Exemple #1
def read_gaussian_out(filename, index=-1, quantity='atoms'):
    """"Interface to GaussianReader and returns various quantities"""
    energy = 0.0

    data = GR(filename)[index]

    formula = data['Chemical_formula']
    positions = np.array(data['Positions'])
    method = data['Method']
    version = data['Version']
    charge = data['Charge']
    multiplicity = data['Multiplicity']

    if method.lower()[1:] in allowed_dft_functionals:
        method = 'HF'

    atoms = Atoms(formula, positions=positions)

    for key, value in data.items():
        if (key in method):
            energy = value

        # Re-read in the log file
        f = open(filename, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()

        forces = list()
        for n, line in enumerate(lines):
            if ('Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)' in line):
                for j in range(len(atoms)):
                    forces += [[
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[2]),
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[3]),
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[4])
        convert = ase.units.Hartree / ase.units.Bohr
        forces = np.array(forces) * convert
        forces = None

    energy *= ase.units.Hartree  # Convert the energy from a.u. to eV
    calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, energy=energy, forces=forces)

    if (quantity == 'energy'):
        return energy
    elif (quantity == 'forces'):
        return forces
    elif (quantity == 'dipole'):
        return np.array(data['Dipole'])
    elif (quantity == 'atoms'):
        return atoms
    elif (quantity == 'version'):
        return version
    elif (quantity == 'multiplicity'):
        return multiplicity
    elif (quantity == 'charge'):
        return charge
Exemple #2
def read_gaussian_out(filename, index=-1, quantity='atoms'):
    """"Interface to GaussianReader and returns various quantities"""
    energy = 0.0

    data = GR(filename)[index]

    formula = data['Chemical_formula']
    positions = np.array(data['Positions'])
    method = data['Method']
    version = data['Version']

    if method.lower()[1:] in allowed_dft_functionals:
        method = 'HF'

    atoms = Atoms(formula, positions=positions)

    for key, value in data.items():
        if (key in method):
            energy = value

# Re-read in the log file
        f = open(filename, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()

        forces = list()
        charges = list()
        for n, line in enumerate(lines):
            if ('Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)' in line):
                for j in range(len(atoms)):
                    forces += [[float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[2]),
                                float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[3]),
                                float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[4])]]

            if ('Mulliken charges:' in line):
                for j in range(len(atoms)):
                    charges += [-float(lines[n+j+2].split()[2])+int(Atoms(str(lines[n+j+2].split()[1])).get_atomic_numbers())]
        convert = ase.units.Hartree / ase.units.Bohr
        forces = np.array(forces) * convert
        forces = None

    energy *= ase.units.Hartree  # Convert the energy from a.u. to eV
    calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, energy=energy, forces=forces)

    if (quantity == 'energy'):
        return energy
    elif (quantity == 'forces'):
        return forces
    elif (quantity == 'dipole'):
        return data['Dipole']
    elif (quantity == 'atoms'):
        return atoms
    elif (quantity == 'version'):
        return version
    elif (quantity == 'charges'):
        return charges
Exemple #3
def read_gaussian_out(filename, index=-1, quantity='atoms'):
    """"Interface to GaussianReader and returns various quantities"""
    energy = 0.0

    data = GR(filename)[index]
    if isinstance(data, list):
        msg = 'Cannot parse multiple images from Gaussian out files at this'
        msg += ' time.  Please select a single image.'
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    atomic_numbers = data['Atomic_numbers']
    formula = str()
    for number in atomic_numbers:
        formula += chemical_symbols[number]

    positions = np.array(data['Positions'])
    method = data['Method']
    version = data['Version']
    charge = data['Charge']
    multiplicity = data['Multiplicity']

    if method.lower()[1:] in allowed_dft_functionals:
        method = 'HF'

    atoms = Atoms(formula, positions=positions)

    for key, value in data.items():
        if (key in method):
            energy = value

        if isinstance(filename, str):
            fileobj = open(filename, 'r')
            fileobj = filename
            # Re-wind the file in case it was previously read.

        lines = fileobj.readlines()
        iforces = list()
        for n, line in enumerate(lines):
            if ('Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)' in line):
                forces = list()
                for j in range(len(atoms)):
                    forces += [[float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[2]),
                                float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[3]),
                                float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[4])]]
        convert = ase.units.Hartree / ase.units.Bohr
        forces = np.array(iforces) * convert
        forces = None

    energy *= ase.units.Hartree  # Convert the energy from a.u. to eV
    calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, energy=energy, forces=forces)

    if (quantity == 'energy'):
        return energy
    elif (quantity == 'forces'):
        return forces[index]
    elif (quantity == 'dipole'):
        return np.array(data['Dipole'])
    elif (quantity == 'atoms'):
        return atoms
    elif (quantity == 'version'):
        return version
    elif (quantity == 'multiplicity'):
        return multiplicity
    elif (quantity == 'charge'):
        return charge
Exemple #4
def read_gaussian_out(filename, index=-1, quantity='atoms'):
    """"Interface to GaussianReader and returns various quantities"""
    energy = 0.0

    data = GR(filename)[index]
    if isinstance(data, list):
        msg = 'Cannot parse multiple images from Gaussian out files at this'
        msg += ' time.  Please select a single image.'
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    atomic_numbers = data['Atomic_numbers']
    formula = str()
    for number in atomic_numbers:
        formula += chemical_symbols[number]

    positions = np.array(data['Positions'])
    method = data['Method']
    version = data['Version']
    charge = data['Charge']
    multiplicity = data['Multiplicity']

    if method.lower()[1:] in allowed_dft_functionals:
        method = 'HF'

    atoms = Atoms(formula, positions=positions)

    for key, value in data.items():
        if (key in method):
            energy = value

        if isinstance(filename, basestring):
            fileobj = open(filename, 'r')
            fileobj = filename
            # Re-wind the file in case it was previously read.

