Exemple #1
    def assign(self, expr, subset=None):
        """Set the :class:`Function` value to the pointwise value of
        expr. expr may only contain :class:`Function`\s on the same
        :class:`.FunctionSpace` as the :class:`Function` being assigned to.

        Similar functionality is available for the augmented assignment
        operators `+=`, `-=`, `*=` and `/=`. For example, if `f` and `g` are
        both Functions on the same :class:`FunctionSpace` then::

          f += 2 * g

        will add twice `g` to `f`.

        If present, subset must be an :class:`pyop2.Subset` of
        :attr:`node_set`. The expression will then only be assigned
        to the nodes on that subset.

        if isinstance(expr, Function) and \
                expr._function_space == self._function_space:
            expr.dat.copy(self.dat, subset=subset)
            return self

            assemble_expressions.Assign(self, expr), subset)

        return self
Exemple #2
    def __idiv__(self, expr):

        if np.isscalar(expr):
            self.dat /= expr
            return self
        if isinstance(expr, Function) and \
                expr._function_space == self._function_space:
            self.dat /= expr.dat
            return self

            assemble_expressions.IDiv(self, expr))

        return self