chisqr = np.asarray(outBands[bands]).ravel() ncp = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(chisqr, [bands - 1]) idx = np.where(ncp > ncpThresh) aa = [] bb = [] j = 1 bands = len(pos) # Cáculo ortoregresión con imagen referencia e imagen objetivo obteniendo # valores de pendiente, intercepción y correlación entre las mismas. outBand = [] for k in pos: x = np.asarray(rasterBands2[k - 1]).ravel() y = np.asarray(rasterBands1[k - 1]).ravel() b, a, R = orthoregress(y[idx], x[idx]) print('band: {} slope: {} intercept: {} correlation: {}'.format( k, b, a, R)) my = max(y[idx]) aa.append(a) bb.append(b) outBand.append(np.zeros([rows, cols])) # Imagen normalizada resultante outBand[k - 1] = np.resize(a + b * y, (rows, cols)) # outBand.FlushCache() j += 1 print('outband_f') print(outBand) ncoords = []
def main(img_imad, ncpThresh=0.95, pos=None, dims=None, img_target=None, graphics=False): if img_target is not None: path = os.path.dirname(img_target) basename = os.path.basename(img_target) root, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fsoutfn = path + '/' + root + '_norm_all' + ext path = os.path.dirname(img_imad) basename = os.path.basename(img_imad) root, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) b = root.find('(') err = root.find(')') referenceroot, targetbasename = root[b + 1:err].split('&') referencefn = path + '/' + referenceroot + ext targetfn = path + '/' + targetbasename targetroot, targetext = os.path.splitext(targetbasename) outfn = path + '/' + targetroot + '_norm' + targetext imadDataset = gdal.Open(img_imad, GA_ReadOnly) try: imadbands = imadDataset.RasterCount cols = imadDataset.RasterXSize rows = imadDataset.RasterYSize except Exception as err: print('Error: {} --Image could not be read'.format(err)) sys.exit(1) referenceDataset = gdal.Open(referencefn, GA_ReadOnly) targetDataset = gdal.Open(targetfn, GA_ReadOnly) if pos is None: pos = list(range(1, referenceDataset.RasterCount + 1)) if dims is None: x0 = 0 y0 = 0 else: x0, y0, cols, rows = dims chisqr = imadDataset.GetRasterBand(imadbands).ReadAsArray(0, 0, cols, rows).ravel() ncp = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(chisqr, [imadbands - 1]) idx = where(ncp > ncpThresh) print(time.asctime()) print('reference: ' + referencefn) print('target : ' + targetfn) print('no-change probability threshold: ' + str(ncpThresh)) print('no-change pixels: ' + str(len(idx[0]))) start = time.time() driver = targetDataset.GetDriver() outDataset = driver.Create(outfn, cols, rows, len(pos), GDT_UInt16) projection = imadDataset.GetProjection() geotransform = imadDataset.GetGeoTransform() if geotransform is not None: outDataset.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) if projection is not None: outDataset.SetProjection(projection) aa = [] bb = [] if graphics: plt.figure(1, (9, 6)) j = 1 bands = len(pos) for k in pos: x = referenceDataset.GetRasterBand(k).ReadAsArray(x0, y0, cols, rows).astype(float).ravel() y = targetDataset.GetRasterBand(k).ReadAsArray(x0, y0, cols, rows).astype(float).ravel() b, a, R = orthoregress(y[idx], x[idx]) print('band: {} slope: {} intercept: {} correlation: {}'.format(k, b, a, R)) my = max(y[idx]) if (j < 7) and graphics: plt.subplot(2, 3, j) plt.plot(y[idx], x[idx], '.') plt.plot([0, my], [a, a + b * my]) plt.title('Band {}'.format(k)) if ((j < 4) and (bands < 4)) or j > 3: plt.xlabel('Target') if (j == 1) or (j == 4): plt.ylabel('Reference') aa.append(a) bb.append(b) outBand = outDataset.GetRasterBand(j) outBand.WriteArray(resize(a + b * y, (rows, cols)), 0, 0) outBand.FlushCache() j += 1 if graphics: plt.close() referenceDataset = None targetDataset = None outDataset = None print('result written to: ' + outfn) if img_target is not None: print('normalizing ' + img_target + '...') fsDataset = gdal.Open(img_target, GA_ReadOnly) try: cols = fsDataset.RasterXSize rows = fsDataset.RasterYSize except Exception as err: print('Error %s -- Image could not be read in') sys.exit(1) driver = fsDataset.GetDriver() outDataset = driver.Create(fsoutfn, cols, rows, len(pos), GDT_UInt16) projection = fsDataset.GetProjection() geotransform = fsDataset.GetGeoTransform() if geotransform is not None: outDataset.SetGeoTransform(geotransform) if projection is not None: outDataset.SetProjection(projection) j = 1 for k in pos: inBand = fsDataset.GetRasterBand(k) outBand = outDataset.GetRasterBand(j) for i in range(rows): y = inBand.ReadAsArray(0, i, cols, 1) outBand.WriteArray(aa[j - 1] + bb[j - 1] * y, 0, i) outBand.FlushCache() j += 1 outDataset = None fsDataset = None print('full result written to: ' + fsoutfn) return fsoutfn print('elapsed time: {}'.format(time.time() - start)) return outfn