Exemple #1
def test_log_to_list_origin2():

    with log.log_to_list(filter_origin='astropy.wcs') as log_list:
        log.error("Error message")
        log.warning("Warning message")

    assert len(log_list) == 0
Exemple #2
def test_log_to_list_level():

    with log.log_to_list(filter_level='ERROR') as log_list:
        log.error("Error message")
        log.warning("Warning message")

    assert len(log_list) == 1 and log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
Exemple #3
def test_log_to_list_level():

    with log.log_to_list(filter_level='ERROR') as log_list:
        log.error("Error message")
        log.warning("Warning message")

    assert len(log_list) == 1 and log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
Exemple #4
def test_log_to_list_origin2():

    with log.log_to_list(filter_origin='astropy.wcs') as log_list:
        log.error("Error message")
        log.warning("Warning message")

    assert len(log_list) == 0
def test_infol_logged_if_unit_in_fits_header(ccd_data, tmpdir):
    tmpfile = tmpdir.join('temp.fits')
    explicit_unit_name = "photon"
    with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
        ccd_from_disk = CCDData.read(tmpfile.strpath, unit=explicit_unit_name)
        assert explicit_unit_name in log_list[0].message
def test_infol_logged_if_unit_in_fits_header(ccd_data, tmpdir):
    tmpfile = tmpdir.join('temp.fits')
    explicit_unit_name = "photon"
    with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
        ccd_from_disk = CCDData.read(tmpfile.strpath, unit=explicit_unit_name)
        assert explicit_unit_name in log_list[0].message
def test_warnings_logging():

    # Without warnings logging
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", AstropyUserWarning)
    assert len(log_list) == 0
    assert len(warn_list) == 1
    assert warn_list[0].message.args[0] == "This is a warning"

    # With warnings logging
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", AstropyUserWarning)
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert len(warn_list) == 0
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'WARNING'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('This is a warning')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    # With warnings logging (differentiate between Astropy and non-Astropy)
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", AstropyUserWarning)
            warnings.warn("This is another warning, not from Astropy")
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert len(warn_list) == 1
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'WARNING'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('This is a warning')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
    assert warn_list[0].message.args[
        0] == "This is another warning, not from Astropy"

    # Without warnings logging
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", AstropyUserWarning)
    assert len(log_list) == 0
    assert len(warn_list) == 1
    assert warn_list[0].message.args[0] == "This is a warning"
Exemple #8
def test_warnings_logging():

    # Without warnings logging
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", AstropyUserWarning)
    assert len(log_list) == 0
    assert len(warn_list) == 1
    assert warn_list[0].message.args[0] == "This is a warning"

    # With warnings logging
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", AstropyUserWarning)
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert len(warn_list) == 0
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'WARNING'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('This is a warning')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    # With warnings logging (differentiate between Astropy and non-Astropy)
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", AstropyUserWarning)
            warnings.warn("This is another warning, not from Astropy")
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert len(warn_list) == 1
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'WARNING'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('This is a warning')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
    assert warn_list[0].message.args[0] == "This is another warning, not from Astropy"

    # Without warnings logging
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", AstropyUserWarning)
    assert len(log_list) == 0
    assert len(warn_list) == 1
    assert warn_list[0].message.args[0] == "This is a warning"
Exemple #9
def test_exception_logging():

    # Without exception logging
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            raise Exception("This is an Exception")
    except Exception as exc:
        assert exc.args[0] == "This is an Exception"
        assert False  # exception should have been raised
    assert len(log_list) == 0

    # With exception logging
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            raise Exception("This is an Exception")
    except Exception as exc:
        assert exc.args[0] == "This is an Exception"
        assert False  # exception should have been raised
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('Exception: This is an Exception')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    # Without exception logging
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            raise Exception("This is an Exception")
    except Exception as exc:
        assert exc.args[0] == "This is an Exception"
        assert False  # exception should have been raised
    assert len(log_list) == 0
Exemple #10
def test_exception_logging():

