def on_boarding(): """ creates a player object with user input ,writes to save and starts the location""" print(f"hello and welcome to my game!\n What is your name?") name = UI.ask("(abc)") print(f"Oh your name is {name} and what is your gender?") gender = UI.ask("(abc)") Player = main_player(name, gender) print(f'here is your stats:\n {Player.stats()}') print("""Sorry for i was only interseted, it's hard to see. Welcome to this wonderful land.""") save_info.write(Player, main.move_to_location(Player)
def run(): """main function to run""" print("Have you ever played before? \n 1: Yes, 2: No") c = UI.options("(1-2)",1,2) if c == 1: main.reload() if c == 2: main.on_boarding()
def spawn(self): """spawn point for player will move to different paths""" print(f"You are now in {}\n You see two doors in front which do you choose 1 or 2?") c = UI.options("(1-2)",1,2) if c == 1: self.do_action(self.location.pathone) print('you move on to path two') self.do_action(self.location.pathtwo) print('you win!, you find a hole and escape') elif c == 2: self.do_action(self.location.pathtwo) print('you move on to path one') self.do_action(self.location.pathone) print('you win!, time to escape')
def move_to_location(Player): """Will call a class depending on user input Locations: dead.spawn(), holy.spawn() Args: player (obj): the main_player """ print("would you like to travel toh 1:hell or heaven?") location = UI.options("(1-2)", 1, 2) if location == 1: hell = play_location(Player,save_info.location("hell")) hell.spawn() if location == 2: heven = play_location(Player,save_info.location("heven")) heven.spawn()
def test_inject_A_or_D(self): with patch('builtins.input', return_value='A'): r = UI.fight_options() self.assertEqual(r, 'a')
def test_inject_ask(self): with patch('builtins.input', return_value='hello'): r = UI.ask("test") self.assertEqual(r, "hello")
def test_inject_vaild_options(self): with patch('builtins.input', return_value='1'): r = UI.options("1-3", 1, 3) print(r) self.assertEqual(r, 1)