Exemple #1
def pair_up(targ, qsos, sep, z_targ=None, silent=False):
    Given a list of targets, find all quasars within an angle or physical distance.

    targ: array of SkyCoord
    qsos: array of SkyCoord for quasars
    sep:  Angle or Quantity
       Separation to search for
    z_targ: array (None)
      Array of redshifts of the targets.  Required if sep=Distance
      Calculations are done in physical

    idxt:    Indices of targets that were hits
    idxqso:  Indices of qsos that were hits
    d2d:     Angular or physical separation between qso-targ pairs

    # Set angle
    if not z_targ is None:
        from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
        medz = np.median(z_targ)
        pkpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(medz) / (
            1 + medz)  # physical kpc per arcmin
        ang_sep = 3. * (sep / pkpc_amin).to('arcsec')  # Physical
        if not silent:
            print('z1qa.pair_up: Searching to {:g}'.format(ang_sep))
        ang_sep = sep

    # Search about
    idxt, idxq, d2d, d3d = qsos.search_around_sky(targ, ang_sep)

    # Cut on physical distance?
    if not z_targ is None:
        pkpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(z_targ[idxt]) / (
            1 + z_targ[idxt])  # physical kpc per arcmin
        phys_sep = d2d.to('arcmin') * pkpc_amin
        gdp = np.where(phys_sep < sep)[0]
        # Cut
        if len(gdp) > 0:
            idxt = idxt[gdp]
            idxq = idxq[gdp]
            d2d = phys_sep[gdp]

    if not silent:
        print('z1qa.pair_up: Found {:d} matches!'.format(len(gdp)))

    # Return
    return idxt, idxq, d2d
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,
                 ras='02 26 14.5',
                 decs='+00 15 29.8',
                 g_ras='02 26 12.98',
                 g_decs='+00 15 29.1',

        # Absorption system
        self.abs_sys = CGMAbs()

        self.abs_sys.coord = SkyCoord(ras, decs, 'icrs', unit=(u.hour, u.deg))
        # Name
        self.name = ('J' + self.abs_sys.coord.ra.to_string(
            unit=u.hour, sep='', pad=True) + self.abs_sys.coord.dec.to_string(
                sep='', pad=True, alwayssign=True))
        # Galaxy
        self.galaxy = Galaxy(ra=g_ras, dec=g_decs)
        self.galaxy.z = zgal

        # Calcualte rho
        if cosmo is None:
            from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
            if verbose is True:
                print('cgm.core: Using WMAP9 cosmology')
        ang_sep = self.abs_sys.coord.separation(self.galaxy.coord).to('arcmin')
        kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(
            self.galaxy.z)  # kpc per arcmin
        self.rho = ang_sep * kpc_amin / (1 + self.galaxy.z)  # Physical
def photometry():
    filters=['I','B','V','R'] #filter names
    for f in filters:
        date_search_path=os.path.join(super_lotis_path, '13*')
        for name in glob(search_str):
            with fits.open(name) as analysis:
                z = .086
                r = 1 * u.kpc / cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(z)
                cordinate = SkyCoord('01:48:08.66 +37:33:29.22', unit = (u.hourangle, u.deg))
                aperture = SkyCircularAperture(cordinate, r)
                exp_time= analysis[0].header['EXPTIME'] # error calculation
                data_error = np.sqrt(analysis[0].data*exp_time) / exp_time
        print >> file , All_data
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self,

        # Galaxy
        self.galaxy = Galaxy(gal_ra, gal_dec, z=gal_z)

        # Name
        self.name = (
            'CGM' +
            self.galaxy.coord.ra.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep='', pad=True) +
            self.galaxy.coord.dec.to_string(sep='', pad=True, alwayssign=True))

        # Absorption system
        self.abs_sys = CGMAbs()
        self.abs_sys.coord = xra.to_coord((bg_ra, bg_dec))  # Background source
        self.abs_sys.zem = bg_z

        # Calcualte rho
        if cosmo is None:
            from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
            if verbose is True:
                print('cgm.core: Using WMAP9 cosmology')
        ang_sep = self.abs_sys.coord.separation(self.galaxy.coord).to('arcmin')
        kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(
            self.galaxy.z)  # kpc per arcmin
        self.rho = ang_sep * kpc_amin / (1 + self.galaxy.z)  # Physical
Exemple #5
    def separation_radius(self, z_cm):
        Generate the separation characteristics for a given redshift grid.

