def normalize_background(cls, stack, radius=None):
            Normalize background to mean 0 and std 1.
            Estimate the mean and std of each image in the stack using pixels
            outside radius r (pixels), and normalize the image such that the
            background has mean 0 and std 1. Each image in the stack is corrected

            :param radius: radius for normalization (default is half the side of image)

            normalized_stack = cryo_normalize_background(stack,55);
        num_images = stack.shape[0]  # assuming C-contiguous array
        side = stack.shape[1]

        if radius is None:
            radius = np.floor(side / 2)

        # find indices of backgruond pixels in the images
        ctr = (side + 1) / 2
        x_axis, y_axis = np.meshgrid(range(1, side + 1), range(1, side + 1))
        radiisq = (x_axis.flatten() - ctr)**2 + (y_axis.flatten() - ctr)**2
        background_pixels_idx = radiisq > radius * radius

        if AspireConfig.verbosity == 1:
            pb = ProgressBar(total=100,
                             prefix='normalizing background',

            pb = None

        normalized_stack = np.ones(stack.shape)
        for i in range(num_images):
            if pb:
                pb.print_progress_bar((i + 1) / num_images * 100)

            proj = stack[i, :, :]
            background_pixels = proj.flatten() * background_pixels_idx
            background_pixels = background_pixels[background_pixels != 0]

            # compute mean and standard deviation of background pixels
            proj_mean = np.mean(background_pixels)
            std = np.std(background_pixels, ddof=1)

            # normalize the projections
            if std < 1.0e-5:
                    f'Variance of background of image {i} is too small (std={std}). '
                    'Cannot normalize!')

            normalized_stack[i, :, :] = (proj - proj_mean) / std

        return normalized_stack
def cryo_epsds(imstack, samples_idx, max_d, verbose=None):
    p = imstack.shape[0]
    if max_d >= p:
        max_d = p - 1
        print('max_d too large. Setting max_d to {}'.format(max_d))

    r, x, _ = cryo_epsdr(imstack, samples_idx, max_d, verbose)

    r2 = np.zeros((2 * p - 1, 2 * p - 1))
    dsquare = np.square(x)
    for i in range(-max_d, max_d + 1):
        for j in range(-max_d, max_d + 1):
            d = i**2 + j**2
            if d <= max_d**2:
                idx, _ = bsearch(dsquare, d * (1 - 1e-13), d * (1 + 1e-13))
                if idx is None:
                    logger.warning('something went wrong in bsearch')
                r2[i + p - 1, j + p - 1] = r[idx - 1]

    w = gwindow(p, max_d)
    p2 = cfft2(r2 * w)
    err = np.linalg.norm(p2.imag) / np.linalg.norm(p2)
    if err > 1e-12:
        logger.warning('Large imaginary components in P2 = {}'.format(err))

    p2 = p2.real

    e = 0
    for i in range(imstack.shape[2]):
        im = imstack[:, :, i]
        e += np.sum(np.square(im[samples_idx] - np.mean(im[samples_idx])))

    mean_e = e / (len(samples_idx[0]) * imstack.shape[2])
    p2 = (p2 / p2.sum()) * mean_e * p2.size
    neg_idx = np.where(p2 < 0)
    if len(neg_idx[0]) != 0:
        max_neg_err = np.max(np.abs(p2[neg_idx]))
        if max_neg_err > 1e-2:
            neg_norm = np.linalg.norm(p2[neg_idx])
                'Power specrtum P2 has negative values with energy {}'.format(
        p2[neg_idx] = 0
    return p2, r, r2, x
    def phaseflip_star_file(cls, star_file, pixel_size=None):
            todo add verbosity
        # star is a list of star lines describing projections
        star_records = read_star(star_file)['__root__']

        num_projections = len(star_records)
        projs_init = False  # has the stack been initialized already

        last_processed_stack = None
        for idx in range(num_projections):
            # Get the identification string of the next image to process.
            # This is composed from the index of the image within an image stack,
            #  followed by '@' and followed by the filename of the MRC stack.
            image_id = star_records[idx].rlnImageName
            image_parts = image_id.split('@')
            image_idx = int(image_parts[0]) - 1
            stack_name = image_parts[1]

            # Read the image stack from the disk, if different from the current one.
            # TODO can we revert this condition to positive? what they're equal?
            if stack_name != last_processed_stack:
                mrc_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(star_file), stack_name)
                stack = load_stack_from_file(mrc_path)
                    f"flipping stack in {yellow(os.path.basename(mrc_path))}"
                    f" - {stack.shape}")
                last_processed_stack = stack_name

            if image_idx > stack.shape[2]:
                raise DimensionsIncompatible(
                    f'projection {image_idx} in '
                    f'stack {stack_name} does not exist')

            proj = stack[image_idx]
            side = proj.shape[1]

            if not projs_init:  # TODO why not initialize before loop (maybe b/c of huge stacks?)
                # projections was "PFprojs" originally
                projections = np.zeros((num_projections, side, side),
                projs_init = True

            star_record_data = Box(

            if pixel_size is None:
                if star_record_data.tmppixA != -1:
                    pixel_size = star_record_data.tmppixA

                    raise WrongInput(
                        "Pixel size not provided and does not appear in STAR file"

            h = cryo_CTF_Relion(side, star_record_data)
            imhat = fftshift(fft2(proj))
            pfim = ifft2(ifftshift(imhat * np.sign(h)))

            if side % 2 == 1:
                # This test is only vali for odd n
                # images are single precision
                imaginery_comp = np.norm(np.imag(pfim[:])) / np.norm(pfim[:])
                if imaginery_comp > 5.0e-7:
                        f"Large imaginary components in image {image_idx}"
                        f" in stack {stack_name} = {imaginery_comp}")

            pfim = np.real(pfim)
            projections[idx, :, :] = pfim.astype('float32')

        return projections
def compare_stacks(stack1, stack2, verbose=None, max_error=None):
    """ Calculate the difference between two projection-stacks.
        Return the relative error between them.

