Exemple #1
    def set_pointings(self, time_arr):
        Set the pointing centers (in ra/dec) based on array location and times.
            Dec = self.lat
            RA  = What RA is at zenith at a given JD?
        Also sets the north pole positions in ICRS.
        self.times_jd = time_arr
        centers = []
        north_poles = []
        for t in Time(time_arr, scale="utc", format="jd"):
            zen = AltAz(
            north = AltAz(

            zen_radec = zen.transform_to(ICRS())
            north_radec = north.transform_to(ICRS())
            centers.append([zen_radec.ra.deg, zen_radec.dec.deg])
            north_poles.append([north_radec.ra.deg, north_radec.dec.deg])
        self.pointing_centers = centers
        self.north_poles = north_poles
Exemple #2
def time2coord(time):
    point = AltAz(alt=90 * u.deg,
                  az=0 * u.deg,
    sky = point.transform_to(SkyCoord(0 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg, frame='icrs'))
    gal = point.transform_to(SkyCoord(0 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg, frame='galactic'))
    ra = sky.ra.rad
    dec = sky.dec.rad
    gall = gal.l.rad
    galb = gal.b.rad
    return ra, dec, gall, galb
Exemple #3
 def getradec(self):
     """Get RA/Dec coordinates"""
     time = Time(self.d.data['mjd'], format='mjd')
     point = AltAz(alt=90*u.deg, az=0*u.deg, location=telescope_loc, obstime=time)
     sky = point.transform_to(SkyCoord(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg, frame='icrs'))
     self.ra = sky.ra
     self.dec = sky.dec
Exemple #4
def azel2radec(az_deg: float,
               el_deg: float,
               lat_deg: float,
               lon_deg: float,
               time: datetime,
               usevallado: bool = False) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    viewing angle (az, el) to sky coordinates (ra, dec)

    azimuth: degrees clockwize from North
    elevation: degrees above horizon (neglecting aberration)
    observer latitude [-90, 90], longitude [-180, 180] (degrees)
    time: datetime of observation

    ecliptic right ascension, declination (degrees)

    if usevallado or Time is None:  # non-AstroPy method, less accurate
        return vazel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, time)

    obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg * u.deg, lon=lon_deg * u.deg)

    direc = AltAz(location=obs,
                  az=az_deg * u.deg,
                  alt=el_deg * u.deg)

    sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

    return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg
Exemple #5
def apply_wcs_to_photometry(ptable, w, location=lsst_location, zp=None):
    Take a photometry table and add ra and dec cols

    ptable : astropy table
        Needs columns xcenter, ycenter, and mjd.
        Assumes all the mjd are the same
    wcs : wcs object
        the World Coordinate System object
    location : astropy EarthLocation object

    Photometry table with columns added for the alt, az, ra, dec
    time = Time(ptable['mjd'].max(), format='mjd')
    az, alt = w.all_pix2world(ptable['xcenter'], ptable['ycenter'], 0)
    coords = AltAz(az=az*u.degree, alt=alt*u.degree, location=location, obstime=time)
    sky_coords = coords.transform_to(ICRS)
    ptable['alt_wcs'] = coords.alt
    ptable['az_wcs'] = coords.az
    ptable['ra_wcs'] = sky_coords.ra
    ptable['dec_wcs'] = sky_coords.dec

    if zp is not None:
        ptable['mag'] = -2.5*np.log10(ptable['residual_aperture_sum'].data) - zp

    return ptable
Exemple #6
def RunAstrometryCalibration(InputImage,Outputfile=None):
    """ Does Astrometry calibration of input fits image InputImage.
        Returns True if calibration succeded."""
    # Following lines are TIRSPEC specific for formating the time from fits header
    obs_timehdr = fits.getval(InputImage,'OBSTIME')
    obs_datehdr = fits.getval(InputImage,'OBSDATE')
    time_str = '{0} {1}'.format('-'.join(obs_datehdr.split('.')),obs_timehdr)

    time = Time(time_str,format='iso',scale='utc')
    hct_hanle = EarthLocation(lat=32.77944*u.deg, lon=78.9641*u.deg, height=4500*u.m)

    zenith = AltAz(location=hct_hanle, obstime=time, az=0*u.deg, alt=90*u.deg)
    ZenithRaDec = zenith.transform_to(ICRS)

    # Finally call astrometry.net software to calibrate fits image
    Z_ra = '{0.ra}'.format(ZenithRaDec).split()[0]
    Z_dec = '{0.dec}'.format(ZenithRaDec).split()[0]
    ret = subprocess.call(['solve-field','--no-plots', '--ra',Z_ra, '--dec',Z_dec, '--radius','85', 
                           '--scale-units','arcsecperpix', '--scale-low','0.28', '--scale-high','0.32',
    if ret == 0:
        if Outputfile is not None:
            print('Copying {0} to {1}'.format(os.path.splitext(InputImage)[0]+'.new',Outputfile))
        return True
        return False
Exemple #7
def altaz_to_radec(alt=35, az=90, location=None, obstime=None, verbose=False):
    """Convert alt/az degrees to RA/Dec SkyCoord.

