Exemple #1
def test_heuristics_valid():
    heuristic_list = [random_model_obj(Heuristic) for _ in range(4)]
    heuristics = {x.heur_id: x for x in heuristic_list}

    attack_ids = list(
            for _ in range(random.randint(1, 3))
    signatures = {}
    score_map = {}
    for x in range(random.randint(2, 4)):
        name = get_random_word()
        if x >= 2:
            score_map[name] = random.randint(10, 100)

        signatures[name] = random.randint(1, 3)

    service_heur = dict(heur_id=random.choice(list(heuristics.keys())),

    result_heur = service_heuristic_to_result_heuristic(
        deepcopy(service_heur), heuristics)
    assert result_heur is not None
    assert service_heur['heur_id'] == result_heur['heur_id']
    assert service_heur['score'] != result_heur['score']
    for attack in result_heur['attack']:
        assert attack['attack_id'] in attack_ids
    for signature in result_heur['signature']:
        assert signature['name'] in signatures
        assert signature['frequency'] == signatures[signature['name']]
def test_heuristics_valid():
    heuristic_list = [random_model_obj(Heuristic) for _ in range(4)]
    heuristics = {x.heur_id: x for x in heuristic_list}

    software_ids = list(set([random.choice(list(software_map.keys())) for _ in range(random.randint(1, 3))]))
    attack_ids = list(set([random.choice(list(attack_map.keys())) for _ in range(random.randint(1, 3))]))

    attack_ids_to_fetch_details_for = attack_ids[:]
    for software_id in software_ids:
        software_attack_ids = software_map[software_id]["attack_ids"]
        for software_attack_id in software_attack_ids:
            if software_attack_id in attack_map and software_attack_id not in attack_ids_to_fetch_details_for:
                print(f"Invalid related attack_id '{software_attack_id}' for software '{software_id}'. Ignoring it.")
    attack_id_details = {attack_id: {"pattern": attack_map[attack_id]["name"], "categories": attack_map[attack_id]["categories"]} for attack_id in attack_ids_to_fetch_details_for}

    signatures = {}
    score_map = {}
    for x in range(random.randint(2, 4)):
        name = get_random_word()
        if x >= 2:
            score_map[name] = random.randint(10, 100)

        signatures[name] = random.randint(1, 3)

    service_heur = dict(

    result_heur = service_heuristic_to_result_heuristic(deepcopy(service_heur), heuristics)
    assert result_heur is not None
    assert service_heur['heur_id'] == result_heur['heur_id']
    assert service_heur['score'] != result_heur['score']
    for attack in result_heur['attack']:
        attack_id = attack['attack_id']
        assert attack_id in attack_ids_to_fetch_details_for
        assert attack['pattern'] == attack_id_details[attack_id]['pattern']
        assert attack['categories'] == attack_id_details[attack_id]['categories']
    for signature in result_heur['signature']:
        assert signature['name'] in signatures
        assert signature['frequency'] == signatures[signature['name']]
def _create_results_for_file(ds, fs, f, possible_childs=None, log=None):
    r_list = []
    services_done = []
    section_body_format = ["TEXT", "MEMORY_DUMP", "GRAPH_DATA", "URL", "JSON", "KEY_VALUE"]
    section_depth_list = [[1, 1, 2, 3, 1], [1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3, 1], [1, 2]]
    section_depth = random.choice(section_depth_list)
    for _ in range(random.randint(2, 5)):
        r = random_model_obj(Result)

        # Only one result per service per file
        while r.response.service_name in services_done:
            r.response.service_name = random.choice(list(SERVICES.keys()))

        for depth_id, section in enumerate(r.result.sections):
            section.depth = section_depth[depth_id % len(section_depth)]
            section.body_format = random.choice(section_body_format)
            section.heuristic.heur_id = random.choice([f"{r.response.service_name.upper()}.{x+1}" for x in range(5)])
            if section.body_format == "GRAPH_DATA":
                cmap_min = 0
                cmap_max = random.choice([5, 10, 20])
                color_map_data = {
                    'type': 'colormap',
                    'data': {
                        'domain': [cmap_min, cmap_max],
                        'values': [random.random() * cmap_max for _ in range(50)]
                section.body = json.dumps(color_map_data)
            elif section.body_format == "URL":
                data = [{"url": get_random_uri()} for _ in range(random.randint(1, 4))]
                section.body = json.dumps(data)
            elif section.body_format in ["JSON", "KEY_VALUE"]:
                data = {get_random_word(): get_random_id() for _ in range(random.randint(3, 9))}
                section.body = json.dumps(data)


