def family_details(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple, review_input
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    check = False
    while not check:
        marital_status = input('Marital Status :')
        siblings = ask_y_n('Siblings')
        if siblings:
            siblings_number = input("Number of siblings: ")
            sisters = input('Sisters :')
            brothers = input('Brothers :')
            siblings_number, sisters, brothers = "No Siblings", "0", "0"
        children_y_n = ask_y_n('Children')
        if children_y_n:
            children_number = input("Number of children: ")
            daughters = input('Daughters :')
            sons = input('Sons :')
            children_number, daughters, sons = "No Children", "0", "0"
        columns_list = ["Marital_Status", "Siblings", "Sisters", "Brothers", "Children", "Daughters", "Sons"]
        data_list = [marital_status, siblings_number, sisters, brothers, children_number, daughters, sons]
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    columns = "Marital_Status", "Siblings", "Sisters", "Brothers", "Children", "Daughters", "Sons"
    new_data = marital_status, siblings_number, sisters, brothers, children_number, daughters, sons
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, new_data)
def update_record(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    import gen_info_tables
    print("Update record for General Information")
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient Biographical Information")
    if enter:
        gen_info_tables.bio_info(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient habits")
    if enter:
        gen_info_tables.phys_act(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
        gen_info_tables.habits(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
        gen_info_tables.nut_supplements(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient family and reproductive details?")
    if enter:
        gen_info_tables.family_details(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
        gen_info_tables.repro_details(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient and family medical history?")
    if enter:
        gen_info_tables.med_history(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
        gen_info_tables.cancer_history(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
        gen_info_tables.family_cancer(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
    enter = ask_y_n("Enter Patient Symptoms?")
    if enter:
        gen_info_tables.det_by(conn, cursor, table, file_number)
        gen_info_tables.breast_symptoms(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
        gen_info_tables.metastasis_symp(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
def metastasis_symp (conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_single, review_input
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    check = False
    while not check:
        met = []
        met_bone = ask_y_n("Bone Pain")
        if met_bone:
            met.append(["Bone Pain"])
        met_cough = ask_y_n("Cough")
        if met_cough:
        met_jaundice = ask_y_n("Jaundice")
        if met_jaundice:
        met_headache = ask_y_n("Headache")
        if met_headache:
        met_weight = ask_y_n("Weight loss")
        if met_weight:
        met_flat = [item for sublist in met for item in sublist]
        data_met = "; ".join(met_flat)
        if met_flat == []:
            data_met = "No Metastatis Symptoms"
        check = review_input(file_number, ["Metastasis_Symptoms"], [data_met])
    update_single(conn, cursor, table, "Metatasis_Symptoms", file_number, data_met)
Exemple #4
def surgery_info(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_option, ask_y_n
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple
    surg_block_id = input("Surgical Block ID: ")
    surg_location = input("Location of surgery block id " + surg_block_id)
    surg_no_block = input("Number of Blocks: ")
    surg_block_source = input("Surgery Block Source: ")
    surg_tumour_block = input("Tumour Block Reference: ")
    surg_node_block = input("Nodes Block Reference: ")
    surg_normal_block = input("Adjacent Normal Block Reference: ")
    surg_red_block = input("Reduction Tissue Block Reference: ")
    surg_date = input("Date of Surgery: ")
    surg_name = input("Name of surgeon: ")
    surg_hosp_id = input("Hospital ID: ")
    #can add review statement here.
