def md(gen='poscar.gen', index=0, totstep=100): atoms = read(gen, index=index) atoms.calc = IRFF(atoms=atoms, libfile='ffield.json', rcut=None, nn=True) # dyn = BFGS(atoms) dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, 0.1 * units.fs) # 5 fs time step. def printenergy(a=atoms): """Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy""" natom = len(a) epot = a.get_potential_energy() / natom ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / natom T = ekin / (1.5 * units.kB) try: assert T <= 8000.0, 'Temperature goes too high!' except: print('Temperature goes too high, stop at step %d.' % dyn.nsteps) dyn.max_steps = dyn.nsteps - 1 # print(a.get_forces()) print('Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) ' 'Etot = %.3feV' % (epot, ekin, T, epot + ekin)) traj = Trajectory('md.traj', 'w', atoms) dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, 0.1 * units.fs) # 5 fs time step. dyn.attach(printenergy, interval=1) dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=1)
def ase_md_playground(): geom = AnaPot.get_geom((0.52, 1.80, 0), atoms=("H", )) atoms = geom.as_ase_atoms() # ase_calc = FakeASE(geom.calculator) # from ase.optimize import BFGS # dyn = BFGS(atoms) # import ase from ase import units from import Trajectory from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution from import VelocityVerlet MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300 * units.kB) momenta = atoms.get_momenta() momenta[0, 2] = 0. # Zero 3rd dimension atoms.set_momenta(momenta) dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, .005 * units.fs) # 5 fs time step. def printenergy(a): """Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy""" epot = a.get_potential_energy() / len(a) ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / len(a) print('Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) ' 'Etot = %.3feV' % (epot, ekin, ekin / (1.5 * units.kB), epot + ekin)) # Now run the dynamics printenergy(atoms) traj_fn = 'asemd.traj' traj = Trajectory(traj_fn, 'w', atoms) dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=5) # dyn.attach(bumms().bimms, interval=1) printenergy(atoms) traj.close() traj ="@:")#, "r") pos = [a.get_positions() for a in traj] from pysisyphus.constants import BOHR2ANG pos = np.array(pos) / BOHR2ANG calc = geom.calculator calc.plot() ax = ax.plot(*pos[:,0,:2].T)
def test_apply_strain(self): calc = TersoffScr(**Tersoff_PRB_39_5566_Si_C__Scr) timestep = 1.0 * units.fs atoms ='') atoms.set_calculator(calc) # constraints top = atoms.positions[:, 1].max() bottom = atoms.positions[:, 1].min() fixed_mask = ((abs(atoms.positions[:, 1] - top) < 1.0) | (abs(atoms.positions[:, 1] - bottom) < 1.0)) fix_atoms = FixAtoms(mask=fixed_mask) # strain orig_height = (atoms.positions[:, 1].max() - atoms.positions[:, 1].min()) delta_strain = timestep * 1e-5 * (1 / units.fs) rigid_constraints = False strain_atoms = ConstantStrainRate(orig_height, delta_strain) atoms.set_constraint(fix_atoms) # dynamics np.random.seed(0) simulation_temperature = 300 * units.kB MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0 * simulation_temperature) dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, timestep) def apply_strain(atoms, ConstantStrainRate, rigid_constraints): ConstantStrainRate.apply_strain(atoms, rigid_constraints) dynamics.attach(apply_strain, 1, atoms, strain_atoms, rigid_constraints) # tests if rigid_constraints == True: answer = 0 temp_answer = 238.2066417638124 else: answer = 0.013228150080099255 temp_answer = 236.76904696481486 newpos = atoms.get_positions() current_height = newpos[:, 1].max() - newpos[:, 1].min() diff_height = (current_height - orig_height) self.assertAlmostEqual(diff_height, answer) temperature = (atoms.get_kinetic_energy() / (1.5 * units.kB * len(atoms))) self.assertAlmostEqual(temperature, temp_answer)
