def make_logo(): size = '.02\linewidth' x = arange(0, 2*pi, .01) y = sin(x) plot = Plot(width=size, height=size) plot.set_ylimits(-1.3, 1.3) plot.set_yticks([-1, 0, 1]) plot.set_ytick_labels(['', '', '']) plot.set_xticks([0, pi, 2*pi]) plot.set_xtick_labels(['', '', '']) plot.plot(x, y, mark=None, linestyle='thick') plot.set_axis_options("axis line style=thick, major tick length=.04cm") plot.save_as_pdf('logo')
def plot_offset_distribution(ids, **kwargs): """Offset distribution""" # Begin Figure plot = Plot() offsets = [ np.average([x for x in get(id)[1] if abs(x) < 100]) for id in ids ] bins = np.arange(-70, 70, 2) n, bins = np.histogram(offsets, bins) plot.histogram(n, bins) bin_centers = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 popt, pcov = curve_fit(gauss, bin_centers, n, p0=[1., np.mean(offsets), np.std(offsets)]) plot.plot(bin_centers, gauss(bin_centers, *popt), mark=None, linestyle='gray') if kwargs.keys(): plot.set_title('Tijdtest offset distribution ' + kwargs[kwargs.keys()[0]]) plot.set_label(r'$\mu={1:.1f}$, $\sigma={2:.1f}$'.format(*popt)) plot.set_xlabel(r'Offset [\si{\nano\second}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Counts') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) # Save Figure name = 'box/tt_offset_distribution' if kwargs.keys(): name += kwargs[kwargs.keys()[0]] plot.save_as_pdf(PLOT_PATH + name) print 'tt_analyse: Plotted offsets'
def plot_histogram(data, timestamps, station_numbers): """Make a 2D histogram plot of the number of events over time per station :param data: list of lists, with the number of events. :param station_numbers: list of station numbers in the data list. """ plot = Plot(width=r'\linewidth', height=r'1.3\linewidth') plot.histogram2d(data.T[::7][1:], timestamps[::7] / 1e9, np.arange(len(station_numbers) + 1), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) plot.set_label( gps_to_datetime(timestamps[-1]).date().isoformat(), 'upper left') plot.set_xlimits(min=YEARS_TICKS[0] / 1e9, max=timestamps[-1] / 1e9) plot.set_xticks(YEARS_TICKS / 1e9) plot.set_xtick_labels(YEARS_LABELS) plot.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, len(station_numbers) + 0.5)) plot.set_ytick_labels(['%d' % s for s in sorted(station_numbers)], style=r'font=\sffamily\tiny') plot.set_axis_options('ytick pos=right') plot.save_as_pdf('eventtime_histogram_network_hour')
def zoom_baseline(raw_traces): plot = Plot() length = 500 # ns # for i, raw_trace in enumerate(raw_traces): # plot.plot(arange(0, length, 2.5), raw_trace[:int(length / 2.5)], mark=None, linestyle=COLORS[i]) # plot.plot(arange(0, length, 2.5), raw_traces[0][:int(length / 2.5)], mark=None, linestyle=COLORS[0]) plot.plot(arange(0, length, 5), raw_traces[0][:int(length / 2.5):2], mark=None, linestyle=COLORS[0]) plot.plot(arange(2.5, length, 5), raw_traces[0][1:int(length / 2.5):2], mark=None, linestyle=COLORS[1]) plot.set_ylimits(min=180, max=220) plot.set_xlimits(min=0, max=length) plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [ADC counts]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Sample [\si{\nano\second}]') plot.save_as_pdf('baseline')
def zoom_pulse(raw_traces): plot = Plot() start, end = get_outer_limits(raw_traces, 253) for i, raw_trace in enumerate(raw_traces): plot.plot(arange(start * 2.5, end * 2.5, 2.5), raw_trace[start:end], mark=None, linestyle=COLORS[i]) hisparc_version = 2 if hisparc_version == 3: low = 81 high = 150 elif hisparc_version == 2: low = 253 high = 323 plot.draw_horizontal_line(low, 'gray') plot.add_pin_at_xy(start * 2.5, low, 'low', location='above right', use_arrow=False) plot.draw_horizontal_line(high, 'gray') plot.add_pin_at_xy(start * 2.5, high, 'high', location='above right', use_arrow=False) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(min=start * 2.5, max=end * 2.5 - 2.5) plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [ADC counts]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Sample [\si{\nano\second}]') plot.save_as_pdf('pulse')
def plot_distribution(): distances = CORE_DISTANCES for e in ENERGIES: first_t = [] first_t_std = [] median_t = [] median_t_std = [] for core_distance in distances: first_path = ( '/Users/arne/Datastore/first_particle/first_{e}_{r}.npy'. format(e=e, r=core_distance)) median_path = ( '/Users/arne/Datastore/first_particle/median_{e}_{r}.npy'. format(e=e, r=core_distance)) first_times = load(first_path) first_t.append(mean(first_times)) first_t_std.append(std(first_times)) median_times = load(median_path) median_t.append(mean(median_times)) median_t_std.append(std(median_times)) plot = Plot('semilogx') plot.plot(distances, first_t, yerr=first_t_std, markstyle='mark size=1pt', linestyle=None) plot.plot(distances, median_t, yerr=median_t_std, markstyle='mark size=1pt,gray', linestyle=None) plot.set_xlabel('Core distance [m]') plot.set_ylabel('Time after first [ns]') plot.set_ylimits(min=-10) plot.set_xlimits(0, 1e3) plot.set_label('E=$10^{{{e}}}$eV'.format(e=e), location='upper left') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/first_particle_{e}'.format(e=e))
def plot_n_histogram(path='/'): with tables.open_file(RESULT_DATA, 'r') as data: sims = data.get_node(path + 'cluster_simulations') ud_n1 ='n1') ud_n2 ='n2') lr_n1 ='n1') lr_n2 ='n2') bins = np.linspace(0, 80, 40) ud_counts1, _ = np.histogram(ud_n1, bins) ud_counts2, _ = np.histogram(ud_n2, bins) lr_counts1, _ = np.histogram(lr_n1, bins) lr_counts2, _ = np.histogram(lr_n2, bins) plot = Plot() plot.histogram(ud_counts1, bins, linestyle='black') plot.histogram(ud_counts2, bins, linestyle='red') plot.histogram(lr_counts1, bins + 0.01, linestyle='black, dashed') plot.histogram(lr_counts2, bins + 0.01, linestyle='red, dashed') plot.set_xlabel(r'Number of detected particles') plot.set_ylabel(r'Number of events with n detected') plot.set_xlimits(bins[0], bins[-1]) plot.set_ylimits(0) plot.save_as_pdf('n_histogram' + path.replace('/', '_'))