    lesion_side = ()
    lesion_side_rb_y_n = ask_y_n("Lesion Side RB")
    if lesion_side_rb_y_n:
        category = "Lesion Side RB"
        options = ["UOQ", "UIQ", "C", "UCQ", "LCQ", "LOQ", "LIQ"]
        lesion_side_rb = ask_option(category, options)
        lesion_side_rb_data = "RB-" + lesion_side_rb
    lesion_side_lb_y_n = ask_y_n("Lesion Side LB")
    if lesion_side_lb_y_n:
        category = "Lesion Side LB"
        options = ["UOQ", "UIQ", "C", "UCQ", "LCQ", "LOQ", "LIQ"]
        lesion_side_lb = ask_option(category, options)
        lesion_side_lb_data = "LB-" + lesion_side_lb
    if lesion_side_rb_y_n and lesion_side_lb_y_n:
        lesion_side = lesion_side_rb_data + "; " + lesion_side_lb_data
    elif lesion_side_rb_y_n:
        lesion_side = lesion_side_rb_data
    elif lesion_side_lb_y_n:
        lesion_side = lesion_side_lb_data
    print("Lesion side " + lesion_side)
    category = "Type Surgery"
    options = [
        "Reconstruction", "Breast Conservation Surgery (BCS)",
        "Therapeutic Mammoplasty", "Reduction Mammoplasty",
        "Wide Local Excision", "Other"
    surg_type = ask_option(category, options)
    if surg_type == "Reconstruction":
        category = "Type Reconstruction"
        options = ["Mastectomy/Modified Radical Mastectomy", "Implant"]
        surg_type = ask_option(category, options)
    category = "Response to Surgery"
    options = [
        "Complete_Remission/No Residual Tumor", "Progressing", "Partial",
        "Static", "Other"
    surg_response = ask_option(category, options)
    data = surg_block_id, surg_no_block, surg_block_source, surg_tumour_block, surg_node_block, surg_normal_block, \
           surg_red_block, surg_date, surg_name, surg_hosp_id, lesion_side, surg_type, surg_response
    surgery_info = "Surgical_Block_ID", "Surgery_Block_Location", "Surgery_No_of_blocks", "Block_Source", "Tumor_block_ref", "Nodes_block_ref", \
              "Ad_Normal_block_ref", "Reduction_tissue_block_ref", "Date_of_Surgery", "Name_Surgeon", "Hospital_ID", \
              "Lesion_Side", "Type_surgery", "Response_surgery"
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, surgery_info, file_number, data)
def family_cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_option, ask_y_n
    from add_update_sql import insert
    add_family = True
    type_cancer_list, relation_degree_list, type_relation_list, age_detect_list = [], [], [], []
    all_data = []
    while add_family:
        type_of_cancer = input("Type of Cancer: ")
        relation_to_patient = ask_option(
            "Relation to patient",
            ["Immediate Family", "Maternal Family", "Paternal Family"])
        type_relation = input("Specific Relationship:")
        age_at_detection_yrs = input('Age at detection (yrs) :')
        family_history = file_number, type_of_cancer, relation_to_patient, type_relation, age_at_detection_yrs
        family_history_list = "; ".join([
            type_of_cancer, relation_to_patient, type_relation,
        columns = 'File_number, Type_Cancer, Relation_to_Patient, Type_Relation, Age_at_detection_yrs'
        table = "Family_Cancer_History"
        insert(conn, cursor, table, columns, family_history)
        add_family = ask_y_n("Add more family cancer history? ")
    all_data_flat = "|".join(all_data)
    return (all_data_flat)
def med_history(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from breast_cancer_tables import med_history_table
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple, review_input
    check = False
    while not check:
        medical_history_y_n = ask_y_n("Other Medical History ?")
