Exemple #1
class _Conf(ConfigNamespace):
    """Configuration parameters for sncosmo."""
    data_dir = ConfigItem(
        None, "Directory where sncosmo will store and read downloaded data "
        "resources. If None, ASTROPY_CACHE_DIR/sncosmo is created and "
        "used. Example: data_dir = /home/user/data/sncosmo",
    sfd98_dir = ConfigItem(
        None, "Directory containing SFD (1998) dust maps, with names: "
        "'SFD_dust_4096_ngp.fits' and 'SFD_dust_4096_sgp.fits'. "
        "Example: sfd98_dir = /home/user/data/sfd98",
    remote_timeout = ConfigItem(10.0, "Remote timeout in seconds.")
class Conf(ConfigNamespace):
    """Configuration parameters."""

    # Set up default wavelength
    _wave, _wave_str = generate_wavelengths(minwave=500,

    # Root directory
    rootdir = ConfigItem(os.environ.get('PYSYN_CDBS', '/grp/redcat/trds'),
                         'TRDS data root directory')

    # Graph, optical component, and thermal component tables
    graphtable = ConfigItem('mtab$*_tmg.fits', 'Graph table')
    comptable = ConfigItem('mtab$*_tmc.fits', 'Component table')
    thermtable = ConfigItem('mtab$*_tmt.fits', 'Thermal table')

    # Default wavelength in Angstrom and its description
    waveset_array = ConfigItem(_wave.value.tolist(),
                               'Default wavelength set in Angstrom',
    waveset = ConfigItem(_wave_str, 'Default wavelength set description')

    # Telescope primary mirror collecting area in cm^2
    area = ConfigItem(45238.93416, 'Telescope collecting area in cm^2')

    # Common filter name
    clear_filter = ConfigItem('clear', 'Name for a clear filter')

    # Wavelength catalog file
    wavecatfile = ConfigItem('synphot$wavecats/wavecat.dat',
                             'Wavelength catalog file')

    # Detector parameters file
    detectorfile = ConfigItem('synphot$detectors.dat',
                              'Detector parameters file')

    # IRAF shortcuts file for stsynphot.stio.irafconvert()
    irafshortcutfile = ConfigItem(
        'col1=shortcut_name col2=relpath_to_rootdir, has header.')

    # Clean up
    del _wave
    del _wave_str
Exemple #3
class Conf(ConfigNamespace):
    """Configuration parameters."""

    # First option in list is the default.
    default_integrator = ConfigItem(['trapezoid', 'analytical'],
                                    'Default integrator to use')

    vega_file = ConfigItem(
        'https://ssb.stsci.edu/trds/calspec/alpha_lyr_stis_010.fits', 'Vega')

    lmc30dor_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gordon et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, 279; R_V = 2.76')
    lmcavg_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gordon et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, 279; R_V = 3.41')
    mwavg_file = ConfigItem(
        'Cardelli, Clayton, & Mathis 1989, ApJ, 345, 245; R_V = 3.10')
    mwdense_file = ConfigItem(
        'Cardelli, Clayton, & Mathis 1989, ApJ, 345, 245; R_V = 5.00')
    mwrv21_file = ConfigItem(
        'Cardelli, Clayton, & Mathis 1989, ApJ, 345, 245; R_V = 2.1')
    mwrv40_file = ConfigItem(
        'Cardelli, Clayton, & Mathis 1989, ApJ, 345, 245; R_V = 4.0')
    smcbar_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gordon et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, 279; R_V=2.74')
    xgal_file = ConfigItem(
        'Calzetti et al. 2000, ApJ, 533, 682')

    bessel_h_file = ConfigItem(
        'Bessel H')
    bessel_j_file = ConfigItem(
        'Bessel J')
    bessel_k_file = ConfigItem(
        'Bessel K')
    cousins_i_file = ConfigItem(
        'Cousins I')
    cousins_r_file = ConfigItem(
        'Cousins R')
    johnson_b_file = ConfigItem(
        'Johnson B')
    johnson_i_file = ConfigItem(
        'Johnson I')
    johnson_j_file = ConfigItem(
        'Johnson J')
    johnson_k_file = ConfigItem(
        'Johnson K')
    johnson_r_file = ConfigItem(
        'Johnson R')
    johnson_u_file = ConfigItem(
        'Johnson U')
    johnson_v_file = ConfigItem(
        'Johnson V')
Exemple #4
class Conf(ConfigNamespace):
    """Configuration parameters."""

