def __init__(self, state_engine, event_dispatcher, config):
        self.logger = init_logging(log_name="asl_workflow_engine")"Creating {}.RestAPI, using {} JSON parser".format(
            __name__, json.__name__))

        rest_api_config = config.get("rest_api")
        if rest_api_config:
   = rest_api_config.get("host", "")
            self.port = rest_api_config.get("port", 4584)
            self.region = rest_api_config.get("region", "local")

        self.asl_store = state_engine.asl_store
        self.executions = state_engine.executions
        self.execution_history = state_engine.execution_history
        self.execution_metrics = state_engine.execution_metrics
        self.task_metrics = state_engine.task_dispatcher.task_metrics
        self.event_dispatcher = event_dispatcher

        self.system_metrics = {}
        metrics_config = config.get("metrics", {})
        if metrics_config.get("implementation", "") == "Prometheus":
            self.system_metrics = SystemMetrics(
                metrics_config.get("namespace", ""))
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, url="amqp://localhost:5672"):
        Creates a connection. A newly created connection must be opened with the method before it can be used.

        For RabbitMQ AMQP Connection URL documentation see:
        self.logger = init_logging(log_name="amqp_0_9_1_messaging_async")"Creating Connection with url: {}".format(url))
        self.parameters = pika.URLParameters(url)
    def setUp(self):
        # Initialise logger
        logger = init_logging(log_name="test_payload_template")
        config = {
            "state_engine": {
                "store_url": "ASL_store.json",
                "execution_ttl": 500

        state_engine = StateEngine(config)
        # Stub out the real TaskDispatcher execute_task
        state_engine.task_dispatcher.execute_task = execute_task_stub
        self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcherStub(state_engine, config)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, state_engine, event_dispatcher, config):
        self.logger = init_logging(log_name="asl_workflow_engine")"Creating {}.RestAPI, using {} JSON parser".format(
            __name__, json.__name__))

        config = config.get("rest_api")
        if config:
   = config.get("host", "")
            self.port = config.get("port", 4584)
            self.region = config.get("region", "local")

        self.asl_store = state_engine.asl_store
        self.executions = state_engine.executions
        self.execution_history = state_engine.execution_history
        self.event_dispatcher = event_dispatcher
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, json_store_name, *args, **kwargs):
        self.json_store = json_store_name

        self.logger = init_logging(log_name="asl_workflow_engine")"Creating JSONStore: {}".format(self.json_store))

            with open(self.json_store, "r") as fp:
       = json.load(fp)
  "JSONStore loading: {}".format(self.json_store))
        except IOError as e:
   = {}
        except ValueError as e:
                "JSONStore {} does not contain valid JSON".format(
   = {}

        self.update(*args, **kwargs)  # use the free update to set keys
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, url, key="", cache_size=128, daemon=False):
        key is used as a prefix/namespace in the Redis keyspace, so if we create
        multiple instances of a RedisStore then using different prefix keys for
        each instance will prevent odd result if we happen to need to store items
        with the same index keys in different stores.

        cache_size is the maximum number of items to store in the LRU cache used
        by get_cached_view(). Setting cache_size to 0 will disable the cache, so
        calls to get_cached_view() will behave exactly like get() or [].

        daemon is used to set the thread listening for cache invalidation
        messages from the Redis server as a daemon or not.
        self.logger = init_logging(log_name="asl_workflow_engine")"Creating {} {}: {}".format(key,

        self.redis = None  # In case get_connection() fails, which will __del__ on exit.
        self.redis = RedisStore.get_connection(url, self.logger)