        if medical_history_y_n:
            med_hist = med_history_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            medical_history_y_n = "Previous medical history present"
            medical_history_y_n = "No previous medical history present"
            med_hist = ("NA", ) * 3
        condition_hist, diagnosis_date_hist, treatment_hist = med_hist
        data_list = [
            medical_history_y_n, condition_hist, diagnosis_date_hist,
        columns_list = [
            "Any_Other_Medical_History_y_n", "Type_Any_Other_Medical_History",
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    data = medical_history_y_n, condition_hist, diagnosis_date_hist, treatment_hist
    columns = "Any_Other_Medical_History_y_n", "Type_Any_Other_Medical_History", "Diagnosis_Date_Any_Other_Medical_History", "Treatment_Any_Other_Medical_History"
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, data)
def breast_symptoms(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from ask_y_n_statement import get_symptom, get_rb_lb, ask_y_n
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple
    from breast_cancer_tables import other_symp
    symp_state = "Pain or tenderness", "Lumps", "Nipple Discharge", "Nipple Retraction", "Dimpling", \
        "Discolouration", "Ulceration", "Eczema"
    symptoms = get_symptom(symp_state)
    rb = get_rb_lb(symptoms, 0)
    rb_symp = list(filter(None, get_rb_lb(rb, 0)))
    rb_dur = list(filter(None, get_rb_lb(rb, 1)))
    lb = get_rb_lb(symptoms, 1)
    lb_symp = list(filter(None, get_rb_lb(lb, 0)))
    lb_dur = list(filter(None, get_rb_lb(lb, 1)))
    data = [rb_symp, rb_dur, lb_symp, lb_dur]
    for index in range(0, len(data)):
        if not data[index]:
            data[index] = ["NA"]
            data[index] = ["; ".join(data[index])]
    data_flat = [item for sublist in data for item in sublist]
    new_data = tuple(data_flat)
    columns = "RB_symptoms", "RB_symptoms_duration", "LB_symptoms", "LB_symptoms_duration"
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, new_data)
    other_symptom = ask_y_n("Other Symptoms?", True, False)
    if other_symptom:
        other_symp(conn, cursor, file_number, table)
        other_symptom = "No other symptoms"
        other_symp_dur = "NA"
        data = (other_symptom, other_symp_dur, other_symptom, other_symp_dur)
        columns = "RB_Other_Symptoms", "RB_Other_Symptoms_duration", "LB_Other_Symptoms", "RB_Other_Symptoms_duration"
        update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, data)
def cancer_history(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from breast_cancer_tables import cancer_table
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple, review_input
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    check = False
    while not check:
        previous_cancer_history_y_n = ask_y_n("Previous history of cancer ?")
        if previous_cancer_history_y_n:
            previous_cancer = cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            previous_cancer_history_y_n = "Previous history of cancer"
            previous_cancer_history_y_n = "No previous history of cancer"
            previous_cancer = ("NA", ) * 5
        type_of_cancer_list, year_diagnosis_list, treat_all, type_all, duration_all = previous_cancer
        data_list = [
            previous_cancer_history_y_n, type_of_cancer_list,
            year_diagnosis_list, treat_all, type_all, duration_all
        columns_list = ["Previous_Cancer_History_y_n", "Type_Previous_Cancer", "Year_Diagnosed_Previous_Cancer", \
                        "Treatment_Previous_Cancer", "Treatment_Type_Previous_Cancer",
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    data = previous_cancer_history_y_n, type_of_cancer_list, year_diagnosis_list, treat_all, type_all, duration_all
    columns = "Previous_Cancer_History_y_n", "Type_Previous_Cancer", "Year_Diagnosed_Previous_Cancer", \
              "Treatment_Previous_Cancer", "Treatment_Type_Previous_Cancer", "Treatment_Duration_Previous_Cancer"
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, data)
def review_input(file_number, columns, data):
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    col_number = len(data)
    for index in range(0, col_number):
        print(columns[index] + ": " + data[index])
    ans = ask_y_n("Are entries for file " + file_number + " correct ?", True,
    return ans
def habits(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple, update_single
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_option, ask_y_n
    category = "Diet"
    options = ["Vegetarian", "Non-Vegetarian", "Ovo-Vegetarian", "Other"]
    diet = ask_option(category, options)