    # Without exception logging
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            raise Exception("This is an Exception")
    except Exception as exc:
        assert exc.args[0] == "This is an Exception"
        assert False  # exception should have been raised
    assert len(log_list) == 0

    # With exception logging
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            raise Exception("This is an Exception")
    except Exception as exc:
        assert exc.args[0] == "This is an Exception"
        assert False  # exception should have been raised
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('Exception: This is an Exception')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    # Without exception logging
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            raise Exception("This is an Exception")
    except Exception as exc:
        assert exc.args[0] == "This is an Exception"
        assert False  # exception should have been raised
    assert len(log_list) == 0
Exemple #11
def test_log_to_list(level):

    orig_level = log.level

        if level is not None:

        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            log.error("Error message")
            log.warning("Warning message")
            log.info("Information message")
            log.debug("Debug message")

    if level is None:
        # The log level *should* be set to whatever it was in the config
        level = conf.log_level

    # Check list length
    if level == 'DEBUG':
        assert len(log_list) == 4
    elif level == 'INFO':
        assert len(log_list) == 3
    elif level == 'WARN':
        assert len(log_list) == 2
    elif level == 'ERROR':
        assert len(log_list) == 1

    # Check list content

    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('Error message')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    if len(log_list) >= 2:
        assert log_list[1].levelname == 'WARNING'
        assert log_list[1].message.startswith('Warning message')
        assert log_list[1].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    if len(log_list) >= 3:
        assert log_list[2].levelname == 'INFO'
        assert log_list[2].message.startswith('Information message')
        assert log_list[2].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    if len(log_list) >= 4:
        assert log_list[3].levelname == 'DEBUG'
        assert log_list[3].message.startswith('Debug message')
        assert log_list[3].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
Exemple #12
def test_log_to_list(level):

    orig_level = log.level

        if level is not None:

        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            log.error("Error message")
            log.warning("Warning message")
            log.info("Information message")
            log.debug("Debug message")

    if level is None:
        # The log level *should* be set to whatever it was in the config
        level = conf.log_level

    # Check list length
    if level == 'DEBUG':
        assert len(log_list) == 4
    elif level == 'INFO':
        assert len(log_list) == 3
    elif level == 'WARN':
        assert len(log_list) == 2
    elif level == 'ERROR':
        assert len(log_list) == 1

    # Check list content

    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('Error message')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    if len(log_list) >= 2:
        assert log_list[1].levelname == 'WARNING'
        assert log_list[1].message.startswith('Warning message')
        assert log_list[1].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    if len(log_list) >= 3:
        assert log_list[2].levelname == 'INFO'
        assert log_list[2].message.startswith('Information message')
        assert log_list[2].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'

    if len(log_list) >= 4:
        assert log_list[3].levelname == 'DEBUG'
        assert log_list[3].message.startswith('Debug message')
        assert log_list[3].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
Exemple #13
def test_warnings_logging_with_custom_class():
    class CustomAstropyWarningClass(AstropyWarning):

    # With warnings logging
    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", CustomAstropyWarningClass)
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert len(warn_list) == 0
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'WARNING'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('CustomAstropyWarningClass: This is a warning')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
Exemple #14
def test_warning_logging_with_io_votable_warning():
    from astropy.io.votable.exceptions import W02, vo_warn

    with pytest.warns(None) as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            vo_warn(W02, ('a', 'b'))
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert len(warn_list) == 0
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'WARNING'
    x = log_list[0].message.startswith("W02: ?:?:?: W02: a attribute 'b' is "
                                       "invalid.  Must be a standard XML id")
    assert x
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
Exemple #15
def test_warnings_logging_with_custom_class():
    class CustomAstropyWarningClass(AstropyWarning):

    # With warnings logging
    with pytest.warns(None) as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            warnings.warn("This is a warning", CustomAstropyWarningClass)
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert len(warn_list) == 0
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'WARNING'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith('CustomAstropyWarningClass: This is a warning')
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
Exemple #16
def test_warning_logging_with_io_votable_warning():
    from astropy.io.votable.exceptions import W02, vo_warn

    with catch_warnings() as warn_list:
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            vo_warn(W02, ('a', 'b'))
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert len(warn_list) == 0
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'WARNING'
    x = log_list[0].message.startswith(("W02: ?:?:?: W02: a attribute 'b' is "
                                        "invalid.  Must be a standard XML id"))
    assert x
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
Exemple #17
def test_exception_logging_argless_exception():
    Regression test for a crash that occurred on Python 3 when logging an
    exception that was instantiated with no arguments (no message, etc.)