def test_apply_strain(self): calc = TersoffScr(**Tersoff_PRB_39_5566_Si_C__Scr) timestep = 1.0*units.fs atoms ='') atoms.set_calculator(calc) # constraints top = atoms.positions[:, 1].max() bottom = atoms.positions[:, 1].min() fixed_mask = ((abs(atoms.positions[:, 1] - top) < 1.0) | (abs(atoms.positions[:, 1] - bottom) < 1.0)) fix_atoms = FixAtoms(mask=fixed_mask) # strain orig_height = (atoms.positions[:, 1].max() - atoms.positions[:, 1].min()) delta_strain = timestep*1e-5*(1/units.fs) rigid_constraints = False strain_atoms = ConstantStrainRate(orig_height, delta_strain) atoms.set_constraint(fix_atoms) # dynamics np.random.seed(0) simulation_temperature = 300*units.kB MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0*simulation_temperature) dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, timestep) def apply_strain(atoms, ConstantStrainRate, rigid_constraints): ConstantStrainRate.apply_strain(atoms, rigid_constraints) dynamics.attach(apply_strain, 1, atoms, strain_atoms, rigid_constraints) # tests if rigid_constraints == True: answer = 0 temp_answer = 238.2066417638124 else: answer = 0.013228150080099255 temp_answer = 236.76904696481486 newpos = atoms.get_positions() current_height = newpos[:, 1].max() - newpos[:, 1].min() diff_height = (current_height - orig_height) self.assertAlmostEqual(diff_height, answer) temperature = (atoms.get_kinetic_energy()/(1.5*units.kB*len(atoms))) self.assertAlmostEqual(temperature, temp_answer)
def MD(self): """Molecular Dynamic""" from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution from ase import units from import MDLogger from import PickleTrajectory from import Langevin from import VelocityVerlet dyndrivers = { 'Langevin': Langevin, 'None': VelocityVerlet, } useAsap = False mol = self.mol temperature = self.definedParams['temperature'] init_temperature = self.definedParams['init_temperature'] time_step = self.definedParams['time_step'] nstep = self.definedParams['nstep'] nprint = self.definedParams['nprint'] thermostat = self.definedParams['thermostat'] prop_file = os.path.join(self.definedParams['workdir'], self.definedParams['output_prefix'] + '.out') traj_file = os.path.join(self.definedParams['workdir'], self.definedParams['output_prefix'] + '.traj') MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(mol, init_temperature * units.kB) if thermostat == 'None': dyn = VelocityVerlet(mol, time_step * units.fs) elif thermostat == 'Langevin': dyn = Langevin(mol, time_step * units.fs, temperature * units.kB, 0.01) else: raise ImplementationError( method, 'Thermostat is not implemented in the MD function') #Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy traj = PickleTrajectory(traj_file, "a", mol) dyn.attach(MDLogger(dyn, mol, prop_file), interval=nprint) dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=nprint) traj.close()
def MD(self): """Molecular Dynamic""" from import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution from ase import units from import MDLogger from import PickleTrajectory from import Langevin from import VelocityVerlet dyndrivers = { 'Langevin': Langevin, 'None': VelocityVerlet, } useAsap = False mol = self.mol temperature = self.definedParams['temperature'] init_temperature = self.definedParams['init_temperature'] time_step = self.definedParams['time_step'] nstep = self.definedParams['nstep'] nprint = self.definedParams['nprint'] thermostat = self.definedParams['thermostat'] prop_file = os.path.join(self.definedParams['workdir'], self.definedParams['output_prefix']+'.out') traj_file = os.path.join(self.definedParams['workdir'], self.definedParams['output_prefix']+'.traj') MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(mol,init_temperature*units.kB) if thermostat == 'None': dyn = VelocityVerlet(mol, time_step*units.fs) elif thermostat == 'Langevin': dyn = Langevin(mol, time_step*units.fs, temperature*units.kB, 0.01 ) else: raise ImplementationError(method,'Thermostat is not implemented in the MD function') #Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy traj = PickleTrajectory(traj_file,"a",mol) dyn.attach(MDLogger(dyn,mol,prop_file),interval=nprint) dyn.attach(traj.write, interval = nprint) traj.close()
def run_md(): # Use Asap for a huge performance increase if it is installed use_asap = True if use_asap: from asap3 import EMT size = 10 else: from ase.calculators.emt import EMT size = 3 # Set up a crystal atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(directions=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], symbol="Cu", size=(size, size, size), pbc=True) # Describe the interatomic interactions with the Effective Medium Theory atoms.calc = EMT() # Set the momenta corresponding to T=300K MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300 * units.kB) # We want to run MD with constant energy using the VelocityVerlet algorithm. dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, 5 * units.fs) # 5 fs time step. traj = Trajectory('cu.traj', 'w', atoms) dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=10) def printenergy(a=atoms): # store a reference to atoms in the definition. epot, ekin = calcenergy(a) print('Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) ' 'Etot = %.3feV' % (epot, ekin, ekin / (1.5 * units.kB), epot + ekin)) # Now run the dynamics dyn.attach(printenergy, interval=10) printenergy()
