def solution(infile='./data/RV2.txt', outfile='./data/RV2_solution.txt'): """Generate the solution that students should be able to match """ mu = output_string = '' with open(infile, 'r') as f: line = f.readline().split() while line: r_in = np.array([float(i) for i in line[0:3]]) v_in = np.array([float(i) for i in line[3:6]]) dt = float(line[6]) # convert to coe p, a, ecc, inc, raan, arg_p, nu, _, _, _, _ = kepler.rv2coe( r_in, v_in, mu) # propagate forward E_f, M_f, nu_f = kepler.tof_delta_t(p, ecc, mu, nu, dt) # compute elements at future time prop_string = kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, inc, raan, arg_p, nu_f, mu) output_string += prop_string line = f.readline().split() with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(output_string)
# initial orbit parameters a_1 =6*re2km ecc_1 = .5 nu_0 = 0 p_1 = a_1*(1-ecc_1**2) # desired orbit altitude - location of manuever r_1 = 7.6*re2km # find intersection of original orbit and desired orbit - true anomaly nu_1 = kepler.nu_solve(p_1, ecc_1, r_1) # conditions of orbit just prior to burn print('Initial Orbit prior to manuever') kepler.orbit_el(p_1, ecc_1, 0, 0, 0, nu_1[0], mu, 'True') _,_, r1_pqw, v1_pqw= kepler.coe2rv(p_1, ecc_1, 0, 0, 0, nu_1[0], mu) fpa1 = kepler.fpa_solve(nu_1[0], ecc_1) # properties of desired orbit at manuever point r_2 = r_1 ecc_2 = 0 _,_, r2_pqw, v2_pqw= kepler.coe2rv(r_2, ecc_2, 0, 0, 0, nu_1[0], mu) delta_v, alpha, beta = manuever.delta_v_solve_planar(np.linalg.norm(v1_pqw), np.linalg.norm(v2_pqw), fpa1, 0) print('Delta V: {} km/sec'.format(delta_v)) print('Alpha: {} deg, Beta: {} deg'.format(np.rad2deg(alpha), np.rad2deg(beta))) # final orbit properties print('Final Orbit after manuever')
from astro import kepler, constants import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # define orbital elements a = 3 * ecc = 0.4 p = kepler.semilatus_rectum(a, ecc) inc = np.deg2rad(28.5) raan = np.deg2rad(45) argp = np.deg2rad(90) nu = np.deg2rad(235) mu = re = output = kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu, mu, True) # generate a plot of orbit plane # plot the orbit state_eci, state_pqw, state_lvlh, state_sat_eci, state_sat_pqw, state_sat_lvlh = kepler.conic_orbit( p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu, nu) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(state_pqw[:, 0], state_pqw[:, 1]) ax.plot(re * np.cos(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)), re * np.sin(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi))) ax.plot([0, state_sat_pqw[0]], [0, state_sat_pqw[1]], 'b-', linewidth=3) ax.plot(state_sat_pqw[0], state_sat_pqw[1], 'b.', markersize=20) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\hat p$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\hat q$') plt.axis('equal')
# get RV vector sat.tle_update(epoch, (a, h, period, sme, fpa, r_per, r_apo, r_ijk, v_ijk, r_pqw, v_pqw, r_lvlh, v_lvlh, r, v, v_circ, v_esc, E, M, n) = kepler.elp_orbit_el(sat.coe.p, sat.coe.ecc,, sat.coe.raan, sat.coe.argp,, ofile.write( '{:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f} {:10.6f}\n'.format( r_lvlh[0], r_lvlh[1], r_lvlh[2], v_lvlh[0], v_lvlh[1], v_lvlh[2])) # get orbital paramters param_string = kepler.orbit_el(sat.coe.p, sat.coe.ecc,, sat.coe.raan, sat.coe.argp,, answer_file.write('\n{} {}\n{}'.format(sat.satname, sat.satnum, param_string)) print(sat.satname, sat.satnum) print(param_string) # create the plot of the orbit in the PQW reference frame pos_eci, sat_eci, pos_pqw, sat_pqw = kepler.conic_orbit( sat.coe.p, sat.coe.ecc,, sat.coe.raan, sat.coe.argp,, fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(pos_pqw[:, 