def __init__(self, reduceport): # get my client for the reduce commands print "starting xmlrpc client to port %d..." % reduceport, self.reducecmds = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:%d/" \ % reduceport, allow_none=True) print "started" try: self.reducecmds.prs_ready() except socketError: print "prs50: no reduce instances running" self.reducedict = {} # these members save command history so that tools have access, e.g. # a display tool self.stackKeeper = StackKeeper(local=True) self.displayCmdHistory = TSCmdQueue() self.events_manager = EventsManager(persist="adcc_events.jsa") # publishers self.publishers = [] pubret = compose_multi_table("*/adcc_settings", "publish_qametrics") print ks.dict2pretty("em37:publish_qametrics", pubret) if pubret and "publish_qametrics" in pubret: pubconfig = pubret["publish_qametrics"] for publer in pubconfig: module = publer["publisher"][0] classname = publer["publisher"][1] dbinfo = publer["db_info"] collection_name = publer["collection"] exec("import %s" % module) publisher = eval("%s.%s()" % (module,classname)) publisher.configure({ "collection_name": collection_name, "db_info":dbinfo }) self.publishers.append(publisher)
class ReduceInstanceManager(object): """Object runs in ADCC""" numinsts = 0 finished = False reducecmds = None reducedict = None displayCmdHistory = None cmdNum = 0 #stackKeeper = None events_manager = None publishers = None def __init__(self, reduceport): # get my client for the reduce commands print "starting xmlrpc client to port %d..." % reduceport, self.reducecmds = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://localhost:%d/" \ % reduceport, allow_none=True) print "started" try: self.reducecmds.prs_ready() except socketError: print "prs50: no reduce instances running" self.reducedict = {} # these members save command history so that tools have access, e.g. # a display tool self.stackKeeper = StackKeeper(local=True) self.displayCmdHistory = TSCmdQueue() self.events_manager = EventsManager(persist="adcc_events.jsa") # publishers self.publishers = [] pubret = compose_multi_table("*/adcc_settings", "publish_qametrics") print ks.dict2pretty("em37:publish_qametrics", pubret) if pubret and "publish_qametrics" in pubret: pubconfig = pubret["publish_qametrics"] for publer in pubconfig: module = publer["publisher"][0] classname = publer["publisher"][1] dbinfo = publer["db_info"] collection_name = publer["collection"] exec("import %s" % module) publisher = eval("%s.%s()" % (module,classname)) publisher.configure({ "collection_name": collection_name, "db_info":dbinfo }) self.publishers.append(publisher) def register(self, pid, details): """This function is exposed to the xmlrpc interface, and is used by reduce instances to register their details so the prsproxy can manage it's own and their processes. """ self.numinsts +=1 print "registering client %d, number currently registered: %s" \ % (pid, self.numinsts ) self.finished = False print "registering client details:",repr(details) self.reducedict.update({pid:details}) return def unregister(self, pid): self.numinsts -= 1 if pid in self.reducedict: del self.reducedict[pid] print "ADCC: unregistering client %d, number remaining registered %d" \ % (pid, self.numinsts) if self.numinsts< 0: self.numinsts = 0 if self.numinsts == 0: self.finished = True return def stackPut(self, ID, filelist, cachefile = None): self.stackKeeper.add(ID, filelist, cachefile) self.stackKeeper.persist(cachefile) return def stackGet(self, ID, cachefile = None): retval = self.stackKeeper.get(ID, cachefile) #print "adcc147:", repr(retval) return retval def stackIDsGet(self, cachefile = None): # print "adcc153:" retval = self.stackKeeper.get_stack_ids(cachefile) return retval def displayRequest(self, rq): print "adcc99:", repr(rq) if "display" in rq: dispcmd = rq["display"] dispcmd.update({"timestamp", "cmdNum":self.cmdNum}) self.cmdNum += 1 rqcopy = copy(rq) print "adcc108:", repr(rqcopy) if "files" in dispcmd: files = dispcmd["files"] print "adcc110:", repr(files) for basename in files: fileitem = files[basename] ad = AstroData(fileitem["filename"]) print "adcc115: loaded ",ad.filename from copy import deepcopy numsci = ad.count_exts("SCI") if numsci > 2: sci = ad[("SCI",2)] else: sci = ad[("SCI",1)] data = mean = data.mean() bottom = data[where(data<mean)].mean()*.80 print "adcc140: bottom", bottom top = data[where(data>(1.25*mean))].mean() print "adcc142: top =",top for sci in ad["SCI"]: data = uint32(deepcopy( if False: mean = data.mean() bottom = data[where(data<mean)].mean() extver = sci.extver() if extver == 1 or extver ==3: bottom = bottom*1.33 print "adcc140: bottom", bottom top = data[where(data>(1.25*mean))].mean() print "adcc142: top =",top bottom = int(bottom) top = int(top) print "adcc164, extver -= %d top,bottom = %d,%d " \ %(sci.extver(),top, bottom) abstop = 65535 factor = abstop/(top-bottom) data = data - bottom data = data*(factor) im = numpy2im(data) im = im.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) tdir = get_cache_dir("adcc.display") dispname = "sci%d-%s_%d.png" % (sci.extver(), sci.data_label(), dispcmd["cmdNum"]) nam = os.path.join(tdir, dispname) put_cache_file(dispname, nam) url = "/displaycache/"+dispname baserq = rqcopy["display"]["files"][basename] if "extdict" not in baserq: baserq.update({"extdict":{}}) baserq["extdict"].update( {"SCI%d"%sci.extver(): url } ) rqcopy["display"]["files"][basename].update({"url": None}) if os.path.exists(nam): os.remove(nam), "PNG") self.displayCmdHistory.addCmd(rqcopy) return def report_qametrics_2adcc(self, qd): self.events_manager.append_event(qd) print ks.dict2pretty("rIM209:",qd) # if publishers, publish for publisher in self.publishers: publisher.publish_document(qd) return