for the charge density for each of the species.
              shape:(1, N_s, N_q1, N_q2)

    # Summing over all the species:
    phi_hat = multiply(af.sum(rho_hat, 1), 1 / (self.k_q1**2 + self.k_q2**2)) # (1, 1, N_q1, N_q2)

    # Setting the background electric potential to zero:
    phi_hat[: , :, 0, 0] = 0

    self.E1_hat = -phi_hat * 1j * self.k_q1 / self.params.eps
    self.E2_hat = -phi_hat * 1j * self.k_q2 / self.params.eps
    self.E3_hat = 0 * self.E1_hat 
    self.B1_hat = 0 * self.E1_hat
    self.B2_hat = 0 * self.E1_hat
    self.B3_hat = 0 * self.E1_hat

    af.eval(self.E1_hat, self.E2_hat, self.E3_hat,
            self.B1_hat, self.B2_hat, self.B3_hat

Exemple #11
def initialize_f(q1, q2, p1, p2, p3, params):

    m = params.mass_particle
    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    pert_real = params.pert_real
    pert_imag = params.pert_imag

    k_q1 = params.k_q1
    k_q2 = params.k_q2

    # Calculating the perturbed density:
    rho = 1 + (pert_real * af.cos(k_q1 * q1 + k_q2 * q2) -
               pert_imag * af.sin(k_q1 * q1 + k_q2 * q2))

    n_p = 0.9 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
    n_b = 0.2 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)

    f =   rho \
        * (  n_p * af.exp(-0.5*p1**2)
           + n_b * af.exp(-0.5*((p1 - 4.5)/0.5)**2)

    return (f)
Exemple #12
    def _calculate_p_center(self):
        Initializes the cannonical variables p1, p2 and p3 using a centered
        formulation. The size, and resolution are the same as declared
        under domain of the physical system object.
        p1_center = \
            self.p1_start + (0.5 + np.arange(0, self.N_p1, 1)) * self.dp1
        p2_center = \
            self.p2_start + (0.5 + np.arange(0, self.N_p2, 1)) * self.dp2
        p3_center = \
            self.p3_start + (0.5 + np.arange(0, self.N_p3, 1)) * self.dp3

        p2_center, p1_center, p3_center = np.meshgrid(p2_center,

        # Flattening the obtained arrays:
        p1_center = af.flat(af.to_array(p1_center))
        p2_center = af.flat(af.to_array(p2_center))
        p3_center = af.flat(af.to_array(p3_center))

        # Reordering such that variation in velocity is along axis 2:
        # This is done to be consistent with the positionsExpanded form:
        p1_center = af.reorder(p1_center, 2, 3, 0, 1)
        p2_center = af.reorder(p2_center, 2, 3, 0, 1)
        p3_center = af.reorder(p3_center, 2, 3, 0, 1)

        af.eval(p1_center, p2_center, p3_center)
        return(p1_center, p2_center, p3_center)
Exemple #13
def initialize_f(q1, q2, v1, v2, v3, params):

    m = params.mass
    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    q2_minus = 0.5
    q2_plus = 1.5

    regulator = 20  # larger value makes the transition sharper

    n = 1 + 0.5 * (af.tanh((q2 - q2_minus) * regulator) - af.tanh(
        (q2 - q2_plus) * regulator))

    v1_bulk = (af.tanh((q2 - q2_minus) * regulator) - af.tanh(
        (q2 - q2_plus) * regulator) - 1)

    v2_bulk = 0.01 * af.sin(2 * np.pi * q1) *\
              (  af.exp(-25 * (q2 - q2_minus)**2)
               + af.exp(-25 * (q2 - q2_plus )**2)

    T = (10 / n)

    f = n * (m / (2 * np.pi * k * T)) \
          * af.exp(-m * (v1 - v1_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
          * af.exp(-m * (v2 - v2_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T))

    return (f)
Exemple #14
def initialize_f(r, theta, rdot, thetadot, phidot, params):
    # Using a transformation to get the coordinates in the form used in regular cartesian coordinates:
    q1 = r * af.cos(theta)
    q2 = r * af.sin(theta)

    p1 = rdot * af.cos(theta) - r * af.sin(theta) * thetadot
    p2 = rdot * af.sin(theta) + r * af.cos(theta) * thetadot