    alcohol = ask_y_n("Alcohol consumption")
    if alcohol:
        alcohol_consump = "Alcohol Consumption"
        alcohol_age = input("Consumption of alcohol from which age (yrs): ")
        alcohol_quant = input("Quantity of alcohol consumed per week: ")
        alcohol_duration = input("Duration of alcohol consumption: ")
        alcohol_comments = input(
            "Additional comments for alcohol consumption: ")
        alcohol_consump = "No Alcohol Consumption"
        alcohol_age = "NA"
        alcohol_quant = "NA"
        alcohol_duration = "NA"
        alcohol_comments = "NA"
    columns = "Diet", "Alcohol_y_n", "Alcohol_Consumption_age_yrs", "Quantity_alcohol_per_week", "Duration_alcohol", "Comments_alcohol"
    new_data = diet, alcohol_consump, alcohol_age, alcohol_quant, alcohol_duration, alcohol_comments
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, new_data)
    tobacco = ask_y_n("Tobacco consumption")
    if tobacco:
        tobacco = "Tobacco consumption"
        tobacco_type = input("Type of tobacco consumption: ")
        tobacco_age = input("Consumption of tobacco from which age (yrs): ")
        tobacco_quant = input("Quantity of tobacco consumed per week: ")
        tobacco_duration = input("Duration of tobacco consumption: ")
        tobacco_comments = input(
            "Additional comments for tobacco consumption: ")
        tobacco = "No Tobacco Consumption"
        tobacco_type = "NA"
        tobacco_age = "NA"
        tobacco_quant = "NA"
        tobacco_duration = "NA"
        tobacco_comments = "NA"
    columns = "Tobacco_y_n", "Type_tobacco", "Tobacco_consumption_age_yrs", "Quantity_tobacco_per_week", "Duration_tobacco", "Comments_tobacco"
    new_data = tobacco, tobacco_type, tobacco_age, tobacco_quant, tobacco_duration, tobacco_comments
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, new_data)
    other_del_habits = input(
        "Other Deleterious Habits (if present give details): ")
    update_single(conn, cursor, table, "Other_Deleterious_Habits", file_number,
def phys_act(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from breast_cancer_tables import physical_activity_table
    from add_update_sql import update_single
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    phys_act = ask_y_n("Any Physical Activities ?")
    if phys_act:
        physical_activity_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
        phys_act = "Physical Activities Performed"
        phys_act = "No Physical Activities"
    update_single(conn, cursor, table, "Physical_Activity_y_n", file_number,
def physical_activity_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    from add_update_sql import insert
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    table_act = "Physical_Activity"
    columns = "File_number, Type_activity, Frequency_activity"
    add_act = True
    while add_act:
        type_phys_act = input("Type of physical activity: ")
        freq_phys_act = input("Frequency of physical activity: ")
        data = file_number, type_phys_act, freq_phys_act
        insert(conn, cursor, table_act, columns, data)
        add_act = ask_y_n("Add further activities?")
def family_cancer(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_single
    from breast_cancer_tables import family_cancer_table
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    family_cancer_history_y_n = ask_y_n('Cancer history in Family')
    if family_cancer_history_y_n:
        family_cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
        family_cancer_history_y_n = "Family History of Cancer"
        family_cancer_history_y_n = "No Family History of Cancer"
    update_single(conn, cursor, table, "FamilyCancer_history_y_n", file_number,
def med_history(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from breast_cancer_tables import med_history_table
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    from add_update_sql import update_single
    medical_history_y_n = ask_y_n("Other Medical History ?")
    if medical_history_y_n:
        med_history_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
        medical_history_y_n = "Previous medical history present"
        medical_history_y_n = "No previous medical history present"
    update_single(conn, cursor, table, "Any_Other_Medical_History_y_n",
                  file_number, medical_history_y_n)
def cancer_history(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from breast_cancer_tables import cancer_table
    from add_update_sql import update_single
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    previous_cancer_history_y_n = ask_y_n("Previous history of cancer ?")
