Exemple #1
def show_frontier(X, Y, maxX=False, maxY=True, dots=False,
                  XMAX=None, YMIN=None, ax=None, label=None, **style):
    """Plot Pareto frontier.


      X, Y: data.

      maxX, maxY: (bool) whether to maximize or minimize along respective

      dots: (bool) highlight points on the frontier (will use same color as

      ax: use an existing axis if non-null.

      style: keyword arguments, which will be passed to lines connecting the
        points on the Pareto frontier.

      XMAX: max value along x-axis
      YMIN: min value along y-axis

    if ax is None:
        ax = pl.gca()
    sty = {'c': 'b', 'alpha': 0.3, 'zorder': 0}

    assert not maxX and maxY, 'need to update some hardcoded logic'

    f = pareto_frontier(X, Y, maxX=maxX, maxY=maxY)
    if not f:
        print yellow % '[warn] Empty frontier'
    if dots:
        xs, ys = zip(*f)
        ax.scatter(xs, ys, lw=0, alpha=0.5, c=sty['c'])

    XMAX = XMAX if XMAX is not None else max(X)
    YMIN = YMIN if YMIN is not None else min(Y)
    assert XMAX >= max(X)
    assert YMIN <= min(Y)

    # Connect corners of frontier. The first and last points on frontier have
    # lines which surround the point cloud.
    f = [(min(X), YMIN)] + f + [(XMAX, max(Y))]

    # Make line segments from adjacent points
    pts = np.array([x for ((a,b), (c,d)) in window(f, 2) for x in [[a,b], [c,b], [c,b], [c,d]]])

    # Plot
    ax.plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], label=label, **sty)
Exemple #2
def show_frontier(X, Y, maxX=False, maxY=True, dots=False, ax=None, label=None, **style):
    """Plot Pareto frontier.


      X, Y: data.

      maxX, maxY: (bool) whether to maximize or minimize along respective

      dots: (bool) highlight points on the frontier (will use same color as

      ax: use an existing axis if non-null.

      style: keyword arguments, which will be passed to lines connecting the
        points on the Pareto frontier.

    if ax is None:
        ax = pl.gca()
    sty = {'c': 'b', 'alpha': 0.3, 'zorder': 0}
    f = pareto_frontier(X, Y, maxX=maxX, maxY=maxY)
    if not f:
        print yellow % '[warn] Empty frontier'
    if dots:
        xs, ys = zip(*f)
        ax.scatter(xs, ys, lw=0, alpha=0.5, c=sty['c'])
    # Connect corners of frontier. The first and last points on frontier have
    # lines which surround the point cloud.
    p, q = f[0], f[-1]
    (a,b) = min(X), max(X)
    (c,d) = min(Y), max(Y)
    # connect points with line segments
    pts = []
    pts.extend([p, (a,c)])
    pts.extend(x for ((a,b), (c,d)) in window(f, 2) for x in [[a,b], [c,b], [c,b], [c,d]])
    pts.extend([q, (b,d)])
    # make plot
    pts = np.array(pts)
    ax.plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], label=label, **sty)
Exemple #3
 def graphviz(self, output):
     from arsenal.iterextras import window
     with open(output, 'w') as f:
         print('digraph {', file=f)
         terminals = set()
         for x in list(self.incoming):
             for e in self.incoming[x]:
                 print('  "%s" [label=\"\",shape=point];' % id(e), file=f)
                 print('  "%s" -> "%s";' % (id(e), e.head), file=f)
                 for b in e.body:
                     print('  "%s" -> "%s" [arrowhead=none];' % (b, id(e)),
                     if not self.incoming[b]:
         if terminals:
             f.write('{ rank = same; %s; }\n' %
                     ('; '.join('"%s"' % (x, ) for x in terminals)))
             for a, b in window(sorted(terminals, key=lambda x: x[0]), 2):
                     '"%s" -> "%s" [dir=none, style=invis, penwidth=1];\n' %
                     (a, b))
                 f.write('{ rank = same; "%s"; "%s"; }\n' % (a, b))
         print('}', file=f)
Exemple #4
def show_frontier(X, Y, maxX=False, maxY=True, dots=False,
                  XMIN=None, XMAX=None,
                  YMIN=None, YMAX=None,
                  ax=None, label=None,
                  interpolation='pessimistic', **style):
    """Plot Pareto frontier.