def plot_distance_width(): distances = [] widths = [] with tables.open_file(PATH, 'r') as data: cluster = data.root.coincidences._v_attrs.cluster station_groups = [(id, data.get_node(sidx, 'events')) for id, sidx in enumerate(data.root.coincidences.s_index)] bins = arange(-2000, 2000, 20) for ref, other in itertools.combinations(station_groups, 2): ref_id, ref_events = ref id, events = other distances.append(cluster.calc_rphiz_for_stations(ref_id, id)[0]) dt = (ref_events.col('ext_timestamp').astype(int) - events.col('ext_timestamp').astype(int)) pre_width = std(dt) counts, bins = histogram(dt, bins=linspace(-1.8 * pre_width, 1.8 * pre_width, 100), density=True) x = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 popt, pcov = curve_fit(norm.pdf, x, counts, p0=(0., distances[-1])) widths.append(popt[1]) print std(dt), popt[1] popt, pcov = curve_fit(lin, distances, widths, p0=(1.1, 1)) print popt, pcov plot = Plot() plot.scatter(distances, widths) plot.plot([0, 600], [0, 600 / 0.3], mark=None, linestyle='gray') plot.plot([0, 600], [lin(0, *popt), lin(600, *popt)], mark=None) plot.set_xlimits(min=0, max=600) plot.set_ylimits(min=0, max=700) plot.set_xlabel(r'Distance [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'Width of dt distribution [\si{\ns}]') plot.save_as_pdf('plots/distance_v_width_pr')
def determine_detector_timing_offsets(s, events): """Determine the offsets between the station detectors. ADL: Currently assumes detector 1 is a good reference. But this is not always the best choice. Perhaps it should be determined using more data (more than one day) to be more accurate. """ bins = arange(-100 + 1.25, 100, 2.5) col = (cl for cl in COLORS) graph = Plot() ids = range(1, 5) reference = 2 for j in [1, 3, 4]: if j == reference: continue tref = events.col('t%d' % reference) tj = events.col('t%d' % j) dt = (tj - tref).compress((tref >= 0) & (tj >= 0)) y, bins = histogram(dt, bins=bins) c = graph.histogram(y, bins, linestyle='%s' % c) x = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(gauss, x, y, p0=(len(dt), 0., 10.)) graph.draw_vertical_line(popt[1], linestyle='%s' % c) print '%d-%d: %f (%f)' % (j, reference, popt[1], popt[2]) except (IndexError, RuntimeError): print '%d-%d: failed' % (j, reference) graph.set_title('Time difference, station %d' % (s)) graph.set_xlimits(-100, 100) graph.set_ylimits(min=0) graph.set_xlabel('$\Delta t$') graph.set_ylabel('Counts') graph.save_as_pdf('detector_offsets_%s' % s)
def plot_traces(event, station): s = Station(station) plot = Plot() traces = s.event_trace(event['timestamp'], event['nanoseconds'], raw=True) for j, trace in enumerate(traces): t = arange(0, (2.5 * len(traces[0])), 2.5) plot.plot(t, trace, mark=None, linestyle=COLORS[j]) n_peaks = event['n_peaks'] plot.set_title('%d - %d' % (station, event['ext_timestamp'])) plot.set_label('%d ' * 4 % tuple(n_peak for n_peak in n_peaks)) plot.set_xlabel('t [\si{n\second}]') plot.set_ylabel('Signal strength') plot.set_xlimits(min=0, max=2.5 * len(traces[0])) plot.set_ylimits(min=150, max=500) # max=2 ** 12 plot.draw_horizontal_line(253, linestyle='gray') plot.draw_horizontal_line(323, linestyle='gray') plot.draw_horizontal_line(event['baseline'][0] + 20, linestyle='thin,gray') plot.draw_horizontal_line(event['baseline'][1] + 20, linestyle='thin,red!40!black') plot.draw_horizontal_line(event['baseline'][2] + 20, linestyle='thin,green!40!black') plot.draw_horizontal_line(event['baseline'][3] + 20, linestyle='thin,blue!40!black') plot.save_as_pdf('traces_%d_%d' % (station, event['ext_timestamp']))
def plot_traces(coincidence_events): plot = Plot() t0 = int(coincidence_events[0][1]['ext_timestamp']) tick_labels = [] tick_positions = [] for i, station_event in enumerate(coincidence_events): station_number, event = station_event station = Station(station_number) traces = station.event_trace(event['timestamp'], event['nanoseconds']) start_trace = (int(event['ext_timestamp']) - t0) - event['t_trigger'] t = arange(start_trace, start_trace + (2.5 * len(traces[0])), 2.5) t = insert(t, 0, -20000) t = append(t, 20000) # trace = array(traces).sum(0) for j, trace in enumerate(traces): if max(trace) <= 10: trace = array(trace) else: trace = array(trace) / float(max(trace)) * 100 trace = insert(trace, 0, 0) trace = append(trace, 0) plot.plot(t, trace + (100 * j) + (500 * i), mark=None, linestyle=COLORS[j]) tick_labels.append(station_number) tick_positions.append(500 * i) plot.set_yticks(tick_positions) plot.set_ytick_labels(tick_labels) plot.set_xlimits(min=-250, max=1300) plot.set_xlabel('t [\si{n\second}]') plot.set_ylabel('Signal strength') plot.save_as_pdf('traces_%d' % t0)
def plot_reconstructions(): with tables.open_file('data.h5', 'r') as data: rec = data.root.s501.reconstructions reco = data.root.s501_original.reconstructions # Compare azimuth distribution bins = linspace(-pi, pi, 20) # Radians plot = Plot() plot.histogram(*histogram(rec.col('azimuth'), bins=bins)) plot.histogram(*histogram(reco.col('azimuth'), bins=bins), linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(-pi, pi) plot.set_ylabel('counts') plot.set_xlabel(r'Azimuth [\si{\radian}]') plot.save_as_pdf('azimuth') # Compare zenith distribution bins = linspace(0, pi / 2, 20) # Radians plot = Plot() plot.histogram(*histogram(rec.col('zenith'), bins=bins)) plot.histogram(*histogram(reco.col('zenith'), bins=bins), linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(0, pi / 2) plot.set_ylabel('counts') plot.set_xlabel(r'Zenith [\si{\radian}]') plot.save_as_pdf('zenith') # Compare angles between old and new bins = linspace(0, 20, 20) # Degrees plot = Plot() filter = (rec.col('zenith') > .5) d_angle = angle_between(rec.col('zenith'), rec.col('azimuth'), reco.col('zenith'), reco.col('azimuth')) plot.histogram(*histogram(degrees(d_angle), bins=bins)) plot.histogram(*histogram(degrees(d_angle).compress(filter), bins=bins), linestyle='red') plot.histogram(*histogram(degrees(d_angle).compress(invert(filter)), bins=bins), linestyle='blue') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(0, 20) plot.set_ylabel('counts') plot.set_xlabel(r'Angle between [\si{\degree}]') plot.save_as_pdf('angle_between')
import tables from numpy import degrees, histogram, isnan from artist import Plot from sapphire import ReconstructESDEvents with tables.open_file('/Users/arne/Datastore/esd/2013/10/2013_10_28.h5', 'r') as data: for s in [501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 508, 509]: rec = ReconstructESDEvents(data, '/hisparc/cluster_amsterdam/station_%d' % s, s) rec.reconstruct_directions(detector_ids=[0, 2, 3]) azimuths = [ degrees(a) for a, z in zip(rec.phi, rec.theta) if degrees(z) > 10 and not isnan(a) ] n, bins = histogram(azimuths, bins=range(-180, 190, 10)) graph = Plot() graph.histogram(n, bins) graph.set_title('Station %d' % s) graph.set_xlabel('Azimuth') graph.set_xlimits(-180, 180) graph.set_ylimits(min=0) graph.save_as_pdf('azimuths_123_s%d' % s)
