Exemple #1
    def _calc_planck_mean_opacity(self):
        """Calculate the Planck-mean total opacity for each grid cell.

        See, e.g. Mihalas and Mihalas 1984, for details on the averaging

        kappa_planck_mean : astropy.units.Quantity ndarray
            Planck-mean opacity (shape Nshells)

        kappa_planck_mean = np.zeros(self.nshells) / units.cm

        for i in range(self.nshells):
            delta_nu = self.nu_bins[1:] - self.nu_bins[:-1]
            T = self.mdl.plasma.t_rad[i]

            tmp = (
                blackbody_nu(self.nu_bins[:-1], T)
                * delta_nu
                * self.kappa_tot[:, 0]
            tmp /= (blackbody_nu(self.nu_bins[:-1], T) * delta_nu).sum()

            kappa_planck_mean[i] = tmp

        return kappa_planck_mean.to("1/cm")
Exemple #2
def SED_model(nu, Tdust, Mdust, phi, D):
    Perez-Beaupuits 2018
    phi = beam area filling factor
    Bnu = planck function
    angular_size = source solid angle
    T = dust temperature
    Mdust = dust mass
    D = distance to the source
    phi_cold = filling factor of the coldest component
    kd = absorption coefficient
    nu = freq in GHz
    beta = 2
    D = D * u.Mpc
    nu = u.Quantity(nu, u.GHz)
    Tdust = Tdust * u.K
    Mdust = Mdust * u.Msun
    angular_size_arcsec = 17.3 * 9.2 * (u.arcsec**2)  #arcsec**2
    angular_size = angular_size_arcsec.to(u.sr)
    d_m = D.to(u.m)
    Mdust_kg = Mdust.to(u.kg)
    Tcmb = 2.73  # K
    phi_cold = 5.0e-1
    beta = 2
    kd = (u.m**2 / u.kg) * 0.04 * (nu / (250. * u.GHz))**beta  # m^2 / kg
    tau = kd * Mdust_kg / (angular_size.value * phi_cold * d_m**2)
    Bnu_T = blackbody_nu(nu, Tdust)
    Bnu_Tcmb = blackbody_nu(nu, Tcmb)
    Snu = (1. - np.exp(-tau)) * (Bnu_T - Bnu_Tcmb) * angular_size * phi
    Snu_jy = Snu.to(u.Jy)
    return Snu_jy
Exemple #3
def I_external(nu, Tbkg, Tff, tau_ff, Tr, nu0=100e6 * u.MHz, alpha=-2.6):
    This method is equivalent to the IDL routine 
    :param nu: Frequency. (Hz) or astropy.units.Quantity_
    .. _astropy.units.Quantity: http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.units.Quantity.html#astropy.units.Quantity

    if Tbkg.value != 0:
        bnu_bkg = blackbody_nu(nu, Tbkg)
        bnu_bkg = 0

    if Tff.value != 0:
        bnu_ff = blackbody_nu(nu, Tff)
        exp_ff = (1. - np.exp(-tau_ff))
        bnu_ff = 0
        exp_ff = 0

    if Tr.value != 0:
        Tpl = plaw(nu, nu0, Tr, alpha)  #Tr*np.power(nu/nu0, alpha)
        bnu_pl = blackbody_nu(nu, Tpl)
        bnu_pl = 0

    return bnu_bkg + bnu_ff * exp_ff + bnu_pl
Exemple #4
    def __call__(
    ):  #default values for temperatures and fractions will most likely never be used. *args will be a list of (8) absolute abundances of the dust species.
        #relativeAbundances = np.append(10**np.array(args),1.-np.sum(10**np.array(args))) # The 8th abundance is 1 minus the sum of the other 7. We are doing the parameter space exploration in the log space to ensure proper sampling of small fractions.
        dustAbundances = 10**np.array(
        )  #We are doing the parameter space exploration in the log space to ensure proper sampling of small fractions.

