Exemple #1
def mapfile( cube, prefix, suffix ):
    items = cube.split('.')
    mapname = '.'.join([items[0], suffix, 'cub'])

    # If the file exists, or it starts with a dot (say ../file.cub)
    if( os.path.exists(mapname) or mapname[0] == "."):
        items.insert(len(items)-1, suffix)
        mapname = '.'.join(items)

    # Make somedir/file.cub into myprefix-file.map.cub
    if prefix != "":
        mapname = prefix + "-" + os.path.basename(mapname)

    # Ensure that any output directory exists
    dirname = os.path.dirname(mapname)

    if( os.path.exists(mapname) ):
        raise MapExists( mapname )

    return mapname
def mapfile( cube, prefix, suffix ):
    items = cube.split('.')
    mapname = '.'.join([items[0], suffix, 'cub'])

    # If the file exists, or it starts with a dot (say ../file.cub)
    if( os.path.exists(mapname) or mapname[0] == "."):
        items.insert(len(items)-1, suffix)
        mapname = '.'.join(items)

    # Make somedir/file.cub into myprefix-file.map.cub
    if prefix != "":
        mapname = prefix + "-" + os.path.basename(mapname)

    # Ensure that any output directory exists
    dirname = os.path.dirname(mapname)

    if( os.path.exists(mapname) ):
        raise MapExists( mapname )

    return mapname
def main(argsIn):

        usage = '''usage: process_icebridge_run.py <image_folder> <camera_folder>
                      <lidar_folder> <output_folder>'''
        parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)

        # Data selection optios
        parser.add_option('--start-frame', dest='startFrame', default=-1,
                          type='int', help='The frame number to start processing with.')
        parser.add_option('--stop-frame', dest='stopFrame', default=-1,
                          type='int', help='The frame number to finish processing with.')        
        parser.add_option('--south', action='store_true', default=False, dest='isSouth',  
                          help='MUST be set if the images are in the southern hemisphere.')

        # Processing options
        parser.add_option('--stereo-arguments', dest='stereoArgs', default='',
                          help='Additional argument string to be passed to the stereo command.')

        parser.add_option('--bundle-length', dest='bundleLength', default=2,
                          type='int', help='Number of images to bundle adjust and process at once.')
        parser.add_option('--image-stereo-interval', dest='imageStereoInterval', default=None,
                          type='int', help='Advance this many frames to get the stereo pair.  Default is auto-calculate')

        parser.add_option('--solve-intrinsics', action='store_true', default=False,
                          help='If to float the intrinsics params.')

        #parser.add_option('--dem-resolution', dest='demResolution', default=0.4,
        #                  type='float', help='Generate output DEMs at this resolution.')

        parser.add_option('--max-displacement', dest='maxDisplacement', default=20,
                          type='float', help='Max displacement value passed to pc_align.')

        # Performance options
        parser.add_option('--num-processes', dest='numProcesses', default=1,
                          type='int', help='The number of simultaneous processes to run.')
        parser.add_option('--num-threads', dest='numThreads', default=None,
                          type='int', help='The number threads to use per process.')

        # Action options
        parser.add_option('--interactive', action='store_true', default=False, dest='interactive',  
                          help='If to wait on user input to terminate the jobs.')
        parser.add_option('--log-batches', action='store_true', default=False, dest='logBatches',  
                          help="Just log the batch commands to a file.")
        parser.add_option('--cleanup', action='store_true', default=False, dest='cleanup',  
                          help='If the final result is produced delete intermediate files.')
        parser.add_option('--many-ip', action='store_true', default=False, dest='manyip',  
                          help='If to use a lot of IP in bundle adjustment from the beginning.')
        parser.add_option('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False, dest='dryRun',  
                          help="Print but don't launch the processing jobs.")

        parser.add_option('--ortho-folder', dest='orthoFolder', default=None,
                          help='Use ortho files to adjust processing to the image spacing.')
        parser.add_option('--fireball-folder', dest='fireballFolder', default=None,
                          help='Location of fireball DEMs for comparison.')

        parser.add_option('--reference-dem', dest='referenceDem', default=None,
                          help='Reference DEM used to calculate the expected GSD.')

