Exemple #1
    def calc_vobs(self, ra_2000, dec_2000):

        x_2000 = []
        x = []
        x_solar = []
        v_earth = []
        v_solar = []
        solar_tmp = []

        #1.85m at nobeyama
        #glongitude = 138.472153
        #nanten2 at atacama (nanten2wiki)
        glongitude = -67.70308139
        #1.85m at nobeyama
        #glatitude = 35.940874
        #nanten2 at atacama (nanten2wiki)
        glatitude = -22.96995611
        #1.85m at nobeyama
        #gheight = 1386
        #nanten2 at atacama
        gheight = 4863.85

        a = math.cos(dec_2000)
        x_2000 = [
            a * math.cos(ra_2000), a * math.sin(ra_2000),

        tu = (self.t.jd - 2451545.) / 36525.
        #correction(precession, nutation)
        sc_fk5 = SkyCoord(ra=ra_2000 * u.radian,
                          dec=dec_2000 * u.radian,
        trans = sc_fk5.transform_to(
            FK5(equinox="J{}".format(2000. + tu * 100.)))
        ranow = trans.ra.radian
        delnow = trans.dec.radian

        x = self.nutation(ranow, delnow)

        #Earth velocity to object
        earthloc = EarthLocation(lon=glongitude * u.deg,
                                 lat=glatitude * u.deg,
                                 height=gheight * u.m)
        earthloc_gcrs = earthloc.get_gcrs(self.t)
        sc_earth = SkyCoord(earthloc_gcrs).fk5

        v_earth = sc_earth.velocity.d_xyz.value

        vobs = -(v_earth[0] * x_2000[0] + v_earth[1] * x_2000[1] +
                 v_earth[2] * x_2000[2])

        sc_fk4_sol = SkyCoord(ra=18 * 15 * u.deg, dec=30 * u.deg, frame="fk4")
        trans_sol = sc_fk4_sol.transform_to(
            FK5(equinox="J{}".format(2000. + tu * 100.)))
        rasol = trans_sol.ra.radian
        delsol = trans_sol.dec.radian

        solar_tmp = self.nutation(rasol, delsol)
        v_solar = [solar_tmp[0] * 20, solar_tmp[1] * 20, solar_tmp[2] * 20]

        vobs = -(vobs -
                 (v_solar[0] * x[0] + v_solar[1] * x[1] + v_solar[2] * x[2]))

        return vobs
# these to create our new header.
obstime = Time(header['date-obs'])
frequency = header['crval3']*u.Hz

# To create a new `~sunpy.map.Map` header we need convert the reference coordinate
# in RA-DEC (that is in the header) to Helioprojective. To do this we will first create
# an `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` of the reference coordinate from the header information.
# We will need the location of the observer (i.e. where the observation was taken).
# We first establish the location on Earth from which the observation takes place, in this
# case LOFAR observations are taken from Exloo in the Netherlands, which we define in lat and lon.
# We can convert this to a SkyCoord in GCRSat the observation time.

lofar_loc = EarthLocation(lat=52.905329712*u.deg, lon=6.867996528*u.deg)
lofar_gcrs = SkyCoord(lofar_loc.get_gcrs(obstime))

# We can then define the reference coordinate in terms of RA-DEC from the header information.
# Here we are using the ``obsgeoloc`` keyword argument to take into account that the observer is not
# at the center of the Earth (i.e. the GCRS origin). The distance here is the Sun-observer distance.
reference_coord = SkyCoord(header['crval1']*u.Unit(header['cunit1']),

# Now we can convert the ``reference_coord`` to the HPC coordinate frame
Exemple #3
# List of fringe recordings: filename, source, start time
# TODO: get the length and start time of each file, or better: use metadata
obs = (('CasA-fringe-256bins-IQ-float', CasA, Time('2020-10-04 23:55:13') -
        3431 * u.s), ('VirA-fringe-256bins-IQ-float', VirA,
                      Time('2020-10-04 22:54:27') - 1776 * u.s),
       ('CasA-fringe-256bins-IQ-float-2020-10-10-07_10', CasA,
        Time('2020-10-10 07:35:47') - 1411 * u.s),
       ('CasA-fringe-256bins-IQ-float2020-10-10 08:58:58.096593', CasA,
        Time('2020-10-10 11:25:49') - 8794 * u.s),
       ('CasA-fringe-256bins-IQ-float2020-10-10 12:01:50.510766', CasA,
        Time('2020-10-10 12:01:50') + 18 * u.s),
       ('CasA-fringe-256bins-IQ-float2020-10-10 12:35:57.197301', CasA,
        Time('2020-10-10 15:01:18') - 8702 * u.s))

# Process each scan, printing out the difference between the baseline delay,
# and the averaged unwrapped phase (in metres), after subtracting the average offset.
# Ideally, this should be flat for every observation.
for (fn, source, start) in obs:
    xc = int_xc(read_xc_data(fn))
    phase = np.unwrap(phase_xc(xc))
    delay_measured = labda * phase / 2 / np.pi
    # Calculate the projected baseline for every measured phase second
    # Add half a second to calculate the midpoint of each integration
    obstime = start + range(len(delay_measured)) * u.s + 0.5 * u.s
    baseline_projected = baseline.get_gcrs(obstime).cartesian.xyz.T.dot(
    offset = np.average(delay_measured - baseline_projected)
    print(*(delay_measured - baseline_projected - offset).value, sep='\n')
    print()  # Two newlines to indicate a new index to gnuplot