Driver_MDRestartFrequency=5, Driver_Velocities_='', Driver_Velocities_empty='<<+ "velocities.txt"', Driver_Steps=500, Driver_KeepStationary='Yes', Driver_TimeStep=8.26, Driver_Thermostat_='Berendsen', Driver_Thermostat_Temperature=0.00339845142, # 800 deg Celcius # Driver_Thermostat_Temperature=0.0, # 0 deg Kelvin Driver_Thermostat_CouplingStrength=0.01) write_dftb_velocities(test, 'velocities.txt') os.system('rm md.log.* md.out* geo_end*xyz') test.set_calculator(calculator_NVE) dyn = VelocityVerlet(test, 0.000 * fs) # fs time step. dyn.attach(MDLogger(dyn, test, 'md.log.NVE', header=True, stress=False, peratom=False, mode='w'), interval=1) # run NVE ensemble using DFTB's own driver test = read('geo_end.gen') write('', test) read_dftb_velocities(test, filename='') write_dftb_velocities(test, 'velocities.txt') os.system('mv md.out md.out.NVE') os.system('mv') test.set_calculator(calculator_NVT) os.system('rm md.log.NVT') dyn.attach(MDLogger(dyn, test, 'md.log.NVT', header=True, stress=False, peratom=False, mode='w'), interval=1) # run NVT ensemble using DFTB's own driver
else: atoms = AtomsReader(args.input_file)[-1] atoms.set_calculator(qm_pot) if args.restart: #delete certain keys so they don't cause problem in write_xyz. del_keys = ['force','forces', 'forces0'] array_keys = atoms.arrays.keys() prop_keys = for key in del_keys: if key in array_keys: del(atoms.arrays[key]) #thermalize atoms if not args.restart: MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0*sim_T) dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, timestep) def print_context(ats=atoms, dyn=dynamics): print 'steps, T', dyn.nsteps, ats.get_kinetic_energy()/(1.5*units.kB*len(ats)) def write_slab(a=atoms): write_xyz('', a, append=True) dynamics.attach(print_context, interval=1) dynamics.attach(write_slab, interval=1)
dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, params.timestep) check_force_error = False if not params.classical: qmmm_pot.set(calc_weights=True) dynamics.state_label = 'D' else: print 'Initializing LOTF Dynamics' dynamics = LOTFDynamics(atoms, params.timestep, params.extrapolate_steps, check_force_error=check_force_error) system_timer('init_dynamics') #Function to update the QM region at the beginning of each extrapolation cycle if not check_force_error: if params.extrapolate_steps == 1: if not params.classical: dynamics.attach(update_qm_region, 1, dynamics.atoms) else: # choose appropriate update function for defects or crack. # or grainboundary. print 'Setting Update Function' if geom =='disloc': dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region) elif geom =='crack': dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region_crack) else: print 'No geometry chosen', 1/0 if check_force_error: pred_corr_logfile = open(os.path.join(params.rundir, 'pred-corr-error.txt'), 'w') dynamics.attach(log_pred_corr_errors, 1, dynamics, pred_corr_logfile)
N_c = 16 * np.round(cell_c / (0.25 * 16)) calc = GPAW(gpts=N_c, nbands=1, basis='dzp', setups={'Na': '1'}, txt=name + '_gs.txt') atoms.set_calculator(calc) atoms.get_potential_energy() calc.write(name + '_gs.gpw', mode='all') del atoms, calc time.sleep(10) while not os.path.isfile(name + '_gs.gpw'): print('Node %d waiting for file...' % world.rank) time.sleep(10) world.barrier() tdcalc = GPAW(name + '_gs.gpw', txt=name + '_td.txt') tdcalc.forces.reset() #XXX debug tdcalc.initialize_positions() atoms = tdcalc.get_atoms() traj = PickleTrajectory(name + '_td.traj', 'w', atoms) verlet = VelocityVerlet(atoms, timestep * 1e-3 * fs, logfile=paropen(name + '_td.verlet', 'w'), trajectory=traj) verlet.attach(Timing(paropen(name + '_td.log', 'w')), ndiv, atoms) traj.close()