        # Get Redis version as an int, so 6.0.0 would be 600 to aid version tests.
        redis_version ="server").get("redis_version", "0")
        self.redis_version = int(redis_version.replace(".", ""))
        if self.redis_version < 600:
                "Server assisted client side caching is not "
                "supported in Redis version {}, read performance "
                "might be reduced.".format(redis_version))

        self.key = key

        # Enabling the cache is deferred until first call to get_cached_view().
        self.cache = None
        self.cache_size = cache_size
        self.daemon = daemon
        self.tracker_id = None
    "Comment": "Trivial Child Step Function",
    "StartAt": "StartState",
    "States": {
        "StartState": {
            "Type": "Pass",
            "End": true

items = ['[{"category": "reference", "author": "Nigel Rees", "title": "Sayings of the Century", "price": 8.95}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Evelyn Waugh", "title": "Sword of Honour", "price": 12.99}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "Herman Melville", "title": "Moby Dick", "isbn": "0-553-21311-3", "price": 8.99}, {"category": "fiction", "author": "J. R. R. Tolkien", "title": "The Lord of the Rings", "isbn": "0-395-19395-8", "price": 22.99}]']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialise logger
    logger = init_logging(log_name='iterate1')

    # Initialising OpenTracing. It's important to do this before the boto3.client
    # call as create_tracer "patches" boto3 to add the OpenTracing hooks.
    create_tracer("iterate1", {"implementation": "Jaeger"})

    # Initialise the boto3 client setting the endpoint_url to our local
    # ASL Workflow Engine
    sfn = boto3.client("stepfunctions", endpoint_url="http://localhost:4584")
    iterate1_state_machine_arn = "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:iterate1_state_machine"
    child_state_machine_arn = "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:child_state_machine"

    def create_state_machines():
        # Create state machines using a dummy roleArn. If it already exists an
        # exception will be thrown, we ignore that but raise other exceptions.

items = [
    '{"lambda":"Success"}', '{"lambda":"InternalErrorNotHandled"}',
    '{"lambda":"InternalErrorHandled"}', '{"lambda":"Timeout"}'

items = ['{"lambda":"Success"}']
#items = ['{"lambda":"InternalErrorNotHandled"}']
#items = ['{"lambda":"InternalErrorHandled"}']
#items = ['{"lambda":"Timeout"}']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialise logger
    logger = init_logging(log_name='step_by_step')

    # Initialising OpenTracing. It's important to do this before the boto3.client
    # call as create_tracer "patches" boto3 to add the OpenTracing hooks.
    create_tracer("step_by_step", {"implementation": "Jaeger"})

    # Initialise the boto3 client setting the endpoint_url to our local
    # ASL Workflow Engine
    sfn = boto3.client("stepfunctions", endpoint_url="http://localhost:4584")

    caller_state_machine_arn = "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:caller_state_machine"
    state_machine_arn = "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:simple_state_machine"

    def create_state_machines():
        # Create state machine using a dummy roleArn. If it already exists an
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, name):
     super().__init__(name=name)  # Call Thread constructor
     # Initialise logger
     self.logger = init_logging(log_name=name)
The most important paths for state traversal are:
$$.State.Name = the current state
$$.StateMachine.Definition = (optional) contains the complete ASL state machine
$$.StateMachine.Id = a unique reference to an ASL state machine
context = '{"StateMachine": {"Id": "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:id_then_unzip", "Definition": ' + ASL + '}}'

items = [
    '{"data": {"zipfile": "s3://37199-dev/CFX/input-data/", "destination": "s3://37199-dev/CFX/processed-data"}, "context": '
    + context + '}'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialise logger
    logger = init_logging(log_name='id_then_unzip')

    # Connect to event queue and send items.
    connection = Connection(
        session = connection.session()
        producer = session.producer("asl_workflow_events")  # event queue
        for item in items:
            Setting content_type isn't necessary for correct operation,
            however it is the correct thing to do:
Exemple #11

items = ['{"lambda":"Success"}']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialise logger
    logger = init_logging(log_name="parallel2")

    # Initialising OpenTracing. It's important to do this before the boto3.client
    # call as create_tracer "patches" boto3 to add the OpenTracing hooks.
    create_tracer("parallel2", {"implementation": "Jaeger"})

