Exemple #1
def airmass_plots(KPNO=False,ING=False,MLO=False):

    observer_site = Observer.at_site("Kitt Peak", timezone="US/Mountain")

    if KPNO:
        print('plotting airmass curves for Kitt Peak')
        observing_location = EarthLocation.of_site('Kitt Peak')
        observer_site = Observer.at_site("Kitt Peak", timezone="US/Mountain")
        start_time = Time('2017-03-12 01:00:00') # UTC time, so 1:00 UTC = 6 pm AZ mountain time
        end_time = Time('2017-03-12 14:00:00')

    elif MLO:
        print('plotting airmass curves for MLO')
        observing_location = EarthLocation.of_site(u'Palomar')
        observer_site = Observer.at_site("Palomar", timezone="US/Pacific")
        # for run starting 2019-Apr-04 at MLO
        start_time = Time('2019-04-03 01:00:00') # need to enter UTC time, MLO UTC+6?
        end_time = Time('2019-04-03 14:00:00')
    elif ING:
        print('plotting airmass curves for INT')
        observing_location = EarthLocation.of_site(u'Roque de los Muchachos')
        observer_site = Observer.at_site("Roque de los Muchachos", timezone="GMT")
        # for run starting 2019-Feb-04 at INT
        start_time = Time('2019-02-04 19:00:00') # INT is on UTC
        end_time = Time('2019-02-05 07:00:00')

    #observing_time = Time('2017-05-19 07:00')  # 1am UTC=6pm AZ mountain time
    #observing_time = Time('2018-03-12 07:00')  # 1am UTC=6pm AZ mountain time
    #aa = AltAz(location=observing_location, obstime=observing_time)

    #for i in range(len(pointing_ra)):

    delta_t = end_time - start_time
    observing_time = start_time + delta_t*np.linspace(0, 1, 75)
    nplots = int(sum(obs_mass_flag)/8.)
    for j in range(nplots):
        legend_list = []
        for i in range(8):
            pointing_center = coords.SkyCoord(pointing_ra[8*j+i]*u.deg, pointing_dec[8*j+i]*u.deg, frame='icrs')
            if i == 3:
            legend_list.append('Pointing %02d'%(8*j+i+1))
Exemple #2
def main():

    ticid = '268301217'
    ra = '07:45:28.97'
    dec = '-52:22:59.73'

    t0 = 2458860.60021 * u.day  # BJD_TDB
    period = 0.94667643 * u.day

    site = Observer.at_site('Cerro Tololo')
    start_time = Time('2020-10-24 22:00:00')
    end_time = Time('2020-11-06 07:00:00')

    # axvspan windows
    obs_per_night = [(Time('2020-10-{}'.format(str(d).zfill(2)) + ' 06:00:00'),
                      Time('2020-10-{}'.format(str(d).zfill(2)) + ' 10:00:00'))
                     for d in range(24, 32)]
    for d in range(1, 6):
            (Time('2020-11-{}'.format(str(d).zfill(2)) + ' 06:00:00'),
             Time('2020-11-{}'.format(str(d).zfill(2)) + ' 10:00:00')))

def test_docs_example():
    # Test the example in astroplan/docs/tutorials/constraints.rst
    target_table_string = """# name ra_degrees dec_degrees
    Polaris 37.95456067 89.26410897
    Vega 279.234734787 38.783688956
    Albireo 292.68033548 27.959680072
    Algol 47.042218553 40.955646675
    Rigel 78.634467067 -8.201638365
    Regulus 152.092962438 11.967208776"""

    from astroplan import Observer, FixedTarget
    from astropy.time import Time
    subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru")
    time_range = Time(["2015-08-01 06:00", "2015-08-01 12:00"])

    # Read in the table of targets
    from astropy.io import ascii
    target_table = ascii.read(target_table_string)

    # Create astroplan.FixedTarget objects for each one in the table
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    import astropy.units as u
    targets = [FixedTarget(coord=SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg), name=name)
               for name, ra, dec in target_table]

    from astroplan import Constraint, is_observable

    class VegaSeparationConstraint(Constraint):
        Constraint the separation from Vega
        def __init__(self, min=None, max=None):
            min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional)
                Minimum acceptable separation between Vega and target. `None`
                indicates no limit.
            max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional)
                Minimum acceptable separation between Vega and target. `None`
                indicates no limit.
            self.min = min if min else 0*u.deg
            self.max = max if max else 180*u.deg

        def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets):
            vega = SkyCoord(ra=279.23473479*u.deg, dec=38.78368896*u.deg)

            # Calculate separation between target and vega
            # Targets are automatically converted to SkyCoord objects
            # by __call__ before compute_constraint is called.
            vega_separation = vega.separation(targets)

            # Return an array that is True where the target is observable and
            # False where it is not
            return (self.min < vega_separation) & (vega_separation < self.max)

    constraints = [VegaSeparationConstraint(min=5*u.deg, max=30*u.deg)]
    observability = is_observable(constraints, subaru, targets,

    assert all(observability == [False, False, True, False, False, False])
Exemple #4
async def test_scheduler():
    # init observer and time
    observer = Observer.at_site('SAAO')
    now = Time('2019-11-21T17:10:00Z')