atoms.set_calculator(qmmm_pot) #Otherwise it will recover temperature from the previous run. #Use same random seed so that initialisations are deterministic. if not args.restart: print 'Thermalizing atoms' np.random.seed(42) MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 2.0*sim_T) dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, timestep) def print_context(ats=atoms, dyn=dynamics): print 'steps, T', dyn.nsteps, ats.get_kinetic_energy()/(1.5*units.kB*len(ats)) print 'G', get_energy_release_rate(ats)/(units.J/units.m**2) print 'strain', get_strain(ats) dynamics.attach(print_context, interval=8) print 'Running Crack Simulation' print 'Crack Simulation Finished' elif args.lotf: crack_pos =['CrackPos'] r_scale = 1.00894848312 mm_pot = Potential('IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale={0}'.format(r_scale), param_filename=eam_pot, cutoff_skin=2.0) #test potential #quippy using atomic units atoms.cutoff = 3.0 atoms.set_cutoff(3.0) atoms.calc_connect() qmmm_pot = ForceMixingPotential(pot1=mm_pot, pot2=qm_pot, atoms=atoms,
# Describe the interatomic interactions with the Effective Medium Theory atoms.set_calculator(lammps['ref']) np.random.seed(42) # Set the momenta corresponding to T=300K MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 1000 * units.kB) # We want to run MD with constant energy using the VelocityVerlet algorithm. dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, 1 * units.fs) # 5 fs time step. def printenergy(a): """Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy""" epot = a.get_potential_energy() / len(a) ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / len(a) delta = np.max(np.abs(a.get_forces() - lammps['our'].get_forces(a))) print('Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) ' 'Etot = %.3feV d=%.3e' % (epot, ekin, ekin / (1.5 * units.kB), epot + ekin, delta)) from import Trajectory traj = Trajectory('example.traj', 'w', atoms) dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=1) # Now run the dynamics printenergy(atoms) for i in range(100): printenergy(atoms)
pot = Potential('IP EAM_ErcolAd do_rescale_r=T r_scale={0}'.format(r_scale), param_filename=eam_pot) defect.set_calculator(pot) else: print 'No potential chosen', 1/0 print 'Finding initial dislocation core positions...' try: defect.params['core'] except KeyError: defect.params['core'] = np.array([98.0, 98.0, 1.49]) defect = set_quantum(defect, params.n_core) MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(defect, 2.0*sim_T) if dyn_type =='eam': dynamics = VelocityVerlet(defect, timestep) dynamics.attach(pass_print_context(defect, dynamics)) elif dyn_type =='LOTF':['core']= np.array([98.0, 98.0, 1.49]) print 'Initializing LOTFDynamics' verbosity_push(PRINT_VERBOSE) dynamics = LOTFDynamics(defect, timestep, params.extrapolate_steps, check_force_error=False) dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region) dynamics.attach(pass_print_context(defect, dynamics)) dynamics.attach(traj_writer, print_interval, defect) else: print 'No dyn_type chosen', 1/0 trajectory = AtomsWriter('{0}'.format(input_file)) print 'Running Crack Simulation'['label'] = 'D' # Label for the status line['time'] = dynamics.get_time()/units.fs['temperature'] = (atoms.get_kinetic_energy() / (1.5*units.kB*len(atoms)))['strain'] = get_strain(atoms)['G'] = get_energy_release_rate(atoms)/(units.J/units.m**2) crack_pos = find_crack_tip_stress_field(atoms, calc=mm_pot)['crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0]['d_crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0] print log_format % dynamics.attach(printstatus) # Check if the crack has advanced, and stop incrementing the strain if it has def check_if_cracked(atoms): crack_pos = find_crack_tip_stress_field(atoms, calc=mm_pot) # stop straining if crack has advanced more than tip_move_tol if not['is_cracked'] and (crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0]) > tip_move_tol:['is_cracked'] = True del atoms.constraints[atoms.constraints.index(strain_atoms)] dynamics.attach(check_if_cracked, 1, atoms) # Save frames to the trajectory every `traj_interval` time steps trajectory = AtomsWriter(traj_file) dynamics.attach(trajectory, traj_interval, atoms)
