Exemple #1
def graphene_nanoribbon(n,
    """Create a graphene nanoribbon.

    Creates a graphene nanoribbon in the x-z plane, with the nanoribbon
    running along the z axis.


    n: The width of the nanoribbon

    m: The length of the nanoribbon.

    side ('zigzag'): The orientation of the ribbon.  Must be either 'zigzag'
    or 'armchair'.

    saturated (no/yes/side):  If yes, hydrogen atoms are placed along the edges. If side, then only 2 sides are saturated.

    C_H: Carbon-hydrogen bond length.  Default: 1.09 Angstrom

    C_C: Carbon-carbon bond length.  Default: 1.42 Angstrom.

    vacc:  Amount of vacuum.  Default 5 Angstrom.

    magnetic:  Make the edges magnetic.

    initial_mag: Magnitude of magnetic moment if magnetic=True.

    sheet:  If true, make an infinite sheet instead of a ribbon.
    #This function creates the coordinates for a graphene nanoribbon,
    #n is width, m is length

    b = sqrt(3) * C_C / 4
    arm_unit = Atoms(main_element + '4',
                     pbc=(1, 0, 1),
                     cell=[4 * b, vacc, 3 * C_C])
    arm_unit.positions = [[0, 0, 0], [b * 2, 0, C_C / 2.],
                          [b * 2, 0, 3 * C_C / 2.], [0, 0, 2 * C_C]]
    zz_unit = Atoms(main_element + '2',
                    pbc=(1, 0, 1),
                    cell=[3 * C_C / 2., vacc, b * 4])
    zz_unit.positions = [[0, 0, 0], [C_C / 2., 0, b * 2]]
    atoms = Atoms()
    tol = 1e-4
    if sheet:
        vacc2 = 0.0
        vacc2 = vacc
    if side == 'zigzag':
        edge_index0 = np.arange(m) * 2 + 1
        edge_index1 = (n - 1) * m * 2 + np.arange(m) * 2
        edge_index2 = []
        edge_index3 = []
        for i in range(0, n, 2):
            edge_index2.append(i * m * 2)
            edge_index3.append((i + 1) * m * 2 - 1)
            if i > 1:
                edge_index2.append(i * m * 2 - 1)
                edge_index3.append(i * m * 2 - 2)
        edge_index2 = np.array(edge_index2)
        edge_index3 = np.array(edge_index3)
        if magnetic:
            mms = np.zeros(m * n * 2)
            for i in edge_index0:
                mms[i] = initial_mag
            for i in edge_index1:
                mms[i] = -initial_mag

        for i in range(n):
            layer = zz_unit.repeat((1, 1, m))
            layer.positions[:, 0] -= 3 * C_C / 2 * i
            if i % 2 == 1:
                layer.positions[:, 2] += 2 * b
                layer[-1].position[2] -= b * 4 * m
            atoms += layer
        if magnetic:
        if saturated != "no":
            H_atoms0 = Atoms(satur_element + str(m))
            H_atoms0.positions = atoms[edge_index0].positions
            H_atoms0.positions[:, 0] += C_H
            H_atoms1 = Atoms(satur_element + str(m))
            H_atoms1.positions = atoms[edge_index1].positions
            H_atoms1.positions[:, 0] -= C_H
            H_atoms2 = Atoms(satur_element + str(n))
            H_atoms2.positions = atoms[edge_index2].positions
            H_atoms2.positions[:, 2] -= C_H
            H_atoms3 = Atoms(satur_element + str(n))
            H_atoms3.positions = atoms[edge_index3].positions
            H_atoms3.positions[:, 2] += C_H
            if saturated == "yes":
                atoms += H_atoms0 + H_atoms1 + H_atoms2 + H_atoms3
            if saturated == "side":
                atoms += H_atoms0 + H_atoms1
        atoms.cell = [n * 3 * C_C / 2 + vacc2, vacc + 5.0, m * 4 * b]

    elif side == 'armchair':
        for i in range(n):
            layer = arm_unit.repeat((1, 1, m))
            layer.positions[:, 0] -= 4 * b * i
            atoms += layer
        atoms.cell = [b * 4 * n + vacc2, vacc, 3 * C_C * m]
    atoms.set_pbc([sheet, False, True])
    return atoms
Exemple #2
def nanotube(n, m, length=1, bond=1.42, symbol='C', verbose=False):
    if n < m:
        m, n = n, m
    nk = 6000
    sq3 = sqrt(3.0)
    a = sq3 * bond
    l2 = n * n + m * m + n * m
    l = sqrt(l2)
    dt = a * l / np.pi

    nd = gcd(n, m)
    if (n - m) % (3 * nd) == 0:
        ndr = 3 * nd
        ndr = nd

