def test_window_aggs_for_ranges(data_gen):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=2048),
        "window_agg_table", 'select '
        ' sum(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) asc  '
        '       range between interval 1 day preceding and interval 1 day following) as sum_c_asc, '
        ' avg(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) asc  '
        '       range between interval 1 day preceding and interval 1 day following) as avg_c_asc, '
        ' max(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) desc '
        '       range between interval 2 days preceding and interval 1 days following) as max_c_desc, '
        ' min(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) asc  '
        '       range between interval 2 days preceding and current row) as min_c_asc, '
        ' count(1) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) asc  '
        '       range between  CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED following) as count_1_asc, '
        ' count(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) asc  '
        '       range between  CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED following) as count_c_asc, '
        ' avg(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) asc  '
        '       range between UNBOUNDED preceding and CURRENT ROW) as avg_c_unbounded, '
        ' sum(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) asc  '
        '       range between UNBOUNDED preceding and CURRENT ROW) as sum_c_unbounded, '
        ' max(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by cast(b as timestamp) asc  '
        '       range between UNBOUNDED preceding and UNBOUNDED following) as max_c_unbounded '
        'from window_agg_table',
        conf={'spark.rapids.sql.castFloatToDecimal.enabled': True})
Exemple #2
def test_window_aggs_for_rows_collect_list():
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, _gen_data_for_collect_list),
        "window_collect_table", '''
          collect_list(c_bool) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_bool,
          collect_list(c_short) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_short,
          collect_list(c_int) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_int,
          collect_list(c_long) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_long,
          collect_list(c_date) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_date,
          collect_list(c_ts) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_ts,
          collect_list(c_byte) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_byte,
          collect_list(c_string) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_string,
          collect_list(c_float) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_float,
          collect_list(c_double) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_double,
          collect_list(c_decimal) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_decimal,
          collect_list(c_struct) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_struct,
          collect_list(c_array) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_array,
          collect_list(c_map) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between CURRENT ROW and UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as collect_map
        from window_collect_table
Exemple #3
def test_running_window_function_exec_for_all_aggs():
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, _gen_data_for_collect_list),
        "window_collect_table", '''
          sum(c_int) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as sum_int,
          min(c_long) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as min_long,
          max(c_date) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as max_date,
          count(1) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as count_1,
          count(*) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as count_star,
          row_number() over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int) as row_num,
          rank() over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int) as rank_val,
          dense_rank() over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int) as dense_rank_val,
          collect_list(c_float) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as collect_float,
          collect_list(c_decimal) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as collect_decimal,
          collect_list(c_struct) over
            (partition by a order by b,c_int rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as collect_struct
        from window_collect_table
Exemple #4
def test_window_running(b_gen, c_gen, batch_size):
    conf = {
        'spark.rapids.sql.batchSizeBytes': batch_size,
        'spark.rapids.sql.hasNans': False,
        'spark.rapids.sql.variableFloatAgg.enabled': True,
        'spark.rapids.sql.castFloatToDecimal.enabled': True
    query_parts = [
        'b', 'a',
        'row_number() over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as row_num',
        'rank() over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as rank_val',
        'dense_rank() over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as dense_rank_val',
        'count(c) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as count_col',
        'min(c) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as min_col',
        'max(c) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as max_col'

    # Decimal precision can grow too large. Float and Double can get odd results for Inf/-Inf because of ordering
    if isinstance(c_gen.data_type, NumericType) and (not isinstance(
            c_gen, FloatGen)) and (not isinstance(
                c_gen, DoubleGen)) and (not isinstance(c_gen, DecimalGen)):
            'sum(c) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as sum_col'