        alt (int, optional): Altitude, defaults to 35
        az (int, optional): Azimute, defaults to 90 (east)
        location (None|astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation, required): A valid location.
        obstime (None, optional): Time for object, defaults to `current_time`
        verbose (bool, optional): Verbose, default False.

        astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord: Coordinates corresponding to the AltAz.
    assert location is not None
    if obstime is None:
        obstime = current_time()

    if verbose:
        print("Getting coordinates for Alt {} Az {}, from {} at {}".format(
            alt, az, location, obstime))

    altaz = AltAz(obstime=obstime,
                  alt=alt * u.deg,
                  az=az * u.deg)
    return SkyCoord(altaz.transform_to(ICRS))
Exemple #8
    def convert_to_gal_coord(self, az_el, time=None):
        """Converts an AzEl Tuple into a Galactic Tuple from Location

        az_el : (float, float)
            Azimuth and Elevation to Convert
        time : AstroPy Time Obj
            Time of Conversion

        (float, float)
            Galactic Latitude and Longitude
        if time is None:
            time = Time.now()
        az, el = az_el
        start_frame = AltAz(obstime=time,
                            alt=el * u.deg,
                            az=az * u.deg)
        end_frame = Galactic()
        result = start_frame.transform_to(end_frame)
        g_lat = float(result.b.degree)
        g_lng = float(result.l.degree)
        return g_lat, g_lng
 def get_sky_coord(self, pitch: float, yaw: float, time: Time = None):
     if not time:
         time = Time.now()
     alt = Angle(self.get_altitude(pitch), unit='deg')
     az = Angle(yaw, unit='deg')
     local_observation = AltAz(az=az, alt=alt, obstime=time, location=self.location)
     return local_observation.transform_to(ICRS())
Exemple #10
def altaz_to_radec(alt=35,
    """ Convert alt/az degrees to RA/Dec SkyCoord

        alt (int, optional): Altitude, defaults to 35
        az (int, optional): Azimute, defaults to 90 (east)
        location (None, required): A ~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation
            location must be passed.
        obstime (None, optional): Time for object, defaults to `current_time`

        `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord: FK5 SkyCoord
    assert location is not None
    if obstime is None:
        obstime = current_time()

    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)

    if verbose:
        print("Getting coordinates for Alt {} Az {}, from {} at {}".format(
            alt, az, location, obstime))

    altaz = AltAz(obstime=obstime,
                  alt=alt * u.deg,
                  az=az * u.deg)
    return SkyCoord(altaz.transform_to(ICRS))
Exemple #11
def azel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, dtime):
    obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg * u.deg, lon=lon_deg * u.deg)
    direc = AltAz(location=obs, obstime=Time(dtime),
                  az=az_deg * u.deg, alt=el_deg * u.deg)
    sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

    return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg
Exemple #12
 def dt2radec(self, dt):
     """Datetime to RA/Dec"""
     time = Time(dt, format='datetime', scale='utc')
     point = AltAz(alt=90 * u.deg,
                   az=0 * u.deg,
     sky = point.transform_to(SkyCoord(0 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg, frame='icrs'))
     return sky.ra.value, sky.dec.value
Exemple #13
def azel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, dtime):
    if usevallado:
        ra_deg, dec_deg = azel2radecvallado(
    else: #use astropy v1.0 +
        obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg*u.deg, lon=lon_deg*u.deg)
        direc = AltAz(location=obs, obstime=Time(dtime),
                      az=az_deg*u.deg, alt=el_deg*u.deg)
        sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

    return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg
Exemple #14
def get_zenith_ra_dec(time: str) -> astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord:
    """Returns RA and Dec of the zenith at Palomar at the given time

        time (str): MJD time

        astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord: object containing the zenith RA and Dec
    time = Time(time, format='mjd')
    altaz = AltAz(alt=Angle(90, unit=u.deg), az=Angle(0, unit=u.deg), obstime=time, location=loc)
    return altaz.transform_to(ICRS)
Exemple #15
def altaz_to_radec(alt=None, az=None, location=None, obstime=None, **kwargs):
    """Convert alt/az degrees to RA/Dec SkyCoord.

    >>> from panoptes.utils import altaz_to_radec
    >>> from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> keck = EarthLocation.of_site('Keck Observatory')

    >>> altaz_to_radec(alt=75, az=180, location=keck, obstime='2020-02-02T20:20:02.02')
    <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
        (281.78..., 4.807...)>

    >>> # Can use quantities or not.
    >>> alt = 4500 * u.arcmin
    >>> az = 180 * u.degree
    >>> altaz_to_radec(alt=alt, az=az, location=keck, obstime='2020-02-02T20:20:02.02')
    <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
        (281.78..., 4.807...)>

    >>> # Will use current time if none given.
    >>> altaz_to_radec(alt=35, az=90, location=keck)
    <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
        (..., ...)>