    # Initialise the boto3 client setting the endpoint_url to our local
    # ASL Workflow Engine
    sfn = boto3.client("stepfunctions", endpoint_url="http://localhost:4584")
    state_machine_arn = "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:parallel2"

    def create_state_machines():
        # Create state machine using a dummy roleArn. If it already exists an
        # exception will be thrown, we ignore that but raise other exceptions.
def create_tracer(service_name, config, use_asyncio=False):
    create_tracer.logger = init_logging(service_name)"Creating OpenTracing Tracer")

    # Store default tracer in case creating concrete implementation fails.
    tracer = opentracing.tracer
    if config.get("implementation") == "Jaeger":
            # import deferred until Jaeger is selected in config.
            import jaeger_client
            import tornado.ioloop
            If Implementation = Jaeger get the Jaeger config from the config
            dict if available, if not present create a sane default config.
            jaeger_config = config.get("config")
            if not jaeger_config:
                jaeger_config = {
                    "sampler": {
                        "type": "const",
                        "param": 1
                    "logging": False

            jaeger = jaeger_client.Config(
                service_name=config.get("service_name", service_name),
            The init_logging(log_name="tornado") is important, though a bit
            obtuse. Without it all subsequent log messages generated will
            be duplicated. The issue is that "under the covers" Jaeger uses
            the tornado async networking library.
            Tornado's IOLoop creates a log handler if necessary when it
            is started, because if there were no handler configured
            you'd never see any of its event loop exception messages.
            The default handler is created for the root logger and ends up
            resulting in duplicate messages for other logs. By explicitly
            adding a handler for the tornado logger, as the following line
            does, the logging should be correctly handled. See:
            If we are using asyncio we want the tracer to use the main asyncio
            event loop rather than create a new ThreadLoop (which is the default
            behaviour unless a tornado IOLoop is passed. In recent versions of
            Tornado that delegates to the asyncio event loop so getting the
            current tornado IOLoop and passing that to initialize_tracer will
            cause the tracer to use the main event loop.
            if use_asyncio:

  "Jaeger Tracer initialised")
        except Exception as e:
                "Failed to initialise Jaeger Tracer : {}".format(e))
            opentracing.tracer = tracer

Exemple #13
 def __init__(self, state_machines):
     # Initialise logger
     self.logger = init_logging(log_name="subscribe_to_notifications")
     self.state_machines = state_machines
    def __init__(self, configuration_file):
        :param configuration_file: Path to coordinator configuration file
        :type configuration_file: str
        :raises IOError: If configuration file does not exist, or is not readable
        :raises ValueError: If configuration file does not contain valid JSON
        :raises AssertionError: If configuration file does not contain the required fields
        # Initialise logger
        self.logger = init_logging(log_name="asl_workflow_engine")

        # Load the configuration file.
            with open(configuration_file, "r") as fp:
                config = json.load(fp)
  "Creating WorkflowEngine")
        except IOError as e:
            self.logger.error("Unable to read configuration file: {}".format(
        except ValueError as e:
            self.logger.error("Configuration file does not contain valid JSON")

        # Provide defaults for any unset config key
        config["event_queue"] = config.get("event_queue", {})
        config["notifier"] = config.get("notifier", {})
        config["state_engine"] = config.get("state_engine", {})
        config["rest_api"] = config.get("rest_api", {})
        config["tracer"] = config.get("tracer", {})
        config["metrics"] = config.get("metrics", {})
        Override config values if a field is set as an environment variable.
        There is also a USE_STRUCTURED_LOGGING environment variable used by
        the logger to select between automation friendly structured logging
        or more human readable "traditional" logs.
        eq = config["event_queue"]
        eq["queue_name"] = os.environ.get("EVENT_QUEUE_QUEUE_NAME",
        eq["instance_id"] = os.environ.get("EVENT_QUEUE_INSTANCE_ID",
        eq["queue_type"] = os.environ.get("EVENT_QUEUE_QUEUE_TYPE",
        eq["connection_url"] = os.environ.get("EVENT_QUEUE_CONNECTION_URL",
        eq["connection_options"] = os.environ.get(
            "EVENT_QUEUE_CONNECTION_OPTIONS", eq.get("connection_options"))
        eq["shared_event_consumer_capacity"] = os.environ.get(
        eq["instance_event_consumer_capacity"] = os.environ.get(
        eq["reply_to_consumer_capacity"] = os.environ.get(

