Exemple #1
 def setUp(self):
     print('Start test setup')
     asl = AslDb()
     self.training = asl.build_training(FEATURES)
     self.sequences = self.training.get_all_sequences()
     self.xlengths = self.training.get_all_Xlengths()
     print('End test setup')
Exemple #2
class TestRecognize(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.asl = AslDb()
        self.training_set = self.asl.build_training(FEATURES)
        self.test_set = self.asl.build_test(FEATURES)
        self.models = train_all_words(self.training_set, SelectorConstant)

    def test_recognize_probabilities_interface(self):
        probs, _ = recognize(self.models, self.test_set)
            len(probs), self.test_set.num_items,
            "Number of test items in probabilities list incorrect.")
            'FRANK', probs[0],
            "Dictionary of probabilities does not contain correct keys")
            'CHICKEN', probs[-1],
            "Dictionary of probabilities does not contain correct keys")

    def test_recognize_guesses_interface(self):
        _, guesses = recognize(self.models, self.test_set)
        self.assertEqual(len(guesses), self.test_set.num_items,
                         "Number of test items in guesses list incorrect.")
        self.assertIsInstance(guesses[0], str, "The guesses are not strings")
        self.assertIsInstance(guesses[-1], str, "The guesses are not strings")
 def setUp(self):
     self.asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
     )  # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame
     self.asl.df['grnd-ry'] = self.asl.df['right-y'] - self.asl.df['nose-y']
     self.asl.df['grnd-rx'] = self.asl.df['right-x'] - self.asl.df['nose-x']
     self.asl.df['grnd-ly'] = self.asl.df['left-y'] - self.asl.df['nose-y']
     self.asl.df['grnd-lx'] = self.asl.df['left-x'] - self.asl.df['nose-x']
     self.features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
     self.words_to_train = ['FISH', 'BOOK', 'VEGETABLE', 'FUTURE', 'JOHN']
     self.training = self.asl.build_training(
     )  # Experiment here with different feature sets defined in part 1
class MyDICTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
        )  # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame
        self.asl.df['grnd-ry'] = self.asl.df['right-y'] - self.asl.df['nose-y']
        self.asl.df['grnd-rx'] = self.asl.df['right-x'] - self.asl.df['nose-x']
        self.asl.df['grnd-ly'] = self.asl.df['left-y'] - self.asl.df['nose-y']
        self.asl.df['grnd-lx'] = self.asl.df['left-x'] - self.asl.df['nose-x']
        self.features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
        self.words_to_train = ['FISH', 'BOOK', 'VEGETABLE', 'FUTURE', 'JOHN']
        self.training = self.asl.build_training(
        )  # Experiment here with different feature sets defined in part 1

    def test_something(self):
        sequences = self.training.get_all_sequences()
        Xlengths = self.training.get_all_Xlengths()
        for word in self.words_to_train:
            start = timeit.default_timer()
            model = my_model_selectors.SelectorDIC(sequences,
            end = timeit.default_timer() - start
            if model is not None:
                    "Training complete for {} with {} states with time {} seconds"
                    .format(word, model.n_components, end))
                print("Training failed for {}".format(word))
class TestRecognize(TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.asl = AslDb()
        self.training_set = self.asl.build_training(FEATURES)
        self.test_set = self.asl.build_test(FEATURES)
        self.models = train_all_words(self.training_set, SelectorConstant)

    def test_recognize_probabilities_interface(self):
        probs, _ = recognize(self.models, self.test_set)
        self.assertEqual(len(probs), self.test_set.num_items, "Number of test items in probabilities list incorrect.")
        self.assertIn('FRANK', probs[0], "Dictionary of probabilities does not contain correct keys")
        self.assertIn('CHICKEN', probs[-1], "Dictionary of probabilities does not contain correct keys")