        lambda spark: three_col_df(spark,
                                   RepeatSeqGen(b_gen, length=100),
                                   length=1024 * 14),
        'select ' + ', '.join(query_parts) + ' from window_agg_table ',
Exemple #5
def test_window_running_float_decimal_sum(batch_size):
    conf = {
        'spark.rapids.sql.batchSizeBytes': batch_size,
        'spark.rapids.sql.variableFloatAgg.enabled': True,
        'spark.rapids.sql.castFloatToDecimal.enabled': True
    query_parts = [
        'b', 'a',
        'sum(cast(c as double)) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as dbl_sum',
        'sum(abs(dbl)) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as dbl_sum',
        'sum(cast(c as float)) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as flt_sum',
        'sum(abs(flt)) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as flt_sum',
        'sum(cast(c as Decimal(6,1))) over (partition by b order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as dec_sum'

    gen = StructGen([('a', LongRangeGen()),
                     ('b', RepeatSeqGen(int_gen, length=1000)),
                     ('c', short_gen), ('flt', float_gen),
                     ('dbl', double_gen)],
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, gen, length=1024 * 14),
        'select ' + ', '.join(query_parts) + ' from window_agg_table ',
Exemple #6
def test_window_running_no_part(b_gen, batch_size):
    conf = {
        'spark.rapids.sql.batchSizeBytes': batch_size,
        'spark.rapids.sql.hasNans': False,
        'spark.rapids.sql.castFloatToDecimal.enabled': True
    query_parts = [
        'row_number() over (order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as row_num',
        'rank() over (order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as rank_val',
        'dense_rank() over (order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as dense_rank_val',
        'count(b) over (order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as count_col',
        'min(b) over (order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as min_col',
        'max(b) over (order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as max_col'
    if isinstance(b_gen.data_type, NumericType) and not isinstance(
            b_gen, FloatGen) and not isinstance(b_gen, DoubleGen):
            'sum(b) over (order by a rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as sum_col'