def molecular_dynamics(molecule, calculator, temperature=300.0, sample_interval=10, total_time=10.0, time_step=0.1, seed=None): """ Run molecular dynamics on a structure """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) dt = time_step * ase.units.fs temp = temperature * ase.units.kB steps = int(total_time * 1000.0 / time_step) velocitydistribution.MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(molecule, temp, force_temp=True) velocitydistribution.Stationary(molecule) velocitydistribution.ZeroRotation(molecule) print("Initial temperature from velocities %.2f" % molecule.get_temperature()) print("Performing %d steps of %f fs for a total time of %f ps" % (steps, time_step, total_time)) molecule.set_calculator(calculator) # dyn = Langevin( # molecule, # 1.0*ase.units.fs, # temp, # friction=0.001, # logfile='-', # loginterval=sample_interval # ) dyn = VelocityVerlet(molecule, dt, logfile='-', loginterval=sample_interval, trajectory='dynamics.traj') md_path = [] count_steps = 0 ave_temp = 0 def log_md_path(atoms): nonlocal md_path nonlocal count_steps nonlocal ave_temp if count_steps % sample_interval == 0: md_path.append(atoms.copy()) ave_temp += atoms.get_temperature() count_steps += 1 start_time = time.time() dyn.attach(log_md_path, 10, molecule) end_time = time.time() print("Time to sample dynamics %.2f s" % (end_time - start_time)) #ave_temp /= len(md_path) #print("Total MD time %.2f" % (steps / 1000.0)) #print("Average Temperature during MD %.2f" % (ave_temp)) return md_path['label'] = 'D' # Label for the status line['time'] = dynamics.get_time() / units.fs['temperature'] = (atoms.get_kinetic_energy() / (1.5 * units.kB * len(atoms)))['strain'] = get_strain(atoms)['G'] = get_energy_release_rate(atoms) / (units.J / units.m**2) crack_pos = find_crack_tip_stress_field(atoms, calc=mm_pot)['crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0]['d_crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0] print log_format % dynamics.attach(printstatus) def atom_straining(atoms): crack_pos = find_crack_tip_stress_field(atoms, calc=mm_pot) # keep straining until the crack tip has advanced to tip_move_tol if not['is_cracked'] and (crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0]) < tip_move_tol: strain_atoms.apply_strain(atoms) elif not['is_cracked']:['is_cracked'] = True dynamics.attach(atom_straining, 1, atoms) # Save frames to the trajectory every `traj_interval` time steps
def run_md(atoms, id): # Read settings settings = read_settings_file() # Use KIM for potentials from OpenKIM use_kim = True # Use Asap for a huge performance increase if it is installed use_asap = True # Create a copy of the initial atoms object for future reference old_atoms = copy.deepcopy(atoms) # Describe the interatomic interactions with OpenKIM potential if use_kim: # use KIM potential atoms.calc = KIM( "LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003") else: # otherwise, default to asap3 LennardJones atoms.calc = LennardJones([18], [0.010323], [3.40], rCut=6.625, modified=True) # Set the momenta corresponding to temperature from settings file MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, settings['temperature'] * units.kB) # Select integrator if settings['ensemble'] == "NVE": from import VelocityVerlet dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, settings['time_step'] * units.fs) elif settings['ensemble'] == "NVT": from import Langevin dyn = Langevin(atoms, settings['time_step'] * units.fs, settings['temperature'] * units.kB, settings['friction']) traj = Trajectory('ar.traj', 'w', atoms) dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=1000) # Identity number given as func. parameter to keep track of properties # Number of decimals for most calculated properties decimals = settings['decimals'] # Calculation and writing of properties properties.initialize_properties_file(atoms, id, decimals) dyn.attach(properties.calc_properties, 100, old_atoms, atoms, id, decimals) # unnecessary, used for logging md runs # we should write some kind of logger for the MD def logger(a=atoms): # store a reference to atoms in the definition. """Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy.""" epot = a.get_potential_energy() / len(a) ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / len(a) t = ekin / (1.5 * units.kB) print('Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) ' 'Etot = %.3feV' % (epot, ekin, t, epot + ekin)) # Running the dynamics dyn.attach(logger, interval=1000) logger()['max_steps']) return atoms