    q10 = params.q10
    q20 = params.q20

    p10 = params.p10
    p20 = params.p20

    sigma_q = params.sigma_q
    sigma_p = params.sigma_p

    q_profile = (1 / sigma_q**2 / (2 * np.pi)) * \
                af.exp(-0.5 * ((q1 - q10)**2 + (q2 - q20)**2) / sigma_q**2)
    p_profile = (1 / sigma_p**2 / (2 * np.pi)) * \
                af.exp(-0.5 * ((p1 - p10)**2 + (p2 - p20)**2) / sigma_p**2)
    f = q_profile * p_profile

    return (f)
Exemple #15
def RK5(dx_dt, x_initial, dt, *args):

    k1 = dx_dt(x_initial, *args)
    x = x_initial + 0.25 * k1 * dt

    k2 = dx_dt(x, *args)
    x = x_initial + (3 / 32) * (k1 + 3 * k2) * dt

    k3 = dx_dt(x, *args)
    x = x_initial + (12 / 2197) * (161 * k1 - 600 * k2 + 608 * k3) * dt

    k4 = dx_dt(x, *args)
    x = x_initial + (1 / 4104) * (8341 * k1 - 32832 * k2 + 29440 * k3 -
                                  845 * k4) * dt

    k5 = dx_dt(x, *args)
    x = x_initial + (-(8 / 27) * k1 + 2 * k2 - (3544 / 2565) * k3 +
                     (1859 / 4104) * k4 - (11 / 40) * k5) * dt

    k6 = dx_dt(x, *args)
    x = x_initial + 1 / 5 * ((16 / 27) * k1 + (6656 / 2565) * k3 +
                             (28561 / 11286) * k4 - (9 / 10) * k5 +
                             (2 / 11) * k6) * dt

    return (x)
Exemple #16
def f_left(f, t, q1, q2, p1, p2, p3, params):

    k = params.boltzmann_constant
    E_upper = params.E_band
    T = params.initial_temperature
    mu = params.initial_mu

    t = params.current_time
    omega = 2. * np.pi * params.AC_freq
    vel_drift_x_in = params.vel_drift_x_in

    if (params.p_space_grid == 'cartesian'):
        p_x = p1
        p_y = p2
    elif (params.p_space_grid == 'polar2D'):
        p_x = p1 * af.cos(p2)
        p_y = p1 * af.sin(p2)
        raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported coordinate system in p_space')

    fermi_dirac_in = (1. / (af.exp(
        (E_upper - vel_drift_x_in * p_x - mu) / (k * T)) + 1.))
    if params.zero_temperature:
        fermi_dirac_in = fermi_dirac_in - 0.5

    if (params.contact_geometry == "straight"):
        # Contacts on either side of the device

        q2_contact_start = params.contact_start
        q2_contact_end = params.contact_end

        cond = ((params.y >= q2_contact_start) & \
                (params.y <= q2_contact_end) \

        cond_2 = ((params.y >= 0.) & \
                (params.y <= 1.) \

        print("boundaries.py : ")

        f_left = cond * fermi_dirac_in + (1 - cond) * f

    elif (params.contact_geometry == "turn_around"):
        # Contacts on the same side of the device

        vel_drift_x_out = -params.vel_drift_x_in * np.sin(omega * t)

        fermi_dirac_out = (1. / (af.exp(
            (E_upper - vel_drift_x_out * p_x - mu) / (k * T)) + 1.))

        # TODO: set these parameters in params.py
        cond_in = ((q2 >= 3.5) & (q2 <= 4.5))
        cond_out = ((q2 >= 5.5) & (q2 <= 6.5))

        f_left =  cond_in*fermi_dirac_in + cond_out*fermi_dirac_out \
                + (1 - cond_in)*(1 - cond_out)*f

    return (f_left)
Exemple #17
def lax_friedrichs_flux(left_flux, right_flux, left_f, right_f, c_lax):
    Returns the flux, using the Local Lax Friedrichs Riemann solver.
    **NOT TESTED**

    left_flux : af.Array
                Array holding the values for the flux at the left edge of the cells.

    right_flux : af.Array
                 Array holding the values for the flux at the right edge of the cells.

    left_f : af.Array
             Array holding the values for the distribution function at the left edge 
             of the cells.

    right_f : af.Array
              Array holding the values for the distribution function  at the right 
              edge of the cells.
    c_lax : double
            c_lax which it to be used.

    flux = 0.5 * (left_flux + right_flux) - 0.5 * c_lax * (right_f - left_f)

    return (flux)
Exemple #18
def BGK(f, q1, q2, p1, p2, p3, moments, params):
    """Return BGK operator -(f-f0)/tau."""
    n = moments('density')