      X, Y: data.

      maxX, maxY: (bool) whether to maximize or minimize along respective

      dots: (bool) highlight points on the frontier (will use same color as

      ax: use an existing axis if non-null.

      style: keyword arguments, which will be passed to lines connecting the
        points on the Pareto frontier.

      XMAX: max value along x-axis
      YMIN: min value along y-axis

    if ax is None:
        ax = pl.gca()
    sty = {'c': 'b', 'alpha': 0.3, 'zorder': 0}

    if interpolation == 'linear-convex':
        # Convex hull by itself doesn't work, but what we have is ok because its
        # the intersection of the convex hull with the pareto frontier, which is
        # handled below.
        from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
        X = np.array(X)
        Y = np.array(Y)
        hull = ConvexHull(np.array([X,Y]).T)
        X = X[hull.vertices]
        Y = Y[hull.vertices]

#    assert not maxX and maxY, 'need to update some hardcoded logic'

    f = pareto_frontier(X, Y, maxX=maxX, maxY=maxY)
    if not f:
        print(yellow % '[warn] Empty frontier')
    if dots:
        xs, ys = list(zip(*f))
        ax.scatter(xs, ys, lw=0, alpha=0.5, c=sty['c'])

    XMIN = min(min(X), XMIN) if XMIN is not None else min(X)
    XMAX = max(max(X), XMAX) if XMAX is not None else max(X)
    YMIN = min(min(Y), YMIN) if YMIN is not None else min(Y)
    YMAX = max(max(Y), YMAX) if YMAX is not None else max(Y)

#    if 0:
#        # This version lets you clip away points. I found it a little problematic to use.
#        XMIN = XMIN if XMIN is not None else min(X)
#        XMAX = XMAX if XMAX is not None else max(X)
#        YMIN = YMIN if YMIN is not None else min(Y)
#        YMAX = YMAX if YMAX is not None else max(Y)
#        if (max(X) > XMAX or min(X) < XMIN or min(Y) > YMIN or max(Y) < YMAX):
#            print '[PARETO] Warning: data out of bounds!'

    # Connect corners of frontier. The first and last points on frontier have
    # lines which surround the point cloud.

    # TODO: make this look nicer...
    if maxX and maxY:
        f = [(XMAX, YMIN)] + f + [(XMIN, YMAX)]
    elif not maxX and maxY:
        f = [(XMIN, YMIN)] + f + [(XMAX, YMAX)]
    elif maxX and not maxY:
        f = [(XMAX, YMAX)] + f + [(XMIN, YMIN)]
        f = [(XMIN, YMAX)] + f + [(XMAX, YMIN)]

    if interpolation == 'pessimistic':
        # Make line segments from adjacent points
        pts = np.array([x for ((a,b), (c,d)) in window(f, 2) for x in [[a,b], [c,b], [c,b], [c,d]]])
    elif interpolation in {'linear','linear-convex'}:
        # Make line segments from adjacent points
        pts = np.array([x for ((a,b), (c,d)) in window(f, 2) for x in [[a,b], [c,d]]])

    # Plot
    ax.plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], label=label, **sty)
    return pts
Exemple #5
def show_frontier(X, Y, maxX=False, maxY=True, dots=False,
                  XMIN=None, XMAX=None,
                  YMIN=None, YMAX=None,
                  ax=None, label=None,
                  interpolation='pessimistic', **style):
    """Plot Pareto frontier.


      X, Y: data.

      maxX, maxY: (bool) whether to maximize or minimize along respective

      dots: (bool) highlight points on the frontier (will use same color as

      ax: use an existing axis if non-null.

      style: keyword arguments, which will be passed to lines connecting the
        points on the Pareto frontier.

