Exemple #1
import pytest
from artemis.plotting.plotting_backend import get_plotting_server_address
from artemis.remote.utils import get_local_ips
from artemis.remote.virtualenv import check_diff_local_remote_virtualenv, get_remote_installed_packages

ip_address = get_plotting_server_address()
is_local = ip_address in get_local_ips()

@pytest.mark.skipif(ip_address="" or is_local, reason="No sense for local ip")
def test_check_diff_local_remote_virtualenv():

    # original_virtual_env_value = get_config_value(".artemisrc", ip_address, "python")
    # import ConfigParser
    # import os
    # Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    # Config.read(os.path.expanduser("~/.artemisrc"))
    # Config.set(section=ip_address,option="python",value="~/virtualenvs/test_env/bin/python")
    # with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.artemisrc"), 'wb') as configfile:
    #     Config.write(configfile)


    # Config.set(section=ip_address,option="python",value=original_virtual_env_value)
    # with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.artemisrc"), 'wb') as configfile:
    #     Config.write(configfile)
Exemple #2
import SocketServer
import os
import sys
import time
import signal
from artemis.plotting.plotting_backend import get_plotting_server_address
from artemis.remote.child_processes import check_ssh_connection, check_if_port_is_free, execute_command, ChildProcess, \
    ParamikoPrintThread, Nanny
from artemis.remote.utils import get_local_ips, get_socket, get_remote_artemis_path
from pytest import raises

ip_addresses = [get_plotting_server_address()]
if ip_addresses[0] not in get_local_ips():

def test_check_ssh_connections():
    for ip_address in ip_addresses:
        if ip_address not in get_local_ips():

def test_check_if_port_is_free():
    for ip_address in ip_addresses:
        if ip_address not in get_local_ips():
            with raises(AssertionError):
                check_if_port_is_free(ip_address, 80)
            sock, port = get_socket(ip_address, 7005)
            # port is now not free:
            with raises(SocketServer.socket.error):
Exemple #3
def set_up_plotting_server():
    Sets up the plotting server.

    print("Setting up Plotting Server")

    # First we generate the system call that starts the server
    # TODO: This assumes the same installation path relative to the home-dir on the local machine as on the remote machine
    file_to_execute = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'plotting_server.py')
    file_to_execute = file_to_execute.replace(os.path.expanduser("~"),"~",1)
    plotting_server_address = get_plotting_server_address()
    if plotting_server_address == "":
        plotting_server_address = ""
    if plotting_server_address in get_local_ips():
        command = ["python", "-u", file_to_execute]
        check_config_file(plotting_server_address) # Make sure all things are set
        check_ssh_connection(plotting_server_address) # Make sure the SSH-connection works
        command =["export DISPLAY=:0.0;", "python","-u", file_to_execute]
        # TODO: Setting DISPLAY to :0.0 is a heuristic at the moment. I don't understand yet how these DISPLAY variables are set.

    # With the command set up, we can instantiate a child process and start it. Also we want to forward stdout and stderr from the remote process asynchronously.
    global _nanny
    _nanny = Nanny()
    cp = PythonChildProcess(ip_address=plotting_server_address, command=command, name="Plotting_Server",set_up_port_for_structured_back_communication=True)
    back_comm_queue = cp.get_queue_from_cp()
        is_debug_mode = getattr(sys, 'gettrace', None)
        timeout = None if is_debug_mode() else 10
        server_message = back_comm_queue.get(block=True,timeout=timeout)
    except Queue.Empty:
        print("The Plotting Server did not respond for 10 seconds. It probably crashed")

        port = int(server_message.dbplot_message)
    except ValueError:
        print("There was an incorrect string on the remote server's stdout. Make sure the server first communicates a port number. Received:\n {}".format(str_port))

    # In the remote setting we don't want to rely on the user correctly specifying their firewalls. Therefore we need to set up port forwarding through ssh:
    # Also, we have the ssh session open already, so why not reuse it.
    if plotting_server_address not in get_local_ips():
        ssh_conn = cp.get_ssh_connection()
        # Needs to be in a thread since the call blocks forever.
        # Todo: this ssh tunnel is opened system-wide. That means that any subsequent attempts to open the ssh-tunnel (by another dbplot-using process, for example)
        # will perform wiredly. As far as I have tested, nothing happenes and the port forwarfding works just fine in the second process, However when one of the two
        # processes terminates, the ssh-tunnel is closed for the other process as well.
        t3 = threading.Thread(target = forward_tunnel, kwargs={"local_port":port, "remote_host":plotting_server_address, "remote_port":port,"ssh_conn":ssh_conn})