    >>> # Must pass a `location` instance.
    >>> altaz_to_radec()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
        assert location is not None

        alt (astropy.units.Quantity or scalar): Altitude.
        az (astropy.units.Quantity or scalar): Azimuth.
        location (astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation, required): A valid location.
        obstime (None, optional): Time for object, defaults to `current_time`

        astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord: Coordinates corresponding to the AltAz.
    assert location is not None
    if obstime is None:
        obstime = current_time()

    alt = get_quantity_value(alt, 'degree') * u.degree
    az = get_quantity_value(az, 'degree') * u.degree

    altaz = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location, alt=alt, az=az)
    return SkyCoord(altaz.transform_to(ICRS))
Exemple #16
def azalt_to_radec(LOCATION, AZ, ALT):
    Location = location_config(LOCATION)
    time = datetime.utcnow()
    altaz = AltAz(alt=ALT * u.deg,
                  az=AZ * u.deg,
    frame = 'icrs'
    frame = astropy.coordinates.frame_transform_graph.lookup_name(frame)()
    radec = altaz.transform_to(frame)
    ra = radec.ra.deg
    dec = radec.dec.deg

    return ra, dec
Exemple #17
def azel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, t):
    if Time is None:
        raise ImportError('You need to install AstroPy')

    t = str2dt(t)

    obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg * u.deg, lon=lon_deg * u.deg)
    direc = AltAz(location=obs,
                  az=az_deg * u.deg,
                  alt=el_deg * u.deg)
    sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

    return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg
Exemple #18
    def getradec(self):
        """Get ra/dec"""

        print('calculating ra/dec...')

        time = Time(self.mjd, format='mjd')
        point = AltAz(alt=90 * u.deg,
                      az=0 * u.deg,
        sky = point.transform_to(SkyCoord(0 * u.deg, 0 * u.deg, frame='icrs'))
        self.ra = sky.ra.value
        self.dec = sky.dec.value
Exemple #19
    def to_skycoord(cls, theta=None, phi=None, time=None, coordsys=ICRS):
        Transforms an input direction given in a local site from alt-az system (theta, phi) to
        `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` sky coordinates.

        GRAND convention: receiver convention: phi is oriented West of North, theta from zenith

              | theta
              |- /.
              | / .
              |/  .
              --------------> y=West
             / .  .
            / / . .
           /-     .
          /   phi

        theta : array, scalar, Quantity, Angle
            Local azimuth of the event
        phi : array, scalar, Quantity, Angle
            Local altitude of the event
        time : sequence, ndarray, number, str, bytes, or Time object
            Time to use to compute the AltAz coordinates, instance of `~astropy.time.Time`
        coordsys: class or frame object or SkyCoord object
            Coordinate system to use, can be an instance of `~astropy.coordinates` such as ICRS,
                         FK5, etc...

            Sky coordinates in 'ICRS'
        az = -Angle(phi)
        zenith = '90d'
        alt = Angle(zenith) - Angle(theta)
        time = Time(time)
        c = AltAz(az=az, alt=alt, obstime=time, location=cls.localsite)
        return c.transform_to(coordsys)
def zenith_at_birth(address, time):

    # If the query returns more than one location (e.g., searching on
    # address='springfield'), this function will use the first returned
    # location. 'address' can be a full specified address though.
    location = EarthLocation.of_address(address)

    birth_time = Time(time)
    age = (Time.now() - birth_time).to(u.year)

    zenith = AltAz(obstime=birth_time, location=location, alt=90*u.deg,

    zenith_icrs = zenith.transform_to(ICRS)

    return zenith_icrs, age
Exemple #21
def coord_trans(ptable, w):
    Take a photometry table and add ra and dec cols
    time = Time(ptable['mjd'].max(), format='mjd')
    az, alt = w.all_pix2world(ptable['xcenter'], ptable['ycenter'], 0)
    coords = AltAz(az=az * u.degree,
                   alt=alt * u.degree,
    sky_coords = coords.transform_to(ICRS)
    ptable['alt_rough'] = coords.alt
    ptable['az_rough'] = coords.az
    ptable['ra_rough'] = sky_coords.ra
    ptable['dec_rough'] = sky_coords.dec
    return ptable
Exemple #22
def test_az_za_astropy():
    Check the calculated azimuth and zenith angle for a selection
    of HEALPix pixels against the corresponding astropy calculation.

    Nside = 128

    altitude = 0.0
    loc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(longitude, latitude, altitude)

    obs = observatory.Observatory(latitude, longitude, nside=Nside)

    t0 = Time(2458684.453187554, format="jd")

    zen = AltAz(alt=Angle("90d"), az=Angle("0d"), obstime=t0, location=loc)

    zen_radec = zen.transform_to(ICRS())
    center = [zen_radec.ra.deg, zen_radec.dec.deg]
    northloc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lat="90.d", lon="0d", height=0.0)
    north_radec = AltAz(alt="90.0d", az="0.0d", obstime=t0,
    yvec = np.array([north_radec.ra.deg, north_radec.dec.deg])
    za, az, inds = obs.calc_azza(center, yvec, return_inds=True)

    ra, dec = hp.pix2ang(Nside, inds, lonlat=True)

    altaz_astropy = ICRS(ra=Angle(ra, unit="deg"),
                         dec=Angle(dec, unit="deg")).transform_to(
                             AltAz(obstime=t0, location=loc))

