def astar_act(self): '''an astar (time-based) agent''' path = astar.astar_path(, (self.pos[ROW], self.pos[COL]), (self.dest[ROW], self.dest[COL])) if len(path) > 0: # has a path next_pos = path[-1] if next_pos[ROW] - self.pos[ROW] == -1: act = UP elif next_pos[ROW] - self.pos[ROW] == 1: act = DOWN elif next_pos[COL] - self.pos[COL] == -1: act = LEFT elif next_pos[COL] - self.pos[COL] == 1: act = RIGHT self.act = act else: self.act = STAY
try: heuristic = planning_env.compute_heuristic #heuristic = lambda n1, n2: planning_env.compute_heuristic( # G.nodes[n1]['config'], G.nodes[n2]['config']) # n1, n2) end = time.time() if args.lazy: print("lazy A*") weight = planning_env.edge_validity_checker #weight = lambda n1, n2: planning_env.edge_validity_checker(n1, n2) # G.nodes[n1]['config'], G.nodes[n2]['config']) <<<<<<< HEAD path, dist = lazy_astar.astar_path(G, source=start_id, target=goal_id, weight=weight, heuristic=heuristic) else: path, dist = astar.astar_path(G, source=start_id, target=goal_id, heuristic=heuristic) print('plan time: ', time.time() - end) # print('path length: {}'.format(dist)) #print("path we got", path) if args.shortcut: end = time.time() plan = planning_env.shortcut(G, path) print('short cut time: ', time.time() - end) print(path) dist = planning_env.compute_path_length(path) print('path length: {}'.format(dist)) ======= path = lazy_astar.astar_path(G, source=start_id, target=goal_id, weight=weight, heuristic=heuristic) else: path = astar.astar_path(G,
if __name__ == '__main__': rb = robot() rospy.sleep(2) model = model_based(rb.grid, rb.start, rb.goal, rb.walls, rb.pits) # convert to probability for x in model: summ = sum(x) for y in range(0, len(x)): if (summ != 0): x[y] = x[y] * 1.0 / summ #print "model: \n", model, "\n\n" mypath = astar_path(rb.grid, rb.start, rb.goal, rb.walls, rb.pits, rb.move_list) policy = mdp_policy(0, model, rb.grid, rb.start, rb.goal, rb.walls, rb.pits, rb.move_list) policy1 = mdp_policy(1, model, rb.grid, rb.start, rb.goal, rb.walls, rb.pits, rb.move_list) correct = 0 for i in range(0, len(policy)): for j in range(0, len(policy[0])): if (policy[i][j] == policy1[i][j]): correct += 1 percentage = correct * 100.0 / (len(policy) * len(policy[0])) print "Optimal policy from MDP: \n", policy, "\n\n" print "Optimal policy from model based learning: \n", policy1, "\n\n" print "Percentage of correctness: \n", percentage, "%", "\n\n"
path = lazy_astar.astar_path(G, source=start_id, target=goal_id, weight=weight, heuristic=heuristic, a=a) print("Lazy A* planning time: %s seconds" % (time.time() - start_time)) astar_time = time.time() - start_time print("Path Length: " + str(astar.path_length(G, path))) else: print("") start_time = time.time() path = astar.astar_path(G, source=start_id, target=goal_id, heuristic=heuristic, a=a) astar_time = time.time() - start_time print("A* planning time: ", astar_time) print("Path Length: " + str(astar.path_length(G, path))) planning_env.visualize_plan(G, path) if args.shortcut: start_time = time.time() shortcut_path = planning_env.shortcut(G, path) shortcut_time = time.time() - start_time print("") print("Shortcut planning time: ", shortcut_time) print("Total planning time: ", shortcut_time + astar_time)