    Regression test for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/4056

        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            raise Exception()
    except Exception:
        assert False  # exception should have been raised
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
    assert log_list[0].message == 'Exception [astropy.tests.test_logger]'
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
Exemple #18
def test_exception_logging_argless_exception():
    Regression test for a crash that occurred on Python 3 when logging an
    exception that was instantiated with no arguments (no message, etc.)

    Regression test for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/4056

        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
            raise Exception()
    except Exception as exc:
        assert False  # exception should have been raised
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
    assert log_list[0].message == 'Exception [astropy.tests.test_logger]'
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.tests.test_logger'
Exemple #19
def test_exception_logging_origin():
    # The point here is to get an exception raised from another location
    # and make sure the error's origin is reported correctly

    from astropy.utils.collections import HomogeneousList

    l = HomogeneousList(int)
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
    except TypeError as exc:
        assert exc.args[0].startswith(
            "homogeneous list must contain only objects of type ")
        assert False
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith(
        "TypeError: homogeneous list must contain only objects of type ")
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.utils.collections'
Exemple #20
def test_exception_logging_origin():
    # The point here is to get an exception raised from another location
    # and make sure the error's origin is reported correctly

    from astropy.utils.collections import HomogeneousList

    l = HomogeneousList(int)  # noqa
        with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
    except TypeError as exc:
        assert exc.args[0].startswith(
            "homogeneous list must contain only objects of type ")
        assert False
    assert len(log_list) == 1
    assert log_list[0].levelname == 'ERROR'
    assert log_list[0].message.startswith(
        "TypeError: homogeneous list must contain only objects of type ")
    assert log_list[0].origin == 'astropy.utils.collections'
Exemple #21
def line_fitter(self, linecat, line_idx, niter,\
input_resid_level, max_contorder, max_ladjust, adjust_preference,\
input_continuum_deviation, llimits, max_exclusion_level, blends,\
autoadjust, fwhm_block):
    This is module fits the spectral lines using pyspeckit. It automatically
    determines the goodness of fit and decides the best solution for the line
    and continuum fit. It handles blended lines in a way a maximum lines ratio
    can not be exceeded to not make the weaker blend the dominant lines.
    Additionally, the limits in wavelength range in iteration :math:`n` can be
    adjusted automatically based on iteration :math:`n` to accomodate for
    larger wavelength shifts.

    In this way it is possible to fit spectral lines using a line catalog as 
    only input.

        linecat : :func:`numpy.array`
            Array with the spectral lines and their wavelengths

        line_idx : :obj:`str`
            Name of the primary line

        niter : :obj:`int`
            Number of iterations

        input_resid_level : :obj:`float`
            The maximum MAD for the fit residuals for a succesfull fit

        max_contorder : :obj:`int`
            The maximum polynominal order of the continuum to have

        max_ladjust : :obj:`str`
            The maximum number of wavelength range adjustments in steps of 5

        adjust_preference : :obj:`str`
            contorder: continuum order is adjusted first

            wavelength: wavelength range is adjusted first

        input_continuum_deviation : :obj:`float`
            by how much the continuum is allowed to deviate from a running
            median estimate. This is set to prevent lines mimicking a continuum

        llimits : :obj:`list`
            the limits for the wavelength fit as set in ``ppxf``

        max_exclusion_level : :obj:`float`
            The exclusion level for lines to be excluded from the next baseline
            estimate as set in ``pyspeckit``

        blends : :obj:`ascii`-file or :obj:`None`
            A file with primary lines that contain blends to provide a maximum
            amplitude ratio of the primary and the blend to prevent that the
            blend becomes the dominant line in the fit.

        autoadjust : :obj:`bool`
            :obj:`True`: the wavelength limits ``llimit`` will be adjusted to
            the fit of the previous iteration. All other wavelength range are
            adjusted accordingly taking into account the proper velocity
            corrected shift :math:`\Delta \lambda/\lambda`. This is especially
            important to detect hyper-velocity stars.