def display_coincidences(coincidence_events, c_id, map): cluster = CLUSTER ts0 = coincidence_events[0][1]['ext_timestamp'] latitudes = [] longitudes = [] t = [] p = [] for station_number, event in coincidence_events: station = cluster.get_station(station_number) for detector in station.detectors: latitude, longitude, _ = detector.get_lla_coordinates() latitudes.append(latitude) longitudes.append(longitude) t.extend( event_utils.relative_detector_arrival_times( event, ts0, DETECTOR_IDS)) p.extend(event_utils.detector_densities(event, DETECTOR_IDS)) image = map.to_pil() map_w, map_h = image.size aspect = float(map_w) / float(map_h) width = 0.67 height = width / aspect plot = Plot(width=r'%.2f\linewidth' % width, height=r'%.2f\linewidth' % height) plot.draw_image(image, 0, 0, map_w, map_h) x, y = map.to_pixels(array(latitudes), array(longitudes)) mint = nanmin(t) xx = [] yy = [] tt = [] pp = [] for xv, yv, tv, pv in zip(x, y, t, p): if isnan(tv) or isnan(pv): plot.scatter([xv], [map_h - yv], mark='diamond') else: xx.append(xv) yy.append(map_h - yv) tt.append(tv - mint) pp.append(pv) plot.scatter_table(xx, yy, tt, pp) transform = geographic.FromWGS84ToENUTransformation(cluster.lla) plot.set_scalebar(location="lower left") plot.set_slimits(min=1, max=60) plot.set_colorbar('$\Delta$t [\si{n\second}]') plot.set_axis_equal() nw = num2deg(map.xmin, map.ymin, map.z) se = num2deg(map.xmin + map_w / TILE_SIZE, map.ymin + map_h / TILE_SIZE, map.z) x0, y0, _ = transform.lla_to_enu((nw[0], nw[1], 0)) x1, y1, _ = transform.lla_to_enu((se[0], se[1], 0)) plot.set_xlabel('x [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_xticks([0, map_w]) plot.set_xtick_labels([int(x0), int(x1)]) plot.set_ylabel('y [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_yticks([0, map_h]) plot.set_ytick_labels([int(y1), int(y0)]) # plot.set_xlimits(min=-250, max=350) # plot.set_ylimits(min=-250, max=250) # plot.set_xlabel('x [\si{\meter}]') # plot.set_ylabel('y [\si{\meter}]') plot.save_as_pdf('coincidences/event_display_%d_%d' % (c_id, ts0))
def determine_station_timing_offsets(data): """Determine the offsets between the stations.""" c = .3 ref_station_number = 501 ref_d_off = DETECTOR_OFFSETS[ref_station_number] ref_events = ref_t = array([ where( ref_events.col('t1') == -999, 9000, ref_events.col('t1') - ref_d_off[0]), where( ref_events.col('t2') == -999, 9000, ref_events.col('t2') - ref_d_off[1]), where( ref_events.col('t3') == -999, 9000, ref_events.col('t3') - ref_d_off[2]), where( ref_events.col('t4') == -999, 9000, ref_events.col('t4') - ref_d_off[3]) ]) ref_min_t = ref_t.min(axis=0) station_number = 510 d_off = DETECTOR_OFFSETS[station_number] events = t = array([ where(events.col('t1') == -999, 90000, events.col('t1') - d_off[0]), where(events.col('t2') == -999, 90000, events.col('t2') - d_off[1]), where(events.col('t3') == -999, 90000, events.col('t3') - d_off[2]), where(events.col('t4') == -999, 90000, events.col('t4') - d_off[3]) ]) min_t = t.min(axis=0) dt = [] for event, ref_event in itertools.izip(events, ref_events): if (ref_event['t_trigger'] in ERR or event['t_trigger'] in ERR): dt.append(nan) continue dt.append((int(event['ext_timestamp']) - int(ref_event['ext_timestamp'])) - (event['t_trigger'] - ref_event['t_trigger'])) dt = array(dt) dt = dt + (min_t - ref_min_t) plot = Plot() bins = linspace(-50, 50, 100) y, bins = histogram(dt, bins=bins) plot.histogram(y, bins) x = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(gauss, x, y, p0=(len(dt), 0., 10)) station_offset = popt[1] plot.draw_vertical_line(station_offset) bins = linspace(-50, 50, 1000) plot.plot(bins, gauss(bins, *popt), mark=None, linestyle='gray') except RuntimeError: station_offset = 0. print station_offset plot.set_title('Time difference, station 510-501') plot.set_xlimits(-50, 50) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlabel('$\Delta t$ [ns]') plot.set_ylabel('Counts') plot.save_as_pdf('station_offsets')
if x > 0.0: return 1.0 return 2 * (H(x / L) - H(x / L - 1)) - 1 def fourier(x, N): ''' fourier approximation with N terms''' term = 0.0 for n in range(1, N, 2): term += (1.0 / n) * math.sin(n * math.pi * x / L) return (4.0 / (math.pi)) * term X = npy.linspace(0.0, 2 * L, num=1000) Y_sqr = [square(x) for x in X] Y = lambda n: [fourier(x, n) for x in X] graph = Plot() graph.set_title("Fourier approximation") graph.plot(x=X, y=Y( 3), linestyle='red' , mark=None, legend='n=3' ) graph.plot(x=X, y=Y( 5), linestyle='yellow', mark=None, legend='n=5' ) graph.plot(x=X, y=Y( 8), linestyle='green' , mark=None, legend='n=8' ) graph.plot(x=X, y=Y(13), linestyle='blue' , mark=None, legend='n=13') #graph.plot(x=X, y=Y(21), linestyle='violet', mark=None, legend='n=21') #graph.plot(x=X, y=Y(34), linestyle='violet', mark=None, legend='n=34') graph.plot(x=X, y=Y(55), linestyle='cyan' , mark=None, legend='n=55') graph.plot(x=X, y=Y_sqr, linestyle='black' , mark=None, legend='square') graph.save_as_pdf('plot')
def analyse_reconstructions(data): cq = CoincidenceQuery(data) c_ids = data.root.coincidences.coincidences.read_where('s501', field='id') c_recs = cq.reconstructions.read_coordinates(c_ids) s_recs = data.root.hisparc.cluster_amsterdam.station_501.reconstructions zenc = c_recs['zenith'] azic = c_recs['azimuth'] zens = s_recs.col('zenith') azis = s_recs.col('azimuth') high_zenith = (zenc > .2) & (zens > .2) for minn in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]: filter = (s_recs.col('min_n') > minn) length = len(azis.compress(high_zenith & filter)) shifts501 = np.random.normal(0, .06, length) azicounts, x, y = np.histogram2d(azis.compress(high_zenith & filter) + shifts501, azic.compress(high_zenith & filter), bins=np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 73)) plota = Plot() plota.histogram2d(azicounts, np.degrees(x), np.degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plota.set_title('Reconstructed azimuths for events in coincidence (zenith gt .2 rad)') plota.set_xlabel(r'$\phi_{501}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_{Science Park}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_xticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.set_yticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.save_as_pdf('azimuth_501_spa_minn%d' % minn) length = sum(filter) shifts501 = np.random.normal(0, .04, length) zencounts, x, y = np.histogram2d(zens.compress(filter) + shifts501, zenc.compress(filter), bins=np.linspace(0, np.pi / 3., 41)) plotz = Plot() plotz.histogram2d(zencounts, np.degrees(x), np.degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plotz.set_title('Reconstructed zeniths for station events in coincidence') plotz.set_xlabel(r'$\theta_{501}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_ylabel(r'$\theta_{Science Park}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_xticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.set_yticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.save_as_pdf('zenith_501_spa_minn%d' % minn) distances = angle_between(zens.compress(filter), azis.compress(filter), zenc.compress(filter), azic.compress(filter)) counts, bins = np.histogram(distances, bins=np.linspace(0, np.pi, 91)) plotd = Plot() plotd.histogram(counts, np.degrees(bins)) sigma = np.degrees(np.percentile(distances[np.isfinite(distances)], 67)) plotd.set_label(r'67\%% within \SI{%.1f}{\degree}' % sigma) # plotd.set_title('Distance between reconstructed angles for station and cluster') plotd.set_xlabel('Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(min=0, max=90) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('angle_between_501_spa_minn%d' % minn)
def make_map(country=None, cluster=None, subcluster=None, station=None, stations=None, label='map', detectors=False, weather=False, knmi=False): get_locations = (get_detector_locations if detectors else get_station_locations) if (country is None and cluster is None and subcluster is None and station is None and stations is None): latitudes, longitudes = ([], []) else: latitudes, longitudes = get_locations(country, cluster, subcluster, station, stations) if weather: weather_latitudes, weather_longitudes = get_weather_locations() else: weather_latitudes, weather_longitudes = ([], []) if knmi: knmi_latitudes, knmi_longitudes = get_knmi_locations() else: knmi_latitudes, knmi_longitudes = ([], []) bounds = (min(latitudes + weather_latitudes + knmi_latitudes), min(longitudes + weather_longitudes + knmi_longitudes), max(latitudes + weather_latitudes + knmi_latitudes), max(longitudes + weather_longitudes + knmi_longitudes)) map = Map(bounds, margin=.1) # map.save_png('map-tiles-background.png') image = map.to_pil() map_w, map_h = image.size xmin, ymin = map.to_pixels([:2]) xmax, ymax = map.to_pixels([2:]) aspect = abs(xmax - xmin) / abs(ymax - ymin) width = 0.67 height = width / aspect plot = Plot(width=r'%.2f\linewidth' % width, height=r'%.2f\linewidth' % height) plot.draw_image(image, 0, 0, map_w, map_h) plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_xlimits(xmin, xmax) plot.set_ylimits(map_h - ymin, map_h - ymax) if knmi: x, y = map.to_pixels(array(knmi_latitudes), array(knmi_longitudes)) plot.scatter( x, map_h - y, mark='square', markstyle="mark size=0.5pt, black!50!blue, thick, opacity=0.6") x, y = map.to_pixels(array(latitudes), array(longitudes)) if detectors: mark_size = 1.5 else: mark_size = 3 plot.scatter(x, map_h - y, markstyle="mark size=%fpt, black!50!green, " "thick, opacity=0.9" % mark_size) if weather: x, y = map.to_pixels(array(weather_latitudes), array(weather_longitudes)) plot.scatter( x, map_h - y, markstyle="mark size=1.5pt, black!30!red, thick, opacity=0.9") plot.set_xlabel('Longitude [$^\circ$]') plot.set_xticks([xmin, xmax]) plot.set_xtick_labels(['%.4f' % x for x in ([1],[3])]) plot.set_ylabel('Latitude [$^\circ$]') plot.set_yticks([map_h - ymin, map_h - ymax]) plot.set_ytick_labels(['%.4f' % x for x in ([0],[2])]) # plot.set_title(label) # save plot to file plot.save_as_pdf(label.replace(' ', '-'))
cq.events_from_stations([coincidence], STATIONS)) reconstruction = cq._get_reconstruction(coincidence) core_x = reconstruction['x'] core_y = reconstruction['y'] plot = Plot() ref_extts = coincidence_events[0][1]['ext_timestamp'] distances = arange(1, 370, 1) times = (2.43 * (1 + distances / 30.)**1.55) + 20 plot.plot(distances, times, mark=None) for station_number, event in coincidence_events: station = CLUSTER.get_station(station_number) offsets = OFFSETS[station_number] t = relative_detector_arrival_times(event, ref_extts, offsets=offsets) core_distances = [] for d in station.detectors: x, y = d.get_xy_coordinates() core_distances.append(distance_between(core_x, core_y, x, y)) plot.scatter(core_distances, t, mark='*', markstyle=COLORS[station_number]) plot.set_ylabel('Relative arrival time [ns]') plot.set_xlabel('Distance from core [m]') plot.save_as_pdf('relative_arrival_times')
counts_in_years = counts / 24. / 365. plot.histogram(counts_in_years, bins, linestyle='semitransparent') # Exluding data from before 26-09-2008 start = argmax(timestamps > datetime_to_gps(date(2008, 9, 26))) counts, bins = histogram(summed_data[start:], bins=bins) counts_in_years = counts / 24. / 365. print[(i, sum(counts_in_years[i:])) for i in range(11)] plot.histogram(counts_in_years, bins) # Exluding data from before 08-03-2010 start = argmax(timestamps > datetime_to_gps(date(2010, 3, 8))) counts, bins = histogram(summed_data[start:], bins=bins) counts_in_years = counts / 24. / 365. print[(i, sum(counts_in_years[i:])) for i in range(11)] plot.histogram(counts_in_years, bins, linestyle='blue') # Exluding data from before 01-07-2011 start = argmax(timestamps > datetime_to_gps(date(2011, 7, 1))) counts, bins = histogram(summed_data[start:], bins=bins) counts_in_years = counts / 24. / 365. print[(i, sum(counts_in_years[i:])) for i in range(11)] plot.histogram(counts_in_years, bins, linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(min=-0.5, max=len(STATIONS) + .5) plot.set_ylabel('Number of years') plot.set_xlabel( 'Number of simultaneously active stations (Science Park, sans 507)') plot.save_as_pdf('n_stations_spa')
(data[sn]['counts'] < 5000)) return timestamps, extended_data if __name__ == "__main__": timestamps, eventtime = get_aligned() summed_data = eventtime.sum(axis=0) plot = Plot() counts, bins = histogram(summed_data, bins=arange(-.5, 100.5, 1)) counts_in_years = counts / 24. / 365. plot.histogram(counts_in_years, bins) # Exluding data from before 08-03-2010 start = argmax(timestamps > datetime_to_gps(date(2010, 3, 8))) counts, bins = histogram(summed_data[start:], bins=bins) counts_in_years = counts / 24. / 365. plot.histogram(counts_in_years, bins, linestyle='blue') # Exluding data from before 01-07-2011 start = argmax(timestamps > datetime_to_gps(date(2011, 7, 1))) counts, bins = histogram(summed_data[start:], bins=bins) counts_in_years = counts / 24. / 365. plot.histogram(counts_in_years, bins, linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(min=-0.5, max=100.5) plot.set_ylabel('Number of years') plot.set_xlabel('Number of simultaneously active stations') plot.save_as_pdf('n_stations_network')