        no = config["notifier"]
        no["topic"] = os.environ.get("NOTIFIER_TOPIC", no.get("topic"))

        se = config["state_engine"]
        se["store_url"] = os.environ.get("STATE_ENGINE_STORE_URL",
        se["execution_ttl"] = os.environ.get("STATE_ENGINE_EXECUTION_TTL",
                                             se.get("execution_ttl", 86400))

        ra = config["rest_api"]
        ra["host"] = os.environ.get("REST_API_HOST", ra.get("host"))
        ra["port"] = int(os.environ.get("REST_API_PORT", ra.get("port")))
        ra["region"] = os.environ.get("REST_API_REGION", ra.get("region"))

        tr = config["tracer"]
        tr["implementation"] = os.environ.get("TRACER_IMPLEMENTATION",
                                              tr.get("implementation", "None"))

        # The Jaeger specific env vars are derived from this document:
        sampler = tr["config"]["sampler"]
        sampler["type"] = os.environ.get("JAEGER_SAMPLER_TYPE",
        sampler["param"] = os.environ.get("JAEGER_SAMPLER_PARAM",

        metrics = config["metrics"]
        metrics["implementation"] = os.environ.get(
            "METRICS_IMPLEMENTATION", metrics.get("implementation", "None"))
        metrics["namespace"] = os.environ.get("METRICS_NAMESPACE",
                                              metrics.get("namespace", ""))
        Initialise opentracing.tracer before creating the StateEngine,
        EventDispatcher and RestAPIinstances.

        Call asyncio.get_event_loop() here, because if we are using asyncio we
        want the tracer to use the main asyncio event loop rather than create
        a new ThreadLoop, which is the default behaviour unless a tornado IOLoop
        is passed. In recent versions of Tornado that delegates to asyncio loop.
        if eq["queue_type"].endswith("-asyncio"):
            # Attempt to use uvloop libuv based event loop if available
                import uvloop
      "Using uvloop asyncio event loop")
            except:  # Fall back to standard library asyncio epoll event loop
      "Using standard library asyncio event loop")

            loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
            create_tracer("asl_workflow_engine", config["tracer"])

        self.state_engine = StateEngine(config)
        self.event_dispatcher = EventDispatcher(self.state_engine, config)

        self.config = config
Exemple #15
      "End": true

items = ["""
    "items": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialise logger
    logger = init_logging(log_name="map2")

    # Initialising OpenTracing. It's important to do this before the boto3.client
    # call as create_tracer "patches" boto3 to add the OpenTracing hooks.
    create_tracer("map2", {"implementation": "Jaeger"})

    # Initialise the boto3 client setting the endpoint_url to our local
    # ASL Workflow Engine
    sfn = boto3.client("stepfunctions", endpoint_url="http://localhost:4584")
    state_machine_arn = "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:map2"

    def create_state_machines():
        # Create state machine using a dummy roleArn. If it already exists an
        # exception will be thrown, we ignore that but raise other exceptions.
    def __init__(self, state_engine, config):
        :param logger: The Workflow Engine logger
        :type logger: logger
        :param config: Configuration dictionary
        :type config: dict
        self.logger = init_logging(log_name="asl_workflow_engine")"Creating EventDispatcher, using {} JSON parser".format(json.__name__))

        self.queue_config = config["event_queue"]  # TODO Handle missing config
        self.notifier_config = config["notifier"]  # TODO Handle missing config
        # TODO validate that config contains the keys we need.