G.add_node(u, attr_dict=MG_projected.nodes[u]) if not G.has_node(v): G.add_node(v, attr_dict=MG_projected.nodes[v]) G.add_edge(u, v, osmid=data['osmid'], highway=data['highway'], length=data['length']) # find the shortest path from an east location to Lewis # A location eastern to Lewis source_node = 504599581 # 41.590134, -88.115686 # A location in Lewis destination_node = 5126987679 # 41.605080, -88.080890 path, pushed_nodes = astar_path(G, source_node, destination_node, weight='length') write_pushed_nodes('east_dijkstra_nodes.js', 'east_dijkstra_nodes', pushed_nodes, 'east_dijkstra_path', path) path, pushed_nodes = astar_path(G, source_node, destination_node, heuristic=heuristic, weight='length') write_pushed_nodes('east_astar_nodes.js', 'east_astar_nodes', pushed_nodes, 'east_astar_path', path) # find the shortest path from a west location to Lewis # A location western to Lewis source_node = 237525410 # 41.597274, -88.048803 # A location in Lewis
def move_to(self, state ) : """ moves to state (if possible), outputs some shortest path trajectory (if such exists) """ options = [] # it *could* be local try : traj = self.copy().move_to_on_road( state ).trajectory() options.append( ( traj.length(), traj ) ) except OmniDirectional.CannotComply : pass other_sys = self.copy().set_state( state ) p_road = self.road p_edge = self.mmgraph.edge( p_road ) q_road = other_sys.road q_edge = self.mmgraph.edge( q_road ) # but *probably* not if self.is_interior() : for u, condition in [ (1.,True), (-1., not p_edge.directed ) ] : if condition : sys = self.copy() sys.apply_control( u, None, ignore_direction=True ).move_to( state ) traj = sys.trajectory() options.append( ( traj.length(), traj ) ) elif other_sys.is_interior() : try : for u, condition in [ (-1.,True), (1., not q_edge.directed ) ] : if condition : end_state = other_sys.state() mid_state = other_sys.copy().apply_control( u, None, ignore_direction=True ).state() sys = self.copy() sys.move_to( mid_state ).move_to_on_road( end_state ) traj = sys.trajectory() options.append( ( traj.length(), traj ) ) except Exception : print self.state(), mid_state, end_state print u, condition, self.available_jumps() else : if self.x <= 0. : u = p_edge.start else : u = p_edge.end if other_sys.x <= 0. : v = q_edge.start else : v = q_edge.end path = astar.astar_path( self.mmgraph, u, v ) #print path # make a copy of self, and having it follow the "path" sys = self.copy() for u, edge, v in triplet_slider( path ) : if u == edge.start : side = 'start' control = 1. elif u == edge.end : side = 'end' control = -1. else : raise Exception() if not sys.road == : sys.jump(, side ) sys.apply_control( control ) if not sys.road == other_sys.road : if other_sys.x <= 0. : sys.jump( other_sys.road, 'start' ) else : sys.jump( other_sys.road, 'end' ) # store the trajectory information traj = sys.trajectory() options.append( ( traj.length(), traj ) ) # selection _, traj = min( options ) #print traj self.follow( traj ) return self
if __name__ == '__main__': rb = robot() rospy.sleep(2) model = model_based(rb.grid, rb.start, rb.goal, rb.walls, rb.pits) # convert to probability for x in model: summ = sum(x) for y in range(0, len(x)): if(summ != 0): x[y] = x[y]*1.0/summ #print "model: \n", model, "\n\n" mypath = astar_path(rb.grid, rb.start, rb.goal, rb.walls, rb.pits, rb.move_list) policy = mdp_policy(0, model,rb.grid, rb.start, rb.goal, rb.walls, rb.pits, rb.move_list) policy1 = mdp_policy(1, model,rb.grid, rb.start, rb.goal, rb.walls, rb.pits, rb.move_list) correct = 0 for i in range (0, len(policy)): for j in range (0, len(policy[0])): if(policy[i][j] == policy1[i][j]): correct += 1 percentage = correct * 100.0 / (len(policy)*len(policy[0])) print "Optimal policy from MDP: \n", policy, "\n\n" print "Optimal policy from model based learning: \n", policy1, "\n\n" print "Percentage of correctness: \n", percentage, "%", "\n\n" #publish path and policy