    # Floor used to avoid 0/0 limit:
    eps = 1e-15

    p1_bulk = moments('mom_p1_bulk') / (n + eps)
    p2_bulk = moments('mom_p2_bulk') / (n + eps)
    p3_bulk = moments('mom_p3_bulk') / (n + eps)

    T =   (1 / params.p_dim) \
        * (  moments('energy') 
           - n * p1_bulk**2
           - n * p2_bulk**2
           - n * p3_bulk**2
          ) / (n + eps) + eps

    C_f = -(  f
            - f0(p1, p2, p3, n, T, p1_bulk, p2_bulk, p3_bulk, params)
           ) / params.tau(q1, q2, p1, p2, p3)

    # When (f - f0) is NaN. Dividing by np.inf doesn't give 0
    # C_f = af.select(params.tau(q1, q2, p1, p2, p3) == np.inf, 0, C_f)
Exemple #19
def band_energy(p1, p2):
    # Note :This function is only meant to be called once to initialize E_band

    if (p_space_grid == 'cartesian'):
        p_x = p1
        p_y = p2
    elif (p_space_grid == 'polar2D'):
        # In polar2D coordinates, p1 = radius and p2 = theta
        r = p1
        theta = p2
        p_x = r * af.cos(theta)
        p_y = r * af.sin(theta)
        raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported coordinate system in p_space')

    p = af.sqrt(p_x**2. + p_y**2.)
    if (dispersion == 'linear'):

        E_upper = p * fermi_velocity

    elif (dispersion == 'quadratic'):

        m = effective_mass(p1, p2)
        E_upper = p**2 / (2. * m)

    if (zero_temperature):

        E_upper = initial_mu * p**0.

    return (E_upper)
Exemple #20
def op_fvm(self, dt):
    Evolves the system defined using FVM. It does so by integrating 
    the function df_dt using an RK2 stepping scheme. After the initial 
    evaluation at the midpoint, we evaluate the currents(J^{n+0.5}) and 
    pass it to the FDTD algo when an electrodynamic case needs to be evolved.
    The FDTD algo updates the field values, which are used at the next
    evaluation of df_dt.


    dt : double
         Time-step size to evolve the system


    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        tic = af.time()

    if (self.physical_system.params.instantaneous_collisions == True):
        split.strang(self, timestep_fvm, update_for_instantaneous_collisions,
        timestep_fvm(self, dt)

    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        toc = af.time()
        self.time_fvm_solver += toc - tic

def f_initial(config):
  Returns the value of f_initial, depending on the parameters set in 
  the config object

    config : Object config which is obtained by set() is passed to this file

    f_initial : Array which contains the values of f_initial at different values
                of vel_x and x
  mass_particle      = config.mass_particle
  boltzmann_constant = config.boltzmann_constant

  rho_background         = config.rho_background
  temperature_background = config.temperature_background
  vel_x                  = calculate_vel_x(config)

  pert_x_real = config.pert_x_real
  pert_x_imag = config.pert_x_imag
  k_x         = config.k_x

  x   = calculate_x(config)
  rho = rho_background + (pert_x_real * af.cos(2*np.pi*x) - pert_x_imag * af.sin(2*np.pi*x))

  f_initial = rho * np.sqrt(mass_particle/(2*np.pi*boltzmann_constant*temperature_background)) * \

  return f_initial
def calculate_x(config):
  Returns the 2D array of x which is used in the computations of the Cheng-Knorr code.

    config : Object config which is obtained by set() is passed to this file

    x : Array holding the values of x tiled along axis 1
  N_x       = config.N_x
  N_vel_x   = config.N_vel_x
  N_ghost_x = config.N_ghost_x

  left_boundary  = config.left_boundary
  right_boundary = config.right_boundary

  x  = np.linspace(left_boundary, right_boundary, N_x)
  dx = x[1] - x[0]

  x_ghost_left  = np.linspace(-(N_ghost_x)*dx + left_boundary, left_boundary - dx, N_ghost_x)
  x_ghost_right = np.linspace(right_boundary + dx, right_boundary + N_ghost_x*dx , N_ghost_x)

  x  = np.concatenate([x_ghost_left, x, x_ghost_right])
  x  = af.Array.as_type(af.to_array(x), af.Dtype.f64)
  x  = af.tile(x, 1, N_vel_x)