        z_cm : array-like
            The log redshift grid of redshift values to be transformed to kpc
            comoving values per arc minute.

        dr_cm : array-like
            Transverse comoving kpc values corresponding to an arcminute at the
            provided redshift values.
        dr_sep : float
            Separation radius for an annulus of area (1 Mpc)**2
        dr_area : float
            Area of a given separation radius.
        # Calculate the separation given an array of redshift values
        # if z_cm is None:
        #     z_cm = utils.log_zgrid([0.1, 3.5], 0.01)

        dr_cm = WMAP9.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(z_cm).to(u.Mpc / u.arcsec)

        # density
        # dz_thresh = 0.01  # separation threshold, dz*(1+z)

        # Separation radius
        dr_sep = np.sqrt(0.5 / np.pi) * u.Mpc
        dr_area = (np.pi * dr_sep.value**2)

        return dr_cm, dr_sep, dr_area
def photometry():
    filters = ['I', 'B', 'V', 'R']  #filter names
    for f in filters:
        All_data = Table(names=('Count', 'Error', 'Time'))
        file = open('photometry_' + str(sn_name) + str(f) + '.txt', 'w')
        super_lotis_path = '/Users/zeynepyaseminkalender/Documents/MyFiles_Pyhton/SuperLOTIS_final'
        date_search_path = os.path.join(super_lotis_path, '13*')
        search_str = os.path.join(date_search_path,
                                  str(sn_name) + str(f) + '.fits')
        for name in glob(search_str):
            date = extract_date_from_fullpath(name)
            final_date = convert_time(date)
            with fits.open(name) as analysis:
                z = .086
                r = 1 * u.kpc / cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(z)
                cordinate = SkyCoord('01:48:08.66 +37:33:29.22',
                                     unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
                aperture = SkyCircularAperture(cordinate, r)
                exp_time = analysis[0].header['EXPTIME']  # error calculation

                data_error = np.sqrt(analysis[0].data * exp_time) / exp_time
                tbl = Table(aperture_photometry(analysis[0],
                            names=('Count', 'Count_Error', 'x_center',
                                   'y_center', 'center_input'))
                tbl.keep_columns(['Count', 'Count_Error'])
                count = tbl[0]['Count']
                error = tbl[0]['Count_Error']
                All_data.add_row((count, error, final_date))

        print >> file, All_data
 def conv_error(self, val, err):
     Use a black box error method to find the uncertanty in
         val (float): A redshift value
         err (float): Error in the redshift
         error (float): Error in the conversion factor
     diff = (cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(val + err)**2
             - cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(val - err)**2)
     error = abs(.5 * diff.value)
Exemple #8
def angular_size(r, z, degrees=False):
    # z: average redshift in bin; can be a np array
    # r: physical size of aperture radius in Mpc; can be a np array
    # degrees: bool, if True results in in degrees; otherwise, they're in arcmin
    # returns: corresponding angular radius of aperture in degrees

    # convert to kpc
    r = r * 1000.
    # Separation in transverse comoving kpc corresponding to an arcminute at redshift z
    foo = WMAP9.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(z)
    # theta in arcmin
    theta = (r / foo).value
    # theta in degrees
    if degrees:
        theta = theta * 0.0166667

    return (theta)
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, ras='02 26 14.5', decs='+00 15 29.8', cosmo=None,
                 g_ras='02 26 12.98', g_decs='+00 15 29.1', zgal=0.227, verbose=False):

        # Absorption system
        self.abs_sys = CGM_Abs()

        self.abs_sys.coord = SkyCoord(ras, decs, 'icrs', unit=(u.hour, u.deg))
        # Name
        self.name = ('J'+
        # Galaxy
        self.galaxy = Galaxy(ra=g_ras, dec=g_decs)
        self.galaxy.z = zgal

        # Calcualte rho
        if cosmo is None:
            from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
            if verbose is True:
                print('cgm.core: Using WMAP9 cosmology')
        ang_sep = self.abs_sys.coord.separation(self.galaxy.coord).to('arcmin')
        kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin( self.galaxy.z ) # kpc per arcmin
        self.rho = ang_sep * kpc_amin / (1+self.galaxy.z) # Physical
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, gal_ra, gal_dec, gal_z, bg_ra, bg_dec, bg_z,
        cosmo=None, verbose=False):