    # have some test functions
    functions = {
        'B': ' exp(-1.22034 * (h + 3.16086))',
        'V': ' exp(-1.27565 * (h + 3.48265))',
        'R': ' exp(-1.39148 * (h + 3.63401))',

    # set constant priorities
    priorities = ConstSkyflatPriorities({('B', (1, 1)): 1, ('V', (1, 1)): 2, ('R', (1, 1)): 3})

    # create scheduler
    scheduler = Scheduler(functions, priorities, observer)
    await scheduler(now)

    # test order
    assert scheduler[0].filter_name == 'B'
    assert scheduler[1].filter_name == 'V'
    assert scheduler[2].filter_name == 'R'

    # test start/end times
    assert scheduler[0].start == 1160
    assert pytest.approx(scheduler[0].end, 0.01) == 1200.46
    assert scheduler[1].start == 1270
    assert pytest.approx(scheduler[1].end, 0.01) == 1310.59
    assert scheduler[2].start == 1330
    assert pytest.approx(scheduler[2].end, 0.01) == 1370.59
def test_docs_example():
    # Test the example in astroplan/docs/tutorials/constraints.rst
    target_table_string = """# name ra_degrees dec_degrees
    Polaris 37.95456067 89.26410897
    Vega 279.234734787 38.783688956
    Albireo 292.68033548 27.959680072
    Algol 47.042218553 40.955646675
    Rigel 78.634467067 -8.201638365
    Regulus 152.092962438 11.967208776"""

    from astroplan import Observer, FixedTarget
    from astropy.time import Time
    subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru")
    time_range = Time(["2015-08-01 06:00", "2015-08-01 12:00"])

    # Read in the table of targets
    from astropy.io import ascii
    target_table = ascii.read(target_table_string)

    # Create astroplan.FixedTarget objects for each one in the table
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    import astropy.units as u
    targets = [FixedTarget(coord=SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg), name=name)
               for name, ra, dec in target_table]

    from astroplan import Constraint, is_observable

    class VegaSeparationConstraint(Constraint):
        Constraint the separation from Vega
        def __init__(self, min=None, max=None):
            min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional)
                Minimum acceptable separation between Vega and target. `None`
                indicates no limit.
            max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional)
                Minimum acceptable separation between Vega and target. `None`
                indicates no limit.
            self.min = min if min else 0*u.deg
            self.max = max if max else 180*u.deg

        def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets):
            vega = SkyCoord(ra=279.23473479*u.deg, dec=38.78368896*u.deg)

            # Calculate separation between target and vega
            # Targets are automatically converted to SkyCoord objects
            # by __call__ before compute_constraint is called.
            vega_separation = vega.separation(targets)

            # Return an array that is True where the target is observable and
            # False where it is not
            return (self.min < vega_separation) & (vega_separation < self.max)

    constraints = [VegaSeparationConstraint(min=5*u.deg, max=30*u.deg)]
    observability = is_observable(constraints, subaru, targets,

    assert all(observability == [False, False, True, False, False, False])
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self):
        self.scheduler = scheduler.Scheduler()
        self.observatory = Observer.at_site(
            "Anglo-Australian Observatory"
        )  # TODO: enter LAT and LON coordinates

        self.ra_current = None
        self.dec_current = None

        self.number_of_tiles = self.scheduler.number_of_all_tiles(
        )  # total number of all the tiles in this tiling run
        self.number_of_tiles_observed = 0

        self.unique_targets = set()
        self.repeats = Dictlist()
        self.total_number_cumulative_unique = 0  # EXcluding repeated observations
        self.total_number_cumulative = 0  # INcluding repeated observations

        self.number_of_tiles_observed = 0
        self.number_of_all_tiles = scheduler.number_of_all_tiles()

        self.dt = TimeDelta(0, format='sec')
        self.time_with_no_observing = TimeDelta(0, format='sec')

        # print output
        self.f = open(params_simulator.params['simulator_statistics_output'],
            '# time; tile_id; Ntargets_in_this_tile; Nunique_targets_in_this_tile; Ntotal_number_cumulative_unique; Ntotal_number_cumulative; priority; weight; mag_max; json_filename \n'

        # Print calibration files (times)
        self.fc = open(
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self,
                 observatory='Mt Graham',
        if not isinstance(coordinates, SkyCoord):
            self.coord = SkyCoord(coordinates, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
            self.coord = coordinates

            self.observer = Observer.at_site(observatory, timezone=timezone)
        except USE:
            print EarthLocation.get_site_names()

        if not night:
            self.time = Time.now()
            self.time = Time(night)