        lambda spark: two_col_df(
            spark, LongRangeGen(), b_gen, length=1024 * 14),
        'select ' + ', '.join(query_parts) + ' from window_agg_table ',
Exemple #7
def test_window_aggs_for_rows(data_gen, batch_size):
    conf = {
        'spark.rapids.sql.batchSizeBytes': batch_size,
        'spark.rapids.sql.castFloatToDecimal.enabled': True
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=2048),
        "window_agg_table", 'select '
        ' sum(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c asc rows between 1 preceding and 1 following) as sum_c_asc, '
        ' max(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b desc, c desc rows between 2 preceding and 1 following) as max_c_desc, '
        ' min(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c rows between 2 preceding and current row) as min_c_asc, '
        ' count(1) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c rows between UNBOUNDED preceding and UNBOUNDED following) as count_1, '
        ' count(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c rows between UNBOUNDED preceding and UNBOUNDED following) as count_c, '
        ' avg(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c rows between UNBOUNDED preceding and UNBOUNDED following) as avg_c, '
        ' rank() over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c rows between UNBOUNDED preceding and CURRENT ROW) as rank_val, '
        ' dense_rank() over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c rows between UNBOUNDED preceding and CURRENT ROW) as dense_rank_val, '
        ' row_number() over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c rows between UNBOUNDED preceding and CURRENT ROW) as row_num '
        'from window_agg_table ',
Exemple #8
def test_hash_multiple_filters(data_gen, conf):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=100), "hash_agg_table",
        'select count(a) filter (where c > 50),' +
        'count(b) filter (where c > 100),' + 'avg(b) filter (where b > 20),' +
        'min(a), max(b) filter (where c > 250) from hash_agg_table group by a',
Exemple #9
def test_orderby_array_unique(data_gen):
        lambda spark: append_unique_int_col_to_df(
            spark, unary_op_df(spark, data_gen)),
        'select array_table.a, array_table.uniq_int from array_table order by uniq_int',
Exemple #10
def test_window_ride_along(ride_along):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, [('a', LongRangeGen()),
                                     ('b', ride_along)]),
        "window_agg_table", 'select *,'
        ' row_number() over (order by a) as row_num '
        'from window_agg_table ',
def test_window_aggs_for_ranges_of_dates(data_gen):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=2048), "window_agg_table",
        'select '
        ' sum(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b asc  '
        '       range between 1 preceding and 1 following) as sum_c_asc '
        'from window_agg_table')
Exemple #12
def test_hash_query_multiple_distincts_with_non_distinct(
        data_gen, conf, parameterless):
    conf.update({'spark.sql.legacy.allowParameterlessCount': parameterless})
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=100), "hash_agg_table",
        'select avg(a),' + 'avg(distinct b),' + 'avg(distinct c),' +
        'sum(distinct a),' + 'count(distinct b),' + 'count(a),' + 'count(),' +
        'sum(a),' + 'min(a),' + 'max(a) from hash_agg_table group by a', conf)
Exemple #13
def test_scalar_subquery_basics(data_gen):
    # Fix num_slices at 1 to make sure that first/last returns same results under CPU and GPU.
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, [('a', data_gen)], num_slices=1), 'table',
        '''select a, (select last(a) from table)
        from table
        where a > (select first(a) from table)
Exemple #14
def test_parquet_push_down_on_interval_type(spark_tmp_path):
    gen_list = [('_c1', DayTimeIntervalGen())]
    data_path = spark_tmp_path + '/PARQUET_DATA'
    with_cpu_session(lambda spark: gen_df(spark, gen_list).coalesce(1).write.
        lambda spark:, "testData",
        "select * from testData where _c1 > interval '10 0:0:0' day to second")
Exemple #15
def test_window_aggs_for_rows_count_non_null(data_gen):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=2048), "window_agg_table",
        'select '
        ' count(c) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b,c '
        '       rows between UNBOUNDED preceding and UNBOUNDED following) as count_non_null '
        'from window_agg_table ')
Exemple #16
def test_hash_query_max_with_multiple_distincts(data_gen, conf):
        lambda spark : gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=100),
        'select max(c),' +
        'sum(distinct a),' +
        'count(distinct b) from hash_agg_table group by a',
def test_window_aggs_for_ranges_numeric_long_overflow(data_gen):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=2048), "window_agg_table",
        'select '
        ' sum(b) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b asc  '
        '      range between 9223372036854775807 preceding and 9223372036854775807 following) as sum_c_asc, '
        'from window_agg_table')
Exemple #18
def test_scalar_subquery(data_gen):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=2048),
        select l, i, f, (select count(s) from table) as c
        from table
        where l > (select max(i) from table) or f < (select min(i) from table)
def test_window_aggs_for_ranges_numeric_short_overflow(data_gen):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=2048),
        "window_agg_table", 'select '
        ' sum(b) over '
        '   (partition by a order by b asc  '
        '      range between 32767 preceding and 32767 following) as sum_c_asc, '
        'from window_agg_table',
        conf={'spark.rapids.sql.window.range.short.enabled': True})
Exemple #20
def test_hive_simple_udf_native(enable_rapids_udf_example_native):
    def evalfn(spark):
        load_hive_udf_or_skip_test(spark, "wordcount", "com.nvidia.spark.rapids.udf.hive.StringWordCount")
        return gen_df(spark, data_gens)
        "SELECT wordcount(s) FROM hive_native_udf_test_table")
Exemple #21
def test_concat_ws_sql_arrays_all_null_col_sep():
    gen = ArrayGen(StringGen(nullable=True), nullable=True)
    sep = NullGen()
            lambda spark: three_col_df(spark, gen, StringGen(nullable=True), sep),
            'select ' +
                'concat_ws(c, array(null, null)), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, a, array(null), b, array()), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, b, b, array(b)) from concat_ws_table')
Exemple #22
def test_hive_generic_udf():
    data_gens = [["s", StringGen('.{0,30}')]]
    def evalfn(spark):
        load_hive_udf_or_skip_test(spark, "urlencode", "com.nvidia.spark.rapids.udf.hive.URLEncode")
        return gen_df(spark, data_gens)
        "SELECT urlencode(s) FROM hive_generic_udf_test_table")
Exemple #23
def test_hive_simple_udf():
    data_gens = [["i", int_gen], ["s", encoded_url_gen]]
    def evalfn(spark):
        load_hive_udf_or_skip_test(spark, "urldecode", "com.nvidia.spark.rapids.udf.hive.URLDecode")
        return gen_df(spark, data_gens)
        "SELECT i, urldecode(s) FROM hive_simple_udf_test_table")
def test_hash_agg_with_nan_keys(data_gen):
        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=1024), "hash_agg_table",
        'select a, '
        'count(*) as count_stars, '
        'count(b) as count_bees, '
        'sum(b) as sum_of_bees, '
        'max(c) as max_seas, '
        'min(c) as min_seas, '
        'count(distinct c) as count_distinct_cees, '
        'avg(c) as average_seas '
        'from hash_agg_table group by a', _no_nans_float_conf)
Exemple #25
def test_concat_ws_sql_arrays_col_sep():
    gen = ArrayGen(StringGen(nullable=True), nullable=True)
    sep = StringGen('[-,*,+,!]', nullable=True)
            lambda spark: three_col_df(spark, gen, StringGen(nullable=True), sep),
            'select ' +
                'concat_ws(c, array()) as emptyCon, ' +
                'concat_ws(c, b, b, array(b)), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, a, array(null, c), b, array()), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, array(null, null)), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, a, array(null), b, array()), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, array(\'2\', \'\', \'3\', \'Z\', b)) from concat_ws_table')
Exemple #26
def test_concat_ws_sql_col_sep():
    gen = StringGen(nullable=True)
    sep = StringGen('[-,*,+,!]', nullable=True)
            lambda spark: three_col_df(spark, gen, gen, sep),
            'select ' +
                'concat_ws(c, a), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, a, b), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, null, null), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, \'aaa\', \'bbb\', \'zzz\'), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, b, \'\', \'bbb\', \'zzz\'), ' +
                'concat_ws(c, b, a, cast(null as string)) from concat_ws_table')
Exemple #27
def test_hive_empty_generic_udf():

