Exemple #1
    def get_file_name(self):
        create the name of the file for storing the query.

        the file is:


        if a custom_name is provided we take it, else we create a md5 on the url.
        a custom_name must be provided is the same call is done twice in the same test function
        mro = inspect.getmro(self.__class__)
        class_name = "Test{}".format(mro[1].__name__)
        scenario = mro[0].data_sets[0].scenario

        func_name = utils.get_calling_test_function()
        test_name = "{}/{}/{}".format(class_name, scenario, func_name)

        self.test_counter[test_name] += 1

        if self.test_counter[test_name] > 1:
            return "{}_{}.json".format(test_name,
                                       self.test_counter[test_name] - 1)
            return "{}.json".format(test_name)
Exemple #2
    def send_and_wait(self, rt_file_name):
        Send a COTS and wait until the data is reloaded
        :param rt_file_name: name of the real-time feed file (obviously)
        if self.check_ref:

        if len(self.data_sets) > 1:
            logger.warning(" >1 data_set for test class !!!")
        coverage = self.data_sets[0].name
        last_rt_data_loaded = self.get_last_rt_loaded_time(coverage)
        start_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        cots_processing_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        self.wait_for_rt_reload(last_rt_data_loaded, coverage)
        kraken_reloaded_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        def round_time(beginning, end):
            return round((end - beginning).total_seconds(), 2)

            "{test}: RT processed in {total}s (Kirin:{kirin}/Kraken:{kraken})".
                total=round_time(start_datetime, kraken_reloaded_time),
                kirin=round_time(start_datetime, cots_processing_time),
                kraken=round_time(cots_processing_time, kraken_reloaded_time),
Exemple #3
    def get_reference_filename_prefix(self):
        When there is multiple calls to request_compare within one test function
          the name of the reference file for the first call is `func_name`
          For the (n+1)th call, the name of the reference file is `func_name_n`
        func_name = utils.get_calling_test_function()

        if self.nb_call_to_request_compare <= 1:
            return func_name
            assert self.nb_call_to_request_compare > 1
            return "{}_{}".format(func_name, self.nb_call_to_request_compare - 1)
Exemple #4
    def get_file_name(self):
        create the name of the file for storing the query.

        the file is:


        mro = inspect.getmro(self.__class__)
        class_name = "Test{}".format(mro[1].__name__)

        func_name = utils.get_calling_test_function()
        test_name = "{}/{}".format(class_name, func_name)

        self.test_counter[test_name] += 1

        if self.test_counter[test_name] > 1:
            return "{}_{}.json".format(test_name,
                                       self.test_counter[test_name] - 1)
            return "{}.json".format(test_name)
Exemple #5
    def get_file_name(self):
        create the name of the file for storing the query.

        the file is:


        if a custom_name is provided we take it, else we create a md5 on the url.
        a custom_name must be provided is the same call is done twice in the same test function
        mro = inspect.getmro(self.__class__)
        class_name = "Test{}".format(mro[1].__name__)
        scenario = mro[0].data_sets[0].scenario

        func_name = utils.get_calling_test_function()
        test_name = '{}/{}/{}'.format(class_name, scenario, func_name)

        self.test_counter[test_name] += 1

        if self.test_counter[test_name] > 1:
            return "{}_{}.json".format(test_name, self.test_counter[test_name] - 1)
            return "{}.json".format(test_name)