            :obj:`False`: no adjustment to the limits done

        fwhm_block : :obj:`bool:obj:`
            :obj:`True`: The minimum fwhm of the voigt profiles of the fitted
            lines is the instrument's dispersion

            :obj:`False`: The minimum fwhm of the voigt profiles of the fitted
            lines is zero

        line_idx : :obj:`str`
            Name of the primary line

        temp_l : :obj:`float`
            fitted wavelength of the primary line

        temp_a : :obj:`float`
            fitted amplitude of the primary line

        temp_sl : :obj:`float`
            fitted Lorentzian gamma of the primary line

        temp_sg : :obj:`float`
            fitted Gaussian sigma of the primary line

        spec_select_idx : :func:`numpy.array`
            indices of the used part of the spectrum

        template_f : :func:`numpy.array`
            template spectrum shifted to the rest-frame

        continuum : :func:`numpy.array`
            the fitted continuum

        lstart : :obj:`float`
            first used wavelength bin (might differ from input if it was
            adjusted during fitting)

        lend : :obj:`float`
            last used wavelength bin (might differ from input if it was
            adjusted during fitting)

        contorder : :obj:`int`
            The order of the polynominal used for the continuum

        fit_f : array
            the fitted spectrum

        significance : :obj:`float`
            the line strength over the continuum

        fit_failed : :obj:`bool`
            :obj:`True`: if the fit failed for some reason. This line will be
            excluded from further analyses

        fit_f_highres : :obj:`float`
            the fitted spectrum and the oversampling resolution

        spec_select_idx_highres : :func:`numpy.array`
            indices of the used part of the over sampled spectrum

        template_f_highres : :func:`numpy.array`
            over sampled template spectrum shifted to the rest-frame

        continuum_highres : :func:`numpy.array`
            the fitted over sampled continuum


    self.logger.info('Started line ' + line_idx)

    resid_level = 5.
    std_resid = resid_level + 1.
    continuum_dev = input_continuum_deviation[line_idx] + 1.

    lstart = float(self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'l_start'])
    lend = float(self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'l_end'])
    contorder = self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'cont_order']

    n_ladjust = 0
    max_cont_reached = False
    max_n_ladjust_reached = False
    significant = True
    fit_failed = False

    niter += 1  # Iteration 1 are setting the intial guesses

    while (std_resid > resid_level or np.isnan(std_resid)\
    or continuum_dev > input_continuum_deviation[line_idx]\
    or np.isnan(continuum_dev)) and not fit_failed:

        lines_select = linecat[np.where((linecat >= lstart)\
        & (linecat < lend))]

        = np.where((self.spec_lambda >= lstart) & (self.spec_lambda < lend))

        = np.where((self.spec_lambda_highres >= lstart) &\
        (self.spec_lambda_highres < lend))

        linefit_guess, linefit_limits, linefit_limited =\
        initial_guesses(self, lines_select, blends, llimits=llimits)

        = int(np.log10(np.nanmedian(self.spec_f[spec_select_idx])) - 4.)
        factor = float(10**(exponent * (-1)))

        template_f = np.zeros_like(self.spec_lambda, dtype=float)
        fit_f = np.zeros_like(self.spec_lambda, dtype=float)
        temp_f = np.array(self.spec_f[spec_select_idx] * factor, dtype=float)
        temp_err = np.array(self.spec_err[spec_select_idx] * factor,\
        temp_lambda = np.array(self.spec_lambda[spec_select_idx], dtype=float)
        continuum = np.zeros_like(self.spec_lambda, dtype=float)