Y2 = [] Z2 = [] def dump_positions(): (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) = planets.get_positions() X1.append(x1) Y1.append(y1) Z1.append(z1) X2.append(x2) Y2.append(y2) Z2.append(z2) dyn = VelocityVerlet(planets, timestep=0.01 * fs) dyn.attach(dump_positions) ############################################################################### # Now let's plot the trajectory to see what we get: if __name__ == '__main__': plt.clf() plt.plot(X1, Y1, label='C') plt.plot(X2, Y2, label='H') plt.legend() plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') ############################################################################### # To check the correctness of this dynamics, we use pytest to test if it is on
else: i += 1 c = FixAtoms(indices = array) atoms.set_constraint(c) # relax with Quasi Newtonian qn = QuasiNewton(atoms, trajectory='qn.traj') write('', atoms) # Set the momenta corresponding to T=300K MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300*units.kB) print 'Removing linear momentum and angular momentum' Stationary(atoms) # zero linear momentum ZeroRotation(atoms) # zero angular momentum # We want to run MD using the VelocityVerlet algorithm. dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, 0.1*units.fs, trajectory='moldyn4.traj') # save trajectory. #Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy. def printenergy(a=atoms): #store a reference to atoms in the definition. epot = a.get_potential_energy() / len(a) ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / len(a) print ("Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) Etot = %.3feV" % (epot, ekin, ekin/(1.5*units.kB), epot+ekin)) dyn.attach(printenergy, interval=10) # Now run the dynamics printenergy()
param_filename=eam_pot) defect.set_calculator(pot) else: print 'No potential chosen', 1 / 0 print 'Finding initial dislocation core positions...' try: defect.params['core'] except KeyError: defect.params['core'] = np.array([98.0, 98.0, 1.49]) defect = set_quantum(defect, params.n_core) MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(defect, 2.0 * sim_T) if dyn_type == 'eam': dynamics = VelocityVerlet(defect, timestep) dynamics.attach(pass_print_context(defect, dynamics)) elif dyn_type == 'LOTF':['core'] = np.array([98.0, 98.0, 1.49]) print 'Initializing LOTFDynamics' verbosity_push(PRINT_VERBOSE) dynamics = LOTFDynamics(defect, timestep, params.extrapolate_steps, check_force_error=False) dynamics.set_qm_update_func(update_qm_region) dynamics.attach(pass_print_context(defect, dynamics)) dynamics.attach(traj_writer, print_interval, defect) else: print 'No dyn_type chosen', 1 / 0 trajectory = AtomsWriter('{0}'.format(input_file))
velocities_t1 = velocities coordinates_t1 = coordinates force_up_t1 = force_up_t2 force_down_t1 = force_down_t2 force_mid_t1 = force_mid_t2 # condition to avoid hops immediately after each other if skip_next: if skip_count == 3: skip_count = 0 skip_next = False else: skip_count += 1 # if the hop was accepted if hop: # decrement j_md because we made one MD step back j_md -= 1 skip_next = True hop = False # increment global MD counter j_md += 1 """Launcher for molecular dynamics""" # run MD for n_md steps with TSH module dyn.attach(tsh, interval=1) # close data files df.close() #df2.close()
log_format = ('%(label)-4s%(time)12.1f%(temperature)12.6f'+ '%(strain)12.4f%(crack_pos_x)12.2f (%(d_crack_pos_x)+5.2f)')['label'] = 'D' # Label for the status line['time'] = dynamics.get_time()/units.fs['temperature'] = get_temperature(atoms)['strain'] = get_strain(atoms) # FIXME no local virial in TS, need another way to track the crack['crack_pos_x'] = 0.['d_crack_pos_x'] = 0. print log_format % dynamics.attach(printstatus) # Check if the crack has advanced, and stop incrementing the strain if it has def check_if_cracked(atoms): #crack_pos = find_tip_stress_field(atoms) # FIXME TS has no local virial crack_pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # stop straining if crack has advanced more than tip_move_tol if (not['is_cracked'] and (crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0]) > params.tip_move_tol):['is_cracked'] = True del atoms.constraints[atoms.constraints.index(strain_atoms)] dynamics.attach(check_if_cracked, 1, atoms)['label'] = 'D' # Label for the status line['time'] = dynamics.get_time() / units.fs['temperature'] = (atoms.get_kinetic_energy() / (1.5 * units.kB * len(atoms)))['strain'] = get_strain(atoms)['G'] = get_energy_release_rate(atoms) / (units.J / units.m**2) crack_pos = find_tip_stress_field(atoms)['crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0]['d_crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0] print log_format % dynamics.attach(printstatus) # Check if the crack has advanced enough and apply strain if it has not def check_if_crack_advanced(atoms): crack_pos = find_tip_stress_field(atoms) # strain if crack has not advanced more than tip_move_tol if crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0] < params.tip_move_tol: strain_atoms.apply_strain(atoms) dynamics.attach(check_if_crack_advanced, 1, atoms) # Save frames to the trajectory every `traj_interval` time steps trajectory = NetCDFTrajectory(params.traj_file, mode='w')