    def evalfn(spark):
            spark, "emptygeneric",
        return gen_df(spark, [["s", string_gen]])

        "SELECT emptygeneric(s) FROM hive_generic_udf_test_table",
        conf={'spark.rapids.sql.rowBasedUDF.enabled': 'true'})
def test_window_aggs_for_rows_lead_lag_on_arrays(a_gen, b_gen, c_gen, d_gen):
    data_gen = [('a', RepeatSeqGen(a_gen, length=20)), ('b', b_gen),
                ('c', c_gen), ('d', d_gen), ('d_default', d_gen)]

        lambda spark: gen_df(spark, data_gen, length=2048), "window_agg_table",
            LEAD(d, 5) OVER (PARTITION by a ORDER BY b,c) lead_d_5,
            LEAD(d, 2, d_default) OVER (PARTITION by a ORDER BY b,c) lead_d_2_default,
            LAG(d, 5) OVER (PARTITION by a ORDER BY b,c) lag_d_5,
            LAG(d, 2, d_default) OVER (PARTITION by a ORDER BY b,c) lag_d_2_default
        FROM window_agg_table
Exemple #29
def test_concat_ws_sql_arrays():
    gen = ArrayGen(StringGen(nullable=True), nullable=True)
            lambda spark: three_col_df(spark, gen, gen, StringGen(nullable=True)),
            'select ' +
                'concat_ws("-", array()), ' +
                'concat_ws(null, c, c, array(c)), ' +
                'concat_ws("-", array(), c), ' +
                'concat_ws("-", a, b), ' +
                'concat_ws("-", a, array(null, c), b, array()), ' +
                'concat_ws("-", array(null, null)), ' +
                'concat_ws("-", a, array(null), b, array()), ' +
                'concat_ws("*", array(\'2\', \'\', \'3\', \'Z\', c)) from concat_ws_table')
def test_hive_simple_udf():
    data_gens = [["i", int_gen],

    def evalfn(spark):
        load_udf_or_skip_test(spark, "urldecode",
        return gen_df(spark, data_gens)

        evalfn, "hive_simple_udf_test_table",
        "SELECT i, urldecode(s) FROM hive_simple_udf_test_table")