        = np.zeros_like(self.spec_lambda_highres, dtype=float)

        fit_f_highres = np.zeros_like(self.spec_lambda_highres, dtype=float)
        = np.array(self.spec_lambda_highres[spec_select_idx_highres],\

        = np.zeros_like(self.spec_lambda_highres, dtype=float)

        if input_resid_level == None:
            resid_level = np.std(temp_err / np.max(temp_err))
            resid_level = input_resid_level

        sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(data=temp_f, error=temp_err, xarr=temp_lambda,\
                                unit=r'flux [$10^{' + str(exponent)\
                                + '}$ erg$^{-1}$ s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ '\
                                + '$\AA^{-1}$]', header={})
        sp.xarr.xtype = 'wavelength'

        if self.loglevel == "DEBUG":
            sp.plotter(linewidth=2, title=line_idx)

        exclusion_level = 0.01
        iterations = 0
        pat = []

        while iterations < niter:
            if iterations == 1:
                newparinfo = update_parinfo(self, linefit_guess, \
                llimits, line_idx, blends, sp.specfit.parinfo, False, False)

            if iterations > 1:
                newparinfo = update_parinfo(self, linefit_guess,\
                llimits, line_idx, blends, sp.specfit.parinfo,\
                autoadjust, fwhm_block)

            with log.log_to_list() as log_list:
                sp.baseline(order=int(contorder), plot_baseline=False,\
                subtract=False, annotate=False, highlight_fitregion=False,\
                excludefit=True, save=True, exclude=None,\
                fit_plotted_area=False, exclusionlevel=float(exclusion_level))

                if iterations == 0:
                    sp.specfit.multifit(fittype='voigt', renormalize='auto',\
                    annotate=False, show_components=False, verbose=False,\
                    color=None, guesses=list(linefit_guess), parinfo=None,\
                    reset_fitspec=True, plot=False, limits=linefit_limits,\

                if iterations > 0:
                    sp.specfit.multifit(fittype='voigt', renormalize='auto',\
                    annotate=False, show_components=False, verbose=False,\
                    color=None, parinfo=newparinfo,\
                    reset_fitspec=True, plot=False)

                if exclusion_level >= max_exclusion_level:
                    self.logger.error(line_idx + ': LINE FIT FAILED !!!!!: \
                    Exclusion level reached max of '\
                    + str(max_exclusion_level))
                    fit_failed = True

                if len(log_list) > 0 and log_list[0].message[:8] == 'gnorm=0.'\
                and exclusion_level < max_exclusion_level:
                    exclusion_level += 0.01
                    self.logger.info(line_idx + ': Adjusting exclusion level'\
                    + ' to: ' + str('{:2.2f}'.format(exclusion_level)))
                    iterations = 0
                    sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(data=temp_f, error=temp_err,\
                    xarr=temp_lambda, unit=r'flux [$10^{' + str(exponent)\
                    + '}$ erg$^{-1}$ s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ $\AA^{-1}$]',\
                    sp.xarr.xtype = 'wavelength'

                    if self.loglevel == "DEBUG":

                if len(log_list) == 0 or log_list[0].message[:8] != 'gnorm=0.':
                    if iterations > 0:
                        chi2_change =\
                        (chi2 - sp.specfit.optimal_chi2(reduced=True,\
                        / sp.specfit.optimal_chi2(reduced=True,\

                        if sp.specfit.optimal_chi2(reduced=True,\
                        threshold='auto') == chi2\
                        or np.abs(chi2_change) < 0.05:

                        self.logger.debug(line_idx + ': Iteration: '\
                        + str(iterations) + ' delta Chi2: '\
                        + str('{:2.3f}'.format(chi2_change)))

                    chi2 = sp.specfit.optimal_chi2(reduced=True,\
                    self.logger.debug(line_idx + ': Iteration: '\
                    + str(iterations) + ' Chi2: '\
                    + str('{:3.3f}'.format(chi2)))

                    if self.loglevel == "DEBUG":
                        ax = sp.plotter.axis
                        pat.append(mlines.Line2D([], [],\
                        label='# iter: ' + str(iterations)))

                    iterations += 1

                if self.loglevel == "DEBUG":
                    input("Press ENTER to continue")

        if self.loglevel == "DEBUG":
            sp.specfit.plotresiduals(axis=sp.plotter.axis, clear=False,\
            yoffset=0.9 * np.min(temp_f), label=False, linewidth=2, color='g')
            sp.specfit.plot_fit(annotate=False, lw=2, composite_fit_color='r')
            baseline_fit_color='orange', linewidth=2)

            print(' ')
            input("Press ENTER to close the plot window")

        if not fit_failed:
            if iterations < niter:
                self.logger.info(line_idx + ': Converged after '\
                + str(iterations) + ' iterations; Chi2: '\
                + str('{:3.3f}'.format(chi2)) + ' delta Chi2 [%]: '\
                + str('{:2.3f}'.format(chi2_change)))

            if iterations == niter:
            + ': Maximum number of iterations (' + str(iterations)\
            + ') reached; Chi2: ' + str(chi2))

            par_extract_idx = []
            for lab_line_idx, lab_lines\
            in enumerate(np.array([self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'l_lab']])):
                par_extract_idx = np.concatenate((par_extract_idx,\
                np.where(lines_select == lab_lines)[0]))

            for i in range(len(lines_select)):
                xcen = lines_select[i]
                gamma = sp.specfit.parinfo[int(4 * i + 3)]['value']
                sigma = sp.specfit.parinfo[int(4 * i + 2)]['value']
                amp = sp.specfit.parinfo[int(4 * i + 0)]['value']

                highres_f = voigt_funct(self.spec_lambda_highres, xcen, 1,\
                sigma, gamma)
                lowres_f = spec_res_downgrade(self.spec_lambda_highres,\
                highres_f, self.spec_lambda)

                lineflux = amp * lowres_f
                lineflux_highres = amp * highres_f

                template_f += lineflux / factor
                template_f_highres += lineflux_highres / factor

                highres_f = voigt_funct(self.spec_lambda_highres,\
                sp.specfit.parinfo[int(4 * i + 1)]['value'], 1, sigma, gamma)
                lowres_f = spec_res_downgrade(self.spec_lambda_highres,\
                highres_f, self.spec_lambda)

                lineflux_fit = amp * lowres_f
                lineflux_fit_highres = amp * highres_f

                fit_f += lineflux_fit / factor
                fit_f_highres += lineflux_fit_highres / factor

                if (i == par_extract_idx).any():

                    temp_a = sp.specfit.parinfo[int(4 * i + 0)]['value']\
                    / factor
                    temp_l = sp.specfit.parinfo[int(4 * i + 1)]['value']
                    temp_sg = sp.specfit.parinfo[int(4 * i + 2)]['value']
                    temp_sl = sp.specfit.parinfo[int(4 * i + 3)]['value']

            baseline_temp = baseline_extract(self, sp, contorder)
            baseline_sub_spec =\
            sp.data / baseline_temp(temp_lambda - temp_lambda[0])
            continuum = baseline_temp(temp_lambda - temp_lambda[0]) / factor
            continuum_highres = baseline_temp(temp_lambda_highres\
            - temp_lambda_highres[0]) / factor

            resid = \
            (self.spec_f[spec_select_idx] - fit_f[spec_select_idx]) / continuum

            std_resid = np.std(resid)

            continuum_dev = continuum_deviation(self, temp_lambda,\
            temp_f, continuum, contorder)

            if std_resid > resid_level or np.isnan(std_resid)\
            or continuum_dev > input_continuum_deviation[line_idx]\
            or np.isnan(continuum_dev):

                if std_resid > resid_level or np.isnan(std_resid):
                    + ': STD of residuals: '\
                    + str('{:2.4f}'.format(std_resid))\
                    + ' targeted: ' + str('{:2.4f}'.format(resid_level)))

