def test_get_readable_forums_super_user(self): """ Super user has access to all the forum filtered on LTIContext and archived ones but don't need to have access in reading. """ super_user = UserFactory(is_superuser=True) basic_user = UserFactory() lti_context_a = LTIContextFactory(lti_consumer=super_user.lti_consumer) lti_context_b = LTIContextFactory(lti_consumer=super_user.lti_consumer) # Create 2 forums for context A forum_a1 = ForumFactory(name="Forum A1") forum_a1.lti_contexts.add(lti_context_a) forum_a2_archived = ForumFactory(name="Forum A2") forum_a2_archived.lti_contexts.add(lti_context_a) forum_a2_archived.archived = True # Create 1 forum for context B forum_b1 = ForumFactory(name="Forum B1") forum_b1.lti_contexts.add(lti_context_b) # Instantiate the permission Handler permission_handler = PermissionHandler() forums_qs = Forum.objects.all() # With no lti_context super_user can see all forums readable_forums = permission_handler.get_readable_forums(forums_qs, super_user) self.assertCountEqual(readable_forums, [forum_a1, forum_b1]) # standard user can't see any readable_forums = permission_handler.get_readable_forums(forums_qs, basic_user) self.assertCountEqual(readable_forums, []) # Inject a LTI context into the permission handler and ensure that # the results are filtered according to it permission_handler.current_lti_context_id = readable_forums = permission_handler.get_readable_forums(forums_qs, super_user) # even if super user has no can_read_forum permission is still can see all # unarchived forums of his lti_context self.assertCountEqual(readable_forums, [forum_a1]) # standard user can't see any readable_forums = permission_handler.get_readable_forums(forums_qs, basic_user) self.assertCountEqual(readable_forums, [])
def test_forum_moderation_list_forums_with_deleted_form(self): """ Create three forums in the same LTIContext and archive one. Load the form to choose to which forum the user wants to move the topic. Control that the forum deleted is not part of the choice. """ user = UserFactory() lti_context = LTIContextFactory(lti_consumer=user.lti_consumer) forum1 = ForumFactory(name="Forum1") forum2 = ForumFactory(name="Forum2") forum3 = ForumFactory(name="Forum3") lti_context.sync_user_groups(user, ["instructor"]) # Assign permission to the group for this forum self._init_forum(forum1, lti_context) self._init_forum(forum2, lti_context) self._init_forum(forum3, lti_context) # Create a post for a topic part of lti_context topicForum1 = TopicFactory(forum=forum1) PostFactory(topic=topicForum1, ) topicForum2 = TopicFactory(forum=forum2) PostFactory(topic=topicForum2, ) topicForum3 = TopicFactory(forum=forum3) PostFactory(topic=topicForum3, ) # Create the session and logged in lti_context self.client.force_login(user, "ashley.auth.backend.LTIBackend") session = self.client.session session[SESSION_LTI_CONTEXT_ID] = form = TopicMoveForm(user=user, lti_context=lti_context, topic=topicForum1) # Check that only the forum that is allowed is proposed as choice self.assertEqual( form.fields["forum"].choices, [ (, { "label": " Forum1", "disabled": True }), (, "{} {}".format("-" * forum2.margin_level,, ), (, "{} {}".format("-" * forum3.margin_level,, ), ], ) # Archive the forum2 forum2.archived = True form = TopicMoveForm(user=user, lti_context=lti_context, topic=topicForum1) # Check that forum2 is not proposed as choice anymore as it has been archived self.assertEqual( form.fields["forum"].choices, [ (, { "label": " Forum1", "disabled": True }), (, "{} {}".format("-" * forum3.margin_level,, ), ], ) # We try to move topic from forum1 to forum2 even if forum2 has been archived response = f"/forum/moderation/topic/{topicForum1.slug}-{}/move/", data={"forum": {}}, follow=True, ) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # Control that we get an error and the move is not executed self.assertContains( response, f"Select a valid choice. {} is not one of the available choices.", html=True, )
def test_forum_search_archived_form_search(self): """ Create different forums in the same lti_context, make sure user can't select archived forums in the advanced search. """ user = UserFactory() lti_context = LTIContextFactory(lti_consumer=user.lti_consumer) forum = ForumFactory() forum2 = ForumFactory() forum3 = ForumFactory() forum.lti_contexts.add(lti_context) forum2.lti_contexts.add(lti_context) forum3.lti_contexts.add(lti_context) PostFactory(topic=TopicFactory(forum=forum), ) PostFactory(topic=TopicFactory(forum=forum2), ) PostFactory(topic=TopicFactory(forum=forum3), ) # Creates the session self.client.force_login(user, "ashley.auth.backend.LTIBackend") session = self.client.session session[SESSION_LTI_CONTEXT_ID] = assign_perm("can_read_forum", user, forum) assign_perm("can_read_forum", user, forum2) assign_perm("can_read_forum", user, forum3) # Load the advanced search form form = SearchForm(user=user, lti_context=lti_context) # Check that only forums that are allowed are proposed as choice self.assertEqual( form.fields["search_forums"].choices, [ (, "{} {}".format("-" * forum.margin_level,, (, "{} {}".format("-" * forum.margin_level,, (, "{} {}".format("-" * forum.margin_level,, ], ) # Archive the forum2 forum2.archived = True form = SearchForm(user=user, lti_context=lti_context) # Check that forum2 is not proposed as choice anymore as it has been archived self.assertEqual( form.fields["search_forums"].choices, [ (, "{} {}".format("-" * forum.margin_level,, (, "{} {}".format("-" * forum.margin_level,, ], ) # Despite that, we force the request on the forum that is not allowed response = self.client.get( f"/forum/search/?q=world&search_forums={}") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) # Control that we get an error and the search is not executed self.assertContains( response, f"Select a valid choice. {} is not one of the available choices.", html=True, )