        if timedelta:
            self.time = timedelta

        self.ax = ax

def dct_astroplan_loc():
    location_name = 'Discovery Channel Telescope'
        dct_loc_dict = pickle.load(open(settings.DCT_ASTROPLAN_LOC_PICKLE, 'rb'))
    except FileNotFoundError:
        dct_loc_dict = {'archive_time': dt.utcnow(), 'location': Observer.at_site(location_name)}
        file = open(settings.DCT_ASTROPLAN_LOC_PICKLE, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(dct_loc_dict, file)
    archive_time = dct_loc_dict['archive_time']
    dct_loc_obj = dct_loc_dict['location']
    if (dt.utcnow()-archive_time) > td(days=2):
        from astroplan import download_IERS_A
        dct_loc_dict = {'archive_time': dt.utcnow(), 'location': Observer.at_site(location_name)}
        file = open(settings.DCT_ASTROPLAN_LOC_PICKLE, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(dct_loc_dict, file)
    return dct_loc_obj
Exemple #9
def test_caches_shapes():
    times = Time([2457884.43350526, 2457884.5029497, 2457884.57239415], format='jd')
    m31 = SkyCoord(10.6847929*u.deg, 41.269065*u.deg)
    ippeg = SkyCoord(350.785625*u.deg, 18.416472*u.deg)
    htcas = SkyCoord(17.5566667*u.deg, 60.0752778*u.deg)
    targets = get_skycoord([m31, ippeg, htcas])
    observer = Observer.at_site('lapalma')
    ac = AltitudeConstraint(min=30*u.deg)
    assert ac(observer, targets, times, grid_times_targets=True).shape == (3, 3)
    assert ac(observer, targets, times, grid_times_targets=False).shape == (3,)
def test_caches_shapes():
    times = Time([2457884.43350526, 2457884.5029497, 2457884.57239415], format='jd')
    m31 = SkyCoord(10.6847929*u.deg, 41.269065*u.deg)
    ippeg = SkyCoord(350.785625*u.deg, 18.416472*u.deg)
    htcas = SkyCoord(17.5566667*u.deg, 60.0752778*u.deg)
    targets = get_skycoord([m31, ippeg, htcas])
    observer = Observer.at_site('lapalma')
    ac = AltitudeConstraint(min=30*u.deg)
    assert ac(observer, targets, times, grid_times_targets=True).shape == (3, 3)
    assert ac(observer, targets, times, grid_times_targets=False).shape == (3,)
def getObservingTimeStartAndEnd():
    #    midnight = Time(date+' 00:00:00') - utcoffset
    obs = Observer.at_site(
        observatoryName)  #, timezone='Eastern Standard Time')
    observationStartTime = obs.twilight_evening_astronomical(
        midnight)  #Time('2019-9-5 19:10:00') - utcoffset
    observationEndTime = obs.twilight_morning_astronomical(
        midnight)  #Time('2019-9-6 4:55:00') - utcoffset
    observationStartTime.format = 'iso'
    observationEndTime.format = 'iso'
    return [observationStartTime + utcoffset, observationEndTime + utcoffset]
Exemple #12
def get_kp_twilights(tt, dd):  # example: '2020-01-01 12:00:00'

    kp = Observer.at_site("Kitt Peak", timezone="MST")
    ds = str(dd[0]) + '-' + str(dd[1]) + '-' + str(dd[2])
    ts = str(tt[0]) + ':' + str(tt[1]) + ':' + str(tt[2])
    t = Time(ds + ' ' + ts)

    eve = kp.twilight_evening_astronomical(t, which='next').datetime
    mor = kp.twilight_morning_astronomical(t, which='next').datetime

    return eve, mor
Exemple #13
def test_regression_shapes(constraint):
    times = Time(["2015-08-28 03:30", "2015-09-05 10:30", "2015-09-15 18:35"])
    targets = get_skycoord([FixedTarget(SkyCoord(350.7*u.deg, 18.4*u.deg)),
                           FixedTarget(SkyCoord(260.7*u.deg, 22.4*u.deg))])
    lapalma = Observer.at_site('lapalma')

    assert constraint(lapalma, targets[:, np.newaxis], times).shape == (2, 3)
    assert constraint(lapalma, targets[0], times).shape == (3,)
    assert np.array(constraint(lapalma, targets[0], times[0])).shape == ()
    assert np.array(constraint(lapalma, targets, times[0])).shape == (2,)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        constraint(lapalma, targets, times)
def test_regression_shapes(constraint):
    times = Time(["2015-08-28 03:30", "2015-09-05 10:30", "2015-09-15 18:35"])
    targets = get_skycoord([FixedTarget(SkyCoord(350.7*u.deg, 18.4*u.deg)),
                           FixedTarget(SkyCoord(260.7*u.deg, 22.4*u.deg))])
    lapalma = Observer.at_site('lapalma')

    assert constraint(lapalma, targets[:, np.newaxis], times).shape == (2, 3)
    assert constraint(lapalma, targets[0], times).shape == (3,)
    assert constraint(lapalma, targets[0], times[0]).shape == ()
    assert constraint(lapalma, targets, times[0]).shape == (2,)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        constraint(lapalma, targets, times)
Exemple #15
def get_sunset_mjd(mjd, site='CTIO'):
    Returns an MJD of sunset prior to input mjd as float - not a Time Object
        ctio = Observer.at_site(site)
        detect_time = Time(mjd, format='mjd')
        sun_set = ctio.sun_set_time(detect_time, which='previous').mjd
        NITE = sun_set
        NITE = mjd
    return NITE
Exemple #16
def test_regression_shapes(constraint):
    times = Time(["2015-08-28 03:30", "2015-09-05 10:30", "2015-09-15 18:35"])
    targets = [
        FixedTarget(SkyCoord(350.7 * u.deg, 18.4 * u.deg)),
        FixedTarget(SkyCoord(260.7 * u.deg, 22.4 * u.deg))
    lapalma = Observer.at_site('lapalma')

