Exemple #1
    def test_getattr_method_transform(self):
        data = '''
class Clazz(object):

    def m1(self, value):
        self.value = value
    m2 = m1

def func(arg1, arg2):
    "function that will be used as a method"
    return arg1.value + arg2

Clazz.m3 = func
inst = Clazz()
inst.m4 = func
        astroid = abuilder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
        cls = astroid['Clazz']
        # test del statement not returned by getattr
        for method in ('m1', 'm2', 'm3'):
            inferred = list(cls.igetattr(method))
            self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
            self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], UnboundMethod)
            inferred = list(Instance(cls).igetattr(method))
            self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
            self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], BoundMethod)
        inferred = list(Instance(cls).igetattr('m4'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
        self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], nodes.Function)
Exemple #2
    def test_instance_getattr(self):
        data = '''
class WebAppObject(object):
    def __init__(self, application):
        self.appli = application
        self.appli += 2
        del self.appli
        astroid = abuilder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
        inst = Instance(astroid['WebAppObject'])
        # test del statement not returned by getattr
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('appli')), 2)
Exemple #3
 def test_instance_getattr(self):
     data = '''
         class WebAppObject(object):
             def __init__(self, application):
                 self.appli = application
                 self.appli += 2
                 del self.appli
     astroid = test_utils.build_module(data)
     inst = Instance(astroid['WebAppObject'])
     # test del statement not returned by getattr
     self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('appli')), 2)
    def test_instance_getattr(self):
        data =         '''
class WebAppObject(object):
    def __init__(self, application):
        self.appli = application
        self.appli += 2
        del self.appli
        astroid = abuilder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
        inst = Instance(astroid['WebAppObject'])
        # test del statement not returned by getattr
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('appli')), 2)
 def test_instance_getattr(self):
     data = '''
         class WebAppObject(object):
             def __init__(self, application):
                 self.appli = application
                 self.appli += 2
                 del self.appli
     astroid = test_utils.build_module(data)
     inst = Instance(astroid['WebAppObject'])
     # test del statement not returned by getattr
     self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('appli')), 2)
Exemple #6
    def test_nonregr_func_global(self):
        code = '''
active_application = None

def get_active_application():
  global active_application
  return active_application

class Application(object):
  def __init__(self):
     global active_application
     active_application = self