        lines = fileobj.readlines()
        iforces = list()
        for n, line in enumerate(lines):
            if ('Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)' in line):
                forces = list()
                for j in range(len(atoms)):
                    forces += [[
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[2]),
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[3]),
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[4])
        convert = ase.units.Hartree / ase.units.Bohr
        forces = np.array(iforces) * convert
        forces = None

    energy *= ase.units.Hartree  # Convert the energy from a.u. to eV
    calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, energy=energy, forces=forces)

    if (quantity == 'energy'):
        return energy
    elif (quantity == 'forces'):
        return forces[index]
    elif (quantity == 'dipole'):
        return np.array(data['Dipole'])
    elif (quantity == 'atoms'):
        return atoms
    elif (quantity == 'version'):
        return version
    elif (quantity == 'multiplicity'):
        return multiplicity
    elif (quantity == 'charge'):
        return charge
Exemple #5
def read_gaussian_out(filename, index=-1, quantity='atoms'):
    """"Interface to GaussianReader and returns various quantities"""
    energy = 0.0

    all_data = GR(filename)
    if len(all_data) == 0:
        # no archive was found, TODO use other reader methods

        if isinstance(filename, basestring):
            fileobj = open(filename, 'r')
            fileobj = filename
            # Re-wind the file in case it was previously read.

        lines = fileobj.readlines()

        #read the positions:
        positions = []
        for ind, line in enumerate(reversed(lines)):
            if re.search('Input orientation:', line) != None:
                j = 0
                while 1:
                    if '---------' in lines[-ind + 4 + j]:
                        pos = np.array(lines[-ind + 4 +
                    j += 1
        natom = len(positions)

        #read the forces
        iforces = list()
        for n, line in enumerate(lines):
            if ('Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)' in line):
                forces = list()
                for j in range(natom):
                    forces += [[
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[2]),
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[3]),
                        float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[4])
        convert = ase.units.Hartree / ase.units.Bohr
        forces = np.array(iforces) * convert

        #read the energy
        for line in reversed(lines):
            if re.search('SCF Done', line) != None:
                energy = float(line.split()[4])

        #todo: read other quantities (dipole, multiplicity, atoms, version, charge)

        if (quantity == 'energy'):
            return energy
        elif (quantity == 'positions'):
            return positions
        elif (quantity == 'forces'):
            return forces[index]
        elif (quantity == 'dipole'):
            return []
        elif (quantity == 'multiplicity'):
            return 1
        data = GR(filename)[index]
        if isinstance(data, list):
            msg = 'Cannot parse multiple images from Gaussian out files at this'
            msg += ' time.  Please select a single image.'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        atomic_numbers = data['Atomic_numbers']
        formula = str()
        for number in atomic_numbers:
            formula += chemical_symbols[number]

        positions = np.array(data['Positions'])
        method = data['Method']
        version = data['Version']
        charge = data['Charge']
        multiplicity = data['Multiplicity']

        if method.lower()[1:] in allowed_dft_functionals:
            method = 'HF'

        atoms = Atoms(formula, positions=positions)

        for key, value in data.items():
            if (key in method):
                energy = value

            if isinstance(filename, basestring):
                fileobj = open(filename, 'r')
                fileobj = filename
                # Re-wind the file in case it was previously read.

            lines = fileobj.readlines()
            iforces = list()
            for n, line in enumerate(lines):
                if ('Forces (Hartrees/Bohr)' in line):
                    forces = list()
                    for j in range(len(atoms)):
                        forces += [[
                            float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[2]),
                            float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[3]),
                            float(lines[n + j + 3].split()[4])
                if ('SCF Done' in line):
                    energy = float(line.split()[4])
            convert = ase.units.Hartree / ase.units.Bohr
            forces = np.array(iforces) * convert
            forces = None

        energy *= ase.units.Hartree  # Convert the energy from a.u. to eV
        calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, energy=energy, forces=forces)

        if (quantity == 'energy'):
            return energy
        elif (quantity == 'positions'):
            return positions
        elif (quantity == 'forces'):
            return forces[index]
        elif (quantity == 'dipole'):
            if 'Dipole' in data:
                return np.array(data['Dipole'])
                return []
        elif (quantity == 'atoms'):
            return atoms
        elif (quantity == 'version'):
            return version
        elif (quantity == 'multiplicity'):
            return multiplicity
        elif (quantity == 'charge'):
            return charge