                if continuum_dev > input_continuum_deviation[line_idx]:
                    self.logger.info(line_idx + ': Continuum deviation: '\
                    + str('{:2.4f}'.format(continuum_dev)) + ' targeted: '\
                    + str('{:2.4f}'.format(input_continuum_deviation[line_idx])))

                if contorder == max_contorder:
                    max_cont_reached = True
                if n_ladjust == max_ladjust:
                    max_n_ladjust_reached = True

                if max_cont_reached and max_n_ladjust_reached:
                    + ": Maximum adjustments reached: Check the output")

                if adjust_preference == 'contorder':
                    if not max_cont_reached:
                        contorder += 1
                        + ': Adjusting continuum order to: ' + str(contorder))
                    if max_cont_reached and not max_n_ladjust_reached:
                        lstart -= 5.
                        lend += 5.
                        + ': maximum continuum order reached => Adjusting'\
                        + ' wavelength range to: [' + str(lstart)\
                        + ',' + str(lend) + ']')
                        n_ladjust += 1
                        max_cont_reached = False
                        contorder = self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'cont_order']

                if adjust_preference != 'contorder':
                    contorder = self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'cont_order']
                    if not max_n_ladjust_reached:
                        if adjust_preference == 'min_lambda'\
                        or adjust_preference == 'minmax_lambda':
                            lstart -= 5.
                            + ': Adjusting lower wavelength range to: '\
                            + str(lstart))

                        if adjust_preference == 'max_lambda'\
                        or adjust_preference == 'minmax_lambda':
                            lend += 5.
                            self.logger.info(line_idx + ': Adjusting upper \
                            wavelength range to: ' + str(lend))
                        n_ladjust += 1
                    if max_n_ladjust_reached and not max_cont_reached:
                        contorder += 1
                        + ': maximum wavelength adjustment reached =>'\
                        + ' Adjusting continuum order to: ' + str(contorder))

                        lstart = self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'l_start']
                        lend = self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'l_end']

    if fit_failed:
        temp_l = 0.
        temp_a = 0.
        temp_sl = 0.
        temp_sg = 0.

    significance = np.abs(temp_a) / np.median(temp_err / factor)

    if not fit_failed:
        self.logger.info(line_idx + ': STD of residuals: '\
        + str('{:2.4f}'.format(std_resid)) + ' targeted: '\
        + str('{:2.4f}'.format(resid_level)))
        self.logger.info(line_idx + ': Continuum deviation: '\
        + str('{:2.4f}'.format(continuum_dev)) + ' targeted: '\
        + str('{:2.4f}'.format(input_continuum_deviation[line_idx])))
        self.logger.info(line_idx + ' Line significance: '\
        + str('{:3.2f}'.format(significance)))

        if (temp_l - self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'l_lab'] < 0.8 * llimits[0]\
        or temp_l - self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'l_lab'] > 0.8 * llimits[1])\
        and not autoadjust:
            + ' exceeds 0.8 of lambda limits; lfit: ' + str(temp_l)\
            + ' llab: ' + str(self.cat.loc[line_idx, 'l_lab'])\
            + ' llimits = [' + str(llimits[0]) + ' ' + str(llimits[1]) + ']')

    self.logger.info('Finished line ' + line_idx)

    return line_idx, temp_l, temp_a, temp_sl, temp_sg, spec_select_idx,\
    template_f, continuum, lstart, lend, contorder, fit_f, significance,\
    fit_failed, fit_f_highres, spec_select_idx_highres, template_f_highres,\
Exemple #22
def _hducut(img_hdu, center_coord, cutout_size, correct_wcs=False, verbose=False):
    Takes an ImageHDU (image and associated metatdata in the fits format), as well as a center 
    coordinate and size and make a cutout of that image, which is returned as another ImageHDU,
    including updated  WCS information.