    nr = (2 * m + n) / ndr
    ns = -(2 * n + m) / ndr
    nt2 = 3 * l2 / ndr / ndr
    nt = np.floor(sqrt(nt2))
    nn = 2 * l2 / ndr

    ichk = 0
    if nr == 0:
        n60 = 1
        n60 = nr * 4

    absn = abs(n60)
    nnp = []
    nnq = []
    for i in range(-absn, absn + 1):
        for j in range(-absn, absn + 1):
            j2 = nr * j - ns * i
            if j2 == 1:
                j1 = m * i - n * j
                if j1 > 0 and j1 < nn:
                    ichk += 1

    if ichk == 0:
        raise RuntimeError('not found p, q strange!!')
    if ichk >= 2:
        raise RuntimeError('more than 1 pair p, q strange!!')

    nnnp = nnp[0]
    nnnq = nnq[0]

    if verbose:
        print('the symmetry vector is', nnnp, nnnq)

    lp = nnnp * nnnp + nnnq * nnnq + nnnp * nnnq
    r = a * sqrt(lp)
    c = a * l
    t = sq3 * c / ndr

    if 2 * nn > nk:
        raise RuntimeError('parameter nk is too small!')

    rs = c / (2.0 * np.pi)

    if verbose:
        print('radius=', rs, t)

    q1 = np.arctan((sq3 * m) / (2 * n + m))
    q2 = np.arctan((sq3 * nnnq) / (2 * nnnp + nnnq))
    q3 = q1 - q2

    q4 = 2.0 * np.pi / nn
    q5 = bond * np.cos((np.pi / 6.0) - q1) / c * 2.0 * np.pi

    h1 = abs(t) / abs(np.sin(q3))
    h2 = bond * np.sin((np.pi / 6.0) - q1)

    ii = 0
    x, y, z = [], [], []
    for i in range(nn):
        x1, y1, z1 = 0, 0, 0

        k = np.floor(i * abs(r) / h1)
        x1 = rs * np.cos(i * q4)
        y1 = rs * np.sin(i * q4)
        z1 = (i * abs(r) - k * h1) * np.sin(q3)
        kk2 = abs(np.floor((z1 + 0.0001) / t))
        if z1 >= t - 0.0001:
            z1 -= t * kk2
        elif z1 < 0:
            z1 += t * kk2
        ii += 1

        z3 = (i * abs(r) - k * h1) * np.sin(q3) - h2
        ii += 1

        if z3 >= 0 and z3 < t:
            x2 = rs * np.cos(i * q4 + q5)
            y2 = rs * np.sin(i * q4 + q5)
            z2 = (i * abs(r) - k * h1) * np.sin(q3) - h2
            x2 = rs * np.cos(i * q4 + q5)
            y2 = rs * np.sin(i * q4 + q5)
            z2 = (i * abs(r) - (k + 1) * h1) * np.sin(q3) - h2
            kk = abs(np.floor(z2 / t))
            if z2 >= t - 0.0001:
                z2 -= t * kk
            elif z2 < 0:
                z2 += t * kk

    ntotal = 2 * nn
    X = []
    for i in range(ntotal):
        X.append([x[i], y[i], z[i]])

    if length > 1:
        xx = X[:]
        for mnp in range(2, length + 1):
            for i in range(len(xx)):
                X.append(xx[i][:2] + [xx[i][2] + (mnp - 1) * t])

    TransVec = t
    NumAtom = ntotal * length
    Diameter = rs * 2
    ChiralAngle = np.arctan((sq3 * n) / (2 * m + n)) / (np.pi * 180)

    cell = [Diameter * 2, Diameter * 2, length * t]
    atoms = Atoms(symbol + str(NumAtom),
                  pbc=[False, False, True])
    if verbose:
        print('translation vector =', TransVec)
        print('diameter = ', Diameter)
        print('chiral angle = ', ChiralAngle)
    return atoms
Exemple #3
def surface(symbol, structure, face, size, a, c, vacuum, orthogonal=True):
    """Function to build often used surfaces.

