Exemple #1
  def __init__(self, user):
    # Touch files
    open(cookieFilename, "a").close()
    open(courseFilename, "a").close()

    # Init data
    self.loggedIn = False
    self.asciiout = ASCIIOutput(80)
    self.user = user 
    self.courses = {}
    self.cache = self.loadCache()
    self.cookies = self.initCookies()    
Exemple #2
class StudICLI:
  """ StudICLI, a simple command line client class for Stud.IP as in use at the university
    of Passau """

  def __init__(self, user):
    # Touch files
    open(cookieFilename, "a").close()
    open(courseFilename, "a").close()

    # Init data
    self.loggedIn = False
    self.asciiout = ASCIIOutput(80)
    self.user = user 
    self.courses = {}
    self.cache = self.loadCache()
    self.cookies = self.initCookies()    

  def initCookies(self):
    """ Stud.IP requires cookies for session-handling.
      Cookies are stored in a file to limit login requests"""
    cookieFile = open(cookieFilename, "r+")
    cookies = LWPCookieJar(cookieFile.name)

    if len(cookieFile.read()) > 0:
      cookies.load(cookieFile.name, ignore_discard=True)
    return cookies
  def loadCache(self):
    # Courses are temporarily stored to limit requests
    courseFile = open(courseFilename, "rb+")

    if len(courseFile.read()) > 0:
      data = pickle.load(courseFile)
      # The cache is per-user
      if self.user != data["user"]:
        # Invalidate cached cookies
        open(cookieFilename, "w").close()
        data["courses"] = {}
        self.courses = data["courses"]
      return data
    return {"courses":{}, "user":""}

  def loadCourses(self):
    # Dictionary of courses.
    courses = {}
        # Rely on the cache if it contains entries, read courses from page otherwise
    storedCourses = self.cache["courses"]

    if type(storedCourses) == types.DictType and len(storedCourses) > 0:
      courses = storedCourses

    if len(courses) == 0:
      coursePage = pq(self.read("meine_seminare.php"))
      courseLinks = coursePage("td.blank").siblings("td a[href^=seminar]")

      def addCourse(id):
        """ inner function to process courses """
        courseName = courseLinks.eq(id).children("font").eq(0).text()

        if courseName != None:
          courseId = courseLinks.eq(id).attr("href").replace("seminar_main.php?auswahl=", "")
          courses[courseId] = courseName.strip()
      # Storing the username with the courses allows for invalidation (see loadCache)
      data = {"courses": courses, "user": self.user}      
      courseFile = open(courseFilename, "rb+")
      pickle.dump(data, courseFile)
      self.courses = courses

    return courses

  def req(self, url, body="", headers={}):
    """ Requests an URL, sends a body via POST and includess arbitrary header options
      This function is cookie- and redirect-aware"""
    request = Request(baseUrl+url, body, headers)
    opener = build_opener(HTTPRedirectHandler(), HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookies))
    response = opener.open(request)
    #print request.get_full_url(), request.header_items()
    #print request.get_data()
    self.cookies.extract_cookies(response, request)
    return response

  def read(self, url, body="", headers={}):
    """ read() is a shortcut to req([..]).read() to save some typing of this often used function """
    response = self.req(url, body, headers)
    return response.read()

  def login(self, user, passwd, domain):
    """ Execute an Login to Stud.IP. This requires two requests, 
      because the form includes an unique ID."""
    loginPage = pq(self.read("login.php"))

    # If there is no form element on the login page, we are already logged in
    loginTicket = loginPage("form input[name=login_ticket]").attr("value")
    loginArgs = "username="******"&password="******"&userdomain=" +domain+"&login_ticket="+loginTicket
    loginResult = self.req("index.php", body=loginArgs)
    loggedIn = True
    return True

  def isLoggedIn(self):
    """ Calls the login page to see if the session is alive """
    loginPage = pq(self.read("login.php"))
    return not bool(loginPage("form").eq(0))

  def courselist(self, indexed=True, standalone=False):
    """ List courses and display details on demand """
    self.asciiout.h1("Meine Veranstaltungen")

    """ Prints a list of courses """
    for i in range(0, len(self.courses)):
      key = self.courses.keys()[i]

      if indexed:
        print "["+str(i)+"]  "+self.courses[key]
        print self.courses[key]
    # courselist() is also utilized by other actions. the standalone flag prevents conflicts
    if standalone:
      courseId = selectId("Veranstaltungsdetails", len(self.courses))  
      coursePage = pq(self.read("seminar_main.php?auswahl="+self.courses.keys()[courseId]))
      detailPage= pq(self.read("print_seminar.php"))
      rows = detailPage("table").eq(0).find("tr")
      for i in range(1, len(rows)):
        tds = rows.eq(i).children("td")

  def timetable(self):
    """ Prints a timetable """
    self.asciiout.h1("Mein Stundenplan")
    timetablePage = pq(self.read("mein_stundenplan.php"))
    coursePlan = timetablePage("#content table table tr td.rahmen_white")
    days = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
    lineSize = [2]

    def scheduleCourse(id):
      """ inner function that adds each course to the timetable. """
      course = coursePlan.eq(id) 
      infos = course.children("table td font")
      timeNroom = infos[0].text_content()
      event = infos[1].text_content()
      teacher = infos[2].text_content()
      day = len(course.prevAll())-1
      days[day].append((timeNroom, event, teacher))


    for day in range(0, len(days)):
      """ Locale-dependent output of weekday. While it makes little sense with the
        hardcoded German strings everywhere, we avoid typing the names. """

      for course in days[day]:
        print course[1]  
        print course[0]  
        print "gelesen von: "+course[2]