    bessell_U_file = ConfigItem(
        'Bessell U')
    bessell_B_file = ConfigItem(
        'Bessell B')
    bessell_V_file = ConfigItem(
        'Bessell V')
    bessell_R_file = ConfigItem(
        'Bessell R')
    bessell_I_file = ConfigItem(
        'Bessell I')

    gaiadr2_g_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gaia DR2 G')
    gaiadr2_gbp_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gaia DR2 G_BP')
    gaiadr2_grp_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gaia DR2 G_RP')

    lco_u_file = ConfigItem('comp/lco/SDSS.up.txt', 'LCO SDSS u')
    lco_g_file = ConfigItem('comp/lco/SDSS.gp.txt', 'LCO SDSS g')
    lco_r_file = ConfigItem('comp/lco/SDSS.rp.txt', 'LCO SDSS r')
    lco_i_file = ConfigItem('comp/lco/SDSS.ip.txt', 'LCO SDSS i')
    lco_zs_file = ConfigItem('comp/lco/PSTR-ZS-avg.txt',
                             'LCO SDSS/PanSTARRS zs')
    lco_w_file = ConfigItem(
        'LCO PanSTARRS w')
    lco_Y_file = ConfigItem(
        'LCO PanSTARRS Y')

    lco_c2_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ESA_C2.csv", "LCO ESA C2")
    lco_c3_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ESA_C3.csv", "LCO ESA C3")
    lco_oh_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ESA_OH.csv", "LCO ESA OH")
    lco_cn_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ESA_CN.csv", "LCO ESA CN")
    lco_nh2_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ESA_NH2.csv", "LCO ESA NH2")
    lco_cr_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ESA_CR.csv", "LCO ESA CR")

    lco_fli_clear_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ADNP-P1-002.csv",
                                    "LCO Astrodon clear")
    lco_fli_U_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ADNP-UV-001.csv",
                                "LCO Astrodon U")
    lco_fli_B_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ADNP-BU-001.csv",
                                "LCO Astrodon B")
    lco_fli_V_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ADNP-VX-001.csv",
                                "LCO Astrodon V")
    lco_fli_R_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ADNP-RS-001.csv",
                                "LCO Astrodon R")
    lco_fli_I_file = ConfigItem("comp/lco/LCO_ADNP-IC-001.csv",
                                "LCO Astrodon I")
    lco_fli_g_file = lco_g_file
    lco_fli_r_file = lco_r_file
    lco_fli_i_file = lco_i_file
    lco_fli_zs_file = lco_zs_file

    lco_U_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lco/bssl-ux.txt', 'LCO Bessell U')
    lco_B_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lco/bssl-bx.txt', 'LCO Bessell B')
    lco_V_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lco/bssl-vx.txt', 'LCO Bessell V')
    lco_R_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lco/bssl-rx.txt', 'LCO Bessell R')
    lco_I_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lco/bssl-ix.txt', 'LCO Bessell I')

    wht_U_file = ConfigItem(
        'WHT/PFIP RGO U9')
    wht_B_file = ConfigItem(
        'WHT/PFIP Harris B')
    wht_V_file = ConfigItem(
        'WHT/PFIP Harris V')
    wht_R_file = ConfigItem(
        'WHT/PFIP Harris R')
    # This abruptly stops at 900nm and ~82% transmission causing issues.
    #    wht_I_file = ConfigItem('http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/fps/getdata.php?format=ascii&id=WHT/PFIP.Har_I', 'WHT/PFIP Harris I')
    # This second version is just the glass from Schott, scaled from 3->4mm but
    # reproduces above very well and continues down to 0 transmission and so is
    # better behaved.
    wht_I_file = ConfigItem("comp/ing/WHT_Harris_I.dat", 'WHT/PFIP Harris I')

    ctio_U_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI Bessell U')
    ctio_B_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI Bessell B')
    ctio_V_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI Bessell V')
    ctio_R_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI Bessell R')
    ctio_I_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI Bessell I')

