Exemple #1
def load_address_sockfam(opts, conf):
    """These can be set either on the command line or in the conf file.
    if getattr(opts, 'have_address', False):        # first check CLI
        address = opts.address
        sockfam = opts.sockfam
    elif 'address' in conf['aspen.cli']:            # then check conf
        address, sockfam = validate_address(conf['aspen.cli']['address'])
    else:                                           # default from optparse
        address = opts.address
        sockfam = socket.AF_INET

    return address, sockfam
Exemple #2
def test_address_can_be_localhost():
    expected = (('', 8000), 2)
    actual = validate_address('localhost:8000')
    assert actual == expected, actual