    za0 = altaz_astropy.zen.rad
    az0 = altaz_astropy.az.rad

    if environ.get("VIS", False):
        hmap = np.zeros(12 * Nside**2) + hp.UNSEEN
        hmap[inds] = np.unwrap(az0 - az)
        import IPython


    print(np.degrees(za0 - za))
    assert np.allclose(za0, za, atol=1e-4)
    assert np.allclose(
        np.unwrap(az0 - az), 0.0, atol=3e-4
    )  # About 1 arcmin precision. Worst is at the southern horizon.
Exemple #23
def azel2radec(az_deg: float,
               el_deg: float,
               lat_deg: float,
               lon_deg: float,
               time: datetime,
               use_astropy: bool = True) -> tuple[float, float]:
    viewing angle (az, el) to sky coordinates (ra, dec)

    az_deg : float
         azimuth [degrees clockwize from North]
    el_deg : float
             elevation [degrees above horizon (neglecting aberration)]
    lat_deg : float
              observer latitude [-90, 90]
    lon_deg : float
              observer longitude [-180, 180] (degrees)
    time : datetime.datetime or str
           time of observation
    use_astropy : bool, optional
                 default use astropy.

    ra_deg : float
         ecliptic right ascension (degress)
    dec_deg : float
         ecliptic declination (degrees)

    if use_astropy and Time is not None:

        obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg * u.deg, lon=lon_deg * u.deg)

        direc = AltAz(location=obs,
                      az=az_deg * u.deg,
                      alt=el_deg * u.deg)

        sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

        return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg

    return vazel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, time)
Exemple #24
def get_radec_from_altaz(alt,
    Get the ra, dec fron the altitude/azimuth and the telescope location
    using the  astropy AltAz function


    alt : float
        The Altitude (angle) for the object
    az : float
        The Azimuth (angle) for the object
    obstime: float
        The time of the observation
    lat: float
        Optional, the geographic latitude in degrees
    lon: float
        Optional, the geographic longitude in degrees
    height: float
        Optional, the height in meters


    ra: float
       The Right Ascension
    dec: float


    # Get an astropy location object, using the appropiate astropy units
    location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon * u.deg, lat * u.deg,
                                           height * u.m)
    # Get an astropy coordinate of frame in the Altitude-Azimuth system
    elaz = AltAz(alt=alt * u.deg,
                 az=az * u.deg,
    coords = elaz.transform_to(ICRS)
    return coords.ra.deg, coords.dec.deg
Exemple #25
    def azel_value(self, az=None, el=None, n=100):
        """ Get the :attr:`~nenupy.astro.hpxsky.HpxSky.skymap`
            values at ``az``, ``el`` coordinates.

            :param az:
                Azimuth in horizontal coordinates (degrees)
                Default: None
            :type az: `float`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            :param el:
                Elevation in horizontal coordinates (degrees)
                Default: None
            :type el: `float`, :class:`~numpy.ndarray`, or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity`
            :param n:
                Number of points to evaluate if one coordinate is `None`
                Default: 100
            :type n: `int`

            :returns: Sky map values at ``az``, ``el``
            :rtype: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        if (az is not None) and (el is not None):
        elif (az is not None) and (el is None):
            if isinstance(az, u.Quantity):
                az = az.to(u.deg).value
            az = np.ones(n) * az
            el = np.linspace(0, 90, n)
        elif (az is None) and (el is not None):
            if isinstance(el, u.Quantity):
                el = el.to(u.deg).value
            az = np.linspace(0, 360, n)
            el = np.ones(n) * el
            raise Exception('Give at least one coordinate')
        # Transform to RADEC
        altaz = AltAz(az=az * u.deg,
                      alt=el * u.deg,
        radec = altaz.transform_to(ICRS)
        # Get the indices
        indices = ang2pix(theta=radec.ra.deg,
        return self.skymap[indices]
Exemple #26
def azel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, t):

    if PY2 or Time is None:  # non-AstroPy method, less accurate
        return vazel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, t)

    t = str2dt(t)

    obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg * u.deg, lon=lon_deg * u.deg)

    direc = AltAz(location=obs,
                  az=az_deg * u.deg,
                  alt=el_deg * u.deg)

    sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

    return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg
Exemple #27
def azel2radec(az_deg: float,
               el_deg: float,
               lat_deg: float,
               lon_deg: float,
               time: datetime,
               usevallado: bool = False) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    viewing angle (az, el) to sky coordinates (ra, dec)

    az_deg : float or numpy.ndarray of float
         azimuth [degrees clockwize from North]
    el_deg : float or numpy.ndarray of float
             elevation [degrees above horizon (neglecting aberration)]
    lat_deg : float
              observer latitude [-90, 90]
    lon_deg : float
              observer longitude [-180, 180] (degrees)
    time : datetime.datetime
           time of observation
    usevallado : bool, optional
                 default use astropy. If true, use Vallado algorithm

    ra_deg : float or numpy.ndarray of float
         ecliptic right ascension (degress)
    dec_deg : float or numpy.ndarray of float
         ecliptic declination (degrees)

    if usevallado or Time is None:  # non-AstroPy method, less accurate
        return vazel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, time)

    obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg * u.deg, lon=lon_deg * u.deg)

    direc = AltAz(location=obs,
                  az=az_deg * u.deg,
                  alt=el_deg * u.deg)

    sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

    return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg
Exemple #28
def azel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, t):
    """convert astronomical target horizontal azimuth, elevation to ecliptic right ascension, declination (degrees)"""

    if PY2 or Time is None:  # non-AstroPy method, less accurate
        return vazel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, t)

    t = str2dt(t)

    obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg * u.deg, lon=lon_deg * u.deg)

    direc = AltAz(location=obs,
                  az=az_deg * u.deg,
                  alt=el_deg * u.deg)

    sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

    return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg
Exemple #29
    def set_pointings(self, time_arr):
        Set the pointing centers (in ra/dec) based on array location and times.
            Dec = self.lat
        RA  = What RA is at zenith at a given JD?

        telescope_location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(self.lon, self.lat)
        self.times_jd = time_arr
        centers = []
        for t in Time(time_arr, scale='utc', format='jd'):
            zen = AltAz(alt=Angle('89d'),
            zen_radec = zen.transform_to(ICRS)
            centers.append([zen_radec.ra.deg, zen_radec.dec.deg])
        self.pointing_centers = centers
def altaz_to_radec(alt=35, az=90, location=None, obstime=None, **kwargs):
    """Convert alt/az degrees to RA/Dec SkyCoord.

    >>> from panoptes.utils import altaz_to_radec
    >>> from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
    >>> keck = EarthLocation.of_site('Keck Observatory')

    >>> altaz_to_radec(alt=75, az=180, location=keck, obstime='2020-02-02T20:20:02.02')
    <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
        (281.78..., 4.807...)>

    >>> # Will use current time if none given
    >>> altaz_to_radec(location=keck)
    <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
        (..., ...)>

    >>> altaz_to_radec(location=keck, obstime='2020-02-02T20:20:02.02')
    <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg
        (338.4096..., 11.1175...)>

    >>> # Must pass a `location` instance.
    >>> altaz_to_radec()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
        assert location is not None

        alt (int, optional): Altitude, defaults to 35
        az (int, optional): Azimute, defaults to 90 (east)
        location (None|astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation, required): A valid location.
        obstime (None, optional): Time for object, defaults to `current_time`

        astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord: Coordinates corresponding to the AltAz.
    assert location is not None
    if obstime is None:
        obstime = current_time()

    altaz = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location, alt=alt * u.deg, az=az * u.deg)
    return SkyCoord(altaz.transform_to(ICRS))
Exemple #31
def llh_to_radec(lon, lat, height, obstime, location):
    """Convert latitude, longitude, height to apparent Ra/Dec at a given site"""

    with warnings.catch_warnings():

        altaz_near = AltAz(
            az=0 * u.deg,
            alt=90 * u.deg,
            location=EarthLocation(lon=lon, lat=lat, height=0),
        ).transform_to(AltAz(location=location, obstime=obstime))

        altaz_far = AltAz(location=location,

        return altaz_far.transform_to(FK5)
Exemple #32
def get_coords_from_altaz_offset(obstimes, el, az, xoffs, yoffs, location,
    # Calculate observing angle
    if not inplace:
        el = copy.deepcopy(el)
        az = copy.deepcopy(az)

    el += yoffs.to(u.rad).value
    az += xoffs.to(u.rad).value / np.cos(el)

    coords = AltAz(az=Angle(az), alt=Angle(el), location=location,

    # According to line_profiler, coords.icrs is *by far* the longest
    # operation in this function, taking between 80 and 90% of the
    # execution time. Need to study a way to avoid this.
    coords_deg = coords.transform_to(ICRS)
    ra = np.radians(coords_deg.ra)
    dec = np.radians(coords_deg.dec)
    return ra, dec
Exemple #33
def azel2radec(az_deg: float, el_deg: float,
               lat_deg: float, lon_deg: float,
               time: datetime, usevallado: bool = False) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    viewing angle (az, el) to sky coordinates (ra, dec)

    az_deg : float or numpy.ndarray of float
         azimuth [degrees clockwize from North]
    el_deg : float or numpy.ndarray of float
             elevation [degrees above horizon (neglecting aberration)]
    lat_deg : float
              observer latitude [-90, 90]
    lon_deg : float
              observer longitude [-180, 180] (degrees)
    time : datetime.datetime or str
           time of observation
    usevallado : bool, optional
                 default use astropy. If true, use Vallado algorithm

    ra_deg : float or numpy.ndarray of float
         ecliptic right ascension (degress)
    dec_deg : float or numpy.ndarray of float
         ecliptic declination (degrees)

    if usevallado or Time is None:  # non-AstroPy method, less accurate
        return vazel2radec(az_deg, el_deg, lat_deg, lon_deg, time)

    obs = EarthLocation(lat=lat_deg * u.deg, lon=lon_deg * u.deg)

    direc = AltAz(location=obs, obstime=Time(str2dt(time)),
                  az=az_deg * u.deg, alt=el_deg * u.deg)

    sky = SkyCoord(direc.transform_to(ICRS()))

    return sky.ra.deg, sky.dec.deg
Exemple #34
def map_sky(skymap, obstime, az_grid, za_grid):
      Converted from Randall Wayth's IDL code.