        freq = const.c.value / (self.wavelength * 1e-6)

        fModel = (np.matmul(self.opacity_array, dustAbundances))
        fModel = fModel * (
            F1f * blackbody.blackbody_nu(freq, T1f).to(u.Jy / u.sr).value +
            F2f * blackbody.blackbody_nu(freq, T2f).to(u.Jy / u.sr).value) + (
                F1c * blackbody.blackbody_nu(freq, T1c).to(u.Jy / u.sr).value +
                F2c * blackbody.blackbody_nu(freq, T2c).to(u.Jy / u.sr).value)
        self.modelFlux = fModel
Exemple #5
def test_blackbody_array_temperature():
    """Regression test to make sure that the temperature can be an array."""
    flux = blackbody_nu(1.2 * u.mm, [100, 200, 300] * u.K)
        flux.value, [1.804908e-12, 3.721328e-12, 5.638513e-12], rtol=1e-5)

    flux = blackbody_nu([2, 4, 6] * u.mm, [100, 200, 300] * u.K)
        flux.value, [6.657915e-13, 3.420677e-13, 2.291897e-13], rtol=1e-5)

    flux = blackbody_nu(np.ones((3, 4)) * u.mm, np.ones(4) * u.K)
    assert flux.shape == (3, 4)
Exemple #6
def test_blackbody_array_temperature():
    """Regression test to make sure that the temperature can be an array."""
    flux = blackbody_nu(1.2 * u.mm, [100, 200, 300] * u.K)
        flux.value, [1.804908e-12, 3.721328e-12, 5.638513e-12], rtol=1e-5)

    flux = blackbody_nu([2, 4, 6] * u.mm, [100, 200, 300] * u.K)
        flux.value, [6.657915e-13, 3.420677e-13, 2.291897e-13], rtol=1e-5)

    flux = blackbody_nu(np.ones((3, 4)) * u.mm, np.ones(4) * u.K)
    assert flux.shape == (3, 4)
Exemple #7
def I_cont(nu, Te, tau, I0, unitless=False):
    Computes the specific intensity due to a blackbody at temperature :math:`T_{e}` and optical depth :math:`\\tau`. It considers that there is 
    background radiation with :math:`I_{0}`.
    :param nu: Frequency.
    :type nu: (Hz) or astropy.units.Quantity_
    :param Te: Temperature of the source function. (K) or astropy.units.Quantity_
    :param tau: Optical depth of the medium.
    :param I0: Specific intensity of the background radiation. Must have units of erg / (cm2 Hz s sr) or see `unitless`.
    :param unitless: If True the return 
    :returns: The specific intensity of a ray of light after traveling in an LTE \
    medium with source function :math:`B_{\\nu}(T_{e})` after crossing an optical \
    depth :math:`\\tau_{\\nu}`. The units are erg / (cm2 Hz s sr). See `astropy.analytic_functions.blackbody.blackbody_nu`__
    __ blackbody_
    .. _blackbody: http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.analytic_functions.blackbody.blackbody_nu.html#astropy.analytic_functions.blackbody.blackbody_nu

    bnu = blackbody_nu(nu, Te)

    if unitless:
        bnu = bnu.cgs.value

    return bnu * (1. - np.exp(-tau)) + I0 * np.exp(-tau)
Exemple #8
def mass(integrated_flux, wave, t, kappa, distance):
    Accepts integrated flux in Jy, wavelength in m, temperature in K, dust
    opacity per unit mass in cm^2/g, and the distance to the object in pc,
    and computes the mass

    integrated_Flux : float
        integrated flux in Jy.
    wave : float
        wavelength (m)
    t: float (optional)
        temperature (K)
    kappa: float
        dust opacity per unit mass (cm^2g^-1)
    distance: float
        distance to the object (pc)
    integrated_flux = integrated_flux * (ap.Jy)
    wave = wave * u.m
    t = t * u.K
    kappa = kappa * (u.cm**2 / u.g)
    distance = distance * (u.pc)