def plot_active_stations(timestamps, stations, aligned_data, data, i): first_ts = [] last_ts = [] stations_with_data = [] assert aligned_data.shape[0] == len(stations) for n in range(aligned_data.shape[0]): prev_ts = 0 for ts, has_data in zip(timestamps, aligned_data[n]): if has_data: if prev_ts > 30: # Running for at least 30 hours. first_ts.append(ts) stations_with_data.append(stations[n]) break else: prev_ts += 1 else: prev_ts = 0 for station in stations_with_data: end_ts = get_station_end_timestamp(station, data) if end_ts is not None: last_ts.append(end_ts) first_ts = sorted(first_ts) last_ts = sorted(last_ts) diff_stations = array([1] * len(first_ts) + [-1] * len(last_ts)) idx = argsort(first_ts + last_ts) n_stations = diff_stations[idx].cumsum() # Get maximinum number of simultaneaously active stations per 7 days n_active_aligned = (aligned_data != 0).sum(axis=0) n_binned, t_binned, _ = binned_statistic(timestamps, n_active_aligned, npmax, bins=len(timestamps) / (7 * 24)) # Get average number of detected events per 7 days # todo; scale 2/4 detector stations summed_data = aligned_data.sum(axis=0) e_binned, t_binned, _ = binned_statistic(timestamps, summed_data, average, bins=len(timestamps) / (7 * 24)) plot = Plot(width=r'.5\textwidth') plot.plot([t / 1e9 for t in sorted(first_ts + last_ts)], n_stations, linestyle='gray, thick', mark=None, use_steps=True) plot.histogram(n_binned, t_binned / 1e9, linestyle='thick') plot.histogram(e_binned * max(n_binned) / max(e_binned), t_binned / 1e9, linestyle='blue') plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') plot.set_ylabel('Number of stations') plot.set_xlabel('Date') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xticks([datetime_to_gps(date(y, 1, 1)) / 1e9 for y in YEARS[::3]]) plot.set_xtick_labels(['%d' % y for y in YEARS[::3]]) plot.save_as_pdf('active_stations_%s' % ['network', 'spa'][i])
def analyse_reconstructions(path): seed = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)) cq = CoincidenceQuery(path) c_ids = cq.coincidences.get_where_list('N >= 3') if not len(cq.reconstructions) or not len(c_ids): cq.finish() return c_recs = cq.reconstructions.read_coordinates(c_ids) # Angles zen_out = c_recs['zenith'] azi_out = c_recs['azimuth'] zen_in = c_recs['reference_zenith'] azi_in = c_recs['reference_azimuth'] # Cores x_out = c_recs['x'] y_out = c_recs['y'] x_in = c_recs['reference_x'] y_in = c_recs['reference_y'] # Size size_out = c_recs['size'] energy_out = c_recs['energy'] size_in = c_recs['reference_size'] energy_in = c_recs['reference_energy'] energy = np.log10(energy_in[0]) zenith = np.degrees(zen_in[0]) label = r'$E=10^{%d}$eV, $\theta={%.1f}^{\circ}$' % (energy, zenith) # Azimuth bins = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 21) acounts_out, bins = np.histogram(azi_out, bins) acounts_in, bins = np.histogram(azi_in, bins) plota = Plot() plota.histogram(acounts_out, bins) plota.histogram(acounts_in, bins, linestyle='red') plota.set_xlabel(r'$\phi$ [\si{\radian}]') plota.set_xlimits(-np.pi, np.pi) plota.set_ylabel(r'Counts') plota.set_ylimits(min=0) plota.save_as_pdf('plots/azimuth_in_out_%s' % seed) # Zenith bins = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 21) zcounts_out, bins = np.histogram(zen_out, bins) zcounts_in, bins = np.histogram(zen_in, bins) plotz = Plot() plotz.histogram(zcounts_out, bins) plotz.histogram(zcounts_in, bins, linestyle='red') plotz.set_xlabel(r'$\theta$ [\si{\radian}]') plotz.set_xlimits(0, np.pi / 2) plotz.set_ylabel(r'Counts') plotz.set_ylimits(min=0) plotz.save_as_pdf('plots/zenith_in_out_%s' % seed) # Angle between angle_distances = angle_between(zen_out, azi_out, zen_in, azi_in) if len(np.isfinite(angle_distances)): bins = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 2, 91) counts, bins = np.histogram(angle_distances, bins=bins) plotd = Plot() plotd.histogram(counts, np.degrees(bins)) sigma = np.percentile(angle_distances[np.isfinite(angle_distances)], 67) plotd.set_label(label + r', 67\%% within \SI{%.1f}{\degree}' % np.degrees(sigma)) plotd.set_xlabel(r'Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(np.degrees(bins[0]), np.degrees(bins[-1])) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('plots/angle_between_in_out_%s' % seed) # Distance beween filter = size_out != 1e6 core_distances = np.sqrt( (x_out.compress(filter) - x_in.compress(filter))**2 + (y_out.compress(filter) - y_in.compress(filter))**2) if len(np.isfinite(core_distances)): bins = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100) counts, bins = np.histogram(core_distances, bins=bins) plotc = Plot() plotc.histogram(counts, bins) sigma = np.percentile(core_distances[np.isfinite(core_distances)], 67) # energy = np.log10(energy_in[0]) zenith = np.degrees(zen_in[0]) # plotc.set_label(r'$E=10^{%d}$eV, $\theta={%.1f}^{\circ}$, 67\%% ' 'within \SI{%.1f}{\meter}' % (energy, zenith, sigma)) plotc.set_xlabel(r'Distance between cores [\si{\meter}]') plotc.set_ylabel('Counts') plotc.set_xlimits(bins[0], bins[-1]) plotc.set_ylimits(min=0) plotc.save_as_pdf('plots/core_distance_between_in_out_%s' % seed) # Core positions filter = size_out != 1e6 plotc = Plot() for x0, x1, y0, y1 in zip(x_out, x_in, y_out, y_in): plotc.plot([x0, x1], [y0, y1]) plotc.set_xlabel(r'x [\si{\meter}]') plotc.set_ylabel(r'y [\si{\meter}]') plotc.set_xlimits(bins[0], bins[-1]) plotc.set_ylimits(min=0) plotc.save_as_pdf('plots/core_positions_in_out_%s' % seed) # Shower size relative_size = size_out.compress(filter) / size_in.compress(filter) counts, bins = np.histogram(relative_size, bins=np.logspace(-2, 2, 21)) plots = Plot('semilogx') plots.histogram(counts, bins) plots.set_xlabel('Relative size') plots.set_ylabel('Counts') plots.set_xlimits(bins[0], bins[-1]) plots.set_ylimits(min=0) plots.save_as_pdf('plots/size_in_out_%s' % seed) # Cleanup cq.finish()