    def test_recognize_guesses_interface(self):
        _, guesses = recognize(self.models, self.test_set)
        self.assertEqual(len(guesses), self.test_set.num_items, "Number of test items in guesses list incorrect.")
        self.assertIsInstance(guesses[0], str, "The guesses are not strings")
        self.assertIsInstance(guesses[-1], str, "The guesses are not strings")
Exemple #6
def initialise_asl_db(features):
    asl = AslDb()
    add_features_norm(asl, features[1])
    add_features_polar(asl, features[0], features[2])
    add_features_delta(asl, features[3])
    add_features_rescaling(asl, features[0], features[4])
    # Display first five rows (pandas data frame) of ASL database, indexed by video and frame
    # asl.df.head()
    return asl
Exemple #7
 def setUp(self):
     asl = AslDb()
     self.training = asl.build_training(FEATURES)
     self.sequences = self.training.get_all_sequences()
     self.xlengths = self.training.get_all_Xlengths()
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

asl = AslDb()
asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']

features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
training = asl.build_training(features_ground)

df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
asl.df['left-x-mean'] = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-x'])
df_std = asl.df.groupby('speaker').std()

def z_score(col):
    Xmean = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means[col])
    Xstd = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std[col])
    return (asl.df[col] - Xmean) / Xstd

#  x: array([-0.891,  0.742,  1.153,  1.663])
#  y: array([ 1.153,  1.663, -0.891,  0.742])
cols = ['right-x', 'right-y', 'left-x', 'left-y']
features_norm = ['norm-rx', 'norm-ry', 'norm-lx', 'norm-ly']
for f_norm, col in zip(features_norm, cols):
    asl.df[f_norm] = z_score(col)
Exemple #9
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

from my_model_selectors import SelectorCV
from my_model_selectors import SelectorBIC
from my_model_selectors import SelectorDIC

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database

asl.df.ix[98, 1]  # look at the data available for an individual frame

asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']

from asl_utils import test_features_tryit
# TODO add df columns for 'grnd-rx', 'grnd-ly', 'grnd-lx' representing differences between hand and nose locations

# grnd-rx
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']

# grnd-ly
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']

# grnd-lx
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']

# test the code
# test_features_tryit(asl)

# collect the features into a list
features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

asl = AslDb() # initializes the database

asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']

features_ground = ['grnd-rx','grnd-ry','grnd-lx','grnd-ly']

df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
df_std = asl.df.groupby('speaker').std()

features_norm = ['norm-rx', 'norm-ry', 'norm-lx','norm-ly']
eps = 1e-20

asl.df['norm-lx'] = (asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-x'])) / (asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['left-x']) + eps)
asl.df['norm-ly'] = (asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-y'])) / (asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['left-y']) + eps)
asl.df['norm-rx'] = (asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['right-x'])) / (asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['right-x']) + eps)
asl.df['norm-ry'] = (asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['right-y'])) / (asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['right-y']) + eps)

features_polar = ['polar-rr', 'polar-rtheta', 'polar-lr', 'polar-ltheta']

def get_theta(y, x):
    # np.arctan2 expects the first argument to be the y coordinate, but the instructions say to swap the
    # x and y coordinates.
def init():

    asl = AslDb()
    hand = ['right', 'left']
    side = ['r', 'l']
    cartesian = ['x', 'y']
    polar = ['r', 'theta']

    #rename the raw data for consistency
    raw_names = {
        h + '-' + c: 'raw-' + h[0] + c
        for h in hand for c in cartesian
    asl.df = asl.df.rename(columns=raw_names)

    cartesian_features = ['grnd', 'norm', 'delta']
    features = {
        k: [k + '-' + h[0] + c for h in hand for c in cartesian]
        for k in cartesian_features

    features['polar'] = ['polar' + '-' + s + c for s in side for c in polar]
    #derive the features
    for f in features['grnd']:
        asl.df[f] = asl.df['raw' + f[-3:]] - asl.df['nose-' + f[-1:]]

    df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
    df_std = asl.df.groupby('speaker').std()

    for f in features['norm']:
        ref = 'raw' + f[-3:]
        asl.df[f] = (asl.df[ref] - asl.df['speaker'].map(
            df_means[ref])) / asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std[ref])

    for f in features['delta']:
        ref = 'grnd' + f[-3:]
        asl.df[f] = (asl.df[ref].diff()).fillna(0)