        self.queue_name = self.queue_config.get("queue_name", "asl_workflow_events")

        instance_id = self.queue_config.get("instance_id", "")
        self.instance_queue_name = self.queue_name + "-" + instance_id

        # Get consumer capacities from config as numbers or numeric strings
        capacity = self.queue_config.get("shared_event_consumer_capacity", 1000)
        self.shared_event_consumer_capacity = int(float(capacity))

        capacity = self.queue_config.get("instance_event_consumer_capacity", 1000)
        self.instance_event_consumer_capacity = int(float(capacity))

        Create an association with the state engine and give that a reference
        back to this event dispatcher so that it can publish events and make
        use of the set_timeout time scheduler.
        self.state_engine = state_engine
        self.state_engine.event_dispatcher = self

        Incoming messages should only be acknowledged when they have been
        fully processed by the StateEngine to allow the messaging fabric to
        redeliver the message upon a failure. Because processing might take
        some time due to waiting for Task responses and the Wait and Parallel
        states we must retain any unacknowledged messages. The message count
        is a simple one-up number used as a key.
        self.unacknowledged_messages = {}
        self.shared_event_consumer_unack_count = 0
        self.instance_event_consumer_unack_count = 0
        self.message_count = 0

        self.heartbeat_count = 0

        Connection Factory for the event queue. The idea is to eventually
        allow the ASL workflow engine to connect to alternative event queue
        implementations in order to allow maximum flexibility.
        name = (
            self.queue_config.get("queue_type", "AMQP-0.9.1")
            .replace("-", "_")
            .replace(".", "_")

        if name.endswith("_asyncio"):
   = "asl_workflow_engine." + name[:-8] + "_messaging_asyncio"
   = "asl_workflow_engine." + name + "_messaging""Loading messaging module {}".format(

        # Load the module whose name is derived from the specified queue_type.
            messaging = importlib.import_module(
            globals()["Connection"] = messaging.Connection
            globals()["Message"] = messaging.Message
        except ImportError as e:

items = [
    '{"lambda":"Success"}', '{"lambda":"InternalErrorNotHandled"}',
    '{"lambda":"InternalErrorHandled"}', '{"lambda":"Timeout"}'

#items = ['{"lambda":"Success"}']
#items = ['{"lambda":"InternalErrorNotHandled"}']
#items = ['{"lambda":"InternalErrorHandled"}']
#items = ['{"lambda":"Timeout"}']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialise logger
    logger = init_logging(log_name='simple_state_machine2')

    # Initialising OpenTracing. It's important to do this before the boto3.client
    # call as create_tracer "patches" boto3 to add the OpenTracing hooks.
    create_tracer("simple_state_machine2", {"implementation": "Jaeger"})

    # Initialise the boto3 client setting the endpoint_url to our local
    # ASL Workflow Engine
    sfn = boto3.client("stepfunctions", endpoint_url="http://localhost:4584")
    state_machine_arn = "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:simple_state_machine"

    def create_state_machines():
        # Create state machine using a dummy roleArn. If it already exists an
        # exception will be thrown, we ignore that but raise other exceptions.
 def __init__(self, name): = name
     # Initialise logger
     self.logger = init_logging(log_name=name)
     self.count = 0
            "Type": "Pass",
            "End": true
        "WaitState": {
            "Type": "Wait",
            "Next": "EndState"

items = ['{"lambda":"Success"}']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Initialise logger
    logger = init_logging(log_name='error_handling1')

    # Initialising OpenTracing. It's important to do this before the boto3.client
    # call as create_tracer "patches" boto3 to add the OpenTracing hooks.
    create_tracer("error_handling1", {"implementation": "Jaeger"})