      Map skymap onto grid of arbitrary size
    out = az_grid * 0.0  # new array for gridded sky

    grid = AltAz(az=Angle(az_grid, unit=astropy.units.deg),
                 alt=Angle(90 - za_grid, unit=astropy.units.deg),
    grid_equatorial = grid.transform_to(ICRS)
    ra = grid_equatorial.ra.hour
    dec_grid = grid_equatorial.dec.deg

    size_dec = skymap.shape[0]
    size_ra = skymap.shape[1]
    p = za_grid < 90.0 + EPS  # array indices for visible sky

    # the following assumes RA=0 in centre
    # of the sky image and increases to the left.
    ra_index = (((36 - ra) % 24) / 24) * size_ra
    dec_index = (dec_grid / 180.0 + 0.5) * size_dec

    print ra_index.min(), ra_index.max()
    print dec_index.min(), dec_index.max()

    # select pixels of sky map, using ra and dec index values
    # rounded down to nearest index integer
    # print p
    # print numpy.rint(ra_index[p]),numpy.rint(dec_index[p])
    print numpy.rint(ra_index[p]).astype(int)
    print numpy.rint(dec_index[p]).astype(int)
    print skymap.shape
    out[p] = skymap[dec_index[p].astype(int), ra_index[p].astype(int)]
    return out
Exemple #35
def altaz_to_radec(alt=35, az=90, location=None, obstime=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Convert alt/az degrees to RA/Dec SkyCoord

        alt (int, optional): Altitude, defaults to 35
        az (int, optional): Azimute, defaults to 90 (east)
        location (None, required): A ~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation
            location must be passed.
        obstime (None, optional): Time for object, defaults to `current_time`

        `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord: FK5 SkyCoord
    assert location is not None
    if obstime is None:
        obstime = current_time()

    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)

    if verbose:
        print("Getting coordinates for Alt {} Az {}, from {} at {}".format(alt, az, location, obstime))

    altaz = AltAz(obstime=obstime, location=location, alt=alt * u.deg, az=az * u.deg)
    return SkyCoord(altaz.transform_to(ICRS))
def altaz2radec(altaz, location, obstime=None, epoch_RA=2000.0, time_type=None):

    Convert Alt-Az to RA-Dec with accurate ephemeris


    altaz   [numpy array] Altitude and Azimuth as a Nx2 numpy array. All units 
            in degrees

            [instance of class astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation] Location of
            the observer provided as an instance of class 

    obstime [scalar, string, or instance of class astropy.time.Time] The time 
            or epoch which applies to input altaz. It can be a scalar (in JD 
            or JYear), string (JYear string prefixed with 'J' or ISO or ISOT), 
            or an instance of class astropy.time.Time. The appropriate format 
            must be specified in input time_type. If set to None (default), it 
            will be set equal to epoch_RA. 

            [scalar, string, or instance of class astropy.time.Time] The time 
            or epoch which applies to output radec. It can be a scalar (in JD 
            or JYear), string (JYear string prefixed with 'J' or ISO or ISOT), 
            or an instance of class astropy.time.Time. The appropriate format 
            must be specified in input time_type. It must be in the same format 
            as the one obstime is specified in. If set to 2000.0 (default), it 
            is assumed to be in 'jyear' format. If set to None, it will be set 
            equal to default of 2000.0 in 'jyear' format. 

            [string] Specifies the format in which obstime and epoch_RA are
            provided. Accepted values are 'jd' (Julian Day), 'jyear' (Julian 
            year), 'iso' or 'isot'. If set to None (default) and if obstime 
            and/or epoch_RA is a scalar, the corresponding scalar entries are
            assumed to be in Julian Year. 


    The output radec as a numpy array of shape (N,2) in units of degrees is 
    returned at the epoch specified in epoch_RA.

    if isinstance(altaz, NP.ndarray):
        if altaz.size == 2:
            altaz = altaz.reshape(1,-1)
        if altaz.ndim != 2:
            raise ValueError('Input altaz must be a numpy array of shape (N,2)')
        if altaz.shape[1] != 2:
            raise ValueError('Input altaz must be a numpy array of shape (N,2)')
    elif not isinstance(altaz, AltAz):
        raise TypeError('Input altaz must be a numpy array or an instance of class astropy.coordinates.AltAz')

    if not isinstance(location, EarthLocation):
        raise TypeError('Input location must be an instance of class astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation')