    B = blackbody_nu(wave.to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral()), t)
    B = B * u.sr

    m = (distance**2. * integrated_flux) / (kappa * B)
    m = m.to(ap.solMass)
    return m
Exemple #9
def column_density(flux, beam, wave, t, kappa, mu=2.8):
    Computes column density from continuum data

    flux : float
        flux in Jy/beam
    beam : array like
        beam size in arcseconds
    wave : float
        wavelength (m)
    t: float (optional)
        temperature (K)
    kappa: float
        dust opacity per unit mass (cm^2g^-1)
    mu : float (optional)
        molecular weight (default = 2.8; i.e. assumes density is given as density
        of hydrogen molecules)
    beam = beam * u.arcsec
    omega_beam = beam_solid_angle(beam)
    flux = (flux * u.Jy / u.beam).to(
        u.Jy / u.sr, equivalencies=u.beam_angular_area(omega_beam))
    wave = wave * u.m
    t = t * u.K
    kappa = kappa * (u.cm**2 / u.g)

    B = blackbody_nu(wave.to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral()), t)

    N = flux / (mu * ap.M_p * kappa * B)
    N = N.to(1. / u.cm**2)

    return N
Exemple #10
 def __call__(self, t=1., scale=1., index=1., dist=1., *args, **kwargs):
     relativeAbundances = np.append(
         np.array(args), 1. - np.sum(np.array(args))
     )  #np.append(10**np.array(args),1.-np.sum(10**np.array(args)))
     if self.redshift:
         z = dist
         dist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z).to(u.m)
         freq = const.c.value / ((self.wavelength / (1. + z)) * 1e-6)
         dist = dist * u.pc.to(u.m)
         freq = const.c.value / (self.wavelength * 1e-6)
     #Simple bug catches for inputs to opacity spectrum
     if len(relativeAbundances) != self.nSpecies:
         print('Number of weights must be same as number of species')
     #if scale <= 0.0:
     #    print('Scale factor must be positive and non-zero.') #not relevant - scale is a log
     if t <= 0.0:
         print('Temperature must be positive and in Kelvin.')
     bb = blackbody.blackbody_nu(freq, t).to(u.Jy / u.sr).value
     bb = bb / dist**2
     bb = bb * 10**(scale) * self.sigmaNormWave * (
         (self.wavelength / self.normWave)**index)
     #Subtract the sum of opacities from the blackbody continuum to calculate model spectrum
     fModel = bb * (1.0 -
                    (np.matmul(self.opacity_array, relativeAbundances)))
     self.modelFlux = fModel
Exemple #11
def I_broken_plaw(nu, Tr, nu0, alpha1, alpha2):
    Returns the blackbody function evaluated at nu. 
    As temperature a broken power law is used.
    The power law shape has parameters: Tr, nu0, alpha1 and alpha2.
    :param nu: Frequency. (Hz) or astropy.units.Quantity_
    :type nu: (Hz) or astropy.units.Quantity_
    :param Tr: Temperature at nu0. (K) or astropy.units.Quantity_
    :param nu0: Frequency at which the spectral index changes. (Hz) or astropy.units.Quantity_
    :param alpha1: spectral index for :math:`\\nu<\\nu_0`
    :param alpha2: spectral index for :math:`\\nu\\geq\\nu_0`
    :returns: Specific intensity in :math:`\\rm{erg}\\,\\rm{cm}^{-2}\\,\\rm{Hz}^{-1}\\,\\rm{s}^{-1}\\,\\rm{sr}^{-1}`. See `astropy.analytic_functions.blackbody.blackbody_nu`__
    :rtype: astropy.units.Quantity_
    .. _astropy.units.Quantity: http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.units.Quantity.html#astropy.units.Quantity
    __ blackbody_
    .. _blackbody: http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.analytic_functions.blackbody.blackbody_nu.html#astropy.analytic_functions.blackbody.blackbody_nu