        (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argsIn)

        if len(args) < 4:
            return 0

        imageFolder  = args[0]
        cameraFolder = args[1]
        lidarFolder  = args[2]
        outputFolder = args[3]

    except optparse.OptionError as msg:
        raise Usage(msg)

    os.system("ulimit -c 0") # disable core dumps
    os.system("umask 022")   # enforce files be readable by others
    # Check the inputs
    for f in [imageFolder, cameraFolder, lidarFolder]:
        if not os.path.exists(f):
            logger.error('Input folder '+ f +' does not exist!')
            return 0


    suppressOutput = False
    redo           = False

    logger.info('\nStarting processing...')
    # Get a list of all the input files
    imageCameraPairs = icebridge_common.getImageCameraPairs(imageFolder, cameraFolder, 
                                                            options.startFrame, options.stopFrame,
    numFiles = len(list(imageCameraPairs))
    if numFiles < 2:
        raise Exception('Failed to find any image camera pairs!')
    # Check that the files are properly aligned
    lastFrame = -1
    availableFrames = []
    for (image, camera) in imageCameraPairs:
        frameNumber = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(image)
        if (icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(camera) != frameNumber):
            logger.error('Error: input files do not align!\n' + str((image, camera)))
            return -1
        if frameNumber <= lastFrame:
            logger.error('Error: input frames not sorted properly!\n')
            return -1
        lastFrame = frameNumber

    # Do not compute output resolution. Will be overwritten anyway per frame. 
    ## Set the output resolution as the computed mean GSD
    ## TODO: This should be cashed, and recomputed only when the batch file changes!
    #NUM_GSD_FRAMES = 20
    #logger.info('Computing GSD with ' + str(NUM_GSD_FRAMES) + ' frames.')
    #gsdFrameSkip = len(imageCameraPairs) / NUM_GSD_FRAMES
    #if gsdFrameSkip < 1:
    #    gsdFrameSkip = 1
    #medianGsd = getRunMedianGsd(imageCameraPairs, options.referenceDem, options.isSouth,
    #                            gsdFrameSkip)
    #outputResolution = icebridge_common.gsdToDemRes(medianGsd)
    #logger.info('OUTPUT_RESOLUTION: ' + str(outputResolution))
    outputResolution = 0.4 

    # Generate a map of initial camera positions
    orbitvizBefore = os.path.join(outputFolder, 'cameras_in.kml')
    vizString  = ''
    for (image, camera) in imageCameraPairs: 
        vizString += camera+' '
    cmd = 'orbitviz_pinhole --hide-labels -o '+ orbitvizBefore +' '+ vizString
    logger.info('Running orbitviz on input files...')

    # Suppress (potentially long) output
    asp_system_utils.executeCommand(cmd, orbitvizBefore, True, redo)

    # Set up options for process_icebridge_batch
    extraOptions = ''
    if options.numThreads:
        extraOptions += ' --num-threads ' + str(options.numThreads)
    if options.solve_intr:
        extraOptions += ' --solve-intrinsics '
    if options.isSouth:
        extraOptions += ' --south '
    if options.maxDisplacement:
        extraOptions += ' --max-displacement ' + str(options.maxDisplacement)
    if options.fireballFolder:
        extraOptions += ' --fireball-folder ' + str(options.fireballFolder)
    if options.cleanup:
        extraOptions += ' --cleanup '
    if options.manyip:
        extraOptions += ' --many-ip '

    # We ran this before, as part of fetching, so hopefully all the data is cached
    forceAllFramesInRange = False
    (breaks, largeSkips) = getImageSpacing(options.orthoFolder, availableFrames,
                                           options.startFrame, options.stopFrame,
    if options.imageStereoInterval: 
        logger.info('Using manually specified image stereo interval: ' +
        largeSkips = [] # Always use a manually specified skip interval
        options.imageStereoInterval = 1

    sleepTime = 20

    # If all we are doing is logging commands then one process is sufficient.
    # - Wipe the output file while we are at it.
    batchLogPath = ''
    batchNum = 0

    if options.logBatches:
        options.numProcesses = 1
        sleepTime    = 1
        batchLogPath = os.path.join(outputFolder, BATCH_COMMAND_LOG_FILE)
        os.system('rm -f ' + batchLogPath)
        logger.info('Just generating batch log file '+batchLogPath+', no processing will occur.')

    logger.info('Starting processing pool with ' + str(options.numProcesses) +' processes.')
    pool = NonDaemonPool(options.numProcesses)
    # Call process_icebridge_batch on each batch of images.
    # - Batch size should be the largest number of images which can be effectively bundle-adjusted.
    taskHandles           = []
    batchImageCameraPairs = []
    frameNumbers          = []
    i = 0 # The frame index that starts the current batch
    while True: # Loop for adding batches