class DataManager(object):
  def __init__(self, app=None):
     self.app = get_active_application()
  def test(self):
     p = self.app
     print (p)
        astroid = builder.string_build(code, __name__, __file__)
        infered = list(Instance(astroid['DataManager']).igetattr('app'))
        self.assertEqual(len(infered), 2,
                         infered)  # None / Instance(Application)
        infered = list(
            get_name_node(astroid['DataManager']['test'], 'p').infer())
        self.assertEqual(len(infered), 2, infered)
        for node in infered:
            if isinstance(node, Instance) and node.name == 'Application':
            self.fail('expected to find an instance of Application in %s' %
Exemple #7
def _arguments_infer_argname(self, name, context):
    # arguments information may be missing, in which case we can't do anything
    # more
    if not (self.args or self.vararg or self.kwarg):
        yield YES
    # first argument of instance/class method
    if self.args and getattr(self.args[0], 'name', None) == name:
        functype = self.parent.type
        if functype == 'method':
            yield Instance(self.parent.parent.frame())
        if functype == 'classmethod':
            yield self.parent.parent.frame()
    if name == self.vararg:
        yield const_factory(())
    if name == self.kwarg:
        yield const_factory({})
    # if there is a default value, yield it. And then yield YES to reflect
    # we can't guess given argument value
        context = copy_context(context)
        for infered in self.default_value(name).infer(context):
            yield infered
        yield YES
    except NoDefault:
        yield YES
Exemple #8
 def test_instance_special_attributes(self):
     for inst in (Instance(MODULE['YO']), nodes.List(), nodes.Const(1)):
         self.assertRaises(NotFoundError, inst.getattr, '__mro__')
         self.assertRaises(NotFoundError, inst.getattr, '__bases__')
         self.assertRaises(NotFoundError, inst.getattr, '__name__')
         self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('__dict__')), 1)
         self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('__doc__')), 1)
Exemple #9
 def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
     """infer what a class is returning when called"""
     if self._is_subtype_of('%s.type' %
                            (BUILTINS, )) and len(caller.args) == 3:
         name_node = caller.args[0].infer().next()
         if isinstance(name_node, Const) and isinstance(
                 name_node.value, basestring):
             name = name_node.value
             yield YES
         result = Class(name, None)
         bases = caller.args[1].infer().next()
         if isinstance(bases, (Tuple, List)):
             result.bases = bases.itered()
             # There is currently no AST node that can represent an 'unknown'
             # node (YES is not an AST node), therefore we simply return YES here
             # although we know at least the name of the class.
             yield YES
         result.parent = caller.parent
         yield result
         yield Instance(self)
 def interfaces(self, herited=True, handler_func=_iface_hdlr):
     """return an iterator on interfaces implemented by the given
     class node
     # FIXME: what if __implements__ = (MyIFace, MyParent.__implements__)...
         implements = Instance(self).getattr("__implements__")[0]
     except NotFoundError:
     if not herited and not implements.frame() is self:
     found = set()
     missing = False
     for iface in unpack_infer(implements):
         if iface is YES:
             missing = True
         if not iface in found and handler_func(iface):
             yield iface
     if missing:
         raise InferenceError()
Exemple #11
 def interfaces(self, herited=True, handler_func=_iface_hdlr):
     """return an iterator on interfaces implemented by the given
     class node
     # FIXME: what if __implements__ = (MyIFace, MyParent.__implements__)...
         implements = Instance(self).getattr('__implements__')[0]
     except NotFoundError:
     if not herited and not implements.frame() is self:
     found = set()
     missing = False
     for iface in unpack_infer(implements):
         if iface is YES:
             missing = True
         if not iface in found and handler_func(iface):
             yield iface
     if missing:
         raise InferenceError()
    def test_instance_getattr_with_class_attr(self):
        data = '''
            class Parent:
                aa = 1
                cc = 1

            class Klass(Parent):
                aa = 0
                bb = 0

                def incr(self, val):
                    self.cc = self.aa
                    if val > self.aa:
                        val = self.aa
                    if val < self.bb:
                        val = self.bb
                    self.aa += val
        astroid = test_utils.build_module(data)
        inst = Instance(astroid['Klass'])
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('aa')), 3, inst.getattr('aa'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('bb')), 1, inst.getattr('bb'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('cc')), 2, inst.getattr('cc'))
    def test_instance_getattr_with_class_attr(self):
        data = '''
class Parent:
    aa = 1
    cc = 1

class Klass(Parent):
    aa = 0
    bb = 0

    def incr(self, val):
        self.cc = self.aa
        if val > self.aa:
            val = self.aa
        if val < self.bb:
            val = self.bb
        self.aa += val
        astroid = abuilder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
        inst = Instance(astroid['Klass'])
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('aa')), 3, inst.getattr('aa'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('bb')), 1, inst.getattr('bb'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('cc')), 2, inst.getattr('cc'))
    def test_instance_getattr_with_class_attr(self):
        data = """
class Parent:
    aa = 1
    cc = 1

class Klass(Parent):
    aa = 0
    bb = 0

    def incr(self, val):
        self.cc = self.aa
        if val > self.aa:
            val = self.aa
        if val < self.bb:
            val = self.bb
        self.aa += val
        astroid = abuilder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
        inst = Instance(astroid["Klass"])
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr("aa")), 3, inst.getattr("aa"))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr("bb")), 1, inst.getattr("bb"))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr("cc")), 2, inst.getattr("cc"))
Exemple #15
    def test_instance_getattr_with_class_attr(self):
        data = '''
            class Parent:
                aa = 1
                cc = 1