    Tbpl = broken_plaw(nu, nu0, Tr, alpha1, alpha2)

    bnu_bpl = blackbody_nu(nu, Tbpl)

    return bnu_bpl
Exemple #12
def planck(data,temp,sr_o,key = 'wave'):
    sr = sr_o*u.sr   ### Setting Steradian 
    temperature = temp * u.K
    if key == 'wave':
        wave = [x*10 for x in data]   # change the wavelength nm to Angstrom
        dw = 1
        d_w = dw*u.AA
        wavelengths = np.arange(wave[0], wave[1],dw) * u.AA

        flux_lam = blackbody_lambda(wavelengths, temperature)
        flux_lam_f = flux_lam*sr
        flux_wat = flux_lam_f.to(u.W/u.cm**2/u.AA)  #  Change the blackbody intensity to "Wats/cm^2/A"
        flux_lam_p = flux_lam_f*wavelengths/(h*c)   #  The number of photons
        flux_lam_p = flux_lam_p.to(u.m**-2/u.AA/u.s)
        total_flux_photon = sum(flux_lam_p)*d_w
    elif key == 'hertz':
        dnu = 1e12
        d_nu = dnu*u.Hz
        nu = np.arange(data[0],data[1],dnu)*u.Hz
        flux_nu = blackbody_nu(nu, temperature)
        flux_nu_f = flux_nu*sr
        flux_wat = flux_nu_f.to(u.W/u.cm**2/u.Hz)  #  Change the blackbody intensity to "Wats/cm^2/A"
        flux_nu_p = flux_nu_f/(h*nu)   #  The number of photons
        flux_nu_p = flux_nu_p.to(u.cm**-2/u.Hz/u.s)   
        total_flux_photon = sum(flux_nu_p)*d_nu
        print "Please re-input the right key"
    return total_flux_photon,flux_wat
Exemple #13
def coreprop(freq, tdust, flux, dist, kappa, sigmav, tgas, smaj, smin, wmol):
	Input sigmav is 1-D velocity dispersion, deconvolved with instrument channel width.
	smaj & smin are deconvolved size in arcsec (from casaviewer 2-D fitter)
    BT = blackbody_nu(freq * u.GHz, tdust * u.K).cgs.value
    d = dist * 1e3 * pc
    # Radius (in unit of pc)
    radius = np.sqrt(smaj * smin) / 2 / 3600 / 180 * np.pi * d / pc
    # Mass
    m = 1e2 * flux * jy * d**2 / BT / kappa / msun
    # Number density
    density = m * msun / (4. / 3. * np.pi * (radius * pc)**3) / (2.8 * mp)
    # Sigmav of 2.33H
    sigmav = np.sqrt((sigmav * 1e5)**2 - kb * tgas / wmol / mp +
                     kb * tgas / 2.33 / mp) / 1e5
    # Virial
    alpha = 5 * (sigmav * 1e5)**2 * (radius * pc) / G / (m * msun)
    # Virial parameter with B-field, assume 1 mG
    B = 1 * 1e-3  # G
    rho = density * 2.8 * mp  # g/cm3
    alfven = B / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi * rho)
    alpha_B = 5 * ((sigmav * 1e5)**2 +
                   (alfven)**2 / 6.) * (radius * pc) / G / (m * msun)

    return sigmav, radius, m, density, alpha, alfven * 1e-5, alpha_B
Exemple #14
def I_total(nu, Te, tau, I0, eta):

    bnu = blackbody_nu(nu, Te)

    exp = np.exp(-tau)

    return bnu * eta * (1. - exp) + I0 * exp
Exemple #15
 def test_from_mag_fluxd0_B(self):
     # comapre with test_from_mag_bandpass
     from astropy.modeling.blackbody import blackbody_nu
     aper = 1 * u.arcsec
     eph = dict(rh=1.0 * u.au, delta=1.0 * u.au)
     fluxd0 = u.Quantity(3631, 'Jy')
     Tscale = 1.1
     B = blackbody_nu(11.7 * u.um, 278 * Tscale * u.K)
     efrho = Efrho.from_mag(5, None, aper, eph, B=B, fluxd0=fluxd0)
     assert np.isclose(efrho.cm, 78750, rtol=0.001)
Exemple #16
def calc_dmass(fluxes, freq, dist):
    Tdust = 20*u.K
    kappa0 = 2*u.cm**2/u.g
    nu0 = constants.c/(1.3*u.mm)

