time.sleep(10) if job2.status() == 'ERROR': print 'Error querying IPHAS database' print job2.results()[0] sys.exit() print 'IPHAS Query: ',job1.status() m = MySpace() # Perform Xmatch using 1.5 arcsec radius # this uses the TopCat STILTS library to perform the cross match app = Applications('ivo://uk.ac.starlink/stilts', 'tmatch2') app.inputs['tmatch2_in1']['value'] = '%s/iphas.vot' % output_dir app.inputs['tmatch2_in2']['value'] = '%s/twomass.vot' % output_dir app.inputs['tmatch2_values1']['value'] = 'ra dec' app.inputs['tmatch2_values2']['value'] = 'ra dec' app.inputs['tmatch2_params']['value'] = '1.5' app.inputs['tmatch2_ifmt1']['value'] = '(auto)' app.inputs['tmatch2_ifmt2']['value'] = '(auto)' app.inputs['tmatch2_ofmt']['value'] = 'vot' app.inputs.pop('tmatch2_icmd1') app.inputs.pop('tmatch2_icmd2') app.inputs.pop('tmatch2_ocmd') app.outputs['tmatch2_out']['value'] = '%s/iphas_twomass.vot' % output_dir job = app.submit()
#!/usr/bin/python """ Convert a file from one format to another using STILTS. """ import time, urllib from astrogrid import acr from astrogrid import Applications, MySpace, ConeSearch acr.login() # Perform a cone search to NED to obtain a VOTable cone = ConeSearch("ivo://ned.ipac/Basic_Data_Near_Position") vot = cone.execute(242.811, 54.596, 0.1, saveAs='#cones/ned.vot') # Use tcopy (STILTS) to do the conversion app = Applications('ivo://uk.ac.starlink/stilts','tcopy') app.inputs['tcopy_in']['value']='#cones/ned.vot' app.inputs['tcopy_ifmt']['value']='VOTABLE' app.inputs['tcopy_ofmt']['value']="FITS" app.outputs['tcopy_out']['value']='#cones/ned.fits' res=app.submit()
# Log in (we need this to save the results in VOSpace) acr.login() # Perform cone searches to NED and 2MASS. We are saving the results to VOSpace and these # will be the two tables we want to cross match. cone1 = ConeSearch("ivo://ned.ipac/Basic_Data_Near_Position") vot1 = cone1.execute(242.811, 54.596, 0.1, saveAs='#cones/ned.vot') cone2 = ConeSearch('ivo://wfau.roe.ac.uk/twomass-dsa/wsa') vot2 = cone2.execute(242.811, 54.596, 0.1, dsatab='twomass_psc', saveAs='#cones/twomass_psc.vot') # Define the cross match application to use and fill in parameters # See http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/stilts/sun256/secA.14.1.html for more info app = Applications('ivo://uk.ac.starlink/stilts', 'tmatch2') # .. inputs app.inputs['tmatch2_in1']['value']=vot1 app.inputs['tmatch2_in2']['value']=vot2 app.inputs['tmatch2_params']['value']="2" app.inputs['tmatch2_values1']['value']="$3 $4" app.inputs['tmatch2_values2']['value']="ra dec" app.inputs['tmatch2_ofmt']['value'] = 'votable-tabledata' # .. outputs app.outputs['tmatch2_out']['value']='#cones/ned2mass-xmatch.vot' # .. remove unncessary (optional) parameters app.inputs.pop('tmatch2_icmd1') app.inputs.pop('tmatch2_icmd2')
# 3x3 ``all-ground'' convolution mask with FWHM = 2 pixels. 1 2 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 """ # We write the image to MySpace m = MySpace() m.savefile(image, '#sextractor/image.fits') # Application ID. This is the name of the application we are going to run. # It can be obtained from a registry search. id = 'ivo://org.astrogrid/SExtractor' # We fill in the application parameters app = Applications(id) app.inputs['ANALYSIS_THRESH']['value']=1.5 app.inputs['IMAGE_BAND']['value']='R' app.inputs['MAG_ZEROPOINT']['value']=25.0 app.inputs['SEEING_FWHM']['value']=1.2 app.inputs['PARAMETERS_NAME']['value']=params app.inputs['FILTER_NAME']['value']=filter app.inputs['config_file']['value']=config app.inputs['DetectionImage']['value'] = '#sextractor/image.fits' app.inputs['PhotoImage']['value'] = '#sextractor/image.fits' app.outputs['CATALOG_NAME']['value'] = '#sextractor/image_cat.fits'