Exemple #1
def test_relax():
    Test that a static relaxation that requires multiple neighbor list
    rebuilds can be carried out successfully.  This is verified by relaxing
    an icosahedral cluster of atoms and checking that the relaxed energy
    matches a known precomputed value for an example model.
    import numpy as np
    from ase.cluster import Icosahedron
    from pytest import importorskip
    from ase.calculators.kim import KIM
    from ase.optimize import BFGS

    energy_ref = -0.5420939378624228  # eV

    # Create structure and calculator
    atoms = Icosahedron("Ar", latticeconstant=3.0, noshells=2)
    calc = KIM("ex_model_Ar_P_Morse_07C")

    opt = BFGS(atoms, logfile=None)

    assert np.isclose(atoms.get_potential_energy(), energy_ref)
Exemple #2
def test_utilities():
    import numpy as np

    from ase.cluster import Icosahedron
    from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
    from ase.optimize.fire import FIRE
    from ase.lattice.compounds import L1_2

    from ase.ga.utilities import get_rdf

    eps = 1e-5

    atoms = Icosahedron('Cu', 3)
    atoms.numbers[[0, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30]] = 79
    opt = FIRE(atoms, logfile=None)

    rmax = 8.
    nbins = 5
    rdf, dists = get_rdf(atoms, rmax, nbins)
    calc_dists = np.arange(rmax / (2 * nbins), rmax, rmax / nbins)
    assert all(abs(dists - calc_dists) < eps)
    calc_rdf = [0., 0.84408157, 0.398689, 0.23748934, 0.15398546]
    assert all(abs(rdf - calc_rdf) < eps)

    dm = atoms.get_all_distances()
    s = np.zeros(5)
    for c in [(29, 29), (29, 79), (79, 29), (79, 79)]:
        inv_norm = len(np.where(atoms.numbers == c[0])[0]) / len(atoms)
        s += get_rdf(
            atoms, rmax, nbins, elements=c, distance_matrix=dm,
            no_dists=True) * inv_norm
    assert all(abs(s - calc_rdf) < eps)

    AuAu = get_rdf(atoms,
                   elements=(79, 79),
    assert all(abs(AuAu[-2:] - [0.12126445, 0.]) < eps)

    bulk = L1_2(['Au', 'Cu'], size=(3, 3, 3), latticeconstant=2 * np.sqrt(2))
    rdf = get_rdf(bulk, 4.2, 5)[0]
    calc_rdf = [0., 0., 1.43905094, 0.36948605, 1.34468694]
    assert all(abs(rdf - calc_rdf) < eps)
Exemple #3
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np

from ase.cluster import Icosahedron
from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
from ase.optimize.fire import FIRE
from ase.lattice.compounds import L1_2

from ase.ga.utilities import get_rdf

eps = 1e-5

atoms = Icosahedron('Cu', 3)
atoms.numbers[[0, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30]] = 79
opt = FIRE(atoms, logfile=None)

rmax = 8.
nbins = 5
rdf, dists = get_rdf(atoms, rmax, nbins)
calc_dists = np.arange(rmax / (2 * nbins), rmax, rmax / nbins)
assert all(abs(dists - calc_dists) < eps)
calc_rdf = [0., 0.84408157, 0.398689, 0.23748934, 0.15398546]
assert all(abs(rdf - calc_rdf) < eps)

dm = atoms.get_all_distances()
s = np.zeros(5)
for c in [(29, 29), (29, 79), (79, 29), (79, 79)]:
    inv_norm = len(np.where(atoms.numbers == c[0])[0]) / len(atoms)
    s += get_rdf(
Exemple #4
Test that a static relaxation that requires multiple neighbor list
rebuilds can be carried out successfully.  This is verified by relaxing
an icosahedral cluster of atoms and checking that the relaxed energy
matches a known precomputed value for an example model.
import numpy as np
from ase.cluster import Icosahedron
from ase.calculators.kim import KIM
from ase.optimize import BFGS

energy_ref = -0.5420939378624228  # eV

# Create structure and calculator
atoms = Icosahedron("Ar", latticeconstant=3.0, noshells=2)
calc = KIM("ex_model_Ar_P_Morse_07C")

opt = BFGS(atoms, logfile=None)

assert np.isclose(atoms.get_potential_energy(), energy_ref)
Exemple #5
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np

from ase.cluster import Icosahedron
from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
from ase.optimize.fire import FIRE
from ase.lattice.compounds import L1_2

from ase.ga.utilities import get_rdf

eps = 1e-5

atoms = Icosahedron('Cu', 3)
atoms.numbers[[0, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30]] = 79
opt = FIRE(atoms, logfile=None)

rmax = 8.
nbins = 5
rdf, dists = get_rdf(atoms, rmax, nbins)
calc_dists = np.arange(rmax / (2 * nbins), rmax, rmax / nbins)
assert all(abs(dists - calc_dists) < eps)
calc_rdf = [0., 0.84408157, 0.398689, 0.23748934, 0.15398546]
assert all(abs(rdf - calc_rdf) < eps)

dm = atoms.get_all_distances()
s = np.zeros(5)
for c in [(29, 29), (29, 79), (79, 29), (79, 79)]:
    inv_norm = len(np.where(atoms.numbers == c[0])[0]) / len(atoms)
    s += get_rdf(atoms, rmax, nbins, elements=c,