Exemple #1
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        """Main WSGI callable.

        # Translate the request to the filesystem.
        # ========================================

        fspath = translate(self.config.paths.root, environ['PATH_INFO'])
        if self.config.paths.__ is not None:
            if fspath.startswith(self.config.paths.__):
                raise Response(404)  # protect magic directory
        environ['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = fspath

        # Dispatch to a WSGI app or an aspen handler.
        # ===========================================

        app = self.get_app(environ)  # 301
        if app is not None:  # app
            response = app(environ, start_response)  # WSGI
        else:  # handler
            if not exists(fspath):
                raise Response(404)
            fspath = find_default(self.config.defaults, fspath)  # 403

            environ['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = fspath
            environ['aspen.website'] = self
            fp = environ['aspen.fp'] = open(fspath)

            handler = self.get_handler(fp)
            response = handler.handle(environ, start_response)  # WSGI

        return response
Exemple #2
def wsgi(environ, start_response):
    path = environ['PATH_INFO']
    fspath = translate(ROOT, path)

    if path.endswith('.png') and 'empties' not in path: 
                        # let people hit empties directly if they want; why not?

        # Parse and validate input.
        # =========================
        # URL paths are of the form:
        #   /<color_scheme>/<zoom>/<x>,<y>.png
        # E.g.:
        #   /classic/3/0,1.png

        raw = path[:-4] # strip extension
            assert raw.count('/') == 3, "%d /'s" % raw.count('/')
            foo, color_scheme, zoom, xy = raw.split('/')
            assert color_scheme in color_schemes, ( "bad color_scheme: "
                                                  + color_scheme
            assert xy.count(',') == 1, "%d /'s" % xy.count(',')
            x, y = xy.split(',')
            assert zoom.isdigit() and x.isdigit() and y.isdigit(), "not digits"
            zoom = int(zoom)
            x = int(x)
            y = int(y)
            assert 0 <= zoom <= 30, "bad zoom: %d" % zoom
        except AssertionError, err:
            start_response('400 Bad Request', [('CONTENT-TYPE','text/plain')])
            return ['Bad request.']

        # Build and save the file.
        # ========================
        # The tile that is built here will be served by the static handler.

        color_scheme = color_schemes[color_scheme]
        tile = backend.Tile(color_scheme, dots, zoom, x, y, fspath)
        if tile.is_empty():
            log.info('serving empty tile %s' % path)
            fspath = color_scheme.get_empty_fspath(zoom)
        elif tile.is_stale() or ALWAYS_BUILD:
            log.info('rebuilding %s' % path)
            log.info('serving cached tile %s' % path)
Exemple #3
def wsgi(environ, start_response):
    path = environ['PATH_INFO']
    fspath = translate(ROOT, path)

    if path.endswith('.png') and 'empties' not in path:
        # let people hit empties directly if they want; why not?

        # Parse and validate input.
        # =========================
        # URL paths are of the form:
        #   /<color_scheme>/<zoom>/<x>,<y>.png
        # E.g.:
        #   /classic/3/0,1.png

        raw = path[:-4]  # strip extension
            assert raw.count('/') == 3, "%d /'s" % raw.count('/')
            foo, color_scheme, zoom, xy = raw.split('/')
            assert color_scheme in color_schemes, ("bad color_scheme: " +
            assert xy.count(',') == 1, "%d /'s" % xy.count(',')
            x, y = xy.split(',')
            assert zoom.isdigit() and x.isdigit() and y.isdigit(), "not digits"
            zoom = int(zoom)
            x = int(x)
            y = int(y)
            assert 0 <= zoom <= 30, "bad zoom: %d" % zoom
        except AssertionError, err:
            start_response('400 Bad Request', [('CONTENT-TYPE', 'text/plain')])
            return ['Bad request.']

        # Build and save the file.
        # ========================
        # The tile that is built here will be served by the static handler.

        color_scheme = color_schemes[color_scheme]
        tile = backend.Tile(color_scheme, dots, zoom, x, y, fspath)
        if tile.is_empty():
            log.info('serving empty tile %s' % path)
            fspath = color_scheme.get_empty_fspath(zoom)
        elif tile.is_stale() or ALWAYS_BUILD:
            log.info('rebuilding %s' % path)
            log.info('serving cached tile %s' % path)
Exemple #4
def wsgi(environ, start_response):
    path = environ['PATH_INFO']
    fspath = translate(ROOT, path)

    if path.endswith('.png') and 'empties' not in path: 
        # let people hit empties directly if they want; why not?

        # Parse and validate input.
        # =========================
        # URL paths are of the form:
        #   /<mapname>/<maptype>/<zoom>/<x>,<y>.png
        # E.g.:
        #   /crime/classic/3/0,1.png

        raw = path[:-4] # strip extension
            foo, map_name, map_type, zoom, xy = raw.split('/')
            x, y = xy.split(',')
            zoom = int(zoom)
            x = int(x)
            y = int(y)
        except AssertionError, err:
            start_response('400 Bad Request', [('CONTENT-TYPE','text/plain')])
            return ['Bad request.']