    assert constraint(lapalma, targets, times).shape == (2, 3)
    assert constraint(lapalma, [targets[0]], times).shape == (1, 3)
    assert constraint(lapalma, [targets[0]], times[0]).shape == (1, 1)
    assert constraint(lapalma, targets, times[0]).shape == (2, 1)
def minimal_example():
    apo = Observer.at_site('APO', timezone='US/Mountain')
    target = FixedTarget.from_name("HD 209458")

    primary_eclipse_time = Time(2452826.628514, format='jd')
    orbital_period = 3.52474859 * u.day
    eclipse_duration = 0.1277 * u.day

    hd209458 = EclipsingSystem(primary_eclipse_time=primary_eclipse_time,
                               name='HD 209458 b')

    n_transits = 100  # This is the roughly number of transits per year

    obs_time = Time('2017-01-01 12:00')
    midtransit_times = hd209458.next_primary_eclipse_time(
        obs_time, n_eclipses=n_transits)

    import astropy.units as u
    min_local_time = dt.time(18, 0)  # 18:00 local time at APO (7pm)
    max_local_time = dt.time(8, 0)  # 08:00 local time at APO (5am)
    constraints = [
        AltitudeConstraint(min=30 * u.deg),
        LocalTimeConstraint(min=min_local_time, max=max_local_time)

    # just at midtime
    b = is_event_observable(constraints, apo, target, times=midtransit_times)

    # completely observable transits
    observing_time = Time('2016-01-01 00:00')

    ing_egr = hd209458.next_primary_ingress_egress_time(observing_time,

    ibe = is_event_observable(constraints,

    oot_duration = 30 * u.minute
    oot_ing_egr = np.concatenate(
        (np.array(ing_egr[:, 0] - oot_duration)[:, None],
         np.array(ing_egr[:, 1] + oot_duration)[:, None]),

    oibeo = is_event_observable(constraints,
Exemple #18
def test_timetable():
    from astropy.time import Time
    from astroplan import Observer

    start = Time('2018-07-01 20:00:00')
    end = Time('2018-07-02 20:00:00')
    utc_to_local = -4. * u.h
    site = Observer.at_site('gemini_south')

    assert isinstance(time_table(site, start, utc_to_local, end=end), Table)

    print('Test successful!')
Exemple #19
    def query_up(self, time=None):
        if time is None:
            time = datetime.datetime.now(tz=pytz.timezone("US/Arizona"))

        bigelow = Observer.at_site("mtbigelow", timezone="US/Arizona")
        st = bigelow.local_sidereal_time(time).deg
        lower_ra = self.__getattr__('ra_deg') > (st - 15 * 5)
        upper_ra = (st + 15 * 5) > self.__getattr__('ra_deg')
        lower_dec = self.__getattr__('dec_deg') > -30.0
        upper_dec = 60.0 > self.__getattr__('dec_deg')
        qry = self.query().filter(lower_ra).filter(upper_ra).filter(

        return qry
    def __init__(self,

        # Get infos from the MasterFile
        if isinstance(targets, list):
            info = load_from_masterfile(*targets)
            supp_cols = supp_cols or [
                'pl_orbper', 'st_j', 'st_h', 'ra', 'dec', 'pl_eqt', 'st_teff'
            info = targets.copy()
            if supp_cols is None:
                supp_cols = list(info.keys())

        # Default constraint
        if constraints is None:
            constraints = [

        # Define time constraint and append it
        t1, t2 = Time(time_range)
        constraints.append(TimeConstraint(t1, t2))

        # Convert to List_of_constraints (useful to print and save)
        constraints_list = List_of_constraints(constraints)

        # Save infos
        self.info = info
        self.constraints = constraints_list
        self.meta = {
            'Time_limits': [t1, t2],
            'Target_list': info['pl_name'].tolist(),
            'Site': site,
        self.supp_cols = supp_cols
        self.info_cols = ['pl_name'] + supp_cols
        self.obs = Observer.at_site(site)
        #         self.n_eclipses = n_eclipses

        # Resolve targets
        self.targets = [self.resolve_target(i) for i in range(len(targets))]
def getsite(site_name, daylightsavings):
    Initialize '~astroplan.Observer' for Cerro Pachon or Mauna Kea.

    site_name : string
        Observatory site name.
        Allowed locations...
        - 'gemini_north' or 'MK' (Mauna Kea)
        - 'gemini_south' or 'CP' (Cerro Pachon).

    daylightsavings : boolean
        Toggle daylight savings tot_time (does not apply to Gemini North)

    site : '~astroplan.Observer'
        Observatory site location object.

    timezone_name : string
        Pytz timezone name for observatory site

    utc_to_local : '~astropy.units' hours
        Time difference between utc and local tot_time in hours.