    ref = 'grnd'
    asl.df['polar-rtheta'] = (np.arctan2(asl.df[ref + '-rx'],
                                         asl.df[ref + '-ry']))
    asl.df['polar-ltheta'] = (np.arctan2(asl.df[ref + '-lx'],
                                         asl.df[ref + '-ly']))
    asl.df['polar-rr'] = np.sqrt(asl.df[ref + '-rx']**2 +
                                 asl.df[ref + '-ry']**2)
    asl.df['polar-lr'] = np.sqrt(asl.df[ref + '-lx']**2 +
                                 asl.df[ref + '-ly']**2)
    training = {k: asl.build_training(v) for k, v in features.items()}

    xlens = training['grnd'].get_all_Xlengths()
    lens_stats = [(k, len(v[1]), min(v[1]), sum(v[1]) / len(v[1]), max(v[1]),
                   max(v[1]) - min(v[1])) for k, v in xlens.items()]
    words_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
        lens_stats, columns=['word', 'count', 'min', 'avg', 'max',
    words_stats['spread'] = words_stats['range'] / words_stats['avg']

    #include all words
    min_len = 0
    words = words_stats[words_stats['min'] > min_len].sort_values(
        by='count', ascending=False).index.tolist()

    samples = dict()
    for f in features:
        samples[f] = {k: get_word(training, features, f, k) for k in words}

    threshold = 1e-9
    separated = {
        k: ([s for s in v if min(s.std()) < threshold],
            [s for s in v if min(s.std()) > threshold])
        for k, v in samples['norm'].items()
    separated_stats = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
        {k: (len(v[0]), len(v[1]))
         for k, v in separated.items()}).T.rename(columns={
             0: 'single',
             1: 'double'
    return asl, features, training, samples, words_stats.join(
        separated_stats), separated
Exemple #12
        self.assertGreaterEqual(model.n_components, 2)

    #def test_select_bic_interface(self):
    #    model = SelectorBIC(self.sequences, self.xlengths, 'FRANK').select()
    #    self.assertGreaterEqual(model.n_components, 2)
    #    model = SelectorBIC(self.sequences, self.xlengths, 'VEGETABLE').select()
    #    self.assertGreaterEqual(model.n_components, 2)

    def test_select_cv_interface(self):
        model = SelectorCV(self.sequences, self.xlengths, 'JOHN').select()
        self.assertGreaterEqual(model.n_components, 2)
        model = SelectorCV(self.sequences, self.xlengths, 'CHICKEN').select()
        self.assertGreaterEqual(model.n_components, 2)

    #def test_select_dic_interface(self):
    #    model = SelectorDIC(self.sequences, self.xlengths, 'MARY').select()
    #    self.assertGreaterEqual(model.n_components, 2)
    #    model = SelectorDIC(self.sequences, self.xlengths, 'TOY').select()
    #    self.assertGreaterEqual(model.n_components, 2)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    asl = AslDb()
    training = asl.build_training(FEATURES)
    sequences = training.get_all_sequences()
    xlengths = training.get_all_Xlengths()

    #SelectorCV(sequences, xlengths, 'JOHN').select()
    SelectorDIC(sequences, xlengths, 'FRANK').select()
Exemple #13
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

asl = AslDb()

features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']

#words_to_train = ['FISH']
words_to_train = ['FISH', 'BOOK', 'VEGETABLE', 'FUTURE', 'JOHN']
import timeit

from my_model_selectors import SelectorCV, SelectorBIC, SelectorDIC

training = asl.build_training(features_ground)
sequences = training.get_all_sequences()
Xlengths = training.get_all_Xlengths()

for word in words_to_train:
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    #model = SelectorCV(sequences, Xlengths, word,
    #                min_n_components=2, max_n_components=15, random_state = 14).select()
    #    model = SelectorBIC(sequences, Xlengths, word,
    #                    min_n_components=2, max_n_components=15, random_state = 14).select()
    model = SelectorDIC(sequences,
Exemple #14
from asl_utils import test_features_tryit

import warnings
from hmmlearn.hmm import GaussianHMM

import math
from matplotlib import (cm, pyplot as plt, mlab)

from my_model_selectors import SelectorConstant
from my_model_selectors import SelectorCV