  return x
Exemple #23
def initialize_f(q1, q2, p1, p2, p3, params):

    m = params.mass_particle
    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    rho_b = params.rho_background
    T_b = params.temperature_background

    p1_bulk = params.p1_bulk_background
    p2_bulk = params.p2_bulk_background
    p3_bulk = params.p3_bulk_background

    pert_real = params.pert_real
    pert_imag = params.pert_imag

    k_q1 = params.k_q1
    k_q2 = params.k_q2

    # Calculating the perturbed density:
    rho = rho_b + (pert_real * af.cos(k_q1 * q1 + k_q2 * q2) -
                   pert_imag * af.sin(k_q1 * q1 + k_q2 * q2))

    f = rho * (m / (2 * np.pi * k * T_b))**(3 / 2) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p1 - p1_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T_b)) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p2 - p2_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T_b)) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p3 - p3_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T_b))

    return (f)
def f_background(config):
  Returns the value of f_background, depending on the parameters set in 
  the config class

    config : Class config which is obtained by set() is passed to this file

    f_background : Array which contains the values of f_background at different values
                   of vel_x and x
  mass_particle      = config.mass_particle
  boltzmann_constant = config.boltzmann_constant

  rho_background         = config.rho_background
  temperature_background = config.temperature_background
  vel_x                  = calculate_vel_x(config)

  f_background = rho_background * np.sqrt(mass_particle/(2*np.pi*boltzmann_constant*temperature_background)) * \

  return f_background
Exemple #25
def initialize_f(q1, q2, v1, v2, v3, params):

    m_e = params.mass[0, 0]
    m_i = params.mass[0, 1]

    k = params.boltzmann_constant
    n = params.n_background * q1**0

    u_be = params.u_be
    u_bi = params.u_bi
    T = params.T_background

    f_e = n * (m_e / (2 * np.pi * k * T))**(3 / 2) \
            * 0.5 * (  af.exp(-m_e * (v1[:, 0] - u_be)**2 / (2 * k * T))
                     + af.exp(-m_e * (v1[:, 0] + u_be)**2 / (2 * k * T))
                    ) \
            * af.exp(-m_e * v2[:, 0]**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
            * af.exp(-m_e * v3[:, 0]**2 / (2 * k * T))

    f_i = n * (m_i / (2 * np.pi * k * T))**(3 / 2) \
            * 0.5 * (  af.exp(-m_i * (v1[:, 1] - u_bi)**2 / (2 * k * T))
                     + af.exp(-m_i * (v1[:, 1] + u_bi)**2 / (2 * k * T))
                    ) \
            * af.exp(-m_i * v2[:, 1]**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
            * af.exp(-m_i * v3[:, 1]**2 / (2 * k * T))

    f = af.join(1, f_e, f_i)

    return (f)
Exemple #26
def initialize_f(q1, q2, p1, p2, p3, params):

    m = params.mass_particle
    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    rho = af.select(af.abs(q2) > 0.25, q1**0, 2)

    # Seeding the instability
    p1_bulk = af.reorder(p1_bulk, 1, 2, 0, 3)
    p1_bulk += af.to_array(
        np.random.rand(1, q1.shape[1], q1.shape[2]) *
        np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(1, q1.shape[1], q1.shape[2]))) * 0.005

    p2_bulk = af.to_array(
        np.random.rand(1, q1.shape[1], q1.shape[2]) *
        np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(1, q1.shape[1], q1.shape[2]))) * 0.005

    p1_bulk = af.reorder(p1_bulk, 2, 0, 1, 3)
    p2_bulk = af.reorder(p2_bulk, 2, 0, 1, 3)

    T = (2.5 / rho)

    f = rho * (m / (2 * np.pi * k * T))**(3 / 2) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p1 - p1_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p2 - p2_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p3)**2 / (2 * k * T))

    return (f)
Exemple #27
def initialize_f(q1, q2, v1, v2, v3, params):

    m_e = params.mass[0, 0]
    m_p = params.mass[0, 1]

    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    n_b = params.density_background
    T_b = params.temperature_background