        :param stack1: first stack to compare
        :param stack2: second stack to compare
        :param verbose:  level of verbosity
               verbose=0   silent
               verbose=1   show progress bar
               verbose=2   print progress every 1000 images
               verbose=3   print message for each processed image
        :param max_error:  when given, raise an exception if difference between stacks is too big
        :return: returns the accumulative error between the two stacks

    if max_error is not None:
            max_error = np.longdouble(max_error)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise WrongInput("max_error must be either a float or an integer!")

    if verbose is None:
        verbose = AspireConfig.verbosity

    # check the dimensions of the stack are compatible
    if stack1.shape != stack2.shape:
        raise DimensionsIncompatible("Can't compare stacks of different sizes!"
                                     f" {stack1.shape} != {stack2.shape}")

    num_of_images = stack1.shape[0]
    if num_of_images == 0:
        logger.warning('stacks are empty!')

    if verbose == 1:
        pb = ProgressBar(total=100,

    relative_err = 0
    accumulated_err = 0
    for i in range(num_of_images):

        err = np.linalg.norm(stack1[i] - stack2[i]) / np.linalg.norm(stack1[i])
        accumulated_err += err
        relative_err = accumulated_err / (i + 1)

        # if we already reached a relatively big error, we can stop here
        # we can't ask "if max_error" as max_error is so small and treated as 0 (False)
        if max_error is not None and relative_err > max_error:
            raise ErrorTooBig(
                'Stacks comparison failed! error is too big: {}'.format(

        if verbose == 0:

        elif verbose == 1:
            pb.print_progress_bar((i + 1) / num_of_images * 100)

        elif verbose == 2 and (i + 1) % 100 == 0:
                f'Finished comparing {i+1}/{num_of_images} projections. '
                f'Relative error so far: {relative_err}')

        elif verbose == 3:
                f'Difference between projections ({i+1}) <> ({i+1}): {err}')

    if verbose == 2:
            f'Finished comparing {num_of_images}/{num_of_images} projections. '
            f'Relative error: {relative_err}')

    return relative_err
def cryo_epsdr(vol, samples_idx, max_d, verbose):
    p = vol.shape[0]
    k = vol.shape[2]
    i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(max_d + 1), np.arange(max_d + 1))
    dists = np.square(i) + np.square(j)
    dsquare = np.sort(np.unique(dists[np.where(dists <= max_d**2)]))

    corrs = np.zeros(len(dsquare))
    corr_count = np.zeros(len(dsquare))
    x = np.sqrt(dsquare)

    dist_map = np.zeros(dists.shape)
    for i in range(max_d + 1):
        for j in range(max_d + 1):
            d = i**2 + j**2
            if d <= max_d**2:
                idx, _ = bsearch(dsquare, d - 1e-13, d + 1e-13)
                if idx is None:
                    logger.warning('something went wrong in bsearch')
                dist_map[i, j] = idx

    dist_map = dist_map.astype('int') - 1
    valid_dists = np.where(dist_map != -1)

    mask = np.zeros((p, p))
    mask[samples_idx] = 1
    tmp = np.zeros((2 * p + 1, 2 * p + 1))
    tmp[:p, :p] = mask
    ftmp = np.fft.fft2(tmp)
    c = np.fft.ifft2(ftmp * np.conj(ftmp))
    c = c[:max_d + 1, :max_d + 1]
    c = np.round(c.real).astype('int')

    r = np.zeros(len(corrs))

    # optimized version
    vol = vol.transpose((2, 0, 1)).copy()
    input_fft2 = np.zeros((2 * p + 1, 2 * p + 1), dtype='complex128')
    output_fft2 = np.zeros((2 * p + 1, 2 * p + 1), dtype='complex128')
    input_ifft2 = np.zeros((2 * p + 1, 2 * p + 1), dtype='complex128')
    output_ifft2 = np.zeros((2 * p + 1, 2 * p + 1), dtype='complex128')
    fft2 = pyfftw.FFTW(input_fft2,
                       axes=(0, 1),
    ifft2 = pyfftw.FFTW(input_ifft2,
                        axes=(0, 1),
    sum_s = np.zeros(output_ifft2.shape, output_ifft2.dtype)
    sum_c = c * vol.shape[0]
    for i in range(k):
        proj = vol[i]

        input_fft2[samples_idx] = proj[samples_idx]
        np.multiply(output_fft2, np.conj(output_fft2), out=input_ifft2)
        sum_s += output_ifft2

    for curr_dist in zip(valid_dists[0], valid_dists[1]):
        dmidx = dist_map[curr_dist]
        corrs[dmidx] += sum_s[curr_dist].real
        corr_count[dmidx] += sum_c[curr_dist]

    idx = np.where(corr_count != 0)[0]
    r[idx] += corrs[idx] / corr_count[idx]
    cnt = corr_count[idx]

    idx = np.where(corr_count == 0)[0]
    r[idx] = 0
    x[idx] = 0
    return r, x, cnt