    if np.logical_or(site_name == 'gemini_south', site_name == 'CP'):
        site_name = 'gemini_south'
        timezone_name = 'Chile/Continental'
        if daylightsavings:
            utc_to_local = -3.*u.h
            utc_to_local = -4.*u.h
    elif np.logical_or(site_name == 'gemini_north', site_name == 'MK'):
        site_name = 'gemini_north'
        timezone_name = 'US/Hawaii'
        utc_to_local = -10.*u.h
        print('Input error: Could not determine observer location and timezone. '
              'Allowed inputs are \'gemini_south\', \'CP\'(Cerro Pachon), \'gemini_north\', and \'MK\'(Mauna Kea).')
        raise ValueError

    # Create Observer object for observatory site
    # Note: can add timezone=timezone_name later
    # if desired (useful if pytz objects used)
    site = Observer.at_site(site_name)

    return site, timezone_name, utc_to_local
def test_regression_airmass_141():
    subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru")
    time = Time('2001-1-1 12:00')

    coord = SkyCoord(ra=16 * u.hour, dec=20 * u.deg)

    assert subaru.altaz(time, coord).alt < 0 * u.deg
    # ok, it's below the horizon, so it *definitely* should fail an airmass
    # constraint of being above 2.  So both of these should give False:
    consmax = AirmassConstraint(2)
    consminmax = AirmassConstraint(2, 1)

    assert not consminmax(subaru, [coord], [time]).ravel()[0]
    # prior to 141 the above works, but the below FAILS
    assert not consmax(subaru, [coord], [time]).ravel()[0]
def test_regression_airmass_141():
    subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru")
    time = Time("2001-1-1 12:00")

    coord = SkyCoord(ra=16 * u.hour, dec=20 * u.deg)

    assert subaru.altaz(time, coord).alt < 0 * u.deg
    # ok, it's below the horizon, so it *definitely* should fail an airmass
    # constraint of being above 2.  So both of these should give False:
    consmax = AirmassConstraint(2)
    consminmax = AirmassConstraint(2, 1)

    assert not consminmax(subaru, [coord], [time]).ravel()[0]
    # prior to 141 the above works, but the below FAILS
    assert not consmax(subaru, [coord], [time]).ravel()[0]
Exemple #24
def make_airmass_chart(name="WASP 4"):

    target = FixedTarget.from_name(name)
    observer = Observer.at_site('keck')

    constraints = [
        AltitudeConstraint(min=20 * u.deg, max=85 * u.deg),

    best_months = months_observable(constraints, observer, [target])

    # computed observability on "best_months" grid of 0.5 hr
    print('for {}, got best-months on 0.5 hour grid:'.format(name))
    print('where 1 = Jan, 2 = Feb, etc.')
Exemple #25
def telescope_can_observe(ra, dec, date, tel):
    time = Time(date)
    sc = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=u.deg)
    tel = Observer.at_site(tel)

    night_start = tel.twilight_evening_astronomical(time, which="previous")
    night_end = tel.twilight_morning_astronomical(time, which="previous")
    can_obs = False
    for jd in np.arange(night_start.mjd, night_end.mjd, 0.02):
        time = Time(jd, format="mjd")
        target_up = tel.target_is_up(time, sc)
        if target_up:
            can_obs = True

    return (can_obs)
Exemple #26
def get_rot_rates(observatory='Subaru', multiplier=250):
    site = EarthLocation.of_site(observatory)
    unixtimes = time.Time(val=times, format='unix')
    coords = SkyCoord.from_name('* kap And')

    apo = Observer.at_site(observatory)
    altaz = apo.altaz(unixtimes, coords)

    # TODO each dither potion will have its own altaz rather than the stars. Implement that
    Earthrate = 2 * np.pi / u.sday.to(u.second)

    obs_const = Earthrate * np.cos(site.geodetic.lat.rad)
    rot_rate = obs_const * np.cos(altaz.az.radian) / np.cos(altaz.alt.radian)
    # rot_rate = [0]*len(times)#obs_const * np.cos(altaz.az.radian) / np.cos(altaz.alt.radian)

    if multiplier:
        rot_rate = rot_rate * multiplier
    return rot_rate
def test_event_observable():

    epoch = Time(2452826.628514, format='jd')
    period = 3.52474859 * u.day
    duration = 0.1277 * u.day

    hd209458 = EclipsingSystem(primary_eclipse_time=epoch,
                               name='HD 209458 b')
    observing_time = Time('2017-09-15 10:20')

    apo = Observer.at_site('APO')

    target = FixedTarget.from_name("HD 209458")
    n_transits = 100  # This is the roughly number of transits per year
    ing_egr = hd209458.next_primary_ingress_egress_time(observing_time,
    constraints = [AltitudeConstraint(min=0 * u.deg), AtNightConstraint()]
    observable = is_event_observable(constraints,