def determine_station_timing_offsets(d, data): # First determine detector offsets for each station offsets = {} for s in [501, 510]: station_group = data.get_node('/hisparc/cluster_amsterdam/station_%d' % s) offsets[s] = determine_detector_timing_offsets2( ref_station = 501 ref_d_off = offsets[ref_station] station = 510 cq = CoincidenceQuery(data, '/coincidences') dt = [] d_off = offsets[station] stations = [ref_station, station] coincidences = cq.all(stations) c_events = cq.events_from_stations(coincidences, stations) for events in c_events: # Filter for possibility of same station twice in coincidence if len(events) is not 2: continue if events[0][0] == ref_station: ref_event = events[0][1] event = events[1][1] else: ref_event = events[1][1] event = events[0][1] try: ref_t = min([ref_event['t%d' % (i + 1)] - ref_d_off[i] for i in range(4) if ref_event['t%d' % (i + 1)] not in ERR]) t = min([event['t%d' % (i + 1)] - d_off[i] for i in range(4) if event['t%d' % (i + 1)] not in ERR]) except ValueError: continue if (ref_event['t_trigger'] in ERR or event['t_trigger'] in ERR): continue dt.append((int(event['ext_timestamp']) - int(ref_event['ext_timestamp'])) - (event['t_trigger'] - ref_event['t_trigger']) + (t - ref_t)) bins = linspace(-150, 150, 200) y, bins = histogram(dt, bins=bins) x = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(gauss, x, y, p0=(len(dt), 0., 50)) station_offset = popt[1] except RuntimeError: station_offset = 0. offsets[station] = [detector_offset + station_offset for detector_offset in offsets[station]] print 'Station 501 - 510: %f (%f)' % (popt[1], popt[2]) graph = Plot() graph.histogram(y, bins) graph.set_title('Time difference, between station 501-510') graph.set_label('%s' % d.replace('_', ' ')) graph.set_xlimits(-150, 150) graph.set_ylimits(min=0) graph.set_xlabel('$\Delta t$') graph.set_ylabel('Counts') graph.save_as_pdf('%s' % d)
def plot_pulseintegrals(): station_number = 501 in_bins = linspace(1, 15000, 200) ph_bins = linspace(10, 1500, 200) az_bins = linspace(-pi, pi, 40) ze_bins = linspace(0, pi / 2., 50) min_n = 1.5 max_zenith = radians(45) with tables.open_file(STATION_PATH, 'r') as data: sn = data.get_node('/s%d' % station_number) n_filter = set( '(n1 >= min_n) & (n2 >= min_n) & (n4 >= min_n)')) z_filter = set( sn.reconstructions.get_where_list( '(zenith < max_zenith) & d1 & d2 & d4')) filter = list(n_filter & z_filter) integrals ='integrals')[filter] pulseheights ='pulseheights')[filter] azimuths = sn.reconstructions.col('azimuth')[filter] zeniths = sn.reconstructions.col('zenith')[filter] plot = Plot() counts, az_bins = histogram(azimuths, bins=az_bins) plot.histogram(counts, az_bins) # Smoothed version of azimuth histogram to counter discreteness at low zenith. smoothing = normal(scale=radians(8), size=len(azimuths)) counts, az_bins = histogram(norm_angle(azimuths + smoothing), bins=az_bins) plot.histogram(counts, az_bins, linestyle='gray') plot.draw_horizontal_line(mean(counts), linestyle='red') plot.draw_horizontal_line(mean(counts) + sqrt(mean(counts)), linestyle='dashed, red') plot.draw_horizontal_line(mean(counts) - sqrt(mean(counts)), linestyle='dashed, red') plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(-pi, pi) plot.save_as_pdf('azimuth') plot = Plot() counts, ze_bins = histogram(zeniths, bins=ze_bins) plot.histogram(counts, ze_bins) plot.set_ylimits(min=0) plot.set_xlimits(0, pi / 2) plot.save_as_pdf('zeniths') for i in range(4): plot = Plot('semilogy') counts, in_bins = histogram(integrals[:, i], bins=in_bins) plot.histogram(counts, in_bins) counts, in_bins = histogram(integrals[:, i] * cos(zeniths), bins=in_bins) plot.histogram(counts, in_bins, linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(min=1) plot.save_as_pdf('integrals_%d' % i) plot = Plot('semilogy') counts, ph_bins = histogram(pulseheights[:, i], bins=ph_bins) plot.histogram(counts, ph_bins) counts, ph_bins = histogram(pulseheights[:, i] * cos(zeniths), bins=ph_bins) plot.histogram(counts, ph_bins, linestyle='red') plot.set_ylimits(min=1) plot.save_as_pdf('pulseheights_%d' % i)
def plot_size_energy(): cq = CorsikaQuery(OVERVIEW) p = 'proton' plot = Plot(axis='semilogy') for z in cq.available_parameters('zenith', particle=p): zen_plot = Plot(axis='semilogy') shade = 'black!%f' % (100 - z) energies = sorted(cq.available_parameters('energy', particle=p, zenith=z)) sizes_m = [] sizes_e = [] sizes_l = [] energies_m = [] energies_e = [] energies_l = [] for e in energies: selection = cq.simulations(zenith=z, energy=e, particle=p) if median(selection['n_muon']): sizes_m.append(median(selection['n_muon'])) energies_m.append(e) if median(selection['n_electron']): sizes_e.append(median(selection['n_electron'])) energies_e.append(e) if median(selection['n_muon'] + selection['n_electron']): sizes_l.append(median(selection['n_muon'] + selection['n_electron'])) energies_l.append(e) # Plot data points zen_plot.scatter(energies_m, sizes_m, mark='+') zen_plot.scatter(energies_e, sizes_e, mark='x') zen_plot.scatter(energies_l, sizes_l, mark='square') plot.scatter(energies_l, sizes_l, mark='square', markstyle=shade) # Fit initial = (10.2, 1.) popt_m, pcov_m = curve_fit(f, energies_m, log10(sizes_m), p0=initial) popt_e, pcov_e = curve_fit(f, energies_e, log10(sizes_e), p0=initial) popt, pcov = curve_fit(f, energies_l, log10(sizes_l), p0=initial) # Plot fits fit_energies = arange(10, 20, 0.25) sizes = [10 ** f(e, *popt_m) for e in fit_energies] zen_plot.plot(fit_energies, sizes, mark=None, linestyle='red') sizes = [10 ** f(e, *popt_e) for e in fit_energies] zen_plot.plot(fit_energies, sizes, mark=None, linestyle='blue') sizes = [10 ** f(e, *popt) for e in fit_energies] zen_plot.plot(fit_energies, sizes, mark=None) plot.plot(fit_energies, sizes, mark=None, linestyle=shade) zen_plot.set_ylimits(1, 1e9) zen_plot.set_xlimits(10.5, 18.5) zen_plot.set_ylabel(r'Shower size [number of leptons]') zen_plot.set_xlabel(r'Shower energy [log10(E/eV)]') zen_plot.save_as_pdf('shower_size_v_energy_%.1f.pdf' % z) plot.set_ylimits(1, 1e9) plot.set_xlimits(10.5, 18.5) plot.set_ylabel(r'Shower size [number of leptons]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Shower energy [log10(E/eV)]') plot.save_as_pdf('shower_size_v_energy') cq.finish()