    # Now attempt to connect to the plotting server
    server_address = ("localhost", port)
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    # Once connected, set up the asynchronous threads that forward every dbplot call to the server. We make this asynchronously for two reasons:
    # 1.) the queues involved can be shared between different threads (not processes), therefore allowing for asynchronous dbplot calls that are both correctly forwarded.
    # 2.) sending a plot away to the server now immediatly returns, independent on any socket-related communication delays that might exist.
    # (There shouldn't be any, but, you know, principle)
    global _to_subprocess_queue
    global _id_queue
    _to_subprocess_queue = Queue.Queue()
    _id_queue = Queue.Queue()
    t1 = threading.Thread(target=push_to_server, args=(_to_subprocess_queue, sock))
    # if blocking:
    t2 = threading.Thread(target=collect_from_server, args=(_id_queue, sock))
def set_up_plotting_server():
    Sets up the plotting server.

    print("Setting up Plotting Server")

    # First we generate the system call that starts the server
    # TODO: This assumes the same installation path relative to the home-dir on the local machine as on the remote machine
    file_to_execute = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    file_to_execute = file_to_execute.replace(os.path.expanduser("~"), "~", 1)
    plotting_server_address = get_plotting_server_address()
    if plotting_server_address not in get_local_ips():
            plotting_server_address)  # Make sure all things are set
            plotting_server_address)  # Make sure the SSH-connection works
        command = ["export DISPLAY=:0.0;", "python", "-u", file_to_execute]
        # TODO: Setting DISPLAY to :0.0 is a heuristic at the moment. I don't understand yet how these DISPLAY variables are set.
        command = ["python", "-u", file_to_execute]

    # With the command set up, we can instantiate a child process and start it. Also we want to forward stdout and stderr from the remote process asynchronously.
    cp = ChildProcess(ip_address=plotting_server_address,
    stdin, stdout, stderr = cp.execute_child_process()
    t2 = ParamikoPrintThread(source_pipe=stderr,
                             prefix="Plotting Server: ")
    # The remote server is implemented such that it will scan available ports and choose one. This port then needs to be communicated to this client
    # Therefore we assume here, that the first line on stdout from the remote server is the port number for subsequent communication. Also, this call blocks until the parameter server
    # is ready to accept communication
    str_port = stdout.readline()
        port = int(str_port)
    except ValueError:
            "There was an incorrect string on the remote server's stdout. Make sure the server first communicates a port number. Received:\n {}"
    # All subsequent communication forwarded asynchronously
    t1 = ParamikoPrintThread(source_pipe=stdout,
                             prefix="Plotting Server: ")

    # In the remote setting we don't want to rely on the user correctly specifying their firewalls. Therefore we need to set up port forwarding through ssh:
    # Also, we have the ssh session open already, so why not reuse it.
    if plotting_server_address not in get_local_ips():
        ssh_conn = cp.get_ssh_connection()
        # Needs to be in a thread since the call blocks forever.
        # Todo: this ssh tunnel is opened system-wide. That means that any subsequent attempts to open the ssh-tunnel (by another dbplot-using process, for example)
        # will perform wiredly. As far as I have tested, nothing happenes and the port forwarfding works just fine in the second process, However when one of the two
        # processes terminates, the ssh-tunnel is closed for the other process as well.
        t3 = threading.Thread(target=forward_tunnel,
                                  "local_port": port,
                                  "remote_host": plotting_server_address,
                                  "remote_port": port,
                                  "ssh_conn": ssh_conn

    # Now attempt to connect to the plotting server
    server_address = ("localhost", port)
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    # Once connected, set up the asynchronous threads that forward every dbplot call to the server. We make this asynchronously for two reasons:
    # 1.) the queues involved can be shared between different threads (not processes), therefore allowing for asynchronous dbplot calls that are both correctly forwarded.
    # 2.) sending a plot away to the server now immediatly returns, independent on any socket-related communication delays that might exist.
    # (There shouldn't be any, but, you know, principle)
    global _to_subprocess_queue
    global _id_queue
    _to_subprocess_queue = Queue.Queue()
    _id_queue = Queue.Queue()
    t1 = threading.Thread(target=push_to_server,
                          args=(_to_subprocess_queue, sock))
    # if blocking:
    t2 = threading.Thread(target=collect_from_server, args=(_id_queue, sock))