log_format = ('%(label)-4s%(time)12.1f%(temperature)12.6f'+ '%(strain)12.5f%(G)12.4f%(crack_pos_x)12.2f (%(d_crack_pos_x)+5.2f)')['label'] = 'D' # Label for the status line['time'] = dynamics.get_time()/units.fs['temperature'] = (atoms.get_kinetic_energy() / (1.5*units.kB*len(atoms)))['strain'] = get_strain(atoms)['G'] = get_energy_release_rate(atoms)/(units.J/units.m**2) crack_pos = find_crack_tip_stress_field(atoms, calc=mm_pot)['crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0]['d_crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0] print log_format % dynamics.attach(printstatus) def check_if_cracked(atoms): crack_pos = find_crack_tip_stress_field(atoms, calc=mm_pot) # stop straining if crack has advanced more than tip_move_tol if not['is_cracked'] and (crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0]) > tip_move_tol:['is_cracked'] = True del atoms.constraints[atoms.constraints.index(strain_atoms)] dynamics.attach(check_if_cracked, 1, atoms) trajectory = AtomsWriter(traj_file) dynamics.attach(trajectory, traj_interval, atoms)
def run_md(atoms, id, settings_fn): """The function does Molecular Dyanamic simulation (MD) on a material, given by argument atoms. Parameters: atoms (obj): an atoms object defined by class in ase. This is the material which MD will run on. id (int): an identifying number for the material. Returns: obj:atoms object defined in ase, is returned. """ # Read settings settings = read_settings_file(settings_fn) initial_unitcell_atoms = copy.deepcopy(atoms) # Scale atoms object, cubic size = settings['supercell_size'] atoms = atoms * size * (1, 1, 1) # atoms = atoms * (size,size,size) #print(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()) N = len(atoms.get_chemical_symbols()) # Use KIM for potentials from OpenKIM use_kim = settings['use_kim'] # Use Asap for a huge performance increase if it is installed use_asap = True # Create a copy of the initial atoms object for future reference old_atoms = copy.deepcopy(atoms) # Describe the interatomic interactions with OpenKIM potential if use_kim: # use KIM potential atoms.calc = KIM( "LJ_ElliottAkerson_2015_Universal__MO_959249795837_003") else: # otherwise, default to asap3 LennardJones atoms.calc = LennardJones([18], [0.010323], [3.40], rCut=6.625, modified=True) # Set the momenta corresponding to temperature from settings file MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, settings['temperature'] * units.kB) # Select integrator if settings['ensemble'] == "NVE": from import VelocityVerlet dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, settings['time_step'] * units.fs) elif settings['ensemble'] == "NVT": from import Langevin dyn = Langevin(atoms, settings['time_step'] * units.fs, settings['temperature'] * units.kB, settings['friction']) interval = settings['interval'] # Creates trajectory files in directory trajectory_files traj = Trajectory("trajectory_files/" + id + ".traj", 'w', atoms) dyn.attach(traj.write, interval=interval) # Number of decimals for most calculated properties. decimals = settings['decimals'] # Boolean indicating if the material is monoatomic. monoatomic = len(set(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())) == 1 # Calculation and writing of properties properties.initialize_properties_file(atoms, initial_unitcell_atoms, id, decimals, monoatomic) dyn.attach(properties.calc_properties, 100, old_atoms, atoms, id, decimals, monoatomic) # unnecessary, used for logging md runs # we should write some kind of logger for the MD def logger(a=atoms): # store a reference to atoms in the definition. """Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy.""" epot = a.get_potential_energy() / len(a) ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / len(a) t = ekin / (1.5 * units.kB) print('Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) ' 'Etot = %.3feV' % (epot, ekin, t, epot + ekin)) # Running