Exemple #1
 def setCosmology(self, cosmodef):
     if type(cosmodef) is dict:
         self.cosmo = cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(**cosmodef)
     elif isinstance(cosmodef, basestring):
         self.cosmo = cosmology.FlatLambdaCDM(**eval(cosmodef))
     elif isinstance(cosmodef, cosmology.FLRW):
         self.cosmo = cosmodef
     elif cosmodef is None:
         self.cosmo = cosmology.get_current()
         raise ValueError
Exemple #2
def deltavir(redshift, cosmo=None):
    """ The virial overdensity as a function redshift.
    This is an approximation parameterized by Bryan & Norman 98, ApJ,
    495, 80.  Good to 1% for omega(z) = 0.1-1, requires either omega =
    1 (flat universe) or omega_lambda = 0.
    This is given by dissipationless spherical top-hat models of
    gravitational collapse (Peebles 1990 'The Large Scale structure of
    the Universe', Eke et al. 1996 MNRAS, 282, 263).
    if cosmo is None:
        cosmo = cosmology.get_current()

    if cosmo.Ok0 != 0:
        if cosmo.Ode0 == 0:
            x = cosmo.Om(redshift) - 1
            return 18 * np.pi**2 + 60 * x - 32 * x**2
            raise ValueError("Can't compute deltavir for a non-flat cosmology "
                             "with a cosmological constant")
        x = cosmo.Om(redshift) - 1
        return 18 * np.pi**2 + 82 * x - 39 * x**2
Exemple #3
def deltavir(redshift, cosmo=None):
    """ The virial overdensity as a function redshift. 

    This is an approximation parameterized by Bryan & Norman 98, ApJ,
    495, 80.  Good to 1% for omega(z) = 0.1-1, requires either omega =
    1 (flat universe) or omega_lambda = 0.

    This is given by dissipationless spherical top-hat models of
    gravitational collapse (Peebles 1990 'The Large Scale structure of
    the Universe', Eke et al. 1996 MNRAS, 282, 263).
    if cosmo is None:
        cosmo = cosmology.get_current()

    if cosmo.Ok0 != 0:
        if cosmo.Ode0 == 0:
            x = cosmo.Om(redshift) - 1
            return 18*pi**2 + 60*x - 32*x**2
            raise ValueError("Can't compute deltavir for a non-flat cosmology "
                             "with a cosmological constant")
        x = cosmo.Om(redshift) - 1
        return 18*pi**2 + 82*x - 39*x**2
Exemple #4
    def redshifted_to(self, z, adjust_flux=False, dist=None, cosmo=None):
        """Return a new Spectrum object at a new redshift.

        The current redshift must be defined (self.z cannot be `None`).
        A factor of (1 + z) / (1 + self.z) is applied to the wavelength.
        The inverse factor is applied to the flux so that the bolometric
        flux (e.g., erg/s/cm^2) remains constant.

        .. note:: Currently this only works for units in ergs.

        z : float
            Target redshift.
        adjust_flux : bool, optional
            If True, the bolometric flux is adjusted by
            ``F_out = F_in * (D_in / D_out) ** 2``, where ``D_in`` and
            ``D_out`` are current and target luminosity distances,
            respectively. ``D_in`` is self.dist. If self.dist is ``None``,
            the distance is calculated from the current redshift and
            given cosmology.
        dist : float, optional
            Output distance in Mpc. Used to adjust bolometric flux if
            ``adjust_flux`` is ``True``. Default is ``None`` which means
            that the distance is calculated from the redshift and the
        cosmo : `~astropy.cosmology.Cosmology` instance, optional
            The cosmology used to estimate distances if dist is not given.
            Default is ``None``, which results in using the default

        spec : Spectrum object
            A new spectrum object at redshift z.

        if self._z is None:
            raise ValueError('Must set current redshift in order to redshift'
                             ' spectrum')

        if self._wunit.physical_type == u.m.physical_type:
            factor = (1. + z) / (1. + self._z)
        elif self._wunit.physical_type == u.Hz.physical_type:
            factor = (1. + self._z) / (1. + z)
            raise ValueError('wavelength must be in wavelength or frequency')

        d = self._wave * factor
        f = self._flux / factor
        if self._error is not None:
            e = self._error / factor
            e = None

        if adjust_flux:
            if self._dist is None and self._z == 0.:
                raise ValueError("When current redshift is 0 and adjust_flux "
                                 "is requested, current distance must be "
            if dist is None and z == 0.:
                raise ValueError("When redshift is 0 and adjust_flux "
                                 "is requested, dist must be defined")
            if cosmo is None:
                cosmo = cosmology.get_current()

            if self._dist is None:
                dist_in = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self._z)
                dist_in = self._dist

            if dist is None:
                dist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z)

            if dist_in <= 0. or dist <= 0.:
                raise ValueError("Distances must be greater than 0.")