    # This answer was validated against the Czech Exoplanet Transit Database
    # transit prediction service, at:
    # http://var2.astro.cz/ETD/predict_detail.php?delka=254.1797222222222&submit=submit&sirka=32.780277777777776&STARNAME=HD209458&PLANET=b
    # There is some disagreement, as the ETD considers some transits which begin
    # before sunset or after sunrise to be observable.
    cetd_answer = [[
        False, False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True,
        False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
        False, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False,
        False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
        False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
        False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False,
        False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
        False, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False,
        False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, True,
        False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False, False

    assert np.all(observable == np.array(cetd_answer))
Exemple #28
def main():

    site = Observer.at_site('Las Campanas Observatory')

    ra = "07:21:28.72"
    dec = "-45:34:03.85"
    name = "TIC_59859387.01"
    start_time = Time('2020-02-05 23:30:00')
    end_time = Time('2020-02-06 09:30:00')


    range_time = end_time - start_time
    observe_time = start_time + range_time*np.linspace(0,1,100)

    if (isinstance(ra, u.quantity.Quantity) and
        isinstance(dec, u.quantity.Quantity)
        target_coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec)
    elif (isinstance(ra, str) and
          isinstance(dec, str)
        target_coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
        raise NotImplementedError

    target = FixedTarget(coord=target_coord, name=name)

    outdir = "../results/{}".format(name)
    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    outname = '{}_{}_start{}_airmass.png'.format(
        name, site.name.replace(' ','_'), repr(start_time.value)
    outpath = os.path.join(outdir,outname)

    plot_airmass(target, site, observe_time, style_sheet=dark_style_sheet,

    plt.savefig(outpath, dpi=250, bbox_inches='tight')
    print('made {}'.format(outpath))
Exemple #29
def test_eclipses():
    subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru")

    epoch = Time('2016-01-01')
    period = 3 * u.day
    duration = 1 * u.hour
    eclipsing_system = EclipsingSystem(primary_eclipse_time=epoch, orbital_period=period,
                                       duration=duration, name='test system')
    pec = PrimaryEclipseConstraint(eclipsing_system)
    times = Time(['2016-01-01 00:00', '2016-01-01 03:00', '2016-01-02 12:00'])
    assert np.all(np.array([True, False, False]) == pec(subaru, None, times))

    sec = SecondaryEclipseConstraint(eclipsing_system)
    times = Time(['2016-01-01 00:00', '2016-01-01 03:00', '2016-01-02 12:00'])
    assert np.all(np.array([False, False, True]) == sec(subaru, None, times))

    pc = PhaseConstraint(eclipsing_system, min=0.2, max=0.5)
    times = Time(['2016-01-01 00:00', '2016-01-02 12:00', '2016-01-02 14:00'])
    assert np.all(np.array([False, True, False]) == pc(subaru, None, times))
Exemple #30
    def __init__(self):
        ra_current, dec_current: float, degrees
            Current position of telescope. This position is needed to determine slew time to the next target. This data comes directly from Jeeves.
            For the start of the night it is best to start at meridian (telescope is not parked there). Later on take current telescope position into account.
        Data needed from Jeeves:
            ra_current, dec_current
        self.tiles = TILES # TODO: do I now have 2 copies of TILES?
        self.observed_tiles = manage_list_of_observed_tiles.load_internal_list_of_observed_tile_ids()
        self.group_tiles_per_magnitude_range() # Need this for magnitude range weight determination

        self.observatory = Observer.at_site("Anglo-Australian Observatory") # TODO: enter LAT and LON coordinates
        self.location = EarthLocation(lat=params.params['LAT']*u.deg, lon=params.params['LON']*u.deg, height=params.params['EL']*u.m)
    def set_obs_time(self, coords, site, date):
        """Choose times to begin and end observing the PIC between its rise and set.

        :param coords: coordinates of the PIC object from SkyCoord
        :param site: name of the site the unit is at, from astroplan
        :param date: the date of the observation
        :return: randomized start and end time of observation
        loc = Observer.at_site(site)

        # Use astroplan to get rise and set of star, and get reasonable random
        # obs_time and duration
        rise = loc.target_rise_time(date, coords, which='next')
        rise_time = datetime.strptime(rise.isot, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
        set = loc.target_set_time(rise_time, coords, which='next')
        set_time = datetime.strptime(set.isot, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
        start_time = self.random_time(rise_time, set_time)
        seq_duration = self.random_duration(start_time, set_time)
        end_time = start_time + seq_duration
        return start_time, end_time
    def set_obs_time(self, coords, site, date):
        """Choose times to begin and end observing the PIC between its rise and set.

        :param coords: coordinates of the PIC object from SkyCoord
        :param site: name of the site the unit is at, from astroplan
        :param date: the date of the observation
        :return: randomized start and end time of observation
        loc = Observer.at_site(site)