    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    v1_bulk_electron = params.v1_bulk_electron
    v1_bulk_positron = params.v1_bulk_positron

    n = n_b + 0.01 * af.exp(-10 * (q1 - 5)**2)

    f_e = n * (m_e / (2 * np.pi * k * T_b))**(1 / 2) \
            * af.exp(-m_e * (v1[:, 0] - v1_bulk_electron)**2 / (2 * k * T_b)) \

    f_p = n * (m_p / (2 * np.pi * k * T_b))**(1 / 2) \
            * af.exp(-m_p * (v1[:, 1] - v1_bulk_positron)**2 / (2 * k * T_b)) \

    f = af.join(1, f_e, f_p)

    return (f)
Exemple #28
def initialize_f(q1, q2, p1, p2, p3, params):

    m = params.mass_particle
    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    rho = af.select(af.abs(q2) > 0.25, q1**0, 2)

        p1_bulk = af.select(
            af.abs(q2) > 0.25, -0.5 - 0.01 *
            (af.randu(1, q1.shape[1], q2.shape[2], dtype=af.Dtype.f64) - 0.5),
            +0.5 + 0.01 *
            (af.randu(1, q1.shape[1], q2.shape[2], dtype=af.Dtype.f64) - 0.5))

        p2_bulk = 0.01 * (
            af.randu(1, q1.shape[1], q2.shape[2], dtype=af.Dtype.f64) - 0.5)
        p1_bulk = af.select(
            af.abs(q2) > 0.25, -0.5 - 0.01 *
            (af.randu(q1.shape[0], q2.shape[1], dtype=af.Dtype.f64) - 0.5),
            +0.5 + 0.01 *
            (af.randu(q1.shape[0], q2.shape[1], dtype=af.Dtype.f64) - 0.5))

        p2_bulk = 0.01 * (
            af.randu(q1.shape[0], q2.shape[1], dtype=af.Dtype.f64) - 0.5)

    T = (2.5 / rho)

    f = rho * (m / (2 * np.pi * k * T))**(3 / 2) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p1 - p1_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p2 - p2_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
            * af.exp(-m * p3**2 / (2 * k * T))

    return (f)
Exemple #29
def op_fvm_q(self, dt):


    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        tic = af.time()

    fvm_timestep_RK2(self, dt)

    if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
        toc = af.time()
        self.time_fvm_solver += toc - tic

    # Solving for tau = 0 systems
    if (af.any_true(
            self.physical_system.params.tau(self.q1_center, self.q2_center,
                                            self.p1, self.p2, self.p3) == 0)):
        if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
            tic = af.time()

        self.f = self._source(self.f, self.q1_center, self.q2_center, self.p1,
                              self.p2, self.p3, self.compute_moments,
                              self.physical_system.params, True)

        if (self.performance_test_flag == True):
            toc = af.time()
            self.time_sourcets += toc - tic

Exemple #30
def initialize_f(q1, q2, p1, p2, p3, params):

    m = params.mass
    k = params.boltzmann_constant

    q2_minus = 0.5
    q2_plus  = 1.5

    regulator = 20  # larger value makes the transition sharper

    rho = 1 + 0.5 * (  af.tanh(( q2 - q2_minus)*regulator) 
                     - af.tanh(( q2 - q2_plus )*regulator)

    p1_bulk = (  af.tanh(( q2 - q2_minus)*regulator)
               - af.tanh(( q2 - q2_plus )*regulator) - 1

    p2_bulk = 0.5 * af.sin(2*np.pi*q1) *\
              (  af.exp(-25 * (q2 - q2_minus)**2)
               + af.exp(-25 * (q2 - q2_plus )**2)
    T = (10 / rho)

    f = rho * (m / (2 * np.pi * k * T))**(3 / 2) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p1 - p1_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p2 - p2_bulk)**2 / (2 * k * T)) \
            * af.exp(-m * (p3)**2 / (2 * k * T))

    return (f)
def calc_arrayfire(A, b, x0, maxiter=10):
    x = af.constant(0, b.dims()[0], dtype=af.Dtype.f32)
    r = b - af.matmul(A, x)
    p = r
    for i in range(maxiter):
        Ap = af.matmul(A, p)
        alpha_num = af.dot(r, r)
        alpha_den = af.dot(p, Ap)
        alpha = alpha_num/alpha_den
        r -= af.tile(alpha, Ap.dims()[0]) * Ap
        x += af.tile(alpha, Ap.dims()[0]) * p
        beta_num = af.dot(r, r)
        beta = beta_num/alpha_num
        p = r + af.tile(beta, p.dims()[0]) * p
    res = x0 - x
    return x, af.dot(res, res)
def mandelbrot(data, it, maxval):
    C = data
    Z = data
    mag = af.constant(0, *C.dims())

    for ii in range(1, 1 + it):
        # Doing the calculation
        Z = Z * Z + C