    ctio_u_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI SDSS u')
    ctio_g_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI SDSS g')
    ctio_r_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI SDSS r')
    ctio_i_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI SDSS i')
    ctio_z_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI SDSS z')
    ctio_CN_file = ConfigItem(
        'CTIO/SOI CN')

    soar_goodman_600l_file = ConfigItem(
        'SOAR Goodman 600lines/mm grating order=1')

    lsst_u_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lsst/filter_u.dat', 'LSST u')
    lsst_g_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lsst/filter_g.dat', 'LSST g')
    lsst_r_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lsst/filter_r.dat', 'LSST r')
    lsst_i_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lsst/filter_i.dat', 'LSST i')
    lsst_z_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lsst/filter_z.dat', 'LSST z')
    lsst_y_file = ConfigItem('$CDBS_PATH/comp/lsst/filter_y.dat', 'LSST y')

    eso_U_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/WFI U')
    eso_B_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/WFI B')
    eso_V_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/WFI V')
    eso_Rc_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/WFI Rc')
    eso_I_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/WFI I')

    eso_uHIGH_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/FORS u_HIGH')
    eso_bHIGH_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/FORS b_HIGH')
    eso_vHIGH_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/FORS v_HIGH')
    eso_gHIGH_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/FORS g_HIGH')
    eso_fors_R_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/FORS Bessell R Special')
    eso_fors_I_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/FORS Bessell I')
    eso_fors_z_file = ConfigItem(
        'ESO/FORS Gunn z')
    eso_vst_uprime_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/sloan_u_prime.dat',
                                     "ESO Omegacam u'")
    eso_vst_gprime_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/sloan_g_prime.dat',
                                     "ESO Omegacam g'")
    eso_vst_rprime_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/sloan_r_prime.dat',
                                     "ESO Omegacam r'")
    eso_vst_iprime_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/sloan_i_prime.dat',
                                     "ESO Omegacam i'")
    eso_vst_zprime_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/sloan_z_prime.dat',
                                     "ESO Omegacam z'")
    # These are the more correct versions, having being extracted from the 47
    # point scans across the filter and averaged but the above, which if I am
    # correct, include the CCD response, is what are used in the ESO ETC and then
    # partly undone through use of the Omegacam optics fudge file... <sigh>
    # eso_vst_u_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/ESO_Omegacam_u.csv', "ESO Omegacam u'")
    # eso_vst_g_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/ESO_Omegacam_g.csv', "ESO Omegacam g'")
    # eso_vst_r_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/ESO_Omegacam_r.csv', "ESO Omegacam r'")
    # eso_vst_i_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/ESO_Omegacam_i.csv', "ESO Omegacam i'")
    # eso_vst_z_file = ConfigItem('comp/eso/ESO_Omegacam_z.csv', "ESO Omegacam z'")

    eso_fors_300V_file = ConfigItem("comp/eso/ESO_FORS2_Grism_300V.dat")
    eso_fors_600B_file = ConfigItem("comp/eso/ESO_FORS2_Grism_600B.dat")
    eso_efosc2_grism1_file = ConfigItem("comp/eso/ESO_EFOSC2_Grism1.dat")
    eso_efosc2_grism2_file = ConfigItem("comp/eso/ESO_EFOSC2_Grism2.dat")
    eso_feros_file = ConfigItem("comp/eso/ESO_FEROS_slitfiber.dat")

    gemini_gmosn_g_file = ConfigItem("comp/gemini/gmos_n_g_G0301.txt",
                                     'Gemini/GMOS-N g')
    gemini_gmosn_r_file = ConfigItem("comp/gemini/gmos_n_r_G0303.txt",
                                     'Gemini/GMOS-N r')
    # These don't go down to 0 at the ends of the bandpass, creating extrapolation problems
    #    gemini_gmosn_g_file = ConfigItem('http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/fps/getdata.php?format=ascii&id=Gemini/GMOS-N.g', 'Gemini/GMOS-N g')
    #    gemini_gmosn_r_file = ConfigItem('http://svo2.cab.inta-csic.es/theory/fps/getdata.php?format=ascii&id=Gemini/GMOS-N.r', 'Gemini/GMOS-N r')
    gemini_gmosn_i_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gemini/GMOS-N i')
    gemini_gmosn_z_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gemini/GMOS-N z')
    gemini_gmosn_ri_file = ConfigItem(
        'Gemini/GMOS-N ri')