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

import timeit

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
#print(asl.df.head()) # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame
#print(asl.df.ix[98,1])  # look at the data available for an individual frame

asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
# TODO add df columns for 'grnd-rx', 'grnd-ly', 'grnd-lx' representing differences between hand and nose locations
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']

#print(asl.df.head())  # the new feature 'grnd-ry' is now in the frames dictionary
# test the code

# collect the features into a list
features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
Exemple #15
def train_all_words(features, model_selector):
    training = asl.build_training(
    )  # Experiment here with different feature sets defined in part 1
    sequences = training.get_all_sequences()
    Xlengths = training.get_all_Xlengths()
    model_dict = {}
    for word in training.words:
        model = model_selector(sequences, Xlengths, word,
        model_dict[word] = model
    return model_dict

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
df_std = asl.df.groupby('speaker').std()
features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
features_norm = ['norm-rx', 'norm-ry', 'norm-lx', 'norm-ly']
features_polar = ['polar-rr', 'polar-rtheta', 'polar-lr', 'polar-ltheta']
features_delta = ['delta-rx', 'delta-ry', 'delta-lx', 'delta-ly']
# c.log
# features_custom = ['norm-delta-rx', 'norm-delta-ry', 'norm-delta-lx', 'norm-delta-ly']
# d.log
features_custom1 = [
    'norm-grnd-rx', 'norm-grnd-ry', 'norm-grnd-lx', 'norm-grnd-ly'
# g.log
features_custom2 = [
    'delta-grnd-rx', 'delta-grnd-ry', 'delta-grnd-lx', 'delta-grnd-ly'
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Oct 15 22:10:03 2018

@author: WIN

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb
from asl_utils import test_features_tryit

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
s = asl.df.head(
)  # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame

asl.df.iloc[99, 1]  # look at the data available for an individual frame

asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']

asl.df.head()  # the new feature 'grnd-ry' is now in the frames dictionary

# TODO add df columns for 'grnd-rx', 'grnd-ly', 'grnd-lx' representing differences
# between hand and nose locations

asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']

# test the code
Exemple #17
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
)  # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame

asl.df.ix[98, 2]  # look at the data available for an individual frame

asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df.head()  # the new feature 'grnd-ry' is now in the frames dictionary

from asl_utils import test_features_tryit
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']


features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
#show a single set of features for a given (video, frame) tuple
[asl.df.ix[98, 1][v] for v in features_ground]

training = asl.build_training(features_ground)
print("Training words: {}".format(training.words))


df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
Exemple #18
    training = asl.build_training(features)  # Experiment here with different feature sets defined in part 1
    sequences = training.get_all_sequences()
    xlengths = training.get_all_Xlengths()
    model_dict = {}
    for word in training.words:
        model = model_selector(sequences, xlengths, word,
        model_dict[word] = model
    return model_dict

if __name__ == "__main__":

    asl = AslDb()
    for feats in feature_sets:
        print(" FEATURES")
        print(" {}".format(feats))
        for sel in selectors:
            print(" Selector: {}".format(sel))
            start_t = time.time()
            print("Start time: {}".format(start_t))
                models = train_all_words(feats, sel)
                test_set = asl.build_test(feats)
                probabilities, guesses = recognize(models, test_set)
# <a id='part1_tutorial'></a>
# ## PART 1: Data
# ### Features Tutorial
# ##### Load the initial database
# A data handler designed for this database is provided in the student codebase as the `AslDb` class in the `asl_data` module.  This handler creates the initial [pandas](http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/) dataframe from the corpus of data included in the `data` directory as well as dictionaries suitable for extracting data in a format friendly to the [hmmlearn](https://hmmlearn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) library.  We'll use those to create models in Part 2.
# To start, let's set up the initial database and select an example set of features for the training set.  At the end of Part 1, you will create additional feature sets for experimentation.