def combine_delta_data(): delta_data = genfromtxt('data/time_delta.tsv', delimiter='\t', dtype=None, names=['ext_timestamp', 'time_delta']) delta_data = {ets: td for ets, td in delta_data} tm = [] ts = [] td = [] te = [] with tables.open_file('data/data.h5', 'r') as data: for row in ets = row['ext_timestamp'] try: dt = delta_data[ets] except KeyError: continue tm.append(row['t1']) ts.append(row['t3']) td.append(dt) te.append(ets) tm = array(tm) ts = array(ts) td = array(td) te = array(te) filter = (tm >= 0) & (ts >= 0) tm = tm.compress(filter) ts = ts.compress(filter) td = td.compress(filter) te = te.compress(filter) bins = arange(-10.25, 10.26, .5) mplot = MultiPlot(3, 2, width=r'.4\linewidth', height=r'.3\linewidth') mplot.show_xticklabels_for_all([(2, 0), (2, 1)]) mplot.show_yticklabels_for_all([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0)]) mplot.set_xlimits_for_all(min=-11, max=11) mplot.set_ylimits_for_all(min=0, max=1500) mplot.set_ylabel('Counts') mplot.set_xlabel(r'Time difference [\si{\nano\second}]') plot = mplot.get_subplot_at(0, 0) counts, bins = histogram(tm - ts, bins=bins) popt = fit_timing_offset(counts / 3., bins) plot.set_label(r'$t_{M} - t_{S}$, $%.1f\pm%.1f$\si{\nano\second}, scaled' % (popt[1], popt[2])) plot.histogram(counts / 3., bins) plot.plot(bins, gauss(bins, *popt), mark=None, linestyle='gray') plot = mplot.get_subplot_at(1, 0) plot.set_label(r'$t_{\delta}$') plot.histogram(*histogram(td, bins=bins)) plot = mplot.get_subplot_at(2, 0) counts, bins = histogram(tm - (ts + td), bins=bins) popt = fit_timing_offset(counts, bins) plot.set_label( r'$t_{M} - (t_{S} + t_{\delta})$, $%.1f\pm%.1f$\si{\nano\second}' % (popt[1], popt[2])) plot.histogram(counts, bins) plot.plot(bins, gauss(bins, *popt), mark=None, linestyle='gray') plot = mplot.get_subplot_at(0, 1) plot.set_label(r'$t_{\delta}$ where $t_{M} - t_{S} == -5$') plot.draw_vertical_line(-5, linestyle='gray') plot.histogram(*histogram(td.compress(tm - ts == -5), bins=bins)) plot = mplot.get_subplot_at(1, 1) plot.set_label(r'$t_{\delta}$ where $t_{M} - t_{S} == -2.5$') plot.draw_vertical_line(-2.5, linestyle='gray') plot.histogram(*histogram(td.compress(tm - ts == -2.5), bins=bins)) plot = mplot.get_subplot_at(2, 1) plot.set_label(r'$t_{\delta}$ where $t_{M} - t_{S} == 0$') plot.draw_vertical_line(0, linestyle='gray') plot.histogram(*histogram(td.compress(tm - ts == 0), bins=bins)) mplot.save_as_pdf('dt_time_delta') plot = Plot() counts, xbins, ybins = histogram2d(tm - ts, td, bins=bins) plot.histogram2d(counts, xbins, ybins, bitmap=True, type='reverse_bw') plot.set_xlabel(r'$t_{M} - t_{S}$ [\si{\nano\second}]') plot.set_ylabel(r'$t_{\delta}$ [\si{\nano\second}]') plot.save_as_pdf('dt_vs_time_delta')
CLUSTER = HiSPARCStations(SPA_STAT) DATA_PATH = '/Users/arne/Datastore/station_offsets/' def get_station_dt(data, station): table = data.get_node('/s%d' % station) return table if __name__ == '__main__': t_start = datetime_to_gps(datetime(2010, 1, 1)) t_end = datetime_to_gps(datetime(2015, 4, 1)) for i, station in enumerate(STATIONS, 1): with tables.open_file(DATA_PATH + 'dt_ref501_%d.h5' % station, 'r') as data: distance, _, _ = CLUSTER.calc_rphiz_for_stations(i, 0) max_dt = max(distance / .3, 100) * 1.5 table = get_station_dt(data, station) graph = Plot() counts, x, y = histogram2d(table.col('timestamp'), table.col('delta'), bins=(arange(t_start, t_end, XWEEK), linspace(-max_dt, max_dt, 150))) graph.histogram2d(counts, x, y, bitmap=True, type='color') graph.set_ylabel('$\Delta t$ [ns]') graph.set_xlabel('Timestamp [s]') graph.set_xlimits(t_start, t_end) graph.set_ylimits(-max_dt, max_dt) graph.save_as_pdf('plots/2d_distribution/dt_%d_xweek' % station)
def display_coincidences(cluster, coincidence_events, coincidence, reconstruction, map): offsets = { s.number: [d.offset + s.gps_offset for d in s.detectors] for s in cluster.stations } ts0 = coincidence_events[0][1]['ext_timestamp'] latitudes = [] longitudes = [] t = [] p = [] for station_number, event in coincidence_events: station = cluster.get_station(station_number) for detector in station.detectors: latitude, longitude, _ = detector.get_lla_coordinates() latitudes.append(latitude) longitudes.append(longitude) t.extend( event_utils.relative_detector_arrival_times( event, ts0, DETECTOR_IDS, offsets=offsets[station_number])) p.extend(event_utils.detector_densities(event, DETECTOR_IDS)) image = map.to_pil() map_w, map_h = image.size aspect = float(map_w) / float(map_h) width = 0.67 height = width / aspect plot = Plot(width=r'%.2f\linewidth' % width, height=r'%.2f\linewidth' % height) plot.draw_image(image, 0, 0, map_w, map_h) x, y = map.to_pixels(np.array(latitudes), np.array(longitudes)) mint = np.nanmin(t) xx = [] yy = [] tt = [] pp = [] for xv, yv, tv, pv in zip(x, y, t, p): if np.isnan(tv) or np.isnan(pv): plot.scatter([xv], [map_h - yv], mark='diamond') else: xx.append(xv) yy.append(map_h - yv) tt.append(tv - mint) pp.append(pv) plot.scatter_table(xx, yy, tt, pp) transform = geographic.FromWGS84ToENUTransformation(cluster.lla) # Plot reconstructed core dx = np.cos(reconstruction['azimuth']) dy = np.sin(reconstruction['azimuth']) direction_length = reconstruction['zenith'] * 300 core_x = reconstruction['x'] core_y = reconstruction['y'] core_lat, core_lon, _ = transform.enu_to_lla((core_x, core_y, 0)) core_x, core_y = map.to_pixels(core_lat, core_lon) plot.scatter([core_x], [image.size[1] - core_y], mark='10-pointed star', markstyle='red') plot.plot([core_x, core_x + direction_length * dx], [ image.size[1] - core_y, image.size[1] - (core_y - direction_length * dy) ], mark=None) # Plot simulated core dx = np.cos(reconstruction['reference_azimuth']) dy = np.sin(reconstruction['reference_azimuth']) direction_length = reconstruction['reference_zenith'] * 300 core_x = reconstruction['reference_x'] core_y = reconstruction['reference_y'] core_lat, core_lon, _ = transform.enu_to_lla((core_x, core_y, 0)) core_x, core_y = map.to_pixels(core_lat, core_lon) plot.scatter([core_x], [image.size[1] - core_y], mark='asterisk', markstyle='orange') plot.plot([core_x, core_x + direction_length * dx], [ image.size[1] - core_y, image.size[1] - (core_y - direction_length * dy) ], mark=None) plot.set_scalebar(location="lower left") plot.set_slimits(min=1, max=30) plot.set_colorbar('$\Delta$t [\si{n\second}]') plot.set_axis_equal() plot.set_colormap('viridis') nw = num2deg(map.xmin, map.ymin, map.z) se = num2deg(map.xmin + map_w / TILE_SIZE, map.ymin + map_h / TILE_SIZE, map.z) x0, y0, _ = transform.lla_to_enu((nw[0], nw[1], 0)) x1, y1, _ = transform.lla_to_enu((se[0], se[1], 0)) plot.set_xlabel('x [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_xticks([0, map_w]) plot.set_xtick_labels([int(x0), int(x1)]) plot.set_ylabel('y [\si{\meter}]') plot.set_yticks([0, map_h]) plot.set_ytick_labels([int(y1), int(y0)]) plot.save_as_pdf('map/event_display_%d' % coincidence['id'])