        # Use astroplan to get rise and set of star, and get reasonable random
        # obs_time and duration
        rise = loc.target_rise_time(date, coords, which='next')
        rise_time = datetime.strptime(rise.isot, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
        set = loc.target_set_time(rise_time, coords, which='next')
        set_time = datetime.strptime(set.isot, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
        start_time = self.random_time(rise_time, set_time)
        seq_duration = self.random_duration(start_time, set_time)
        end_time = start_time + seq_duration
        return start_time, end_time
def read_transits(file, site='Keck', frac=1.0):
	read transits from exoplanet archive transit planner CSV file

	site options from astroplan: e.g. KPNO, Keck

	data = Table.read(file,format='ascii')

	startimes = data['targetobsstartcalendar']
	endtimes  = data['targetobsendcalendar']
	midtimes  = data['midpointcalendar']
	duration  = data['transitduration']
	fracs     = data['fractionobservable']

	full_transits =  np.where(fracs>=frac)[0]

	target = FixedTarget.from_name(planet.strip('b'))
	obs    = Observer.at_site(site)

	return startimes[full_transits], endtimes[full_transits], midtimes[full_transits], duration[full_transits], target, obs
Exemple #34
def get_observability_fraction(name="WASP 4", site='keck', ra=None, dec=None,
                               start_time=Time('2019-09-13 20:00:00'),
                               end_time=Time('2020-07-31 20:00:00')):

    if isinstance(name,str) and ra is None and dec is None:
        target = FixedTarget.from_name(name)
    elif isinstance(ra,float) and isinstance(dec,float):
        target_coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.deg, dec=dec*u.deg)
        target = FixedTarget(coord=target_coord, name=name)
        raise NotImplementedError('failed to make target')

    observer = Observer.at_site(site)

    constraints = [AltitudeConstraint(min=20*u.deg, max=85*u.deg),

    # over every day between start and end time, check if the observing
    # constraints are meetable.
    days = Time(
        np.arange(start_time.decimalyear, end_time.decimalyear,

    frac, ever_observable = [], []

    for day in days:

        table = observability_table(constraints, observer, [target],
        frac.append(float(table['fraction of time observable']))
        ever_observable.append(bool(table['ever observable']))

    ever_observable = np.array(ever_observable)
    frac = np.array(frac)

    return frac, ever_observable, days
def test_event_observable():

    epoch = Time(2452826.628514, format='jd')
    period = 3.52474859 * u.day
    duration = 0.1277 * u.day

    hd209458 = EclipsingSystem(primary_eclipse_time=epoch, orbital_period=period, duration=duration,
                               name='HD 209458 b')
    observing_time = Time('2017-09-15 10:20')

    apo = Observer.at_site('APO')

    target = FixedTarget.from_name("HD 209458")
    n_transits = 100  # This is the roughly number of transits per year
    ing_egr = hd209458.next_primary_ingress_egress_time(observing_time,
    constraints = [AltitudeConstraint(min=0*u.deg), AtNightConstraint()]
    observable = is_event_observable(constraints, apo, target,

    # This answer was validated against the Czech Exoplanet Transit Database
    # transit prediction service, at:
    # http://var2.astro.cz/ETD/predict_detail.php?delka=254.1797222222222&submit=submit&sirka=32.780277777777776&STARNAME=HD209458&PLANET=b
    # There is some disagreement, as the ETD considers some transits which begin
    # before sunset or after sunrise to be observable.
    cetd_answer = [[False, False, False, True, False, True, False, True, False,
                    True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, True, False, True, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    True, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
                    False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, True,
                    False, True, False, True, False, True, False, True, False,

    assert np.all(observable == np.array(cetd_answer))
def create_real_times(tmin,tmax,ndata=50,air_mass_limit=1.5,tformat='mjd',star='K2-100',observatory='lapalma'):
    times = []
    #Create a observatory instance with astroplan
    observatory = Observer.at_site(observatory)
    #Create star object from astroplan, the name has to be a valid simbad name for the target
    star = FixedTarget.from_name(star)
    while len(times) < ndata:
        #Draw random time between tmin and tmax
        drt = np.random.uniform(tmin,tmax)
        #Get the time object from astropy.time
        time = Time(drt,format=tformat)
        #Compute the air_mass that the target has at time t
        air_mass = observatory.altaz(time,star).secz
        #If the target is observable at time drt and the air_mass < air_mass_limit then
        #We accept the dummy random time
        if observatory.target_is_up(time,star) and air_mass < air_mass_limit:

    #Sort thet times
    times = sorted(times)

    #Return a numpy array with all the times
    return np.array(times)
    print('wrote {}'.format(outpath))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # will change these a lot (TODO: when in bulk -- write argparse interface)
    #site = Observer.at_site('W. M. Keck Observatory')
    #site = Observer.at_site('Kitt Peak National Observatory')
    #site = Observer.at_site('lapalma')
    #Las Campanas
    site = Observer.at_site('Las Campanas Observatory')

    ra = "19:05:30.24"
    dec = "-41:26:15.49"
    name = "TOI_1130.02"
    t_mid_0 = 2458658.73805  # BJD_TDB
    period = 4.06719 * u.day
    duration = 1.783 * u.hour

    # ra = "19:05:30.24"
    # dec = "-41:26:15.49"
    # name = "TOI_1130.01"
    # t_mid_0 = 2458657.89786 # BJD_TDB
    # period = 8.3504*u.day
    # duration = 1.814*u.hour
Exemple #38
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets

from telescope import Telescope
from allsky import AllSky
import gui

# parse configuration file
config = ConfigObj("config.ini")
location = config["LOCATION"]
objects = config["OBJECTS"]

# set new Observer object from config file
obsLocation = EarthLocation(location["LONGITUDE"], location["LATITUDE"],
add_site(location["SITE_NAME"], obsLocation)