    img_hdu : `~astropy.io.fits.hdu.image.ImageHDU`
        The image and assciated metadata that is being cut out.
    center_coord : `~astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate.SkyCoord`
        The coordinate to cut out around.
    cutout_size : array
        The size of the cutout as [nx,ny], where nx/ny can be integers (assumed to be pixels)
        or `~astropy.Quantity` values, either pixels or angular quantities.
    correct_wcs : bool
        Default False. If true a new WCS will be created for the cutout that is tangent projected
        and does not include distortions.  
    verbose : bool
        Default False. If true intermediate information is printed.

    response : `~astropy.io.fits.hdu.image.ImageHDU` 
        The cutout image and associated metadata.
    hdu_header = fits.Header(img_hdu.header, copy=True)

    # We are going to reroute the logging to a string stream temporarily so we can
    # intercept any message from astropy, chiefly the "Inconsistent SIP distortion information"
    # INFO message which will indicate that we need to remove existing SIP keywords
    # from a WCS whose CTYPE does not include SIP. In this we are taking the CTYPE to be
    # correct and adjusting the header keywords to match.
    hdlrs = log.handlers
    log.handlers = []
    with log.log_to_list() as log_list:        
        img_wcs = wcs.WCS(hdu_header, relax=True)

    for hd in hdlrs:

    no_sip = False
    if (len(log_list) > 0):
        if ("Inconsistent SIP distortion information" in log_list[0].msg):

            # Remove sip coefficients
            img_wcs.sip = None
            no_sip = True
        else:  # Message(s) we didn't prepare for we want to go ahead and display
            for log_rec in log_list:
                log.log(log_rec.levelno, log_rec.msg, extra={"origin": log_rec.name})

    img_data = img_hdu.data

    if verbose:
        print("Original image shape: {}".format(img_data.shape))

    # Get cutout limits
    cutout_lims = get_cutout_limits(img_wcs, center_coord, cutout_size)

    if verbose:
        print("xmin,xmax: {}".format(cutout_lims[0]))
        print("ymin,ymax: {}".format(cutout_lims[1]))

    # These limits are not guarenteed to be within the image footprint
    xmin, xmax = cutout_lims[0]
    ymin, ymax = cutout_lims[1]

    ymax_img, xmax_img = img_data.shape

    # Check the cutout is on the image
    if (xmax <= 0) or (xmin >= xmax_img) or (ymax <= 0) or (ymin >= ymax_img):
        raise InvalidQueryError("Cutout location is not in image footprint!")

    # Adjust limits and figuring out the` padding
    padding = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=int)
    if xmin < 0:
        padding[1, 0] = -xmin
        xmin = 0
    if ymin < 0:
        padding[0, 0] = -ymin
        ymin = 0
    if xmax > xmax_img:
        padding[1, 1] = xmax - xmax_img
        xmax = xmax_img
    if ymax > ymax_img:
        padding[0, 1] = ymax - ymax_img
        ymax = ymax_img  
    img_cutout = img_hdu.data[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]

    # Adding padding to the cutout so that it's the expected size
    if padding.any():  # only do if we need to pad
        img_cutout = np.pad(img_cutout, padding, 'constant', constant_values=np.nan)

    if verbose:
        print("Image cutout shape: {}".format(img_cutout.shape))

    # Getting the cutout wcs
    cutout_wcs = get_cutout_wcs(img_wcs, cutout_lims)

    # Updating the header with the new wcs info
    if no_sip:
        hdu_header.update(cutout_wcs.to_header(relax=True))  # relax arg is for sip distortions if they exist

    # Naming the extension and preserving the original name
    hdu_header["O_EXT_NM"] = (hdu_header.get("EXTNAME"), "Original extension name.")
    hdu_header["EXTNAME"] = "CUTOUT"

    # Moving the filename, if present, into the ORIG_FLE keyword
    hdu_header["ORIG_FLE"] = (hdu_header.get("FILENAME"), "Original image filename.")
    hdu_header.remove("FILENAME", ignore_missing=True)

    hdu = fits.ImageHDU(header=hdu_header, data=img_cutout)

    return hdu