  def download(self, new=False, all=False):
    """ Download files of a course"""
    courseId = 0
    if not all:
      courseId = selectId("Veranstaltung", len(self.courses) -1)
    self.asciiout.h1("Dateien herunterladen")
    idRange = range(0, len(self.courses)) if all else [courseId]

    for id in idRange:  
      filePage = pq(self.read("seminar_main.php?auswahl="+self.courses.keys()[id]+"&redirect_to=plugins.php&cmd=show&id=19&view=seminarFolders"))
      keyword = ("Neue Dateien " if new else "")+"komprimiert herunterladen"
      downloadLink = filePage('a[title="'+keyword+'"]').eq(0).attr("href")
      courseName = self.courses[self.courses.keys()[id]]

      if downloadLink != None:
        print "Lade Dateien in '"+courseName+"' herunter"
        data = self.read(downloadLink.replace(baseUrl, ""))

        if len(data) > 0:
          fileName = "Downloads/"+safeName(courseName)+".zip"
          if not os.path.exists("Downloads"):
          f = open(fileName, "w+")
          self.asciiout.text("Dateien in '"+courseName+"' unter "+fileName+" gespeichert")
      self.asciiout.text("Keine Dateien in '"+courseName+"' gefunden")

  def readnews(self, all=False):
    """ Read news for a Course """

    if not all:
      courseId = selectId("Veranstaltung", len(cli.courses) -1)
    width = 70
    idRange = range(0, len(self.courses)) if all else [courseId]

    for id in idRange:  
      self.asciiout.h1("News fuer "+self.courses[self.courses.keys()[id]]+" anzeigen")
      newsPage = pq(self.read("seminar_main.php?nclose=TRUE&auswahl="+self.courses.keys()[id]))
      newsItems = newsPage("a[href*=nopen]").children("img").parent()

      def printNews(i):
        """ inner function that prints course news """
        newsId = fromQueryString(newsItems.eq(i).attr("href"), "nopen")
        newsPage = pq(self.read("seminar_main.php?nopen="+newsId))
        title, rest = newsPage("a[href*=nclose]").parent().siblings().text().split("|", 1)

  def readposts(self, all=False):
    """ Read posts from a course's messaging boards """  
    print cli.courselist()
    courseId = selectId("Veranstaltung", len(cli.courses) -1)
    self.asciiout.h1("Posts anzeigen")
    width = 70
    idRange = range(0, len(self.courses)) if all else [courseId]

    for id in idRange:  
      forumPage = pq(self.read("seminar_main.php?auswahl="+self.courses.keys()[id]+"&redirect_to=forum.php&view=reset&sort=age"))
      postsPage = pq(self.read("forum_export.php"))
      posts = postsPage("table td")

      # Iterate through the Table with steps of 2. i is the headline, i+1 the body of the post
      for i in [x for x in range(0, len(posts)-2) if x % 2 ==0]:
        # Forum headlines have h3-tags
        forum = posts.eq(i).children("h3").text()

        if forum:
          head = posts.eq(i).text()
          body = posts.eq(i+1).text()

  def readmessages(self, all=False):
    """ Read all or one message from the messaging system """
    self.asciiout.h1("Nachrichten lesen")
    messagePage = pq(self.read("sms_box.php?mclose=TRUE"))
    subjects = messagePage("td.printhead a.tree[href*=mopen]")
    messages = {}

    def messageList(id):
      subject = subjects.eq(id)
      author, date = subject.parents("td.printhead").eq(0).next().text().split(",", 1)
      messages[id] = { "hash" : fromQueryString(subject.attr("href"), "mopen"),
               "subject": subject.text(),
               "author": author.strip().replace("von ", ""),
               "date": date.strip()}

      if not all:
        print self.asciiout.trim("["+str(id)+"]  "+messages[id]["author"]+": "+subject.text())

    if not all:
      id = selectId("Nachricht", len(messages)-1)
      messages = {id: messages[id]}

    for message in messages:
      messagePage = pq(self.read("sms_box.php?mopen="+messages[message]['hash']))
      msg = messages[message]
      self.asciiout.h2(msg["author"]+": "+msg["subject"]+" ("+msg["date"]+")")

      if not all:
        respond = raw_input("Auf diese Nachricht anworten? [j/N] ")

        if respond in ["j", "J", "y", "Y"]:
  def writemessage(self, recipient="", answerTo=""):
    """ Send message to another Stud.IP user """
    self.asciiout.h1("Nachricht schicken")

    if not len(recipient):

      if len(answerTo) == 0:
        recipient = raw_input("Empfänger: ")
        subject = raw_input("Betreff: ")
        self.read("sms_send.php", body="&add_freesearch.x=5&add_freesearch.y=11&add_freesearch&freesearch[]="+recipient)
        responsePage = pq(self.read("sms_send.php?cmd=write&answer_to="+answerTo))
        subject = responsePage("form input[name=messagesubject]").attr("value") 
      body = ""
      emptyLines = 0

      print "Nachricht (Mit zwei Leerzeilen abschließen): "
      while emptyLines < 2:
        line = raw_input()
        body += line+"\n"

        if len(line):
          emptyLines = 0 
          emptyLines += 1
      body.strip() # Strip the extra lines
      args = "messagesubject="+subject+"&message="+body+"&cmd_insert.x=1&cmd_insert.y=1"

      if len(answerTo) > 0:
        args += "answerTo"+answerTo
      response = self.read("sms_send.php", body=args)

      if response.find("wurde verschickt!") != -1:
        print "Nachricht erfolgreich verschickt"
        print "Nachricht konnte nicht verschickt werden"