    optics_NaCl_file = ConfigItem("comp/optics/NaCl.dat", "NaCl")
    optics_BAK2_file = ConfigItem("comp/optics/BAK2_glass.dat", "BAK2 glass")
    optics_CaF2_file = ConfigItem("comp/optics/CaF2_glass.dat", "CaF2 glass")
    optics_FK5_file = ConfigItem("comp/optics/FK5_glass.dat",
                                 "FK5 crown glass")
    optics_FK58_file = ConfigItem("comp/optics/FK58_glass.dat",
                                  "FK58 crown glass")
    optics_LAL7_file = ConfigItem("comp/optics/LAL7_glass.dat", "LAL7 glass")
    optics_UVFS_file = ConfigItem("comp/optics/UVFusedSilica.dat",
                                  "UV Fused Silica")

    mapping = {
        'U': bessell_U_file,
        'B': bessell_B_file,
        'V': bessell_V_file,
        'R': bessell_R_file,
        'I': bessell_I_file,
        'Gaia::DR2:G': gaiadr2_g_file,
        'Gaia::DR2:GBP': gaiadr2_gbp_file,
        'Gaia::DR2:GRP': gaiadr2_grp_file,
        'u': lco_u_file,
        'g': lco_g_file,
        'r': lco_r_file,
        'i': lco_i_file,
        'z': lco_zs_file,
        'zs': lco_zs_file,
        'w': lco_w_file,
        'Y': lco_Y_file,
        'C2': lco_c2_file,
        'C3': lco_c3_file,
        'OH': lco_oh_file,
        'CN': lco_cn_file,
        'NH2': lco_nh2_file,
        'CR': lco_cr_file,
        'LCO::U': lco_U_file,
        'LCO::B': lco_B_file,
        'LCO::V': lco_V_file,
        'LCO::R': lco_R_file,
        'LCO::I': lco_I_file,
        'LCO::FLI::clear': lco_fli_clear_file,
        'LCO::FLI::U': lco_fli_U_file,
        'LCO::FLI::B': lco_fli_B_file,
        'LCO::FLI::V': lco_fli_V_file,
        'LCO::FLI::R': lco_fli_R_file,
        'LCO::FLI::I': lco_fli_I_file,
        'LCO::FLI::gp': lco_fli_g_file,
        'LCO::FLI::rp': lco_fli_r_file,
        'LCO::FLI::ip': lco_fli_i_file,
        'LCO::FLI::zs': lco_fli_zs_file,
        'WHT::U': wht_U_file,
        'WHT::B': wht_B_file,
        'WHT::V': wht_V_file,
        'WHT::R': wht_R_file,
        'WHT::I': wht_I_file,
        'CTIO::U': ctio_U_file,
        'CTIO::B': ctio_B_file,
        'CTIO::V': ctio_V_file,
        'CTIO::R': ctio_R_file,
        'CTIO::I': ctio_I_file,
        'CTIO::u': ctio_u_file,
        'CTIO::g': ctio_g_file,
        'CTIO::r': ctio_r_file,
        'CTIO::i': ctio_i_file,
        'CTIO::z': ctio_z_file,
        'CTIO::CN': ctio_CN_file,
        'SOAR:600l/mm': soar_goodman_600l_file,
        'ESO::U': eso_U_file,
        'ESO::B': eso_B_file,
        'ESO::V': eso_V_file,
        'ESO::Rc': eso_Rc_file,
        'ESO::I': eso_I_file,
        'ESO::Omegacam::up': eso_vst_uprime_file,
        'ESO::Omegacam::gp': eso_vst_gprime_file,
        'ESO::Omegacam::rp': eso_vst_rprime_file,
        'ESO::Omegacam::ip': eso_vst_iprime_file,
        'ESO::Omegacam::zp': eso_vst_zprime_file,
        # 'ESO::Omegacam::u' : eso_vst_u_file,
        # 'ESO::Omegacam::g' : eso_vst_g_file,
        # 'ESO::Omegacam::r' : eso_vst_r_file,
        # 'ESO::Omegacam::i' : eso_vst_i_file,
        # 'ESO::Omegacam::z' : eso_vst_z_file,
        'ESO::FORS::u': eso_uHIGH_file,
        'ESO::FORS::b': eso_bHIGH_file,
        'ESO::FORS::v': eso_vHIGH_file,
        'ESO::FORS::g': eso_gHIGH_file,
        'ESO::FORS::R': eso_fors_R_file,
        'ESO::FORS::I': eso_fors_I_file,
        'ESO::FORS::z': eso_fors_z_file,
        'ESO::FORS::300V': eso_fors_300V_file,
        'ESO::FORS::600B': eso_fors_600B_file,
        'ESO::EFOSC2::Grism1': eso_efosc2_grism1_file,
        'ESO::EFOSC2::Grism2': eso_efosc2_grism2_file,
        'ESO::FEROS': eso_feros_file,
        'LSST::u': lsst_u_file,
        'LSST::g': lsst_g_file,
        'LSST::r': lsst_r_file,
        'LSST::i': lsst_i_file,
        'LSST::z': lsst_z_file,
        'LSST::y': lsst_y_file,
        'Gemini::GMOS-N::g': gemini_gmosn_g_file,
        'Gemini::GMOS-N::r': gemini_gmosn_r_file,
        'Gemini::GMOS-N::i': gemini_gmosn_i_file,
        'Gemini::GMOS-N::z': gemini_gmosn_z_file,
        'Gemini::GMOS-N::ri': gemini_gmosn_ri_file,
        'NaCl': optics_NaCl_file,
        'UVFS': optics_UVFS_file,
        'CaF2': optics_CaF2_file,
        'BAK2': optics_BAK2_file,
        'FK5': optics_FK5_file,
        'FK58': optics_FK58_file,
        'LAL7': optics_LAL7_file,

