Exemple #1
 def runTest(self):
     tr = TrustRoot.parse(self.case)
     if self.sanity == 'sane':
         assert tr.isSane(), self.case
     elif self.sanity == 'insane':
         assert not tr.isSane(), self.case
         assert tr is None, tr
Exemple #2
    def runTest(self):
        tr = TrustRoot.parse(self.tr)
        self.failIf(tr is None, self.tr)

        match = tr.validateURL(self.rt)
        if self.match:
            assert match
            assert not match
Exemple #3
class FetchRequest(AXMessage):
    """An attribute exchange 'fetch_request' message. This message is
    sent by a relying party when it wishes to obtain attributes about
    the subject of an OpenID authentication request.

    @ivar requested_attributes: The attributes that have been
        requested thus far, indexed by the type URI.
    @type requested_attributes: {str:AttrInfo}

    @ivar update_url: A URL that will accept responses for this
        attribute exchange request, even in the absence of the user
        who made this request.
    mode = 'fetch_request'

    def __init__(self, update_url=None):
        self.requested_attributes = {}
        self.update_url = update_url

    def add(self, attribute):
        """Add an attribute to this attribute exchange request.

        @param attribute: The attribute that is being requested
        @type attribute: C{L{AttrInfo}}

        @returns: None

        @raise KeyError: when the requested attribute is already
            present in this fetch request.
        if attribute.type_uri in self.requested_attributes:
            raise KeyError('The attribute %r has already been requested' %
                           (attribute.type_uri, ))

        self.requested_attributes[attribute.type_uri] = attribute

    def getExtensionArgs(self):
        """Get the serialized form of this attribute fetch request.

        @returns: The fetch request message parameters
        @rtype: {unicode:unicode}
        aliases = NamespaceMap()

        required = []
        if_available = []

        ax_args = self._newArgs()

        for type_uri, attribute in self.requested_attributes.iteritems():
            if attribute.alias is None:
                alias = aliases.add(type_uri)
                # This will raise an exception when the second
                # attribute with the same alias is added. I think it
                # would be better to complain at the time that the
                # attribute is added to this object so that the code
                # that is adding it is identified in the stack trace,
                # but it's more work to do so, and it won't be 100%
                # accurate anyway, since the attributes are
                # mutable. So for now, just live with the fact that
                # we'll learn about the error later.
                # The other possible approach is to hide the error and
                # generate a new alias on the fly. I think that would
                # probably be bad.
                alias = aliases.addAlias(type_uri, attribute.alias)

            if attribute.required:

            if attribute.count != 1:
                ax_args['count.' + alias] = str(attribute.count)

            ax_args['type.' + alias] = type_uri

        if required:
            ax_args['required'] = ','.join(required)

        if if_available:
            ax_args['if_available'] = ','.join(if_available)

        return ax_args

    def getRequiredAttrs(self):
        """Get the type URIs for all attributes that have been marked
        as required.

        @returns: A list of the type URIs for attributes that have
            been marked as required.
        @rtype: [str]
        required = []
        for type_uri, attribute in self.requested_attributes.iteritems():
            if attribute.required:

        return required

    def fromOpenIDRequest(cls, openid_request):
        """Extract a FetchRequest from an OpenID message

        @param openid_request: The OpenID authentication request
            containing the attribute fetch request
        @type openid_request: C{L{openid.server.server.CheckIDRequest}}

        @rtype: C{L{FetchRequest}} or C{None}
        @returns: The FetchRequest extracted from the message or None, if
            the message contained no AX extension.

        @raises KeyError: if the AuthRequest is not consistent in its use
            of namespace aliases.

        @raises AXError: When parseExtensionArgs would raise same.

        @see: L{parseExtensionArgs}
        message = openid_request.message
        ax_args = message.getArgs(cls.ns_uri)
        self = cls()
        except NotAXMessage, err:
            return None

        if self.update_url:
            # Update URL must match the openid.realm of the underlying
            # OpenID 2 message.
            realm = message.getArg(OPENID_NS, 'realm',
                                   message.getArg(OPENID_NS, 'return_to'))

            if not realm:
                raise AXError(
                    ("Cannot validate update_url %r " + "against absent realm")
                    % (self.update_url, ))

            tr = TrustRoot.parse(realm)
            if not tr.validateURL(self.update_url):
                raise AXError(
                    "Update URL %r failed validation against realm %r" % (

        return self