    Bnu = blackbody.blackbody_nu(freq, 20*u.K)
    Dmass = (fluxes*dist**2)/(kappa0*(freq/nu0)*Bnu)
    Dmass = (Dmass.decompose()).to(u.earthMass*u.sr)

    return Dmass
Exemple #17
 def model_function(self, x, **kwargs):
     """Modified black body warm component."""
     assert hasattr(x, 'unit')
     assert 'nu0' in kwargs and hasattr(kwargs['nu0'], 'unit')
     assert 'beta' in kwargs and not hasattr(kwargs['beta'], 'unit')
     sigma = self.sigma_nu(x, rdg=1.E-2, mu=2.33)
     warm = self['size'] * blackbody_nu(x, self['T']) * \
             (1. - np.exp(-self['N']*sigma)) * \
             np.exp(-0.5 * (x/kwargs['nu0'])**kwargs['beta'])
     return warm
def surface_brightness(frequencies, temperature, density, beta):

    #kappa = (9.6 / ((160e-6) ** (-1 * beta))) * ((c.value/frequencies) ** (-1 * beta)) #(9.6 / (c.vlaue/(160e-6) ** (-1 * beta)) - c.value taken out. //// * ((c.value/frequencies) ** (-1 * beta)) = E_lambda in Gordon et al., 2014. Gorden Original

    kappa = (kappa_eff / ((160e-6)**(-1 * beta))) * (
        (c.value / frequencies)**(-1 * beta)
    )  #(9.6 / (c.vlaue/(160e-6) ** (-1 * beta)) - c.value taken out. //// * ((c.value/frequencies) ** (-1 * beta)) = E_lambda in Gordon et al., 2014. First kappa_eff=9.6 replaced with 26 which is more suitable kappa_eff for C-rich AGB stars like this one at 160micron. For O rich we need kappa_eff=8.8 at 160 micron.

    S_nu = density * kappa * blackbody_nu(frequencies, temperature).to(
        u.Jy / (u.arcsec**2)).value  #From Gordon et al., 2014.

    return S_nu
Exemple #19
def generate_planck_blackbody(x, T_eff, frequency=None):
    # Generates a Planck SED
    ptype, unit = dimensions_check(T_eff, accepted_dims=[u'temperature'])
    ptype, unit = dimensions_check(x, accepted_dims=[u'length', u'frequency'])
    if ptype is None or unit is None:
        return None

    if (frequency is None and ptype == u'frequency') or frequency:
        y = blackbody_nu(x, T_eff)
        y = blackbody_lambda(x, T_eff)

    return y
Exemple #20
    def calculate_Snu(self, G0, nu):
        calculate S_nu from simple dust model
        import astropy.constants as const
        import astropy.units as unit
        from astropy.modeling.blackbody import blackbody_nu
        Tdust = self.Tdust * unit.K
        lam = (const.c / (nu * unit.GHz)).to(unit.um)
        Bnu = blackbody_nu(lam, Tdust)
        Snu = G0 * (Bnu * self.sigma / unit.cm**2).to('MJy/(sr*cm^2)').value

        return (Snu)
Exemple #21
def energy_density_absorbed_by_CMB():
    extinction_file = cfg.par.dustdir+cfg.par.dustfile

    mw_df = h5py.File(extinction_file,'r')
    mw_o = mw_df['optical_properties']
    mw_df_nu = mw_o['nu']*u.Hz
    mw_df_chi = mw_o['chi']*u.cm**2/u.g
    b_nu = blackbody_nu(mw_df_nu,cfg.model.TCMB)
    #energy_density_absorbed = 4pi int b_nu * kappa_nu d_nu since b_nu
    #has units erg/s/cm^2/Hz/str and kappa_nu has units cm^2/g.  this results in units erg/s/g
    steradians = 4*np.pi*u.sr
    energy_density_absorbed = (steradians*np.trapz( (b_nu*mw_df_chi),mw_df_nu)).to(u.erg/u.s/u.g)
    return energy_density_absorbed
Exemple #22
def test_blackbody_synphot():
    """Test that it is consistent with IRAF SYNPHOT BBFUNC."""
    # Solid angle of solar radius at 1 kpc
    fac = np.pi * (const.R_sun / const.kpc)**2 * u.sr

    with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
        flux = blackbody_nu([100, 1, 1000, 1e4, 1e5] * u.AA, 5000) * fac
    assert flux.unit == FNU