    vega_file = ConfigItem(
        'http://ssb.stsci.edu/cdbs/calspec/alpha_lyr_stis_010.fits', 'Vega')
    sun_file = ConfigItem(
        os.path.join('$CDBS_PATH', 'calspec', 'sun_reference_stis_002.fits'),
        "Solar reference spectrum from https://www.stsci.edu/hst/instrumentation/reference-data-for-calibration-and-tools/astronomical-catalogs/calspec.html"

    # These are generated from a modified version of Lynne Jones's astcolors.py
    # code in lsst throughputs with mods to take out a factor of 3631 to convert
    # the units to closer to "normal" flamba and to write out the un-normalized
    # spectra for use as a SourceSpec.
    sso_B_file = ConfigItem(
        "B-type asteroid from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009)")
    sso_C_file = ConfigItem(
        "C-type asteroid from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009)")
    sso_D_file = ConfigItem(
        "D-type asteroid from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009)")
    sso_Q_file = ConfigItem(
        "Q-type asteroid from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009)")
    sso_S_file = ConfigItem(
        "S-type asteroid from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009)")
    sso_V_file = ConfigItem(
        "V-type asteroid from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009)")
    sso_X_file = ConfigItem(
        "X-type asteroid from Bus-DeMeo taxonomy (DeMeo et al. 2009)")

    source_mapping = {
        'sun': sun_file,
        'vega': vega_file,
        'sso::B': sso_B_file,
        'sso::C': sso_C_file,
        'sso::D': sso_D_file,
        'sso::Q': sso_Q_file,
        'sso::S': sso_S_file,
        'sso::V': sso_V_file,
        'sso::X': sso_X_file

    sky_brightness_file = ConfigItem("comp/Sky_brightness.dat",
                                     "Walker (1987) Sky brightness model")
    pickles_library_path = ConfigItem(
        "Path to Pickles UVILIB spectral library")
class ObservationConfig(ConfigNamespace):
    c1 = ConfigItem(cfgtype="int")
    c2 = ConfigItem(cfgtype="float")
    c3 = ConfigItem(cfgtype="string")

    log = LoggingConfig()
class LoggingConfig(ConfigNamespace):
    level = ConfigItem()
    filename = ConfigItem()