# In[2]:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
)  # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame

# In[3]:

asl.df.ix[98, 1]  # look at the data available for an individual frame

# The frame represented by video 98, frame 1 is shown here:
# ![Video 98](http://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~dreuw/database/rwth-boston-104/overview/images/orig/098-start.jpg)

# ##### Feature selection for training the model
# The objective of feature selection when training a model is to choose the most relevant variables while keeping the model as simple as possible, thus reducing training time.  We can use the raw features already provided or derive our own and add columns to the pandas dataframe `asl.df` for selection. As an example, in the next cell a feature named `'grnd-ry'` is added. This feature is the difference between the right-hand y value and the nose y value, which serves as the "ground" right y value.

# In[4]:
Exemple #20
from asl_utils import show_errors

def train_all_words(features, model_selector):
    training = asl.build_training(features)  # Experiment here with different feature sets defined in part 1
    sequences = training.get_all_sequences()
    Xlengths = training.get_all_Xlengths()
    model_dict = {}
    for word in training.words:
        model = model_selector(sequences, Xlengths, word,
                        n_constant=3, verbose=False).select()
    return model_dict

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database

asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']

df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
asl.df['right-x-mean'] = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['right-x'])
asl.df['right-y-mean'] = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['right-y'])
asl.df['left-x-mean'] = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-x'])
asl.df['left-y-mean'] = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-y'])

df_std = asl.df.groupby('speaker').std()
asl.df['right-x-std'] = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['right-x'])
Exemple #21
def build_asl_db():
    asl = AslDb()

    # ground features
    asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
    asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
    asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
    asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']

    # polar features
    asl.df['polar-rr'] = np.sqrt(asl.df['grnd-rx'] ** 2 + asl.df['grnd-ry'] ** 2)
    asl.df['polar-rtheta'] = np.arctan2(asl.df['grnd-rx'], asl.df['grnd-ry'])
    asl.df['polar-lr'] = np.sqrt(asl.df['grnd-lx'] ** 2 + asl.df['grnd-ly'] ** 2)
    asl.df['polar-ltheta'] = np.arctan2(asl.df['grnd-lx'], asl.df['grnd-ly'])

    refs = ['right-x', 'right-y', 'left-x', 'left-y']
    features_delta = ['delta-rx', 'delta-ry', 'delta-lx', 'delta-ly']
    for ref, feat in zip(refs, features_delta):
        asl.df[feat] = asl.df[ref].diff()
        asl.df[feat].fillna(0., inplace=True)

    # compute mean/std
    df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
    df_stds  = asl.df.groupby('speaker').std()

    # normalized features
    refs = ['right-x', 'right-y', 'left-x', 'left-y']
    features_norm = ['norm-rx', 'norm-ry', 'norm-lx', 'norm-ly']
    for ref, feat in zip(refs, features_norm):
        asl.df[feat] = (asl.df[ref] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means[ref])) / asl.df['speaker'].map(df_stds[ref])

    refs = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
    features_norm = ['norm-grx', 'norm-gry', 'norm-glx', 'norm-gly']
    for ref, feat in zip(refs, features_norm):
        asl.df[feat] = (asl.df[ref] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means[ref])) / asl.df['speaker'].map(df_stds[ref])

    refs = ['polar-rr', 'polar-lr']
    polars_norm = ['norm-prr', 'norm-plr']
    for ref, feat in zip(refs, polars_norm):
        asl.df[feat] = (asl.df[ref] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means[ref])) / asl.df['speaker'].map(df_stds[ref])

    return asl
Exemple #22
@author: Markus
import timeit
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb
from my_model_selectors import (SelectorConstant, SelectorCV, SelectorBIC,
from asl_utils import (combine_sequences, show_errors)
import math
from matplotlib import (cm, pyplot as plt, mlab)
from my_recognizer import recognize
from my_ngrams import (OneGram, TwoGram, ThreeGram)

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
#print('asl head: {}'.format(asl.df.head()))
asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
## collect the features into a list
features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
# #show a single set of features for a given (video, frame) tuple
#[asl.df.ix[98,1][v] for v in features_ground]