    if previous_cancer_history_y_n:
        cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
        previous_cancer_history_y_n = "Previous history of cancer"
        previous_cancer_history_y_n = "No previous history of cancer"
    update_single(conn, cursor, table, "Previous_Cancer_History_y_n",
                  file_number, previous_cancer_history_y_n)
def nut_supplements(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_single
    from breast_cancer_tables import nut_supp_table
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    nut_supplements = ask_y_n("Nutritional supplements taken")
    if nut_supplements:
        nut_supp_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
        nut_supplements = "Nutritional supplements taken"
        nut_supplements = "No nutritional supplements taken"
    update_single(conn, cursor, table, "Nutritional_supplements_y_n",
                  file_number, nut_supplements)
def metastasis_symp(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_single
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    met_none = ask_y_n("Metastatis Symptoms Present?")
    met = []
    if not met_none:
        met = [["No Metastatis Symptoms"]]
        met_bone = ask_y_n("Bone Pain")
        if met_bone:
            met.append(["Bone Pain"])
        met_cough = ask_y_n("Cough")
        if met_cough:
        met_jaundice = ask_y_n("Jaundice")
        if met_jaundice:
        met_headache = ask_y_n("Headache")
        if met_headache:
        met_weight = ask_y_n("Weight loss")
        if met_weight:
    met_flat = [item for sublist in met for item in sublist]
    data_met = "; ".join(met_flat)
    update_single(conn, cursor, table, "Metatasis_Symptoms", file_number,
Exemple #18
def surgery_block(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_option, ask_y_n
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple
    print("Surgery Block Report")
    tumour_size = input("Tumour size: ")
    category = "Tumour Grade"
    options = ["I", "II", "III", "Other"]
    tumour_grade = ask_option(category, options)
    category = "Surgery Diagnosis"
    options = [
        "Ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS)", "Invasive Ductal Carcinoma", "Other"
    surg_diag = ask_option(category, options)
    if (surg_diag == "Ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS)"):
        dcis_percent = input("Percent DCIS: ")
        category = "DCIS Invasion"
        options = ['Microinvasion', 'Macroinvasion']
        dcis_invasion = ask_option(category, options)
        dcis_percent = "NA"
        dcis_invasion = "NA"
    per_inv = ask_y_n("Perineural Invasion", "Perineural Invasion Present",
                      "Perineural Invasion Absent")
    necrosis = ask_y_n("Necrosis", "Necrosis Present", "Necrosis Absent")
    lymph_invasion = ask_y_n("Lymphovascular invasion",
                             "Lymphovascular invasion Present",
                             "Lymphovascular invasion Absent")
    category = "Margins"
    options = ["Involved", "Free"]
    margin = ask_option(category, options)
    print("Surgery Block Report")
    category = "Pathological Complete Remission"
    options = ["Yes", "No", "Other"]
    report = ask_option(category, options)
    data = tumour_size, tumour_grade, surg_diag, dcis_percent, dcis_invasion, per_inv, necrosis, lymph_invasion, margin, report
    columns = "Tumour_size_Surgery_Block_Report", "Grade_Surgery_Block_Report", "Diagnosis_Surgery_Block_Report", \
              "DCIS_Percent_Surgery_Block_Report", "DCIS_Invasion_Surgery_Block_Report", \
              "Perineural_Invasion_Surgery_Block_Report", "Necrosis_Surgery_Block_Report", \
              "Lymphovascular_Invasion_Surgery_Block_Report", "Margins_Surgery_Block_Report", "Surgery_Block_Report"
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, data)
def bio_info(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    import add_update_sql
    import ask_y_n_statement
    check = False
    while not check:
        mr_number = input('MR_number :')
        name = input('Name :')
        consent = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n(
            "Is consent form with signature present in file", "Consent Taken",