popt, pcov = curve_fit(gauss, x, y, p0=(len(offsets), 0., 2.5)) return x, y, popt def plot_fit(x, y, popt, graph): graph.plot(x - BIN_WIDTH / 2, y, mark=None, use_steps=True) fit_x = arange(min(x), max(x), 0.1) graph.plot(fit_x, gauss(fit_x, *popt), mark=None, linestyle='gray') if __name__ == '__main__': dates = [(2013, 3, 19), (2013, 10, 28), (2014, 1, 1), (2014, 1, 2), (2014, 1, 3), (2014, 1, 4), (2014, 1, 10), (2014, 1, 20), (2014, 1, 30)] files = [date(y, m, d) for y, m, d in dates] for f in files: path = DATA_PATH + f.strftime('%Y/%-m/%Y_%-m_%-d.h5') with tables.open_file(path, 'r') as data: offsets = determine_offsets(data) graph = Plot() x, y, popt = fit_offsets(offsets) plot_fit(x, y, popt, graph) graph.set_label('$\mu$: %.2f, $\sigma$: %.2f' % (popt[1], popt[2])) graph.set_ylabel('Occurrence') graph.set_xlabel('$\Delta t$ [ns]') graph.set_ylimits(min=0) graph.save_as_pdf('detector_offset_distribution_' + f.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
def plot_angles(data): """Make azimuth and zenith plots to compare the results""" rec501 = data.get_node('/hisparc/cluster_amsterdam/station_501', 'reconstructions') rec510 = data.get_node('/hisparc/cluster_amsterdam/station_510', 'reconstructions') zen501 = rec501.col('zenith') zen510 = rec510.col('zenith') azi501 = rec501.col('azimuth') azi510 = rec510.col('azimuth') minn501 = rec501.col('min_n') minn510 = rec510.col('min_n') sigmas = [] blas = [] minns = [0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24] high_zenith = (zen501 > .2) & (zen510 > .2) for minn in minns: filter = (minn501 > minn) & (minn510 > minn) length = len(azi501.compress(high_zenith & filter)) shifts501 = np.random.normal(0, .06, length) shifts510 = np.random.normal(0, .06, length) azicounts, x, y = np.histogram2d( azi501.compress(high_zenith & filter) + shifts501, azi510.compress(high_zenith & filter) + shifts510, bins=np.linspace(-pi, pi, 73)) plota = Plot() plota.histogram2d(azicounts, degrees(x), degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plota.set_title('Reconstructed azimuths for events in coincidence (zenith gt .2 rad)') plota.set_xlabel(r'$\phi_{501}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_{510}$ [\si{\degree}]') plota.set_xticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.set_yticks([-180, -90, 0, 90, 180]) plota.save_as_pdf('azimuth_501_510_minn%d' % minn) length = len(zen501.compress(filter)) shifts501 = np.random.normal(0, .04, length) shifts510 = np.random.normal(0, .04, length) zencounts, x, y = np.histogram2d(zen501.compress(filter) + shifts501, zen510.compress(filter) + shifts510, bins=np.linspace(0, pi / 3., 41)) plotz = Plot() plotz.histogram2d(zencounts, degrees(x), degrees(y), type='reverse_bw', bitmap=True) # plotz.set_title('Reconstructed zeniths for station events in coincidence') plotz.set_xlabel(r'$\theta_{501}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_ylabel(r'$\theta_{510}$ [\si{\degree}]') plotz.set_xticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.set_yticks([0, 15, 30, 45, 60]) plotz.save_as_pdf('zenith_501_510_minn%d' % minn) distances = angle_between(zen501.compress(filter), azi501.compress(filter), zen510.compress(filter), azi510.compress(filter)) counts, bins = np.histogram(distances, bins=linspace(0, pi, 100)) plotd = Plot() plotd.histogram(counts, degrees(bins)) sigma = degrees(percentile(distances[isfinite(distances)], 68)) sigmas.append(sigma) bla = degrees(percentile(distances[isfinite(distances)], 95)) blas.append(bla) plotd.set_label(r'67\%% within \SI{%.1f}{\degree}' % sigma) # plotd.set_title('Distance between reconstructed angles for station events') plotd.set_xlabel(r'Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plotd.set_ylabel('Counts') plotd.set_xlimits(min=0, max=90) plotd.set_ylimits(min=0) plotd.save_as_pdf('angle_between_501_510_minn%d' % minn) plot = Plot() plot.plot(minns, sigmas, mark='*') plot.plot(minns, blas) plot.set_ylimits(min=0, max=40) plot.set_xlabel('Minimum number of particles in each station') plot.set_ylabel(r'Angle between reconstructions [\si{\degree}]') plot.save_as_pdf('angle_between_501_510_v_minn')
def plot_traces(traces1, traces2, overlap=0, label=''): """Plot traces :param traces: list of lists of trace values. :param label: name (suffix) for the output pdf. """ colors1 = ['black', 'red', 'black!40!green', 'blue'] colors2 = ['gray', 'black!40!red', 'black!60!green', 'black!40!blue'] plot = Plot(width=r'1.\textwidth', height=r'.3\textwidth') times1 = arange(0, len(traces1[0]) * 2.5, 2.5) times2 = arange((len(traces1[0]) - overlap) * 2.5, (len(traces1[0]) + len(traces2[0]) - overlap) * 2.5, 2.5) for i, trace in enumerate(traces1): plot.plot(times1, array(trace) + i * 20, linestyle='%s, ultra thin' % colors1[i], mark=None) plot.draw_vertical_line(1000, 'gray, very thin') plot.draw_vertical_line(2500, 'gray, very thin') plot.draw_vertical_line(6000, 'pink, dashed, very thin') plot.add_pin_at_xy(0, 450, r'\tiny{pre-trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(1000, 450, r'\tiny{trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(2500, 450, r'\tiny{post-trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(6000, 450, r'\tiny{end of first event}', location='left', use_arrow=True) for i, trace in enumerate(traces2): plot.plot(times2, array(trace) + i * 20, linestyle='%s, ultra thin' % colors2[i], mark=None) plot.draw_vertical_line(6000 - (overlap * 2.5), 'pink, very thin') plot.draw_vertical_line(7000 - (overlap * 2.5), 'gray, very thin') plot.draw_vertical_line(8500 - (overlap * 2.5), 'gray, very thin') plot.add_pin_at_xy(6000 - (overlap * 2.5), 400, r'\tiny{pre-trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(7000 - (overlap * 2.5), 400, r'\tiny{trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.add_pin_at_xy(8500 - (overlap * 2.5), 400, r'\tiny{post-trigger}', location='right', use_arrow=False) plot.set_ylabel(r'Signal strength [ADCcounts]') plot.set_xlabel(r'Event time [\si{\ns}]') plot.set_ylimits(0, 500) plot.set_xlimits(0, times2[-1]) plot.set_axis_options('line join=round') plot.save_as_pdf('trace_' + label)