    # Special check for overflow value (SYNPHOT gives 0)
    assert np.log10(flux[0].value) < -143

        flux.value[1:], [0, 2.01950807e-34, 3.78584515e-26, 1.90431881e-27],
        rtol=0.01)  # 1% accuracy
Exemple #23
def test_blackbody_synphot():
    """Test that it is consistent with IRAF SYNPHOT BBFUNC."""
    # Solid angle of solar radius at 1 kpc
    fac = np.pi * (const.R_sun / const.kpc) ** 2 * u.sr

    with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
        flux = blackbody_nu([100, 1, 1000, 1e4, 1e5] * u.AA, 5000) * fac
    assert flux.unit == FNU

    # Special check for overflow value (SYNPHOT gives 0)
    assert np.log10(flux[0].value) < -143

        flux.value[1:], [0, 2.01950807e-34, 3.78584515e-26, 1.90431881e-27],
        rtol=0.01)  # 1% accuracy
Exemple #24
    def calculate_Snu(self, G0, nu):
        calculate S_nu from MBB dust model
        import astropy.constants as const
        import astropy.units as unit
        from astropy.modeling.blackbody import blackbody_nu
        Tdust = self.Tdust0 * (G0 / self.G0)**(1 / (4. + self.beta)) * unit.K
        lam = (const.c / (nu * unit.GHz)).to(unit.um)
        #lam0 = (const.c/(self.nu0*unit.GHz)).to(unit.um)
        Bnu = blackbody_nu(lam, Tdust)
        #Bnu0 = blackbody_nu(lam0,self.Tdust0)
        Snu = (nu / self.nu0)**self.beta * (
            Bnu * self.sigma / unit.cm**2).to('MJy/(sr*cm^2)').value

        return (Snu)
Exemple #25
def test_blackbody_scipy():
    """Test Planck function.

    .. note:: Needs ``scipy`` to work.

    flux_unit = u.Watt / (u.m**2 * u.um)
    wave = np.logspace(0, 8, 100000) * u.AA
    temp = 100. * u.K
    with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
        bb_nu = blackbody_nu(wave, temp) * u.sr
    flux = bb_nu.to(flux_unit, u.spectral_density(wave)) / u.sr

    lum = wave.to(u.um)
    intflux = integrate.trapz(flux.value, x=lum.value)
    ans = const.sigma_sb * temp**4 / np.pi
    np.testing.assert_allclose(intflux, ans.value, rtol=0.01)  # 1% accuracy
Exemple #26
def test_blackbody_scipy():
    """Test Planck function.

    .. note:: Needs ``scipy`` to work.

    flux_unit = u.Watt / (u.m ** 2 * u.um)
    wave = np.logspace(0, 8, 100000) * u.AA
    temp = 100. * u.K
    with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
        bb_nu = blackbody_nu(wave, temp) * u.sr
    flux = bb_nu.to(flux_unit, u.spectral_density(wave)) / u.sr

    lum = wave.to(u.um)
    intflux = integrate.trapz(flux.value, x=lum.value)
    ans = const.sigma_sb * temp ** 4 / np.pi
    np.testing.assert_allclose(intflux, ans.value, rtol=0.01)  # 1% accuracy
Exemple #27
    def deriv(self, x, yunit, *args, **kwargs):

        # Component
        warm = self.model_function(x, **kwargs).to(yunit)
        sigma = self.sigma_nu(x)

        # Blackbody functions
        bbwarm = blackbody_nu(x, self['T'])

        # Derivatives
        d_size = warm / self['size']
        d_T = warm * deriv_planck(x, self['T']) / bbwarm
        d_T = d_T.to(yunit / self.units['T'])
        d_N = sigma * warm / (np.exp(sigma * self['N']) - 1.)
        d_N = d_N.to(yunit / self.units['N'])

