Exemple #1
def test_getitem_representation():
    Make sure current representation survives __getitem__ even if different
    from data representation.
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS
    c = ICRS([1, 1] * u.deg, [2, 2] * u.deg)
    c.representation_type = 'cartesian'
    assert c[0].representation_type is r.CartesianRepresentation
Exemple #2
def test_getitem_representation():
    Make sure current representation survives __getitem__ even if different
    from data representation.
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS
    c = ICRS([1, 1] * u.deg, [2, 2] * u.deg)
    c.representation_type = 'cartesian'
    assert c[0].representation_type is r.CartesianRepresentation
Exemple #3
def test_representation():
    Test the getter and setter properties for `representation`
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS

    # Create the frame object.
    icrs = ICRS(ra=1 * u.deg, dec=1 * u.deg)
    data = icrs.data

    # Create some representation objects.
    icrs_cart = icrs.cartesian
    icrs_spher = icrs.spherical
    icrs_cyl = icrs.cylindrical

    # Testing when `_representation` set to `CartesianRepresentation`.
    icrs.representation_type = r.CartesianRepresentation

    assert icrs.representation_type == r.CartesianRepresentation
    assert icrs_cart.x == icrs.x
    assert icrs_cart.y == icrs.y
    assert icrs_cart.z == icrs.z
    assert icrs.data == data

    # Testing that an ICRS object in CartesianRepresentation must not have spherical attributes.
    for attr in ('ra', 'dec', 'distance'):
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as err:
            getattr(icrs, attr)
        assert 'object has no attribute' in str(err.value)

    # Testing when `_representation` set to `CylindricalRepresentation`.
    icrs.representation_type = r.CylindricalRepresentation

    assert icrs.representation_type == r.CylindricalRepresentation
    assert icrs.data == data

    # Testing setter input using text argument for spherical.
    icrs.representation_type = 'spherical'

    assert icrs.representation_type is r.SphericalRepresentation
    assert icrs_spher.lat == icrs.dec
    assert icrs_spher.lon == icrs.ra
    assert icrs_spher.distance == icrs.distance
    assert icrs.data == data

    # Testing that an ICRS object in SphericalRepresentation must not have cartesian attributes.
    for attr in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as err:
            getattr(icrs, attr)
        assert 'object has no attribute' in str(err.value)

    # Testing setter input using text argument for cylindrical.
    icrs.representation_type = 'cylindrical'

    assert icrs.representation_type is r.CylindricalRepresentation
    assert icrs_cyl.rho == icrs.rho
    assert icrs_cyl.phi == icrs.phi
    assert icrs_cyl.z == icrs.z
    assert icrs.data == data

    # Testing that an ICRS object in CylindricalRepresentation must not have spherical attributes.
    for attr in ('ra', 'dec', 'distance'):
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as err:
            getattr(icrs, attr)
        assert 'object has no attribute' in str(err.value)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        icrs.representation_type = 'WRONG'
    assert 'but must be a BaseRepresentation class' in str(err.value)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        icrs.representation_type = ICRS
    assert 'but must be a BaseRepresentation class' in str(err.value)
Exemple #4
def test_representation():
    Test the getter and setter properties for `representation`
    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS

    # Create the frame object.
    icrs = ICRS(ra=1*u.deg, dec=1*u.deg)
    data = icrs.data

    # Create some representation objects.
    icrs_cart = icrs.cartesian
    icrs_spher = icrs.spherical

    # Testing when `_representation` set to `CartesianRepresentation`.
    icrs.representation_type = r.CartesianRepresentation

    assert icrs.representation_type == r.CartesianRepresentation
    assert icrs_cart.x == icrs.x
    assert icrs_cart.y == icrs.y
    assert icrs_cart.z == icrs.z
    assert icrs.data == data

    # Testing that an ICRS object in CartesianRepresentation must not have spherical attributes.
    for attr in ('ra', 'dec', 'distance'):
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as err:
            getattr(icrs, attr)
        assert 'object has no attribute' in str(err)

    # Testing when `_representation` set to `CylindricalRepresentation`.
    icrs.representation_type = r.CylindricalRepresentation

    assert icrs.representation_type == r.CylindricalRepresentation
    assert icrs.data == data

    # Testing setter input using text argument for spherical.
    icrs.representation_type = 'spherical'

    assert icrs.representation_type is r.SphericalRepresentation
    assert icrs_spher.lat == icrs.dec
    assert icrs_spher.lon == icrs.ra
    assert icrs_spher.distance == icrs.distance
    assert icrs.data == data

    # Testing that an ICRS object in SphericalRepresentation must not have cartesian attributes.
    for attr in ('x', 'y', 'z'):
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError) as err:
            getattr(icrs, attr)
        assert 'object has no attribute' in str(err)

    # Testing setter input using text argument for cylindrical.
    icrs.representation_type = 'cylindrical'

    assert icrs.representation_type is r.CylindricalRepresentation
    assert icrs.data == data

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        icrs.representation_type = 'WRONG'
    assert 'but must be a BaseRepresentation class' in str(err)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        icrs.representation_type = ICRS
    assert 'but must be a BaseRepresentation class' in str(err)