            "Consent form not present")
        aadhaar_card = input("Aadhaar card number (if available): ")
        date_first = input("Date of first visit: ")
        permanent_address = input('Permanent_Address :')
        current_address = input('Current_Address :')
        phone = input('Phone :')
        email_id = input('Email_ID :')
        gender = input('Gender :')
        age_yrs = input('Age (yrs) :')
        date_of_birth = input('Date of Birth :')
        place_birth = input('Place of Birth :')
        height = ask_y_n_statement.ask_option("Height unit",
                                              ["cm", "feet/inches"])
        if height == "cm":
            height_cm = input('Height (cm) :')
            height_feet = float(input("Height (feet)"))
            height_inch = float(input("Height (inches)"))
            height_inch = height_inch + 12 * height_feet
            height_cm = str(height_inch * 2.54)
        weight_kg = input('Weight (kg) :')
        height = float(height_cm) / 100
        weight = float(weight_kg)
        BMI = str(round(weight / (height * height)))
        columns_list = [
            "MR_number", "Name", "Consent", "Aadhaar_Card", "FirstVisit_Date",
            "Permanent_Address", "Current_Address", "Phone", "Email_ID",
            "Gender", "Age_yrs", "Date_of_Birth", "Place_Birth", "Height_cm",
            "Weight_kg", "BMI"
        new_data = [
            mr_number, name, consent, aadhaar_card, date_first,
            permanent_address, current_address, phone, email_id, gender,
            age_yrs, date_of_birth, place_birth, height_cm, weight_kg, BMI
        check = add_update_sql.review_input(file_number, columns_list,
    columns = "MR_number", "Name", "Consent", "Aadhaar_Card", "FirstVisit_Date", "Permanent_Address", "Current_Address", \
              "Phone", "Email_ID", "Gender", "Age_yrs", "Date_of_Birth", "Place_Birth", "Height_cm", "Weight_kg", "BMI"
    data = mr_number, name, consent, aadhaar_card, date_first, permanent_address, current_address, phone, email_id, \
           gender, age_yrs, date_of_birth, place_birth, height_cm, weight_kg, BMI
    add_update_sql.update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number,
def med_history_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    from add_update_sql import insert
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    add_history = True
    while add_history:
        condition = input("Condition : ")
        diagnosis_date = input("Date of diagnosis: ")
        treatment = input("Treatment: ")
        history = file_number, condition, diagnosis_date, treatment
        table_med = "General_Medical_History"
        columns = "File_number, Condition, Diagnosis_date, Treatment"
        insert(conn, cursor, table_med, columns, history)
        add_history = ask_y_n ('Add more history')
Exemple #21
def display_data(cursor, table, file_number, columns, section_number):
    import ask_y_n_statement
    section = ", ".join(columns)
    sql = "SELECT " + section + " FROM " + table + " WHERE File_number = ?"
    cursor.execute(sql, (file_number, ))
    data = cursor.fetchall()
    data_list = list(data[0])
    col_number = len(columns)
    print("Available data in database")
    for index in range((section_number - 1), col_number):
        print(columns[index] + ": " + data_list[index])
    enter = ask_y_n_statement.ask_y_n("Enter " + section_name)
    return enter
def nut_supp_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    from add_update_sql import insert
    from ask_y_n_statement import  ask_y_n
    add_supp = True
    table_nut = "Nutritional_Supplements"
    columns = "File_number, Type_nutritional_supplements, Quantity_nutritional_supplements_per_day, " \
    while add_supp:
        nut_supplements_type = input("Type of nutritional supplements taken: ")
        nut_supplements_quant = input("Quantity of nutritional supplements taken per day: ")
        nut_supplements_duration = input("Duration of nutritional supplements use: ")
        new_data = file_number, nut_supplements_type, nut_supplements_quant, nut_supplements_duration
        insert(conn, cursor, table_nut, columns, new_data)
        add_supp = ask_y_n('Add more nutritional supplements?')