        # Set the sha256
        r.sha256 = f

        if random.randint(1, 10) > 8:
            # Generate and empty result
            r_key = f"{r.build_key()}.e"
            ds.emptyresult.save(r_key, random_model_obj(EmptyResult))
            r_key = r.build_key()
            # Set random extracted files that are not top level
            if not possible_childs:
                r.response.extracted = []
                for e in r.response.extracted:
                    e.sha256 = random.choice(possible_childs)

            # Set random supplementary files that are not top level
            if r.response.supplementary:
                # Edit the first file to be an ontology file
                s = r.response.supplementary[0]

                # Create a random ontology
                onto = random_minimal_obj(ResultOntology).as_primitives(strip_null=True)
                onto['header']['sha256'] = f
                onto['header']['service_name'] = r.response.service_name
                onto['header']['service_version'] = r.response.service_version
                onto['header']['service_tool_version'] = r.response.service_tool_version

                # Create it's file record
                supp_file = random_model_obj(File)
                byte_str = json.dumps(onto).encode('utf-8')
                sha256 = hashlib.sha256(byte_str).hexdigest()
                supp_file.sha256 = sha256
                ds.file.save(sha256, supp_file)
                fs.put(sha256, byte_str)

                # Add the random files
                s.sha256 = sha256
                s.name = "random.ontology"
                s.description = f"Random Ontology file for: {f}"

                r.response.supplementary = [s]

            ds.result.save(r_key, r)

        if log:

    return r_list
def _create_results_for_file(ds, f, possible_childs=None, log=None):
    r_list = []
    services_done = []
    section_depth_list = [[1, 1, 2, 3, 1], [1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3, 1], [1, 2]]
    section_depth = random.choice(section_depth_list)
    for _ in range(random.randint(2, 5)):
        r = random_model_obj(Result)
        for depth_id, section in enumerate(r.result.sections):
            section.depth = section_depth[depth_id % len(section_depth)]
            if section.body_format == "GRAPH_DATA":
                cmap_min = 0
                cmap_max = random.choice([5, 10, 20])
                color_map_data = {
                    'type': 'colormap',
                    'data': {
                        'domain': [cmap_min, cmap_max],
                        [random.random() * cmap_max for _ in range(50)]
                section.body = json.dumps(color_map_data)
            elif section.body_format == "URL":
                data = [{
                    "url": get_random_uri()
                } for _ in range(random.randint(1, 4))]
                section.body = json.dumps(data)
            elif section.body_format in ["JSON", "KEY_VALUE"]:
                data = {
                    get_random_word(): get_random_id()
                    for _ in range(random.randint(3, 9))
                section.body = json.dumps(data)

        # Only one result per service per file
        while r.response.service_name in services_done:
            r.response.service_name = random.choice(list(SERVICES.keys()))

        # Set the sha256
        r.sha256 = f

        if random.randint(1, 10) > 8:
            # Generate and empty result
            r_key = f"{r.build_key()}.e"
            ds.emptyresult.save(r_key, random_model_obj(EmptyResult))
            r_key = r.build_key()
            # Set random extracted files that are not top level
            if not possible_childs:
                r.response.extracted = []
                for e in r.response.extracted:
                    e.sha256 = random.choice(possible_childs)

            # Set random supplementary files that are not top level
            if not possible_childs:
                r.response.supplementary = []
                for s in r.response.supplementary:
                    s.sha256 = random.choice(possible_childs)
            ds.result.save(r_key, r)

        if log:

    return r_list