        # Galaxy
        self.galaxy = Galaxy(gal_ra, gal_dec, z=gal_z)

        # Name
        self.name = ('CGM'+

        # Absorption system
        self.abs_sys = CGMAbs()
        self.abs_sys.coord = xra.to_coord( (bg_ra,bg_dec) ) # Background source
        self.abs_sys.zem = bg_z

        # Calcualte rho
        if cosmo is None:
            from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
            if verbose is True:
                print('cgm.core: Using WMAP9 cosmology')
        ang_sep = self.abs_sys.coord.separation(self.galaxy.coord).to('arcmin')
        kpc_amin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin( self.galaxy.z ) # kpc per arcmin
        self.rho = ang_sep * kpc_amin / (1+self.galaxy.z) # Physical
    def create_tables(self, uv_type, directory, radius, print_progress = False):
        Perform photometry on a directory of .fits files and create a list
        of two tables. The first table contains the redshift, exposure time,
        luminosity, and surface brightness for various supernova, along with
        the associated error values. The second table is a log outlining any
        files that do not contain a supernova or are missing checkfiles. If
        print_progress is set equal to true, the path each fits file will be
        printed before performing photometry on along with the number of
        remaining files.
            uv_type        (str)  : Specifies which type of uv to create a table
                                        for. Use either "NUV" or "FUV".
            directory      (str)  : A directory containing .fits files
            radius         (float): Radius of desired photometry aperture in kpc
            print_progress (bool) : Whether or not to print the file path of each
                                        fits file

            results (list): [Data table (Table), Log table (Table)]
        #Make sure we have redshift and coordinates of each supernova
        if self.cord_dict.keys() != self.red_dict.keys():
            raise ValueError('''Keys in coordinate and redshift dictionaries
                                (self.cord_dict, self.red_dict) do not match''')
        label = uv_type + " " + str(radius) + "kpc "

        #Define the tables that will be returned by the function
        log = Table(names = ["File Path", "Issue"], dtype = [object, object])
        out = Table(names = ["sn",
                             "Redshift Error",
                             label + "Exposure Time",
                             "Flux Error",
                             label + "Luminosity",
                             label + "Luminosity Error",
                             label + "Surface Brightness",
                             label + "Surface Brightness Error"],

                    dtype = ("S70", "float64", "float64", "float64", "float64",
                             "float64", "float64", "float64", "float64", "float64"))

        out["Redshift"].unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled
        out["Redshift Error"].unit = u.dimensionless_unscaled
        out[label + "Exposure Time"].unit = u.s
        out["Flux"].unit =  u.erg / u.s / u.Angstrom / u.kpc / u.kpc / u.cm / u.cm / np.pi
        out["Flux Error"].unit = u.erg / u.s / u.Angstrom / u.kpc / u.kpc / u.cm / u.cm / np.pi
        out[label + "Luminosity"].unit = u.erg / u.s / u.Angstrom / u.kpc / u.kpc
        out[label + "Luminosity Error"].unit = u.erg / u.s / u.Angstrom / u.kpc / u.kpc
        out[label + "Surface Brightness"].unit = u.erg / u.s / u.Angstrom / u.arcsec / u.arcsec
        out[label + "Surface Brightness Error"].unit = u.erg / u.s / u.Angstrom / u.arcsec / u.arcsec

        #Set parameters that are specific to NUV or FUV observations
        if "N" in uv_type.upper():
            file_key = "nd-int" #A string distinguing galex file types
            flux_conv = 2.06 * 1e-16 #A conversion factor from counts per second to flux

        elif "F" in uv_type.upper():
            file_key = "fd-int"
            flux_conv = 1.40 * 1e-15

        #Create a list of files to perform photometry on
        file_list = []
        for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(directory):
            for name in files:
                if file_key in name and len(name.split(".")) < 3:
                    file_list.append(os.path.join(path, name))
        count = len(file_list)
        #Perform photometry on each .fits file
        for fits_file in file_list:
            if print_progress == True:
                print(count, ":", fits_file, flush = True)
                count -= 1

            p = self.photometry(fits_file, radius)
            for elt in p:
                if elt[0] == "error":
                    log.add_row([elt[1], elt[2]])
                    if print_progress == True:
                        print("error", elt[2], "\n", flush = True)