    Don't call this function directly - use fcc100, fcc110, bcc111, ..."""
    Z = atomic_numbers[symbol]

    if a is None:
        sym = reference_states[Z]['symmetry'].lower()
        if sym != structure:
            raise ValueError("Can't guess lattice constant for %s-%s!" %
                             (structure, symbol))
        a = reference_states[Z]['a']

    if structure == 'hcp' and c is None:
        if reference_states[Z]['symmetry'].lower() == 'hcp':
            c = reference_states[Z]['c/a'] * a
            c = sqrt(8 / 3.0) * a

    positions = np.empty((size[2], size[1], size[0], 3))
    positions[..., 0] = np.arange(size[0]).reshape((1, 1, -1))
    positions[..., 1] = np.arange(size[1]).reshape((1, -1, 1))
    positions[..., 2] = np.arange(size[2]).reshape((-1, 1, 1))

    numbers = np.ones(size[0] * size[1] * size[2], int) * Z

    tags = np.empty((size[2], size[1], size[0]), int)
    tags[:] = np.arange(size[2], 0, -1).reshape((-1, 1, 1))

    slab = Atoms(numbers,
                 pbc=(True, True, False),

    surface_cell = None
    sites = {'ontop': (0, 0)}
    surf = structure + face
    if surf == 'fcc100':
        cell = (sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5), 0.5)
        positions[-2::-2, ..., :2] += 0.5
        sites.update({'hollow': (0.5, 0.5), 'bridge': (0.5, 0)})
    elif surf == 'fcc110':
        cell = (1.0, sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.125))
        positions[-2::-2, ..., :2] += 0.5
        sites.update({'hollow': (0.5, 0.5), 'longbridge': (0.5, 0),
                      'shortbridge': (0, 0.5)})
    elif surf == 'bcc100':
        cell = (1.0, 1.0, 0.5)
        positions[-2::-2, ..., :2] += 0.5
        sites.update({'hollow': (0.5, 0.5), 'bridge': (0.5, 0)})
        if orthogonal and size[1] % 2 == 1:
            raise ValueError(("Can't make orthorhombic cell with size=%r.  " %
                              (tuple(size),)) +
                             'Second number in size must be even.')
        if surf == 'fcc111':
            cell = (sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.375), 1 / sqrt(3))
            if orthogonal:
                positions[-1::-3, 1::2, :, 0] += 0.5
                positions[-2::-3, 1::2, :, 0] += 0.5
                positions[-3::-3, 1::2, :, 0] -= 0.5
                positions[-2::-3, ..., :2] += (0.0, 2.0 / 3)
                positions[-3::-3, ..., :2] += (0.5, 1.0 / 3)
                positions[-2::-3, ..., :2] += (-1.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3)
                positions[-3::-3, ..., :2] += (1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3)
            sites.update({'bridge': (0.5, 0), 'fcc': (1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3),
                          'hcp': (2.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3)})
        elif surf == 'hcp0001':
            cell = (1.0, sqrt(0.75), 0.5 * c / a)
            if orthogonal:
                positions[:, 1::2, :, 0] += 0.5
                positions[-2::-2, ..., :2] += (0.0, 2.0 / 3)
                positions[-2::-2, ..., :2] += (-1.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3)
            sites.update({'bridge': (0.5, 0), 'fcc': (1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3),
                          'hcp': (2.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3)})
        elif surf == 'bcc110':
            cell = (1.0, sqrt(0.5), sqrt(0.5))
            if orthogonal:
                positions[:, 1::2, :, 0] += 0.5
                positions[-2::-2, ..., :2] += (0.0, 1.0)
                positions[-2::-2, ..., :2] += (-0.5, 1.0)
            sites.update({'shortbridge': (0, 0.5),
                          'longbridge': (0.5, 0),
                          'hollow': (0.375, 0.25)})
        elif surf == 'bcc111':
            cell = (sqrt(2), sqrt(1.5), sqrt(3) / 6)
            if orthogonal:
                positions[-1::-3, 1::2, :, 0] += 0.5
                positions[-2::-3, 1::2, :, 0] += 0.5
                positions[-3::-3, 1::2, :, 0] -= 0.5
                positions[-2::-3, ..., :2] += (0.0, 2.0 / 3)
                positions[-3::-3, ..., :2] += (0.5, 1.0 / 3)
                positions[-2::-3, ..., :2] += (-1.0 / 3, 2.0 / 3)
                positions[-3::-3, ..., :2] += (1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3)
            sites.update({'hollow': (1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3)})
        surface_cell = a * np.array([(cell[0], 0),
                                     (cell[0] / 2, cell[1])])
        if not orthogonal:
            cell = np.array([(cell[0], 0, 0),
                             (cell[0] / 2, cell[1], 0),
                             (0, 0, cell[2])])

    if surface_cell is None:
        surface_cell = a * np.diag(cell[:2])

    if isinstance(cell, tuple):
        cell = np.diag(cell)
    slab.set_positions(positions.reshape((-1, 3)))

    slab.set_cell([a * v * n for v, n in zip(cell, size)], scale_atoms=True)

    if vacuum is not None:
        slab.center(vacuum=vacuum, axis=2)
    slab.adsorbate_info['cell'] = surface_cell
    slab.adsorbate_info['sites'] = sites
    return slab