the dynamics dyn.attach(logger, interval=interval) #logger()['max_steps']) # check for thermal equilibrium counter = 0 equilibrium = False for i in range(round(settings['max_steps'] / settings['search_interval'])): # hyperparameter epot, ekin_pre, etot, t = properties.energies_and_temp(atoms) # kör steg som motsvarar säg 5 fs['search_interval']) # hyperparamter epot, ekin_post, etot, t = properties.energies_and_temp(atoms) #print(abs(ekin_pre-ekin_post) / math.sqrt(N)) #print(counter) if (abs(ekin_pre - ekin_post) / math.sqrt(N)) < settings['tolerance']: counter += 1 else: counter = 0 if counter > settings['threshold']: # hyperparameter print("reached equilibrium") equilibrium = True break if equilibrium:['max_steps']) properties.finalize_properties_file(atoms, id, decimals, monoatomic) else: properties.delete_properties_file(id) raise RuntimeError("MD did not find equilibrium") return atoms['label'] = 'D' # Label for the status line['time'] = dynamics.get_time() / units.fs['temperature'] = (atoms.get_kinetic_energy() / (1.5 * units.kB * len(atoms)))['strain'] = get_strain(atoms)['G'] = get_energy_release_rate(atoms) / (units.J / units.m**2) crack_pos = find_tip_stress_field(atoms)['crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0]['d_crack_pos_x'] = crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0] print log_format % dynamics.attach(printstatus) # Check if the crack has advanced, and stop incrementing the strain if it has def check_if_cracked(atoms): crack_pos = find_tip_stress_field(atoms) # stop straining if crack has advanced more than tip_move_tol if (not['is_cracked'] and (crack_pos[0] - orig_crack_pos[0]) > params.tip_move_tol):['is_cracked'] = True del atoms.constraints[atoms.constraints.index(strain_atoms)] dynamics.attach(check_if_cracked, 1, atoms)
atoms.set_pbc(False) atoms.set_velocities(np.zeros_like(atoms.get_positions())) cell_c = np.sum(atoms.get_cell()**2, axis=1)**0.5 N_c = 16 * np.round(cell_c / (0.25 * 16)) calc = GPAW(gpts=N_c, nbands=1, basis='dzp', setups={'Na': '1'}, txt=name + '_gs.txt') atoms.set_calculator(calc) atoms.get_potential_energy() calc.write(name + '_gs.gpw', mode='all') del atoms, calc time.sleep(10) while not os.path.isfile(name + '_gs.gpw'): print 'Node %d waiting for file...' % world.rank time.sleep(10) world.barrier() tdcalc = GPAW(name + '_gs.gpw', txt=name + '_td.txt') tdcalc.forces.reset() #XXX debug tdcalc.initialize_positions() atoms = tdcalc.get_atoms() traj = PickleTrajectory(name + '_td.traj', 'w', atoms) verlet = VelocityVerlet(atoms, timestep * 1e-3 * fs, logfile=paropen(name + '_td.verlet', 'w'), trajectory=traj) verlet.attach(Timing(paropen(name + '_td.log', 'w')), ndiv, atoms) traj.close()
size = 3 # Set up a crystal atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(directions=[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], symbol="Cu", size=(size, size, size), pbc=True) # Describe the interatomic interactions with the Effective Medium Theory atoms.calc = EMT() # Set the momenta corresponding to T=300K MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300 * units.kB) # We want to run MD with constant energy using the VelocityVerlet algorithm. dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, 5 * units.fs) # 5 fs time step. def printenergy(a=atoms): # store a reference to atoms in the definition. """Function to print the potential, kinetic and total energy.""" epot = a.get_potential_energy() / len(a) ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / len(a) print('Energy per atom: Epot = %.3feV Ekin = %.3feV (T=%3.0fK) ' 'Etot = %.3feV' % (epot, ekin, ekin / (1.5 * units.kB), epot + ekin)) # Now run the dynamics dyn.attach(printenergy, interval=10) printenergy()
from import graphene_nanoribbon from ase.visualize import view from ase import units from import VelocityVerlet from ase.calculators.emt import EMT from import Langevin from import MDLogger from import NPT import numpy as np gnrb = graphene_nanoribbon(20, 20, type="armchair", saturated=True, vacuum=3.5) view(gnrb) gnrb.set_calculator(EMT()) dyn = VelocityVerlet(gnrb, dt=5.0 * units.fs) # dyn = Langevin(gnrb, 5 * units.fs, units.kB * 123, 0.002) stress = 2 # dyn = NPT(gnrb, 5*units.fs, 300*units.kB, stress, 25*units.fs, 75*units.fs) dyn.attach(MDLogger(dyn, gnrb, 'md2.log', header=True, stress=False, peratom=True, mode="w"), interval=1) # view(gnrb)