                    #We calculate the values to be entered in the table
                    redshift = float(self.red_dict[elt[0]])
                    peculiar_redshift = np.sqrt((1 + (300 / 299792.458)) / (1 - (300 / 299792.458))) - 1
                    redshift_err = np.sqrt((redshift / 1000)**2 + (peculiar_redshift)**2)

                    arcmin = cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(redshift).value**2 #kpc^2 per arcmin^2
                    arcmin_err = self.conv_error(redshift, redshift_err)

                    photom = elt[2] #The photometry value
                    photom_err = elt[3]

                    flux = flux_conv * photom #convert cps to flux using the conversion factor
                    flux_err = self.flux_error(photom, photom_err, flux_conv)

                    ldist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(redshift).cgs.value #Luminosity Distance (cm)
                    ldist_err = self.lum_dist_error(redshift, redshift_err)

                    lum = flux * 4 * np.pi * (ldist**2) #luminosity = flux*4*pi*r^2
                    lum_err = self.luminosity_error(flux, flux_err, ldist, ldist_err)

                    sbrightness = lum * arcmin / 3600
                    sbrightness_err = self.surf_brightness_error(lum, lum_err, arcmin, arcmin_err)

                    out.add_row([elt[0], redshift, redshift_err, elt[1], flux, flux_err,
                                 lum, lum_err, sbrightness, sbrightness_err])

        out.sort(label + "Surface Brightness Error")
        out_unique = unique(out, keys = "sn")

        return([out_unique, log])
 def photometry(self, fits_file, radius):
     Perform photometry on an int type .fits file.
         fits_file (str)  : File path of an int type .fits file
         radius    (float): Unitless radius of the desired aperture in kpc
         results (list): [supernova name (str),
                          exposure time (float)
                          photometry value (float),
                          photometry_error (float)]
         results (list): ["error" (str),
                          fits file path (str),
                          error description (str)]
     results = []
     if os.path.isfile(fits_file.replace("d-int", "d-skybg")):
         with fits.open(fits_file) as (int_file
                 ), fits.open(fits_file.replace("d-int", "d-skybg")) as (skybg_file
             wcs = WCS(fits_file)
             for sn in self.cord_dict:
                 #Define the SN location in pixels
                 w = wcs.all_world2pix(self.cord_dict[sn].ra, self.cord_dict[sn].dec, 1)
                 #Make sure the sn is located in the image
                 if 0 < w[0] < 3600 and 0 < w[1] < 3600:
                     #Find arcmin of a 1kpc radius region
                     r = radius * u.kpc / cosmo.kpc_comoving_per_arcmin(float(self.red_dict[sn]))
                     #Create an aperture
                     aperture = SkyCircularAperture(self.cord_dict[sn], r)
                     #create an array of the error in each pixel
                     exp_time = int_file[0].header["EXPTIME"]
                     int_error = np.sqrt(int_file[0].data / exp_time)
                     skybg_error = np.sqrt(skybg_file[0].data / exp_time)
                     #Perform photometry
                     int_phot_table = aperture_photometry(int_file[0], aperture, error = int_error)
                     if int_phot_table[0][0] == 0:
                         check = self.zero_check(fits_file, self.cord_dict[sn], r)
                         if check == 1:
                             skybg_phot_table = aperture_photometry(skybg_file[0], aperture, error = skybg_error)
                             photometry_sum = int_phot_table[0][0] - skybg_phot_table[0][0]
                             photometry_error = np.sqrt(int_phot_table[0][1]**2 + skybg_phot_table[0][1]**2)
                             results.append([sn, exp_time, photometry_sum, photometry_error])
                         elif check == 0:
                             results.append(["error", fits_file, "no check file"])
                         skybg_phot_table = aperture_photometry(skybg_file[0], aperture, error = skybg_error)
                         photometry_sum = int_phot_table[0][0] - skybg_phot_table[0][0]
                         photometry_error = np.sqrt(int_phot_table[0][1]**2 + skybg_phot_table[0][1]**2)
                         results.append([sn, exp_time, photometry_sum, photometry_error])
         if results == []:
             results.append(["error", fits_file, "no supernova found"])
         results.append(["error", fits_file, "no skybg file"])