Exemple #1
    def moments(cls, img, query_size):
        """Calculates the mean and standard deviation for each window of size (query_size x query_size) 
        in the micrograph.
            img: Micrograph image.
            query_size: Size of windows for which to compute mean and std.
            A matrix of mean intensity and a matrix of variance, each containing a single 
            entry for each possible (query_size x query_size) window in the micrograph.

        filt = xp.ones((query_size, query_size)) / (query_size * query_size)
        filt = xp.pad(filt, (0, img.shape[0] - 1),
                      constant_values=(0, 0))
        filt_freq = xp.fft2(filt, axes=(0, 1))

        pad_img = xp.pad(img, (0, query_size - 1),
                         constant_values=(0, 0))
        img_freq = xp.fft2(pad_img, axes=(0, 1))

        mean_freq = xp.multiply(img_freq, filt_freq)
        mean_all = xp.ifft2(mean_freq, axes=(0, 1)).real

        pad_img_square = np.square(pad_img)
        img_var_freq = xp.fft2(pad_img_square, axes=(0, 1))
        var_freq = xp.multiply(img_var_freq, filt_freq)
        var_all = xp.ifft2(var_freq, axes=(0, 1))
        var_all = var_all.real - xp.power(mean_all, 2)
        std_all = xp.sqrt(xp.maximum(0, var_all))

        return mean_all, std_all
    def query_score(self, show_progress=True):
        """Calculates score for each query image.

        Extracts query images and reference windows. Computes the cross-correlation between these
        windows, and applies a threshold to compute a score for each query image.

            show_progress: Whether to show a progress bar

            Matrix containing a score for each query image.

        micro_img = xp.asarray(self.im)
        logger.info('Extracting query images')
        query_box = PickerHelper.extract_query(micro_img, self.query_size // 2)
        logger.info('Extracting query images complete')

        query_box = xp.conj(xp.fft2(query_box, axes=(2, 3)))

        reference_box = PickerHelper.extract_references(micro_img, self.query_size, self.container_size)

        reference_size = PickerHelper.reference_size(micro_img, self.container_size)
        conv_map = xp.zeros((reference_size, query_box.shape[0], query_box.shape[1]))

        def _work(index):
            reference_box_i = xp.fft2(reference_box[index], axes=(0, 1))
            window_t = xp.multiply(reference_box_i, query_box)
            cc = xp.ifft2(window_t, axes=(2, 3))
            return index, cc.real.max((2, 3)) - cc.real.mean((2, 3))

        n_works = reference_size
        n_threads = config.apple.conv_map_nthreads
        pbar = tqdm(total=reference_size, disable=not show_progress)

        # Ideally we'd like something like 'SerialExecutor' to enable easy debugging
        # but for now do an if-else
        if n_threads > 1:
            with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(n_threads) as executor:
                to_do = [executor.submit(_work, i) for i in range(n_works)]

                for future in futures.as_completed(to_do):
                    i, res = future.result()
                    conv_map[i, :, :] = res
            for i in range(n_works):
                _, conv_map[i, :, :] = _work(i)


        conv_map = xp.transpose(conv_map, (1, 2, 0))

        min_val = xp.min(conv_map)
        max_val = xp.max(conv_map)
        thresh = min_val + (max_val - min_val) / config.apple.response_thresh_norm_factor
        return xp.asnumpy(xp.sum(conv_map >= thresh, axis=2))
Exemple #3
 def _work(index):
     reference_box_i = xp.fft2(reference_box[index], axes=(0, 1))
     window_t = xp.multiply(reference_box_i, query_box)
     cc = xp.ifft2(window_t, axes=(2, 3))
     return index, cc.real.max((2, 3)) - cc.real.mean((2, 3))
Exemple #4
    def testFft2(self):
        a = xp.random.random((100, 100))
        b = xp.fft2(a)
        c = xp.ifft2(b)

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(a, c))