def test_predict(nlp: Pipeline):
    text_1 = ("We are great fans of Slack, but we wish the subscriptions "
              "were more accessible to small startups.")
    text_2 = "We are great fans of Slack"
    aspect = "Slack"
    examples = [Example(text_1, aspect), Example(text_2, aspect)]
    tokenized_examples = nlp.tokenize(examples)
    input_batch = nlp.encode(tokenized_examples)
    output_batch = nlp.predict(input_batch)
    assert output_batch.scores.shape == [2, 3]
    assert output_batch.hidden_states.shape == [2, 13, 25, 768]
    assert output_batch.attentions.shape == [2, 12, 12, 25, 25]
    assert output_batch.attention_grads.shape == [2, 12, 12, 25, 25]
    scores = output_batch.scores.numpy()
    assert np.argmax(scores, axis=-1).tolist() == [2, 2]
def test_review(nlp: Pipeline):
    text_1 = ("We are great fans of Slack, but we wish the subscriptions "
              "were more accessible to small startups.")
    text_2 = "The Slack often has bugs."
    aspect = "slack"
    examples = [Example(text_1, aspect), Example(text_2, aspect)]

    tokenized_examples = nlp.tokenize(examples)
    input_batch = nlp.encode(tokenized_examples)
    output_batch = nlp.predict(input_batch)
    predictions =, output_batch)
    predictions = list(predictions)

    labeled_1, labeled_2 = predictions
    assert labeled_1.sentiment == Sentiment.positive
    assert labeled_2.sentiment == Sentiment.negative
    assert isinstance(labeled_1, PredictedExample)
    assert isinstance(labeled_1.scores, list)
    assert isinstance(, Review)
    assert not
    assert not