0], pos_pqw[:, 1])
times = np.linspace(etOne, etTwo, 5000) state = np.zeros((len(times), 6)) for ii, et in enumerate(times): state[ii, :], _ = spice.spkezr('Cassini', et, 'J2000', 'None', 'SATURN BARYCENTER') initial_state = state[0, :] # comppute position/velocity in the orbital plane print('Cassini pos: {} km'.format(initial_state[0:3])) print('Cassini vel: {} km/sec'.format(initial_state[3:6])) # compute some orbital elements of the vehicle mu = p, a, ecc, inc, raan, arg_p, nu, m, arglat, truelon, lonper = kepler.rv2coe( initial_state[0:3], initial_state[3:6], mu) kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, inc, raan, arg_p, nu, mu, print_flag=True) # students should generate a plot of the orbit (conic equation) pos_inertial, sat_inertial, pos_pqw, sat_pqw = kepler.conic_orbit( p, ecc, inc, raan, arg_p, nu, nu) rsaturn = constants.saturn.radius pqw_fig, pqw_ax = plt.subplots() pqw_ax.plot(pos_pqw[:, 0] / rsaturn, pos_pqw[:, 1] / rsaturn) pqw_ax.plot(sat_pqw[0] / rsaturn, sat_pqw[1] / rsaturn, 'bo', markersize=10) pqw_ax.plot(0, 0, 'bo', markersize=20) pqw_ax.set_xlabel(r'$\hat p (r_{\saturn})$') pqw_ax.set_ylabel(r'$\hat q (r_{\saturn})$') pqw_ax.set_title(r'Cassini Orbit in Perifocal Reference Frame') pqw_ax.grid() fig = plt.figure()
au2km = constants.au2km a = au2km * 17.834144 # au ecc = 0.9671429 p = kepler.semilatus_rectum(a, ecc) inc = np.deg2rad(162.262690579161) raan = np.deg2rad(58.42008097656843) argp = np.deg2rad(111.3324851045177) M = np.deg2rad(38.3842644764388) E, nu, _ = kepler.kepler_eq_E(M, ecc) mu = # properties at perihelion print('Properties at Perihelion') output = 'Properties at Perihelion\n' output += kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, 0, mu, True) # properties at next observation occurs at nu = 260 deg print('Properties at next Observations Window') output += "\nProperties at Next OBS window\n" output += kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, inc, raan, argp, nu_obs, mu, True) # compute time to go from last perihelion to nu = 260 and then to perihelion dt_obs_window = kepler.tof_nu(p, ecc, 0, nu_obs, mu) jd_obs_window = jd_per + dt_obs_window * constants.sec2day date_obs_window = time.jd2date(jd_obs_window) # time to get from obs window to perihelion dt_obs2peri = kepler.tof_nu(p, ecc, nu_obs, 2 * np.pi - 1e-6, mu) print('Time to go nu=260 to perihelion: {} sec = {} days'.format(
import numpy as np from astro import kepler, constants mu = p = 0.23 * e = 0.82 inc = np.pi / 2 raan = np.deg2rad(180) arg_p = np.deg2rad(260) nu = np.deg2rad(190) string = kepler.orbit_el(p, e, inc, raan, arg_p, nu, mu, False) print(string)
hr2sec = constants.hr2sec # orbital parameters mag_r = 4 * re2km mag_v = 4.54 # km/sec fpa = np.deg2rad(-40) tof = 8.5 * hr2sec delta_v = 1.2 alpha = np.deg2rad(30) beta = np.pi - alpha # colculate some elements a, p, ecc, nu = manuever.rvfpa2orbit_el(mag_r, mag_v, fpa, mu) print('Initial Orbital Elements') kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, 0, 0, 0, nu, mu, True) # propogate to a new point in the orbit Ef, Mf, nuf = kepler.tof_delta_t(p, ecc, mu, nu, tof) # orbital elements just before the burn print('Orbital Elements just before burn') kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, 0, 0, 0, nuf, mu, True) out = kepler.elp_orbit_el(p, ecc, 0, 0, 0, nuf, mu) r1 = np.linalg.norm(out[7]) v1 = np.linalg.norm(out[8]) fpa1 = out[4] # compute burn rf, vf, fpaf = manuever.single_impulse(r1, v1, fpa1, delta_v, alpha) an, pn, eccn, nun = manuever.rvfpa2orbit_el(rf, vf, fpaf, mu)
