Exemple #1
def list_bucket_fields(bucket, **kwargs):
    List all available fields for a given bucket

    bucket  =>     Which specific bucket you want to know the fields for


    Data Block:

    Result example:
        "<<FIELD_NAME>>": {      # For a given field
            indexed: True,        # Is the field indexed
            stored: False,        # Is the field stored
            type: string          # What type of data in the field

    if bucket in BUCKET_MAP or ():
        return make_api_response(BUCKET_MAP[bucket].fields())
    elif 'admin' in kwargs['user']['type'] and hasattr(STORAGE, bucket):
        return make_api_response(getattr(STORAGE, bucket).fields())
    elif bucket == "ALL":
        return make_api_response(list_all_fields())
        return make_api_response("",
                                 f"Not a valid bucket to search in: {bucket}",
Exemple #2
def list_index_fields(index, **kwargs):
    List all available fields for a given index

    index  =>     Which specific index you want to know the fields for


    Data Block:

    Result example:
        "<<FIELD_NAME>>": {      # For a given field
            indexed: True,        # Is the field indexed
            stored: False,        # Is the field stored
            type: string          # What type of data in the field

    user = kwargs['user']
    collection = get_collection(index, user)
    if collection is not None:
        return make_api_response(collection.fields())
    elif index == "ALL":
        return make_api_response(list_all_fields(user))
        return make_api_response("",
                                 f"Not a valid index to search in: {index}",
Exemple #3
def search_help(**kwargs):
    field_list = {
        k: sorted([(x, y) for x, y in v.items()])
        for k, v in list_all_fields().items()
    lookup = {
        "text_ws": "whitespace separated text",
        "text_ws_dsplit": "dot and whitespace separated text",
        "text_general": "tokenized text",
        "text_fuzzy": "separated fuzzy patterns",
    return custom_render("search_help.html",
Exemple #4
def who_am_i(**kwargs):
    Return the currently logged in user as well as the system configuration



    Data Block:

    Result example:
     "agrees_with_tos": None,                   # Date the user agreed with TOS
     "avatar": "data:image/jpg...",             # Avatar data block
     "c12nDef": {},                             # Classification definition block
     "classification": "TLP:W",                 # Classification of the user
     "configuration": {                         # Configuration block
       "auth": {                                  # Authentication Configuration
         "allow_2fa": True,                         # Is 2fa Allowed for the user
         "allow_apikeys": True,                     # Are APIKeys allowed for the user
         "allow_extended_apikeys": True,            # Allow user to generate extended access API Keys
         "allow_security_tokens": True,             # Are Security tokens allowed for the user
       "submission": {                            # Submission Configuration
         "dtl": 10,                                 # Default number of days submission stay in the system
         "max_dtl": 30,                             # Maximum number of days submission stay in the system
       "system": {                                # System Configuration
         "organisation": "ACME",                    # Organisation name
         "type": "production",                      # Type of deployment
         "version": "4.1"                           # Assemblyline version
       "ui": {                                    # UI Configuration
         "alerting_meta": {                         # Alert metadata configuration
            "important": [],                          # List of metadata fields that should always be displayed
            "subject": [],                            # List of metadata fields where to fetch email subject
            "url": []                                 # List of metadata fields where to fetch URLS
         "allow_malicious_hinting": True,           # Are users allowed to set the malicious flag before processing
         "allow_raw_downloads": True,               # Are users allowed to download files in their raw format?
         "allow_zip_downloads": True,               # Are users allowed to download files as password-protected ZIPs?
         "allow_replay": False,                     # Are users allowed to continue submissions on another server
         "allow_url_submissions": True,             # Are URL submissions allowed
         "apps": [],                                # List of apps shown in the apps switcher
         "banner": None,                            # Banner displayed on the submit page
         "banner_level": True,                      # Banner color (info, success, warning, error)
         "read_only": False,                        # Is the interface to be displayed in read-only mode
         "tos": True,                               # Are terms of service set in the system
         "tos_lockout": False,                      # Will agreeing to TOS lockout the user
         "tos_lockout_notify": False                # Will admin be auto-notified when a user is locked out
     "email": "*****@*****.**",  # Email of the user
     "groups": ["USERS"],                       # Groups the user if member of
     "indexes": {},                             # Search indexes definitions
     "is_active": True,                         # Is the user active
     "name": "Basic user",                      # Name of the user
     "type": ["user", "admin"],                 # Roles the user is member of
     "uname": "sgaron-cyber"                    # Username of the current user

    user_data = {k: v for k, v in kwargs['user'].items()
                 if k in ["agrees_with_tos", "classification", "email", "groups", "is_active", "name", "type", "uname"]}

    user_data['avatar'] = STORAGE.user_avatar.get(kwargs['user']['uname'])
    user_data['username'] = user_data.pop('uname')
    user_data['is_admin'] = "admin" in user_data['type']
    user_data['roles'] = user_data.pop('type')