        # Get indices where abs(Z) crosses maxval
        cond = ((af.abs(Z) > maxval)).as_type(af.Dtype.f32)
        mag = af.maxof(mag, cond * ii)

        C = C * (1 - cond)
        Z = Z * (1 - cond)


    return mag / maxval
Exemple #33
def simple_device(verbose=False):
    display_func = _util.display_func(verbose)
    print_func   = _util.print_func(verbose)

    curr_dev = af.get_device()
    for k in range(af.get_device_count()):
        dev = af.get_device()
        assert(k == dev)



        mem_info_old = af.device_mem_info()

        a = af.randu(100, 100)
        mem_info = af.device_mem_info()
        assert(mem_info['alloc']['buffers'] == 1 + mem_info_old['alloc']['buffers'])
        assert(mem_info[ 'lock']['buffers'] == 1 + mem_info_old[ 'lock']['buffers'])


    a = af.randu(10,10)
    dev_ptr = af.get_device_ptr(a)
    b = af.Array(src=dev_ptr, dims=a.dims(), dtype=a.dtype(), is_device=True)

    c = af.randu(10,10)

    a = af.constant(1, 3, 3)
    b = af.constant(2, 3, 3)
    c = a + b
    d = a - b
    af.eval(c, d)

    assert(af.get_manual_eval_flag() == True)
    assert(af.get_manual_eval_flag() == False)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if (len(sys.argv) > 1):

    M = 4000

    S = af.randu(M, 1)
    X = af.randu(M, 1)
    R = af.randu(M, 1)
    V = af.randu(M, 1)
    T = af.randu(M, 1)

    (C, P) = black_scholes(S, X, R, V, T)

    num_iter = 100
    for N in range(50, 501, 50):
        S = af.randu(M, N)
        X = af.randu(M, N)
        R = af.randu(M, N)
        V = af.randu(M, N)
        T = af.randu(M, N)

        print("Input data size: %d elements" % (M * N))

        start = time()
def simple_algorithm(verbose = False):
    display_func = _util.display_func(verbose)
    print_func   = _util.print_func(verbose)

    a = af.randu(3, 3)
    k = af.constant(1, 3, 3, dtype=af.Dtype.u32)

    print_func(af.sum(a), af.product(a), af.min(a), af.max(a),
               af.count(a), af.any_true(a), af.all_true(a))

    display_func(af.sum(a, 0))
    display_func(af.sum(a, 1))

    display_func(af.product(a, 0))
    display_func(af.product(a, 1))

    display_func(af.min(a, 0))
    display_func(af.min(a, 1))

    display_func(af.max(a, 0))
    display_func(af.max(a, 1))

    display_func(af.count(a, 0))
    display_func(af.count(a, 1))

    display_func(af.any_true(a, 0))
    display_func(af.any_true(a, 1))

    display_func(af.all_true(a, 0))
    display_func(af.all_true(a, 1))

    display_func(af.accum(a, 0))
    display_func(af.accum(a, 1))

    display_func(af.scan(a, 0, af.BINARYOP.ADD))
    display_func(af.scan(a, 1, af.BINARYOP.MAX))

    display_func(af.scan_by_key(k, a, 0, af.BINARYOP.ADD))
    display_func(af.scan_by_key(k, a, 1, af.BINARYOP.MAX))

    display_func(af.sort(a, is_ascending=True))
    display_func(af.sort(a, is_ascending=False))

    b = (a > 0.1) * a
    c = (a > 0.4) * a
    d = b / c
    print_func(af.sum(d, nan_val=0.0));
    display_func(af.sum(d, dim=0, nan_val=0.0));

    val,idx = af.sort_index(a, is_ascending=True)
    val,idx = af.sort_index(a, is_ascending=False)

    b = af.randu(3,3)
    keys,vals = af.sort_by_key(a, b, is_ascending=True)
    keys,vals = af.sort_by_key(a, b, is_ascending=False)

    c = af.randu(5,1)
    d = af.randu(5,1)
    cc = af.set_unique(c, is_sorted=False)
    dd = af.set_unique(af.sort(d), is_sorted=True)

    display_func(af.set_union(cc, dd, is_unique=True))
    display_func(af.set_union(cc, dd, is_unique=False))

    display_func(af.set_intersect(cc, cc, is_unique=True))
    display_func(af.set_intersect(cc, cc, is_unique=False))