    # Initialise the boto3 client setting the endpoint_url to our local
    # ASL Workflow Engine
    sfn = boto3.client("stepfunctions", endpoint_url="http://localhost:4584")
    state_machine_arn = "arn:aws:states:local:0123456789:stateMachine:error_handling_state_machine"

    def create_state_machines():
        # Create state machine using a dummy roleArn. If it already exists an
        # exception will be thrown, we ignore that but raise other exceptions.
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, state_engine, config):
        :param state_engine: The StateEngine calling this TaskDispatcher
        :type state_engine: StateEngine
        :param config: Configuration dictionary
        :type config: dict
        self.logger = init_logging(log_name="asl_workflow_engine")"Creating TaskDispatcher, using {} JSON parser".format(json.__name__))

        Get the messaging peer.address, e.g. the Broker address for use
        by OpenTracing later.
        queue_config = config.get("event_queue", {})
        peer_address_string = queue_config.get("connection_url",
            parsed_peer_address = urllib.parse.urlparse(peer_address_string)
        except Exception as e:
                "Invalid peer address found: {}".format(peer_address_string),
            raise e        
        self.peer_address = parsed_peer_address.hostname
        if parsed_peer_address.port:
            self.peer_address = self.peer_address + ":" + str(parsed_peer_address.port)
        if parsed_peer_address.scheme:
            self.peer_address = parsed_peer_address.scheme + "://" + self.peer_address

        # Get the channel capacity/prefetch value for the reply_to consumer
        capacity = queue_config.get("reply_to_consumer_capacity", 100)
        self.reply_to_capacity = int(float(capacity))  # Handles numbers or strings

        self.state_engine = state_engine

        Some services that we integrate Task States with might be request/
        response in the ASL sense, as in we would want to not move to the next
        state until the response has been received, but they might be async
        in implementation terms, such as the case for rpcmessage. This is
        conceptually RPC like so logically behaves like a Lambda call, but is
        implemented over a messaging fabric with queues.

        In order to deal with this we need to be able to associate requests
        with their subsequent responses, so this pending_requests dictionary
        maps requests with their callbacks using correlation IDs.
        self.pending_requests = {}

        Prometheus metrics intended to emulate Stepfunction CloudWatch metrics.
        self.task_metrics = {}
        metrics_config = config.get("metrics", {})
        if metrics_config.get("implementation", "") == "Prometheus":
            ns = metrics_config.get("namespace", "")
            ns = ns + "_" if ns else ""
            self.task_metrics = {
                "LambdaFunctionTime": Summary(
                    ns + "LambdaFunctionTime",
                    "The interval, in milliseconds, between the time the " +
                    "Lambda function is scheduled and the time it closes."
                "LambdaFunctionsFailed": Counter(
                    ns + "LambdaFunctionsFailed",
                    "The number of failed Lambda functions."
                "LambdaFunctionsScheduled": Counter(
                    ns + "LambdaFunctionsScheduled",
                    "The number of scheduled Lambda functions."
                "LambdaFunctionsSucceeded": Counter(
                    ns + "LambdaFunctionsSucceeded",
                    "The number of successfully completed Lambda functions."
                "LambdaFunctionsTimedOut": Counter(
                    ns + "LambdaFunctionsTimedOut",
                    "The number of Lambda functions that time out on close."
                #"ServiceIntegrationTime": Summary(
                #    ns + "ServiceIntegrationTime",
                #    "The interval, in milliseconds, between the time the " +
                #    "Service Task is scheduled and the time it closes."
                #"ServiceIntegrationsFailed": Counter(
                #    ns + "ServiceIntegrationsFailed",
                #    "The number of failed Service Tasks."
                "ServiceIntegrationsScheduled": Counter(
                    ns + "ServiceIntegrationsScheduled",
                    "The number of scheduled Service Tasks."
                "ServiceIntegrationsSucceeded": Counter(
                    ns + "ServiceIntegrationsSucceeded",
                    "The number of successfully completed Service Tasks."
                #"ServiceIntegrationsTimedOut": Counter(
                #    ns + "ServiceIntegrationsTimedOut",
                #    "The number of Service Tasks that time out on close."