    # System configuration
    user_data['c12nDef'] = classification_definition
    user_data['configuration'] = {
        "auth": {
            "allow_2fa": config.auth.allow_2fa,
            "allow_apikeys": config.auth.allow_apikeys,
            "allow_extended_apikeys": config.auth.allow_extended_apikeys,
            "allow_security_tokens": config.auth.allow_security_tokens,
        "submission": {
            "dtl": config.submission.dtl,
            "max_dtl": config.submission.max_dtl
        "system": {
            "organisation": config.system.organisation,
            "type": config.system.type,
            "version": VERSION
        "ui": {
            "alerting_meta": {
                "important": config.ui.alerting_meta.important,
                "subject": config.ui.alerting_meta.subject,
                "url": config.ui.alerting_meta.url
            "allow_malicious_hinting": config.ui.allow_malicious_hinting,
            "allow_raw_downloads": config.ui.allow_raw_downloads,
            "allow_zip_downloads": config.ui.allow_zip_downloads,
            "allow_replay": config.ui.allow_replay,
            "allow_url_submissions": config.ui.allow_url_submissions,
            "apps": [x for x in APPS_LIST['apps']
                     if CLASSIFICATION.is_accessible(kwargs['user']['classification'],
                                                     x['classification'] or CLASSIFICATION.UNRESTRICTED,
            "banner": config.ui.banner,
            "banner_level": config.ui.banner_level,
            "read_only": config.ui.read_only,
            "tos": config.ui.tos not in [None, ""],
            "tos_lockout": config.ui.tos_lockout,
            "tos_lockout_notify": config.ui.tos_lockout_notify not in [None, []]
    user_data['indexes'] = list_all_fields(user_data)
    user_data['settings'] = load_user_settings(kwargs['user'])

    msg = UI_MESSAGING.get('system_message')
    if msg:
        user_data['system_message'] = msg

    return make_api_response(user_data)
Exemple #5
def who_am_i(**kwargs):
    Return the currently logged in user as well as the system configuration



    Data Block:

    Result example:
     "agrees_with_tos": None,                   # Date the user agreed with TOS
     "avatar": "data:image/jpg...",             # Avatar data block
     "c12nDef": {},                             # Classification definition block
     "classification": "TLP:W",                 # Classification of the user
     "configuration": {                         # Configuration block
       "auth": {                                  # Authentication Configuration
         "allow_2fa": True,                         # Is 2fa Allowed for the user
         "allow_apikeys": True,                     # Are APIKeys allowed for the user
         "allow_security_tokens": True,             # Are Security tokens allowed for the user
       "ui": {                                    # UI Configuration
         "allow_url_submissions": True,             # Are URL submissions allowed
         "read_only": False,                        # Is the interface to be displayed in read-only mode
         "tos": True,                               # Are terms of service set in the system
         "tos_lockout": False,                      # Will agreeing to TOS lockout the user
         "tos_lockout_notify": False                # Will admin be auto-notified when a user is locked out
     "email": "*****@*****.**",  # Email of the user
     "groups": ["USERS"],                       # Groups the user if member of
     "indexes": {},                             # Search indexes definitions
     "is_active": True,                         # Is the user active
     "name": "Basic user",                      # Name of the user
     "type": ["user", "admin"],                 # Roles the user is member of
     "uname": "sgaron-cyber"                    # Username of the current user

    user_data = {k: v for k, v in kwargs['user'].items()
                 if k in [

    user_data['avatar'] = STORAGE.user_avatar.get(kwargs['user']['uname'])
    user_data['username'] = user_data.pop('uname')
    user_data['is_admin'] = "admin" in user_data['type']
    user_data['roles'] = user_data.pop('type')

    # System configuration
    user_data['c12nDef'] = classification_definition
    user_data['configuration'] = {
        "auth": {
            "allow_2fa": config.auth.allow_2fa,
            "allow_apikeys": config.auth.allow_apikeys,
            "allow_security_tokens": config.auth.allow_security_tokens,
        "ui": {
            "allow_url_submissions": config.ui.allow_url_submissions,
            "read_only": config.ui.read_only,
            "tos": config.ui.tos not in [None, ""],
            "tos_lockout": config.ui.tos_lockout,
            "tos_lockout_notify": config.ui.tos_lockout_notify not in [None, []]
    user_data['indexes'] = list_all_fields()
    user_data['settings'] = load_user_settings(kwargs['user'])

    return make_api_response(user_data)