        return [d_T, d_size, d_N]
Exemple #28
 def __call__(self, t=1., scale=1., index=1., dist=1., **kwargs):
     if self.redshift:
         z = dist
         dist = cosmo.luminosity_distance(z).to(u.m)
         freq = const.c.value / ((self.wavelength / (1. + z)) * 1e-6)
         dist = dist * u.pc.to(u.m)
         freq = const.c.value / (self.wavelength * 1e-6)
     #Simple bug catches for inputs to blackbody model
     #if scale <= 0.0:
     #    print('Scale factor must be positive and non-zero.') #not relevant - scale is a log
     if t <= 0.0:
         print('Temperature must be positive and in Kelvin.')
     bb = blackbody.blackbody_nu(freq, t).to(u.Jy / u.sr).value
     bb = bb / dist**2
     bb = bb * 10**(scale) * self.sigmaNormWave * (
         (self.wavelength / self.normWave)**index)
     self.modelFlux = bb
Exemple #29
def qminus_esin_fast(r, tempi, tempe, v):
    nuMin = 1.0e6
    nuMax = 1.0e21
    iter = 30
    paso = np.power(nuMax / nuMin, 1.0 / float(iter - 1))
    sum = 0.0
    nu = nuMin

    theta = boltzmann * tempe / (electronMass * cLight2)
    ne = eDens(r, tempi, tempe, v)
    h = height(r, tempi, tempe)
    k_es = ne * thomson
    tau_es = 2.0 * k_es * h
    A = 1.0 + 4.0 * theta * (1.0 + 4.0 * theta)
    for i in range(iter):
        x = planck * nu / (electronMass * cLight2) / (3.0 * theta)
        bnu = blackbody_nu(nu, tempe).value
        bnu2 = 4.0 * np.pi * bnu
        xi = xiBremss(nu, r, tempi, tempe, v) + xiSync(nu, r, tempi, tempe, v)
        #k_nu = np.where(bnu2 > 1.0e-2*xi*h,xi/bnu2,50.0)
        k_nu = xi / bnu2
        #l_eff = 1.0/np.sqrt(k_nu*(k_nu+k_es))
        #tau_es = 2.0*k_es*np.where(l_eff<h,l_eff,h)

        s_exp = tau_es * (tau_es + 1.0)
        etaMax = 3.0 * boltzmann * tempe / (planck * nu)
        jm = np.log(etaMax) / np.log(A)

        gamma1 = sp.gammainc(jm + 1.0, A * s_exp)
        gamma2 = sp.gammainc(jm + 1.0, s_exp)
        aux2 = s_exp * (A - 1.0)

        #etaa = np.where(aux2<200.0,np.exp(aux2)*(1.0-gamma1)+etaMax*gamma2,etaMax*gamma2)
        etaa = np.exp(aux2) * (1.0 - gamma1) + etaMax * gamma2

        tau_nu = np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2.0 * k_nu * h
        fluxx = 2.0*np.pi/np.sqrt(3.0) * bnu * \
        dnu = nu * (np.sqrt(paso) - 1.0 / np.sqrt(paso))
        sum += fluxx * etaa * dnu
        nu = nu * paso
    return sum * 2.0 / (np.sqrt(np.pi) * h)
Exemple #30
def mass_jyperbeam(flux, beam, pixel_size, wave, t, kappa, distance):
    Takes flux in Jy/beam summed over some area and computes the mass using
    beam and pixel information

    flux : float
        flux in Jy/beam
    beam : array like
        beam size in arcseconds
    pixel_size : number
        pixel size in arcseconds
    wave : float
        wavelength (m)
    t: float (optional)
        temperature (K)
    kappa: float
        dust opacity per unit mass (cm^2g^-1)
    distance: float
        distance to the object (pc)

    beam = beam * u.arcsec
    pixel_size = pixel_size * u.arcsec
    omega_beam = beam_solid_angle(beam)
    flux = (flux * u.Jy / u.beam).to(
        u.Jy / u.sr, equivalencies=u.beam_angular_area(omega_beam))
    integrated_flux = flux * pixel_size**2
    integrated_flux = integrated_flux.to(u.Jy)

    wave = wave * u.m
    t = t * u.K
    kappa = kappa * (u.cm**2 / u.g)
    distance = distance * (u.pc)