#training = asl.build_training(features_ground)
#print("Training words: {}".format(training.words))
Exemple #23
 def setUp(self):
     self.asl = AslDb()
     self.training_set = self.asl.build_training(FEATURES)
     self.test_set = self.asl.build_test(FEATURES)
     self.models = train_all_words(self.training_set, SelectorConstant)
Exemple #24
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import timeit
from asl_data import AslDb
from my_model_selectors import SelectorConstant, SelectorCV, SelectorBIC, SelectorDIC
from my_recognizer import recognize
from asl_utils import show_errors

asl = AslDb()

def run_experiment(asl):
    run_features = ['custom', 'custom-delta-norm-polar']
    selectors = {"Constant" : SelectorConstant, "CV": SelectorCV, "BIC" : SelectorBIC, "DIC" : SelectorDIC}
    #selectors = {"DIC" : SelectorDIC}
    features = load_features(asl)
    print("Feature, Selector, Training Time, Recognize Time, WER")
    for feature in run_features:
        for selector_name, selector in selectors.items():
            experiment(asl, feature, features[feature], selector_name,selector)

def experiment(asl, feature_name, feature, selector_name, selector):
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    models = train_all_words(asl, feature, selector)
    t_time = timeit.default_timer()-start
    test_set = asl.build_test(feature)
    probabilities, guesses = recognize(models, test_set)
    r_time = timeit.default_timer()-start
    show_results(feature_name, selector_name, t_time, r_time, guesses, test_set)

def show_results(feature_name, selector_name, training_time, recognize_time, guesses, test_set):
Exemple #25

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

asl = AslDb() # initializes the database
# print(asl.df.head())

words_to_train = ['FISH', 'BOOK', 'VEGETABLE', 'FUTURE', 'JOHN']
import timeit

features_ground = ['grnd-rx','grnd-ry','grnd-lx','grnd-ly']
asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']

df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
asl.df['left-x-mean']= asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-x'])
from asl_utils import test_std_tryit
df_std = asl.df.groupby('speaker').std()
cols = ['right-x', 'right-y', 'left-x', 'left-y']
features_norm = ['norm-rx', 'norm-ry', 'norm-lx','norm-ly']

for i, feature in enumerate(features_norm):
    col = cols[i]
    means = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means[col])
    stds = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std[col])
Exemple #26
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

# PART 1: Data

asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
)  # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame
asl.df.ix[98, 1]  # look at the data available for an individual frame
asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df.head()  # the new feature 'grnd-ry' is now in the frames dictionary

from asl_utils import test_features_tryit
# TODO add df columns for 'grnd-rx', 'grnd-ly', 'grnd-lx' representing differences between hand and nose locations

# test the code
# collect the features into a list
features_ground = ['grnd-rx', 'grnd-ry', 'grnd-lx', 'grnd-ly']
#show a single set of features for a given (video, frame) tuple
[asl.df.ix[98, 1][v] for v in features_ground]

training = asl.build_training(features_ground)
print("Training words: {}".format(training.words))


df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
asl.df['left-x-mean'] = asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-x'])
from my_model_selectors import SelectorCV, SelectorBIC, SelectorDIC
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb
import timeit

asl = AslDb() # initializes the database
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
features_ground = ['grnd-rx','grnd-ry','grnd-lx','grnd-ly']
words_to_train = ['FISH', 'BOOK', 'VEGETABLE', 'FUTURE', 'JOHN']
training = asl.build_training(features_ground)  # Experiment here with different feature sets defined in part 1
sequences = training.get_all_sequences()
Xlengths = training.get_all_Xlengths()
for word in words_to_train:
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    model = SelectorDIC(sequences, Xlengths, word,
                        min_n_components=2, max_n_components=15, random_state=14).select()
    end = timeit.default_timer()-start
    #except ValueError as ve:
    #    model=None
    #    print('caught an valueerror for word {}'.format(word))
    if model is not None:
        print("Training complete for {} with {} states with time {} seconds (BIC {})"
              .format(word, model.n_components, end, getattr(model, 'dic', None)))
        print("Training failed for {}".format(word))
Exemple #28
 def setUp(self):
     self.asl = AslDb()
     self.training_set = self.asl.build_training(FEATURES)
     self.test_set = self.asl.build_test(FEATURES)
     self.models = train_all_words(self.training_set, SelectorConstant)
from asl_data import AslDb
import numpy as np

asl = AslDb() # initializes the database

asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
features_ground = ['grnd-rx','grnd-ry','grnd-lx','grnd-ly']