# add objects to a dictionary of `astroplan.FixedTarget`s
fixed_targets = {}
for key in objects:
    coordinates = SkyCoord(objects[key]["RA"], objects[key]["DEC"])
    fixed_targets[key] = FixedTarget(name=key, coord=coordinates)

skymap = AllSky(objects=fixed_targets)
telescope = Telescope(Observer.at_site(location["SITE_NAME"]))
gui.run(telescope, skymap)

#fig = skymap.draw(telescope.Observer)
def main():

    ## Parse Command Line Arguments
    ## create a parser object for understanding command-line arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
             description="Program description.")
    ## add flags
    ## add arguments
    parser.add_argument("-y", "--year",
        type=int, dest="year",
        help="The calendar year to analyze")
    parser.add_argument("-s", "--site",
        type=str, dest="site",
        default='Keck Observatory',
        help="Site name to use")
    parser.add_argument("-z", "--timezone",
        type=str, dest="timezone",
        help='pytz timezone name')
    parser.add_argument("-d", "--dark_time",
        type=float, dest="dark_time",
        help='Minimum dark time required (hours)')
    parser.add_argument("-w", "--wait_time",
        type=float, dest="wait_time",
        help='Maximum time after dusk to wait for moon set (hours)')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.year == -1:
        args.year = dt.now().year

    loc = EarthLocation.of_site(args.site)
    obs = Observer.at_site(args.site)
    utc = pytz.timezone('UTC')
    localtz = pytz.timezone(args.timezone)
#     hour = tdelta(seconds=60.*60.*1.)

#     pyephem_site = ephem.Observer()
#     pyephem_site.lat = str(loc.lat.to(u.degree).value)
#     pyephem_site.lon = str(loc.lon.to(u.deg).value)
#     pyephem_site.elevation = loc.height.to(u.m).value
#     pyephem_moon = ephem.Moon()

    oneday = TimeDelta(60.*60.*24., format='sec')
    date_iso_string = '{:4d}-01-01T00:00:00'.format(args.year)
    start_date = Time(date_iso_string, format='isot', scale='utc', location=loc)
    sunset = obs.sun_set_time(start_date, which='next')

    ical_file = 'DarkMoonCalendar_{:4d}.ics'.format(args.year)
    if os.path.exists(ical_file): os.remove(ical_file)
    with open(ical_file, 'w') as FO:
        FO.write('PRODID:-//hacksw/handcal//NONSGML v1.0//EN\n'.format())

        while sunset < start_date + 365*oneday:
            search_around = sunset + oneday
            sunset = analyze_day(search_around, obs, FO, localtz, args,
def test_docs_example():
    # Test the example in astroplan/docs/tutorials/constraints.rst
    target_table_string = """# name ra_degrees dec_degrees
    Polaris 37.95456067 89.26410897
    Vega 279.234734787 38.783688956
    Albireo 292.68033548 27.959680072
    Algol 47.042218553 40.955646675
    Rigel 78.634467067 -8.201638365
    Regulus 152.092962438 11.967208776"""

    from astroplan import Observer, FixedTarget
    from astropy.time import Time

    subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru")
    time_range = Time(["2015-08-01 06:00", "2015-08-01 12:00"])

    # Read in the table of targets
    from astropy.io import ascii

    target_table = ascii.read(target_table_string)

    # Create astroplan.FixedTarget objects for each one in the table
    from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
    import astropy.units as u

    targets = [FixedTarget(coord=SkyCoord(ra=ra * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg), name=name) for name, ra, dec in target_table]

    from astroplan import Constraint, is_observable
    from astropy.coordinates import Angle

    class VegaSeparationConstraint(Constraint):
        Constraint the separation from Vega

        def __init__(self, min=None, max=None):
            min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional)
                Minimum acceptable separation between Vega and target. `None`
                indicates no limit.
            max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional)
                Minimum acceptable separation between Vega and target. `None`
                indicates no limit.
            self.min = min
            self.max = max

        def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets):

            # Vega's coordinate must be non-scalar for the dimensions
            # to work out properly when combined with other constraints which
            # test multiple times
            vega = SkyCoord(ra=[279.23473479] * u.deg, dec=[38.78368896] * u.deg)

            # Calculate separation between target and vega
            vega_separation = Angle([vega.separation(target.coord) for target in targets])

            # If a maximum is specified but no minimum
            if self.min is None and self.max is not None:
                mask = vega_separation < self.max

            # If a minimum is specified but no maximum
            elif self.max is None and self.min is not None:
                mask = self.min < vega_separation

            # If both a minimum and a maximum are specified
            elif self.min is not None and self.max is not None:
                mask = (self.min < vega_separation) & (vega_separation < self.max)

            # Otherwise, raise an error
                raise ValueError("No max and/or min specified in " "VegaSeparationConstraint.")

            # Return an array that is True where the target is observable and
            # False where it is not
            return mask

    constraints = [VegaSeparationConstraint(min=5 * u.deg, max=30 * u.deg)]
    observability = is_observable(constraints, subaru, targets, time_range=time_range)

    assert all(observability == [False, False, True, False, False, False])