def export(self, destination): """ .. todo:: Break into several smaller methods. """ records = TimingsRecorder(self.env).loadExistingRecords() # # # has some helpful examples how to work with the csv module. # with open(destination, 'w') as fh: # Create a list 'operations' containing all tests from all categories. # Each test is prefixed with its category to avoid name clashes. # E.g. the following two (stripped) timing records # 'catA': {'test1', 'testfoo'} # 'catB': {'test1', 'gui'} # are transformed into the list # ['catA::test1', 'catA::testfoo', 'catB::test1', 'catB::gui'] operations = [] categories = records.keys() for cat in categories: for time in records[cat]: ops = records[cat][time].keys() operations += map(lambda op: self._format(cat, op), ops) operations.sort() # Create a list of csv columns by adding 'Timestamp' as the first column # name to the list of operations and initiate the csv writer. columns = ['Timestamp'] + operations writer = csv.DictWriter(fh, columns, dialect=csv.excel) # Assemble the header row, i.e. create a data row such as this: # {'Timestamp': 'Timestamp', 'catA::opA': 'catA::opA', 'catB::opB': 'catB::opB'} header = {} for key in columns: header[key] = key writer.writerow(header) # Collect all timestamps present in any of the records. timestamps = set() for cat in categories: timestamps = timestamps.union(records[cat].keys()) # Create an ordered list of collected timestamps. timestamps = list(timestamps) timestamps.sort() # Assemble the csv rows that contain the elapsed times per operation. # Each row corresponds to a single timestamp. Operations that have not # been timed at a given timestamp are represented as empty cells in the # final csv file. rows = [] for time in timestamps: row = {'Timestamp': time} # Iterate over categories and the operations within. for cat in categories: for op in records[cat]: # Ensure that the current category contains the current timestamp. if time in records[cat]: record = records[cat][time] # Create a cell per operation. for op in record: column = self._format(cat, op) row[column] = record[op] rows.append(row) # Write the data to the csv file. writer.writerows(rows) self.note('Exported %s csv rows to %s' % (len(rows), destination))
def run(self): if len(['timings']['timings']) > 0: worker = TimingsRecorder(self.env) worker.add(['timings'])