def solution(meas_file='./data/COMFIX_tle_measurement.txt', outfile='./data/COMFIX_tle_solution.txt'): # read in the measurement data fout = open(outfile, 'w') with open(meas_file, 'r') as f: l0 = f.readline().split() l0 = [float(x) for x in l0] while l0: l1 = f.readline().split() l1 = [float(x) for x in l1] latgd, lon, alt, jd = np.deg2rad(l0[0]), np.deg2rad( l0[1]), l0[2] / 1e3, l0[3] satnum, rho, az, el, drho, daz, dele = l1[0], l1[1], np.deg2rad( l1[2]), np.deg2rad(l1[3]), l1[4], np.deg2rad( l1[5]), np.deg2rad(l1[6]) # GST, LST gst, lst = time.gstlst(jd, lon) # find satellite vector in SEZ rho_sez, drho_sez = geodetic.rhoazel2sez(rho, az, el, drho, daz, dele) R_eci2ecef = geodetic.eci2ecef(jd) R_ecef2eci = geodetic.ecef2eci(jd) R_sez2ecef = transform.dcm_sez2ecef(latgd, lon, alt) # find site vector in ECEF/ECI site_ecef = geodetic.lla2ecef(latgd, lon, alt) site_eci = # transform satellite vector from SEZ to ECI rho_ecef = rho_eci = drho_ecef = drho_eci = pos_eci = site_eci + rho_eci vel_eci = drho_eci + np.cross( np.array([0, 0,]), pos_eci) # find orbital elements p, a, ecc, inc, raan, arg_p, nu, _, _, _, _ = kepler.rv2coe( pos_eci, vel_eci, # compute orbit properties prop_string = kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, inc, raan, arg_p, nu, l0 = f.readline().split() l0 = [float(x) for x in l0] # output to text file fout.write( '#################### COMFIX SATELLITE {:g} ####################################\n\n' .format(satnum)) fout.write( '------------------------ INPUT DATA -------------------------------------------\n\n' ) fout.write('LAT (deg) LON (deg) ALT (m) JD\n') fout.write( '{:<9.4f} {:<9.4f} {:<9.4f} {:<16.6f}\n\n'.format( np.rad2deg(latgd), np.rad2deg(lon), alt * 1e3, jd)) fout.write( 'RHO (km) AZ (deg) EL (deg) DRHO (km/s) DAZ (deg/s) DEL (deg/s)\n' ) fout.write( '{:<9.4f} {:<6.4f} {:<6.4f} {:<6.4f} {:<6.4f} {:<6.4f}\n' .format(rho, np.rad2deg(az), np.rad2deg(el), drho, np.rad2deg(daz), np.rad2deg(dele))) fout.write( '------------------------- WORKING DATA ----------------------------------------\n\n' ) fout.write('LAT (rad) LON (rad) ALT (m) JD\n') fout.write( '{:<9.4f} {:<9.4f} {:<9.4f} {:<16.6f}\n\n'.format( latgd, lon, alt, jd)) fout.write( 'RHO (km) AZ (rad) EL (rad) DRHO (km/s) DAZ (rad/s) DEL (rad/s)\n' ) fout.write( '{:<9.4f} {:<6.4f} {:<6.4f} {:<6.4f} {:<6.4f} {:<6.4f}\n\n' .format(rho, az, el, drho, daz, dele)) fout.write('GST = {:16.9f} rad = {:16.9f} deg\n'.format( gst, np.rad2deg(gst))) fout.write('LST = {:16.9f} rad = {:16.9f} deg\n\n'.format( lst, np.rad2deg(lst))) fout.write( '---------------------------- VECTORS ------------------------------------------\n' ) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} S {:13.4f} E {:13.4f} Z MAG = {:7.4f} km\n'. format('rho_sez', rho_sez[0], rho_sez[1], rho_sez[2], np.linalg.norm(rho_sez))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} I {:13.4f} J {:13.4f} K MAG = {:7.4f} km\n'. format('rho_ecef', rho_ecef[0], rho_ecef[1], rho_ecef[2], np.linalg.norm(rho_ecef))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} I {:13.4f} J {:13.4f} K MAG = {:7.4f} km\n'. format('rho_eci', rho_eci[0], rho_eci[1], rho_eci[2], np.linalg.norm(rho_eci))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} S {:13.4f} E {:13.4f} Z MAG = {:7.4f} km/s\n' .format('drho_sez', drho_sez[0], drho_sez[1], drho_sez[2], np.linalg.norm(drho_sez))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} I {:13.4f} J {:13.4f} K MAG = {:7.4f} km/s\n' .format('drho_ecef', drho_ecef[0], drho_ecef[1], drho_ecef[2], np.linalg.norm(drho_ecef))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} I {:13.4f} J {:13.4f} K MAG = {:7.4f} km/s\n' .format('drho_eci', drho_eci[0], drho_eci[1], drho_eci[2], np.linalg.norm(drho_eci))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} I {:13.4f} J {:13.4f} K MAG = {:7.4f} km\n'. format('site_ecef', site_ecef[0], site_ecef[1], site_ecef[2], np.linalg.norm(site_ecef))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} I {:13.4f} J {:13.4f} K MAG = {:7.4f} km\n'. format('site_eci', site_eci[0], site_eci[1], site_eci[2], np.linalg.norm(site_eci))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} I {:13.4f} J {:13.4f} K MAG = {:7.4f} km\n'. format('pos_eci', pos_eci[0], pos_eci[1], pos_eci[2], np.linalg.norm(pos_eci))) fout.write( '{:9s} = {:13.4f} I {:13.4f} J {:13.4f} K MAG = {:7.4f} km/s\n' .format('vel_eci', vel_eci[0], vel_eci[1], vel_eci[2], np.linalg.norm(vel_eci))) fout.write(prop_string + '\n') fout.close()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt re = mu_e = r_p = 1000 + re ecc = 1.05 nu = np.deg2rad(90) nu_1 = np.deg2rad(90) nu_2 = np.deg2rad(150) a, p = kepler.hyp_per2sma(r_p, ecc) # compute orbit properties print("Properties at nu=90") output = "Properties at nu=90 deg\n" output += kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, 0, 0, 0, nu, mu_e, True) # plot the orbit state_eci, state_pqw, state_lvlh, state_sat_eci, state_sat_pqw, state_sat_lvlh = kepler.conic_orbit( p, ecc, 0, 0, 0, -np.deg2rad(135), np.deg2rad(135)) # orbit properties at second nu print("Properties at nu=150") output += "Properties at nu=150 deg\n" output += kepler.orbit_el(p, ecc, 0, 0, 0, np.deg2rad(150), mu_e, True) # time of flight tof = kepler.tof_nu(p, ecc, nu_1, nu_2, mu_e) print('Time of flight from 90 to 150 deg: {} sec = {} hrs'.format( tof, tof / 3600)) output += 'Time of flight from 90 to 150 deg: {} sec = {} hrs'.format(
# initial orbit ecc_i = .4 a_i = 6 * re2km nu_i = 90 * deg2rad p_i = kepler.semilatus_rectum(a_i, ecc_i) inc_i = 0 raan_i = 0 arg_p_i = 0 mag_dv = 0.75 alpha = -60 * deg2rad # calculate orbital elements print('Initial Orbit') kepler.orbit_el(p_i, ecc_i, inc_i, raan_i, arg_p_i, nu_i, mu, 'True') _, _, rpqw_i, vpqw_i = kepler.coe2rv(p_i, ecc_i, inc_i, raan_i, arg_p_i, nu_i, mu) fpa_i = kepler.fpa_solve(nu_i, ecc_i) # convert delta v and alpha into various reference frames (dv_vnc, dv_lvlh) = maneuver.delta_v_vnc(mag_dv, alpha, 0, fpa_i) # transform delta v to pqw frame R_lvlh2pqw = transform.dcm_lvlh2pqw(nu_i) dv_pqw = print('DV : {} V {} C {} N km/sec'.format(dv_vnc[0], dv_vnc[1], dv_vnc[2])) print('DV : {} R {} T {} H km/sec'.format(dv_lvlh[0], dv_lvlh[1], dv_lvlh[2])) print('DV : {} P {} Q {} W km/sec'.format(dv_pqw[0], dv_pqw[1], dv_pqw[2])) # properties of new orbit
r_mars = constants.mars.radius mu = deg2rad = constants.deg2rad rad2deg = constants.rad2deg # initial orbit elements a = 5*r_mars ecc =.5 p = kepler.semilatus_rectum(a, ecc) inc = 30*deg2rad raan = 45*deg2rad arg_p = -60*deg2rad nu = 120*deg2rad print('Initial Mars Orbit') kepler.orbit_el(p,ecc,inc,raan,arg_p,nu,mu,'True') r_inertial, v_inertial, _, _ = kepler.coe2rv(p, ecc, inc, raan, arg_p, nu, mu) fpa = kepler.fpa_solve(nu, ecc) # delta v in inertial coordinates dv_inertial = np.array([0.1,-0.25,0.2]) # form rotation matrix to go from mars inertial frame to LVLH frame dcm_mci2pqw = transform.dcm_eci2pqw_coe(raan, inc, arg_p) dcm_pqw2lvlh = transform.dcm_pqw2lvlh(nu) dv_lvlh = print('Delta V : {} rhat {} that {} hhat km/sec'.format(dv_lvlh[0], dv_lvlh[1], dv_lvlh[2])) mag_dv = np.linalg.norm(dv_lvlh) mag_dv_outofplane = dv_lvlh[2] mag_dv_inplane = np.linalg.norm(dv_lvlh[0:1])