            # Adjust the flux
            factor = (dist_in / dist) ** 2
            f *= factor
            if e is not None:
                e *= factor

        return Spectrum(d, f, error=e, z=z, dist=dist, meta=self.meta,
                        unit=self._unit, wave_unit=self._wunit)
Exemple #5
def find_rvT(M, z, cosmo=None, mu=0.59):
    """ Find the virial radius, circular velocity and temperature for
    a dark matter halo at a given mass and redshift.

    mass : array_like, shape N
      Total halo mass (including dark matter) in solar masses.
    z : array_like, shape M
    cosmo : cosmology (optional)
      The cosmology to use.
    mu : float (optional)
      The mean molecular weight. The virial temperature is
      proportional to mu.

    vir : named tuple of ndarrays with shape (N, M)
      The virial radius (proper kpc), circular velocity (km/s) and
      temperature (K). If N or M is 1, that dimension is suppressed.

    The value of mu depends on the ionization fraction of the gas; mu
    = 0.59 for a fully ionized primordial gas (the default), mu = 0.61
    for a gas with ionized hydrogen but only singly ionized helium,
    and mu = 1.22 for neutral primordial gas.

    >>> vir = find_rvT(1e12, 0)
    >>> print vir.r, vir.v, vir.T
    261.195728743 128.338776885 588643.476006
    >>> r,v,T = find_rvT(1e12, [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2])
    >>> r
    array([ 198.57846074,  156.44358398,  127.91018732,  107.74327378])
    >>> v
    array([ 147.1888328 ,  165.82959995,  183.39536858,  199.82317152])
    >>> T
    array([  774259.0063081 ,   982789.81965216,  1202024.36495813,
           1427014.0148491 ])

    if isiterable(M):
        M = np.asarray(M)

    if cosmo is None:
        cosmo = cosmology.get_current()

    # convert to cgs
    M_g = M * Msun
    crit_dens = cosmo.critical_density(z)
    if astropy.__version__ >= '0.3':
        crit_dens = crit_dens.value#to('g/cm^3').value

    rho_virial = deltavir(z, cosmo=cosmo) * crit_dens

    # deal with cases where we have two input arrays
    if isiterable(M) and isiterable(rho_virial):
        M_g = np.atleast_2d(M_g).T
        rho_virial = np.atleast_2d(rho_virial)

    rvir, vcirc, Tvir = _calc_rvT(M_g, rho_virial, mu=mu)

    return find_rvT_output(r=rvir/kpc, v=vcirc/km, T=Tvir)
Exemple #6
def find_rvT(M, z, cosmo=None, mu=0.59):
    """ Find the virial radius, circular velocity and temperature for
    a dark matter halo at a given mass and redshift.

    mass : array_like, shape N
      Total halo mass (including dark matter) in solar masses.
    z : array_like, shape M
    cosmo : cosmology (optional)
      The cosmology to use.
    mu : float (optional)
      The mean molecular weight. The virial temperature is
      proportional to mu.

    vir : named tuple of ndarrays with shape (N, M)
      The virial radius (proper kpc), circular velocity (km/s) and
      temperature (K). If N or M is 1, that dimension is suppressed.

    The value of mu depends on the ionization fraction of the gas; mu
    = 0.59 for a fully ionized primordial gas (the default), mu = 0.61
    for a gas with ionized hydrogen but only singly ionized helium,
    and mu = 1.22 for neutral primordial gas.

    >>> vir = find_rvT(1e12, 0)
    >>> print vir.r, vir.v, vir.T
    261.195728743 128.338776885 588643.476006
    >>> r,v,T = find_rvT(1e12, [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2])
    >>> r
    array([ 198.57846074,  156.44358398,  127.91018732,  107.74327378])
    >>> v
    array([ 147.1888328 ,  165.82959995,  183.39536858,  199.82317152])
    >>> T
    array([  774259.0063081 ,   982789.81965216,  1202024.36495813,
           1427014.0148491 ])

    if isiterable(M):
        M = np.asarray(M)

    if cosmo is None:
        cosmo = cosmology.get_current()

    # convert to cgs
    M_g = M * Msun

    crit_dens = cosmo.critical_density(z)
    if astropy.__version__ >= '0.3':
        crit_dens = crit_dens.value  #to('g/cm^3').value

    rho_virial = deltavir(z, cosmo=cosmo) * crit_dens

    # deal with cases where we have two input arrays
    if isiterable(M) and isiterable(rho_virial):
        M_g = np.atleast_2d(M_g).T
        rho_virial = np.atleast_2d(rho_virial)

    rvir, vcirc, Tvir = _calc_rvT(M_g, rho_virial, mu=mu)

    return find_rvT_output(r=rvir / kpc, v=vcirc / km, T=Tvir)