    if epoch_RA is not None:
        if isinstance(epoch_RA, (int,float)):
            if (time_type is None) or (time_type.lower() == 'jyear'):
                equinox_RA = Time(epoch_RA, scale='utc', format='jyear')
            elif time_type.lower() == 'jd':
                equinox_RA = Time(epoch_RA, scale='utc', format='jd')
        elif isinstance(epoch_RA, str):
            if time_type.lower() == 'jyear':
                equinox_RA = Time('J{0:.9f}'.format(epoch_RA), scale='utc', format='jyear_str')
            elif (time_type.lower() == 'iso') or (time_type.lower() == 'isot'):
                equinox_RA = Time(epoch_RA, scale='utc', format=time_type.lower())
        elif isinstance(epoch_RA, Time):
            equinox_RA = copy.copy(epoch_RA)
            raise TypeError('Input epoch_RA is invalid or currently not accepted')
        equinox_RA = Time(2000.0, format='jyear', scale='utc')
        warnings.warn('No epoch_RA provided. Setting epoch to {0}'.format(equinox_RA.jyear_str))
    if obstime is not None:
        if isinstance(obstime, (int,float)):
            if (time_type is None) or (time_type.lower() == 'jyear'):
                equinox_altaz = Time(obstime, scale='utc', format='jyear')
            elif time_type.lower() == 'jd':
                equinox_altaz = Time(obstime, scale='utc', format='jd')
        elif isinstance(obstime, str):
            if time_type.lower() == 'jyear':
                equinox_altaz = Time('J{0:.9f}'.format(obstime), scale='utc', format='jyear_str')
            if (time_type.lower() == 'iso') or (time_type.lower() == 'isot'):
                equinox_altaz = Time(obstime, scale='utc', format=time_type.lower())
        elif isinstance(obstime, Time):
            equinox_altaz = copy.copy(obstime)
            raise TypeError('Input obstime is invalid or currently not accepted')
        if isinstance(altaz, AltAz):
            equinox_altaz = copy.deepcopy(altaz.obstime)
            equinox_altaz = copy.copy(equinox_RA)
        warnings.warn('No obstime provided. Setting obstime to {0}'.format(equinox_altaz.jyear_str))
    if isinstance(altaz, AltAz):
        elaz = copy.deepcopy(altaz)
        elaz = AltAz(alt=altaz[:,0]*U.deg, az=altaz[:,1]*U.deg, obstime=equinox_altaz, location=location)
    coords_radec = elaz.transform_to(FK5(equinox=equinox_RA))
    radec = NP.hstack((coords_radec.ra.deg.reshape(-1,1), coords_radec.dec.deg.reshape(-1,1)))
    return radec
Exemple #37
def make_test_observation_table(observatory_name='HESS', n_obs=10,
                                datestart=None, dateend=None,
    """Make a test observation table.

    For the moment, only random observation tables are created.
    If `datestart` and `dateend` are specified, the starting time
    of the observations will be restricted to the specified interval.
    These parameters are interpreted as date, the precise hour of the
    day is ignored, unless the end date is closer than 1 day to the
    starting date, in which case, the precise time of the day is also

    observatory_name : str
        Name of the observatory; a list of choices is given in
    n_obs : int
        Number of observations for the obs table.
    datestart : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional
        Starting date for random generation of observation start time.
    dateend : `~astropy.time.Time`, optional
        Ending date for random generation of observation start time.
    use_abs_time : bool, optional
        Use absolute UTC times instead of [MET]_ seconds after the reference.
    random_state : {int, 'random-seed', 'global-rng', `~numpy.random.RandomState`}, optional
        Defines random number generator initialisation.
        Passed to `~gammapy.utils.random.get_random_state`.

    obs_table : `~gammapy.obs.ObservationTable`
        Observation table.
    random_state = get_random_state(random_state)

    n_obs_start = 1

    obs_table = ObservationTable()

    # build a time reference as the start of 2010
    dateref = Time('2010-01-01T00:00:00', format='isot', scale='utc')
    dateref_mjd_fra, dateref_mjd_int = np.modf(dateref.mjd)

    # define table header
    obs_table.meta['OBSERVATORY_NAME'] = observatory_name
    obs_table.meta['MJDREFI'] = dateref_mjd_int
    obs_table.meta['MJDREFF'] = dateref_mjd_fra
    if use_abs_time:
        # show the observation times in UTC
        obs_table.meta['TIME_FORMAT'] = 'absolute'
        # show the observation times in seconds after the reference
        obs_table.meta['TIME_FORMAT'] = 'relative'
    header = obs_table.meta

    # obs id
    obs_id = np.arange(n_obs_start, n_obs_start + n_obs)
    obs_table['OBS_ID'] = obs_id

    # obs time: 30 min
    time_observation = Quantity(30. * np.ones_like(obs_id), 'minute').to('second')
    obs_table['TIME_OBSERVATION'] = time_observation

    # livetime: 25 min
    time_live = Quantity(25. * np.ones_like(obs_id), 'minute').to('second')
    obs_table['TIME_LIVE'] = time_live

    # start time
    #  - random points between the start of 2010 and the end of 2014 (unless
    # otherwise specified)
    #  - using the start of 2010 as a reference time for the header of the table
    #  - observations restrict to night time (only if specified time interval is
    # more than 1 day)
    #  - considering start of astronomical day at midday: implicit in setting
    # the start of the night, when generating random night hours
    if datestart == None:
        datestart = Time('2010-01-01T00:00:00', format='isot', scale='utc')
    if dateend == None:
        dateend = Time('2015-01-01T00:00:00', format='isot', scale='utc')
    time_start = random_state.uniform(datestart.mjd, dateend.mjd, len(obs_id))
    time_start = Time(time_start, format='mjd', scale='utc')