        # Bugfix: arrived at the last feasible frame (maybe there are more but
        # they lack cameras).
        if i >= len(list(imageCameraPairs)):
        firstBundleFrame = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(imageCameraPairs[i][0])
        # Determine the frame skip amount for this batch (set by the first frame)
        thisSkipInterval = options.imageStereoInterval
        if firstBundleFrame in largeSkips:
            #print(" ", firstBundleFrame, " in largeskips!" )
            thisSkipInterval = largeSkips[firstBundleFrame]
        thisBatchSize = options.bundleLength + thisSkipInterval - 1

        # Keep adding frames until we have enough or run out of frames
        j = i # The frame index that ends the batch
        while True:
            if j >= len(imageCameraPairs):
                # Bugfix: arrived at the last feasible frame.
            frameNumber = icebridge_common.getFrameNumberFromFilename(imageCameraPairs[j][0])
            # Useful debugging code
            #print("Framenumber is ", frameNumber)
            #if int(frameNumber) > 8531:
            #    #    pass
            #    for t in range(8340, 8360):
            #        print("i frame is ", t, imageCameraPairs[t][0])
            #    print("breaks are ", breaks)
            #    sys.exit(1)
            # Update conditions
            hitBreakFrame = (frameNumber in breaks)
            lastFrame     = (frameNumber > options.stopFrame) or (j >= numFiles)
            endBatch      = ( len(frameNumbers) >= thisBatchSize )

            if lastFrame or endBatch:
                break # The new frame is too much, don't add it to the batch
            # Add frame to the list for the current batch
            if hitBreakFrame:
                logger.info("Hit a break, won't start a batch with frame: " + str(frameNumber))
                break # Break after this frame, it is the last one added to the batch.
            j = j + 1
        # Done adding frames to this batch

        if len(frameNumbers) <= thisSkipInterval:
            logger.info('Batch from frame: ' + str(firstBundleFrame) +
                        ' is too small to run. Skipping.')

            # Submit the batch
            if not options.logBatches:
                logger.info('Processing frame number: ' + str(firstBundleFrame))
            # The output folder is named after the first and last frame in the batch.
            # We count on this convention in blend_dems.py.
            batchFolderName  = icebridge_common.batchFolderName(frameNumbers[0], frameNumbers[-1],
            thisOutputFolder = os.path.join(outputFolder, batchFolderName)

            if not options.logBatches:
                logger.info('Running processing batch in output folder: ' +  \
                            thisOutputFolder + '\n' + 'with options: '    +  \
                            extraOptions + ' --stereo-arguments '         +  \

            if not options.dryRun:
                # Generate the command call
                    (batchImageCameraPairs, lidarFolder, options.referenceDem, thisSkipInterval,
                     thisOutputFolder, extraOptions, 
                     outputResolution, options.stereoArgs, batchNum, batchLogPath)))
            batchNum += 1
        # Reset these lists
        batchImageCameraPairs = []
        frameNumbers          = []
        # Advance to the frame that starts the next batch
        if hitBreakFrame:
            # When we hit a break in the frames we need to start the
            # next batch after the break frame
            #print("Hit break frame for i, j, frameNumber", i, j, frameNumber)
            i = j + 1
            # Start in the next frame that was not used as a "left" stereo image.
            i = i + options.bundleLength - 1
        if lastFrame:
            break # Quit the main loop if we hit the end of the frame list.

    # End of loop through input file pairs
    logger.info('Finished adding ' + str(len(taskHandles)) + ' tasks to the pool.')
    # Wait for all the tasks to complete
    icebridge_common.waitForTaskCompletionOrKeypress(taskHandles, logger, options.interactive, 
                                                     quitKey='q', sleepTime=sleepTime)

    # Either all the tasks are finished or the user requested a cancel.
    # Clean up the processing pool

    logger.info('Finished process_icebridge_run.') # to avoid ending a log with 'waiting ...'
        lidarFolder = args[2]
        outputFolder = args[3]

    except optparse.OptionError, msg:
        raise Usage(msg)

    os.system("ulimit -c 0")  # disable core dumps
    os.system("umask 022")  # enforce files be readable by others

    # Check the inputs
    for f in [imageFolder, cameraFolder, lidarFolder]:
        if not os.path.exists(f):
            logger.error('Input folder ' + f + ' does not exist!')
            return 0


    suppressOutput = False
    redo = False

    logger.info('\nStarting processing...')

    # Get a list of all the input files
    imageCameraPairs = icebridge_common.getImageCameraPairs(
        imageFolder, cameraFolder, options.startFrame, options.stopFrame,
    numFiles = len(imageCameraPairs)
    if numFiles < 2:
        raise Exception('Failed to find any image camera pairs!')

    # Check that the files are properly aligned