def other_symp(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple
    from ask_y_n_statement import get_rb_lb, ask_y_n
    # data = file_number, mr_number, name
    add_symp = True
    all_data = []
    while add_symp:
        other_symp = input("Type of symptom: ")
        symp_breast_right = input("Right Breast y/n: ")
        if str.lower(symp_breast_right) == "y":
            symp_breast_right = other_symp
            symp_duration_right = input(
                "Duration of symptoms in right breast: ")
            symp_breast_right = None
            symp_duration_right = None
        symp_breast_left = input("Left Breast y/n: ")
        if str.lower(symp_breast_left) == "y":
            symp_breast_left = other_symp
            symp_duration_left = input("Duration of symptoms in left breast: ")
            symp_breast_left = None
            symp_duration_left = None
        RB = [symp_breast_right, symp_duration_right]
        LB = [symp_breast_left, symp_duration_left]
        data = [RB, LB]
        add_symp = ask_y_n("Include more symptoms?")
    rb = get_rb_lb(all_data, 0)
    rb_symp = list(filter(None, get_rb_lb(rb, 0)))
    rb_dur = list(filter(None, get_rb_lb(rb, 1)))
    lb = get_rb_lb(all_data, 1)
    lb_symp = list(filter(None, get_rb_lb(lb, 0)))
    lb_dur = list(filter(None, get_rb_lb(lb, 1)))
    data = [rb_symp, rb_dur, lb_symp, lb_dur]
    for index in range(0, len(data)):
        if not data[index]:
            data[index] = ["No other symptoms"]
            data[index] = ["; ".join(data[index])]
    data_flat = [item for sublist in data for item in sublist]
    new_data = tuple(data_flat)
    columns = "RB_Other_Symptoms", "RB_Other_Symptoms_duration", "LB_Other_Symptoms", "RB_Other_Symptoms_duration"
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, new_data)
    return (new_data)
def physical_activity_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    from add_update_sql import insert
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    table_act = "Physical_Activity"
    columns = "File_number, Type_activity, Frequency_activity"
    add_act = True
    type_phys_list, freq_phys_list = [], []
    while add_act:
        type_phys_act = input("Type of physical activity: ")
        freq_phys_act = input("Frequency of physical activity: ")
        data = file_number, type_phys_act, freq_phys_act
        insert(conn, cursor, table_act, columns, data)
        add_act = ask_y_n("Add further activities?")
    type_phys = '; '.join(type_phys_list)
    freq_phys = '; '.join(freq_phys_list)
    return (type_phys, freq_phys)
def family_cancer(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple, review_input
    from breast_cancer_tables import family_cancer_table
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    check = False
    while not check:
        family_cancer_history_y_n = ask_y_n('Cancer history in Family')
        if family_cancer_history_y_n:
            family_cancer = family_cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            family_cancer_history_y_n = "Family History of Cancer"
            family_cancer_history_y_n = "No Family History of Cancer"
            family_cancer = "NA"
        data_list = [family_cancer_history_y_n, family_cancer]
        columns_list = ["FamilyCancer_history_y_n", "Type_DegreeRelation_TypeRelation_Age_FamilyCancer"]
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    data = family_cancer_history_y_n, family_cancer
    columns = "FamilyCancer_history_y_n", "Type_DegreeRelation_TypeRelation_Age_FamilyCancer"
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, data)
def family_cancer_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_option, ask_y_n
    from add_update_sql import insert
    add_family = True
    all_data = []
    while add_family:
        type_of_cancer = input("Type of Cancer: ")
        category = ("Relation to patient")
        options = ["Immediate Family", "Maternal Family", "Paternal Family"]
        relation_to_patient = ask_option(category, options)
        type_relation = input("Specific Relationship:")
        age_at_detection_yrs = input('Age at detection (yrs) :')
        family_history = file_number, type_of_cancer, relation_to_patient, type_relation, age_at_detection_yrs
        #family_history_list = [type_of_cancer, relation_to_patient, type_relation, age_at_detection_yrs]
        columns = 'File_number, Type_Cancer, Relation_to_Patient, Type_Relation, Age_at_detection_yrs'
        table = "Family_Cancer_History"
        insert(conn, cursor, table, columns, family_history)
        add_family = ask_y_n("Add more family cancer history? ")
def phys_act(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from breast_cancer_tables import physical_activity_table
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple, review_input
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    check = False
    while not check:
        phys_act = ask_y_n("Any Physical Activities ?")