# training = asl.build_training(features_ground)
# print("Training words: {}".format(training.words))
# training.get_word_Xlengths('CHOCOLATE')

df_means = asl.df.groupby('speaker').mean()
asl.df['left-x-mean']= asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-x'])
df_std = asl.df.groupby('speaker').std()

asl.df['norm-rx'] = (asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['right-x']))/asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['right-x'])
asl.df['norm-ry'] = (asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['right-y']))/asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['right-y'])
asl.df['norm-lx'] = (asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-x']))/asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['left-x'])
asl.df['norm-ly'] = (asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['speaker'].map(df_means['left-y']))/asl.df['speaker'].map(df_std['left-y'])

features_norm = ['norm-rx', 'norm-ry', 'norm-lx','norm-ly']

asl.df['polar-rr'] = ((asl.df['grnd-rx'])**2+(asl.df['grnd-ry'])**2)**0.5
asl.df['polar-rtheta'] = np.arctan2([asl.df['grnd-rx']],[asl.df['grnd-ry']])[0]
asl.df['polar-lr'] = ((asl.df['grnd-lx'])**2+(asl.df['grnd-ly'])**2)**0.5
asl.df['polar-ltheta'] = np.arctan2([asl.df['grnd-lx']],[asl.df['grnd-ly']])[0]
Exemple #30
 def setUp(self):
     asl = AslDb()
     self.training = asl.build_training(FEATURES)
     self.sequences = self.training.get_all_sequences()
     self.xlengths = self.training.get_all_Xlengths()
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

asl = AslDb() # initializes the database
asl.df.head() # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame
# ### Features Tutorial
# ##### Load the initial database
# A data handler designed for this database is provided in the student codebase as the `AslDb` class in the `asl_data` module.  This handler creates the initial [pandas](http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/) dataframe from the corpus of data included in the `data` directory as well as dictionaries suitable for extracting data in a format friendly to the [hmmlearn](https://hmmlearn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) library.  We'll use those to create models in Part 2.
# To start, let's set up the initial database and select an example set of features for the training set.  At the end of Part 1, you will create additional feature sets for experimentation.

# In[46]:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from asl_data import AslDb

if __name__ == "__main__":

    asl = AslDb()  # initializes the database
    )  # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame
    asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
    asl.df.head()  # the new feature 'grnd-ry' is now in the frames dictionary

    # ##### Try it!

    # In[47]:

    asl.df.ix[98, 1]  # look at the data available for an individual frame

    # The frame represented by video 98, frame 1 is shown here:
    # ![Video 98](http://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~dreuw/database/rwth-boston-104/overview/images/orig/098-start.jpg)

    # ##### Feature selection for training the model
Exemple #33
import math
import statistics
import warnings

import numpy as np
from hmmlearn.hmm import GaussianHMM
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from asl_utils import combine_sequences

from asl_data import AslDb

asl = AslDb() # initializes the database
asl.df.head() # displays the first five rows of the asl database, indexed by video and frame
asl.df['grnd-ry'] = asl.df['right-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-rx'] = asl.df['right-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
asl.df['grnd-ly'] = asl.df['left-y'] - asl.df['nose-y']
asl.df['grnd-lx'] = asl.df['left-x'] - asl.df['nose-x']
# collect the features into a list
features_ground = ['grnd-rx','grnd-ry','grnd-lx','grnd-ly']
 #show a single set of features for a given (video, frame) tuple
from my_model_selectors import SelectorConstant

from my_model_selectors import SelectorCV

words_to_train = ['FISH', 'BOOK', 'VEGETABLE', 'FUTURE', 'JOHN']
#words_to_train = ['CHICKEN']
import timeit

# training = asl.build_training(features_ground)  # Experiment here with different feature sets defined in part 1
# sequences = training.get_all_sequences()