      XMAX: max value along x-axis
      YMIN: min value along y-axis

    if ax is None:
        ax = pl.gca()
    sty = {'c': 'b', 'alpha': 0.3, 'zorder': 0}

    if interpolation == 'linear-convex':
        # Convex hull by itself doesn't work, but what we have is ok because its
        # the intersection of the convex hull with the pareto frontier, which is
        # handled below.
        from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
        X = np.array(X)
        Y = np.array(Y)
        hull = ConvexHull(np.array([X,Y]).T)
        X = X[hull.vertices]
        Y = Y[hull.vertices]

#    assert not maxX and maxY, 'need to update some hardcoded logic'

    f = pareto_frontier(X, Y, maxX=maxX, maxY=maxY)
    if not f:
        print yellow % '[warn] Empty frontier'
    if dots:
        xs, ys = zip(*f)
        ax.scatter(xs, ys, lw=0, alpha=0.5, c=sty['c'])

    XMIN = min(min(X), XMIN) if XMIN is not None else min(X)
    XMAX = max(max(X), XMAX) if XMAX is not None else max(X)
    YMIN = min(min(Y), YMIN) if YMIN is not None else min(Y)
    YMAX = max(max(Y), YMAX) if YMAX is not None else max(Y)

#    if 0:
#        # This version lets you clip away points. I found it a little problematic to use.
#        XMIN = XMIN if XMIN is not None else min(X)
#        XMAX = XMAX if XMAX is not None else max(X)
#        YMIN = YMIN if YMIN is not None else min(Y)
#        YMAX = YMAX if YMAX is not None else max(Y)
#        if (max(X) > XMAX or min(X) < XMIN or min(Y) > YMIN or max(Y) < YMAX):
#            print '[PARETO] Warning: data out of bounds!'

    # Connect corners of frontier. The first and last points on frontier have
    # lines which surround the point cloud.

    # TODO: make this look nicer...
    if maxX and maxY:
        f = [(XMAX, YMIN)] + f + [(XMIN, YMAX)]
    elif not maxX and maxY:
        f = [(XMIN, YMIN)] + f + [(XMAX, YMAX)]
    elif maxX and not maxY:
        f = [(XMAX, YMAX)] + f + [(XMIN, YMIN)]
        f = [(XMIN, YMAX)] + f + [(XMAX, YMIN)]

    if interpolation == 'pessimistic':
        # Make line segments from adjacent points
        pts = np.array([x for ((a,b), (c,d)) in window(f, 2) for x in [[a,b], [c,b], [c,b], [c,d]]])
    elif interpolation in {'linear','linear-convex'}:
        # Make line segments from adjacent points
        pts = np.array([x for ((a,b), (c,d)) in window(f, 2) for x in [[a,b], [c,d]]])

    # Plot
    ax.plot(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], label=label, **sty)
    return pts
print '[fit] fitting...'
from ldp.viz.parametric_fit import fit
ff, gg = fit(runtime, accuracy)
print '[fit] done.'

pts = zip(penalty, runtime, accuracy)

# Add two fake points:
# TODO: some magic numbers...
pts = [(None, runtime.max() * 2.0, accuracy.max() * 1.01)
       ] + pts + [(None, runtime.min() * .98, accuracy.min() * .98)]

ddd = []
skip = []
for (((p1, x1, y1), (p, x2, y2), (p3, x3, y3))) in window(pts, 3):

    # slopes give a range for lambda values to try.
    m12 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
    m23 = (y3 - y2) / (x3 - x2)

    #print 'penalty=%g point=%s, lambda=%s' % (p, [x2,y2], [m12, m23])

    if m12 >= m23:
        # This point is not on the convex Pareto frontier. So, we back off to
        # the slope between the neighboring points
        m31 = (y3 - y1) / (x3 - x1)
        #print 'penalty=%g point=%s not on convex frontier.' % (p, [x2,y2]), 'try', m31
        m12 = m23 = m31
        skip.append([x2, y2])