        if phys_act:
            phys = physical_activity_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            phys_act = "Physical Activities Performed"
            phys_act_done, phys_act_freq = phys
            phys_act = "No Physical Activities"
            phys_act_done, phys_act_freq = ("NA",) * 2
        data_list = [phys_act, phys_act_done, phys_act_freq]
        columns_list = ["Physical_Activity_y_n", "Type_Physical_Activity", "Frequency_Physical_Activity"]
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    data = phys_act, phys_act_done, phys_act_freq
    columns = "Physical_Activity_y_n", "Type_Physical_Activity", "Frequency_Physical_Activity"
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, data)
def med_history_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    from add_update_sql import insert
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    add_history = True
    diagnosis_date_list, treatment_list, condition_list = [], [], []
    while add_history:
        condition = input("Condition : ")
        diagnosis_date = input("Date of diagnosis: ")
        treatment = input("Treatment: ")
        history = file_number, condition, diagnosis_date, treatment
        table_med = "General_Medical_History"
        columns = "File_number, Condition, Diagnosis_date, Treatment"
        insert(conn, cursor, table_med, columns, history)
        add_history = ask_y_n('Add more history')
    condition_hist = '; '.join(condition_list)
    treatment_hist = '; '.join(treatment_list)
    diagnosis_date_hist = "; ".join(diagnosis_date_list)
    return (condition_hist, diagnosis_date_hist, treatment_hist)
def nut_supplements(conn, cursor, file_number, table):
    from add_update_sql import update_multiple, review_input
    from breast_cancer_tables import nut_supp_table
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    check = False
    while not check:
        nut_supplements = ask_y_n("Nutritional supplements taken")
        if nut_supplements:
            nuts = nut_supp_table(conn, cursor, file_number)
            nut_supplements = "Nutritional supplements taken"
            nut_supplements = "No nutritional supplements taken"
            nuts = ("NA",) * 3
        nuts_type, nuts_quant, nuts_dur = nuts
        data_list = [nut_supplements, nuts_type, nuts_quant, nuts_dur]
        columns_list = ["Nutritional_supplements_y_n", "Type_Nutritional_supplements",
                        "Quantity_Nutritional_supplements", \
        check = review_input(file_number, columns_list, data_list)
    data = nut_supplements, nuts_type, nuts_quant, nuts_dur
    columns = "Nutritional_supplements_y_n", "Type_Nutritional_supplements", "Quantity_Nutritional_supplements", \
    update_multiple(conn, cursor, table, columns, file_number, data)
def nut_supp_table(conn, cursor, file_number):
    from add_update_sql import insert
    from ask_y_n_statement import ask_y_n
    type_nut_list, quant_nut_list, duration_nut_list = [], [], []
    add_supp = True
    table_nut = "Nutritional_Supplements"
    columns = "File_number, Type_nutritional_supplements, Quantity_nutritional_supplements_per_day, " \
    while add_supp:
        nut_supplements_type = input("Type of nutritional supplements taken: ")
        nut_supplements_quant = input(
            "Quantity of nutritional supplements taken per day: ")
        nut_supplements_duration = input(
            "Duration of nutritional supplements use: ")
        new_data = file_number, nut_supplements_type, nut_supplements_quant, nut_supplements_duration
        insert(conn, cursor, table_nut, columns, new_data)
        add_supp = ask_y_n('Add more nutritional supplements?')
    type_nut = '; '.join(type_nut_list)
    quant_nut = '; '.join(quant_nut_list)
    duration_nut = "; ".join(duration_nut_list)
    return (type_nut, quant_nut, duration_nut)