            class Klass(Parent):
                aa = 0
                bb = 0

                def incr(self, val):
                    self.cc = self.aa
                    if val > self.aa:
                        val = self.aa
                    if val < self.bb:
                        val = self.bb
                    self.aa += val
        astroid = test_utils.build_module(data)
        inst = Instance(astroid['Klass'])
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('aa')), 3, inst.getattr('aa'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('bb')), 1, inst.getattr('bb'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('cc')), 2, inst.getattr('cc'))
Exemple #16
    def test_instance_getattr_with_class_attr(self):
        data = '''
class Parent:
    aa = 1
    cc = 1

class Klass(Parent):
    aa = 0
    bb = 0

    def incr(self, val):
        self.cc = self.aa
        if val > self.aa:
            val = self.aa
        if val < self.bb:
            val = self.bb
        self.aa += val
        astroid = abuilder.string_build(data, __name__, __file__)
        inst = Instance(astroid['Klass'])
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('aa')), 3, inst.getattr('aa'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('bb')), 1, inst.getattr('bb'))
        self.assertEqual(len(inst.getattr('cc')), 2, inst.getattr('cc'))
Exemple #17
def excepthandler_assigned_stmts(self, node, context=None, asspath=None):
    for assigned in unpack_infer(self.type):
        if isinstance(assigned, nodes.Class):
            assigned = Instance(assigned)
        yield assigned
Exemple #18
 def instanciate_class(self):
     """return Instance of Class node, else return self"""
     return Instance(self)
 def infer_argument(self, funcnode, name, context):
     """infer a function argument value according to the call context"""
     # 1. search in named keywords
         return self.nargs[name].infer(context)
     except KeyError:
         # Function.args.args can be None in astroid (means that we don't have
         # information on argnames)
         argindex = funcnode.args.find_argname(name)[0]
         if argindex is not None:
             # 2. first argument of instance/class method
             if argindex == 0 and funcnode.type in ('method', 'classmethod'):
                 if context.boundnode is not None:
                     boundnode = context.boundnode
                     # XXX can do better ?
                     boundnode = funcnode.parent.frame()
                 if funcnode.type == 'method':
                     if not isinstance(boundnode, Instance):
                         boundnode = Instance(boundnode)
                     return iter((boundnode,))
                 if funcnode.type == 'classmethod':
                     return iter((boundnode,))
             # if we have a method, extract one position
             # from the index, so we'll take in account
             # the extra parameter represented by `self` or `cls`
             if funcnode.type in ('method', 'classmethod'):
                 argindex -= 1
             # 2. search arg index
                 return self.args[argindex].infer(context)
             except IndexError:
             # 3. search in *args (.starargs)
             if self.starargs is not None:
                 its = []
                 for infered in self.starargs.infer(context):
                     if infered is YES:
                         its.append(infered.getitem(argindex, context).infer(context))
                     except (InferenceError, AttributeError):
                     except (IndexError, TypeError):
                 if its:
                     return chain(*its)
     # 4. XXX search in **kwargs (.dstarargs)
     if self.dstarargs is not None:
         its = []
         for infered in self.dstarargs.infer(context):
             if infered is YES:
                 its.append(infered.getitem(name, context).infer(context))
             except (InferenceError, AttributeError):
             except (IndexError, TypeError):
         if its:
             return chain(*its)
     # 5. */** argument, (Tuple or Dict)
     if name == funcnode.args.vararg:
         return iter((nodes.const_factory(())))
     if name == funcnode.args.kwarg:
         return iter((nodes.const_factory({})))
     # 6. return default value if any
         return funcnode.args.default_value(name).infer(context)
     except NoDefault:
         raise InferenceError(name)
Exemple #20
 def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
     """infer what a class is returning when called"""
     yield Instance(self)