    # check if time interval selected is more than 1 day
    if (dateend - datestart).jd > 1.:
        # keep only the integer part (i.e. the day, not the fraction of the day)
        time_start_f, time_start_i = np.modf(time_start.mjd)
        time_start = Time(time_start_i, format='mjd', scale='utc')

        # random generation of night hours: 6 h (from 22 h to 4 h), leaving 1/2 h
        # time for the last run to finish
        night_start = Quantity(22., 'hour')
        night_duration = Quantity(5.5, 'hour')
        hour_start = random_state.uniform(night_start.value,
                                 night_start.value + night_duration.value,
        hour_start = Quantity(hour_start, 'hour')

        # add night hour to integer part of MJD
        time_start += hour_start

    if use_abs_time:
        # show the observation times in UTC
        time_start = Time(time_start.isot)
        # show the observation times in seconds after the reference
        time_start = time_relative_to_ref(time_start, header)
        # converting to quantity (better treatment of units)
        time_start = Quantity(time_start.sec, 'second')

    obs_table['TIME_START'] = time_start

    # stop time
    # calculated as TIME_START + TIME_OBSERVATION
    if use_abs_time:
        time_stop = Time(obs_table['TIME_START'])
        time_stop += TimeDelta(obs_table['TIME_OBSERVATION'])
        time_stop = TimeDelta(obs_table['TIME_START'])
        time_stop += TimeDelta(obs_table['TIME_OBSERVATION'])
        # converting to quantity (better treatment of units)
        time_stop = Quantity(time_stop.sec, 'second')

    obs_table['TIME_STOP'] = time_stop

    # az, alt
    # random points in a sphere above 45 deg altitude
    az, alt = sample_sphere(size=len(obs_id),
                            lon_range=Angle([0, 360], 'degree'),
                            lat_range=Angle([45, 90], 'degree'),
    az = Angle(az, 'degree')
    alt = Angle(alt, 'degree')
    obs_table['AZ'] = az
    obs_table['ALT'] = alt

    # RA, dec
    # derive from az, alt taking into account that alt, az represent the values
    # at the middle of the observation, i.e. at time_ref + (TIME_START + TIME_STOP)/2
    # (or better: time_ref + TIME_START + (TIME_OBSERVATION/2))
    # in use_abs_time mode, the time_ref should not be added, since it's already included
    az = Angle(obs_table['AZ'])
    alt = Angle(obs_table['ALT'])
    if use_abs_time:
        obstime = Time(obs_table['TIME_START'])
        obstime += TimeDelta(obs_table['TIME_OBSERVATION']) / 2.
        obstime = time_ref_from_dict(obs_table.meta)
        obstime += TimeDelta(obs_table['TIME_START'])
        obstime += TimeDelta(obs_table['TIME_OBSERVATION']) / 2.
    location = observatory_locations[observatory_name]
    alt_az_coord = AltAz(az=az, alt=alt, obstime=obstime, location=location)
    sky_coord = alt_az_coord.transform_to(FK5)
    obs_table['RA'] = sky_coord.ra
    obs_table['DEC'] = sky_coord.dec

    # positions

    # number of telescopes
    # random integers between 3 and 4
    n_tels_min = 3
    n_tels_max = 4
    n_tels = random_state.randint(n_tels_min, n_tels_max + 1, len(obs_id))
    obs_table['N_TELS'] = n_tels

    # muon efficiency
    # random between 0.6 and 1.0
    muon_efficiency = random_state.uniform(low=0.6, high=1.0, size=len(obs_id))
    obs_table['MUON_EFFICIENCY'] = muon_efficiency

    return obs_table
        Greenland = EarthLocation( lat=Angle(72.5796, 'deg'),
                                  lon=Angle(-38.4592, 'deg'),
                                  height=3200 * u.m),
        Tibet     = EarthLocation( lat=Angle(32.3166667, 'deg'),
                                  lon=Angle(80.0166666667, 'deg'),
                                  height=5100 * u.m),

location = locations[LOCATION]

start_time = Time(datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 1), scale='ut1')
sampling_interval = TimeDelta(SAMPLING, format="sec")
time = start_time + sampling_interval * np.arange(0., HOURS*3600/SAMPLING)

# zenith
altaz = AltAz(az=Angle(0., unit=u.degree), alt=ELEVATION, obstime=time, location=location)
radec = altaz.transform_to(ICRS)
ra_zenith = radec.ra.radian
dec_zenith = radec.dec.radian

# local north
altaz = AltAz(az=Angle(0., unit=u.degree), alt=Angle(0., unit=u.degree), obstime=time, location=location)
radec = altaz.transform_to(ICRS)
ra_north = radec.ra.radian
dec_north = radec.dec.radian

import pandas as pd

pd.DataFrame({"ra_zenith_rad":ra_zenith, "dec_zenith_rad":dec_zenith, 
    "ra_north_rad":ra_north, "dec_north_rad":dec_north}, index=time.datetime).to_hdf("zenith_pointing_" + LOCATION.lower() + ".h5", "data")