        # Build and save the file.
        # ========================
        # The tile that is built here will be served by the static handler.
        from base import PostGISTile

        tile = PostGISTile(map_name, map_type, zoom, x, y, fspath)
        if tile.is_outrange():
            log.info('serving empty tile %s' % path)
        elif tile.is_stale():
            log.info('servering cached tile %s' %path)
        elif tile.is_empty():
            log.info('serving empty tile %s' % path)
            log.info('rebuilding %s' % path)
Exemple #5
 def get_app(self, environ):
     """Given a WSGI environ, return the first matching app.
     app = None
     test_path = environ['PATH_INFO']
     if not test_path.endswith('/'):
         test_path += '/'
     for app_urlpath, _app in self.config.apps:
         if test_path.startswith(app_urlpath):
             environ['PATH_TRANSLATED'] = translate(self.config.paths.root,
             if not isdir(environ['PATH_TRANSLATED']):
                 raise Response(404)
             if app_urlpath.endswith('/'):
             app = _app
     if app is None:
         log.debug("No app found for '%s'" % environ['PATH_INFO'])
     return app
Exemple #6
    def load_apps(self):
        """Return a list of (URI path, WSGI application) tuples.

        # Find a config file to parse.
        # ============================

        apps = []

            if self.paths.__ is None:
                raise NotImplementedError
            path = join(self.paths.__, 'etc', 'apps.conf')
            if not isfile(path):
                raise NotImplementedError
        except NotImplementedError:
            log.info("No apps configured.")
            return apps

        # We have a config file; proceed.
        # ===============================

        fp = open(path)
        lineno = 0
        urlpaths = []

        for line in fp:
            lineno += 1
            original = line  # for README.aspen
            line = clean(line)
            if not line:  # blank line
            else:  # specification

                # Perform basic validation.
                # =========================

                if ' ' not in line:
                    msg = "malformed line (no space): '%s'" % line
                    raise AppsConfError(msg, lineno)
                urlpath, name = line.split(None, 1)
                if not urlpath.startswith('/'):
                    msg = "URL path not specified absolutely: '%s'" % urlpath
                    raise AppsConfError(msg, lineno)

                # Instantiate the app on the filesystem.
                # ======================================

                fspath = utils.translate(self.paths.root, urlpath)
                if not isdir(fspath):
                    log.info("created app directory '%s'" % fspath)
                readme = join(fspath, 'README.aspen')
                open(readme, 'w+').write(README_aspen % (lineno, original))

                # Determine whether we already have an app for this path.
                # =======================================================

                msg = "URL path is contested: '%s'" % urlpath
                contested = AppsConfError(msg, lineno)
                if urlpath in urlpaths:
                    raise contested
                if urlpath.endswith('/'):
                    if urlpath[:-1] in urlpaths:
                        raise contested
                elif urlpath + '/' in urlpaths:
                    raise contested

                # Load the app, check it, store it.
                # =================================

                obj = colon.colonize(name, fp.name, lineno)
                if inspect.isclass(obj):
                    obj = obj(self)
                if not callable(obj):
                    msg = "'%s' is not callable" % name
                    raise AppsConfError(msg, lineno)
                apps.append((urlpath, obj))

        return apps
Exemple #7
def show_flows(environ, start_response):
    ROOT = aspen.paths.root
    path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
    print path
    fspath = translate(ROOT, path)
    zoomLevel, bound = path[1:].split("/")
    zoomLevel = int(float(zoomLevel))

    centroid_radius = 0
    offset_xy = 0
    offset_z = 0
    arrow_weight = 0
    flow_filename = ""
    roi_filename = ""

    flows = None
    centroid = []
    centroid_patches = []
    flow_patches = []
    cluster_polygons = []

    print zoomLevel
    if 5 <= zoomLevel < 7:
        centroid_radius = 15000
        offset_xy = 25000
        offset_z = 2000
        arrow_weight = 100000
        flows = global_flow_map[1]
        cluster_polygons = global_roi_map[1]
        print 1
    elif 7 <= zoomLevel < 9:
        centroid_radius = 1500
        offset_xy = 2500
        offset_z = 200
        arrow_weight = 30000
        flows = global_flow_map[10]
        cluster_polygons = global_roi_map[10]
        print 2
    elif zoomLevel >= 9:
        centroid_radius = 150
        offset_xy = 250
        offset_z = 20
        arrow_weight = 3000
        flows = global_flow_map[19]
        cluster_polygons = global_roi_map[19]
        print zoomLevel > 14
    dt = datetime.now()
    print dt.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")

    polygons = project_polygon(cluster_polygons)
    for polygon in polygons:
        center = shapely.Polygon(polygon).centroid
        centroid.append([center.x, center.y])
    for flow in flows:
            gen_travel_flow(centroid[flow[0]], centroid[flow[1]], flows[flow], m, offset_xy, offset_z, arrow_weight)

    dt = datetime.now()
    print dt.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")
    for i, p in enumerate(centroid):
        centroid_patches.append(gen_centroid_shape(centroid[i], centroid_radius))
        centroid_patches.append(gen_centroid_shape(centroid[i], centroid_radius / 3.0))
        centroid[i] = list(m(p[0], p[1], inverse=True))

        # write back to http client
    str_centroids = ";".join("&".join(",".join(str(i) for i in p) for p in polygon) for polygon in centroid_patches)
    str_clusters = ";".join("&".join(",".join(str(i) for i in p) for p in polygon) for polygon in cluster_polygons)
    str_flows = ";".join("&".join(",".join(str(i) for i in p) for p in polygon) for polygon in flow_patches)
    response = "%s|%s|%s" % (str_clusters, str_centroids, str_flows)

    dt = datetime.now()
    print dt.strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")

    start_response("200 OK", [("CONTENT-TYPE", "text/plain")])
    return response