    B = blackbody_nu(wave.to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral()), t)
    B = B * u.sr

    m = (distance**2. * integrated_flux) / (kappa * B)
    m = m.to(ap.solMass)

    return m
Exemple #31
def get_bb(day):
    # Get the blackbody curve on a certain day
    # what is the temp on that day?
    dat = Table.read("%s/physevol.dat" %data_dir, format='ascii.no_header')
    dt = dat['col2']
    Ts = dat['col6'] * 10**3
    T = Ts[np.argmin(np.abs(dt-day))]

    # what is the radius on that day?
    Rs = dat['col3'] * 1.5E13 # originally in AU
    R = Rs[np.argmin(np.abs(dt-day))]

    low_wl = 1928 # Angstroms, UVW2
    hi_wl = 21900 # Angstroms, K-band
    c = 3E18
    h = 4.136E-15
    k = 1.38E-16
    x = np.logspace(np.log10(c/hi_wl), np.log10(c/low_wl))
    y = blackbody_nu(x, T)
    print("temp", T)
    return x, y, R
Exemple #32
    def deriv(self, x, yunit, *args):

        # Components
        cold = self.model_function(x).to(yunit)

        # Blackbody functions
        bbcold = blackbody_nu(x, self['T'])

        # Derivatives
        d_size = cold / self['size']
        d_T = cold * deriv_planck(x, self['T']) / bbcold
        d_T = d_T.to(yunit / self.units['T'])
        d_beta = -self['size'] * bbcold * \
                np.exp(-(x/self['nu0'])**self['beta']) * \
                (x/self['nu0'])**self['beta'] * np.log(x/self['nu0'])
        d_beta = d_beta.to(yunit)
        d_nu0 = -self['beta']*(x/self['nu0'])**self['beta'] * \
                cold / (self['nu0']*(np.exp((x/self['nu0'])**self['beta'])-1.))
        d_nu0 = d_nu0.to(yunit / self.units['nu0'])

        return [d_T, d_size, d_nu0, d_beta]
Exemple #33
def test_monochromatic_inverse_compton(particle_dists):
    test IC monochromatic against khangulyan et al.
    from ..models import InverseCompton, PowerLaw

    PL = PowerLaw(1 / u.eV, 1 * u.TeV, 3)

    # compute a blackbody spectrum with 1 eV/cm3 at 30K
    from astropy.modeling.blackbody import blackbody_nu
    Ephbb = np.logspace(-3.5, -1.5, 100) * u.eV
    lambdabb = Ephbb.to('AA', equivalencies=u.equivalencies.spectral())
    T = 30 * u.K
    w = 1 * u.eV / u.cm**3
    bb = (blackbody_nu(lambdabb, T) * 2 * u.sr / c.cgs / Ephbb /
          hbar).to('1/(cm3 eV)')
    Ebbmax = Ephbb[np.argmax(Ephbb**2 * bb)]

    ar = (4 * sigma_sb / c).to('erg/(cm3 K4)')
    bb *= (w / (ar * T**4)).decompose()

    eopts = {'Eemax': 10000 * u.GeV, 'Eemin': 10 * u.GeV, 'nEed': 1000}
    IC_khang = InverseCompton(PL, seed_photon_fields=[['bb', T, w]], **eopts)
    IC_mono = InverseCompton(PL,
                             seed_photon_fields=[['mono', Ebbmax, w]],
    IC_bb = InverseCompton(PL,
                           seed_photon_fields=[['bb2', Ephbb, bb]],
    IC_bb_ene = InverseCompton(
        PL, seed_photon_fields=[['bb2', Ephbb, Ephbb**2 * bb]], **eopts)

    Eph = np.logspace(-1, 1, 3) * u.GeV

    assert_allclose(IC_khang.sed(Eph).value, IC_mono.sed(Eph).value, rtol=1e-2)
    assert_allclose(IC_khang.sed(Eph).value, IC_bb.sed(Eph).value, rtol=1e-2)
Exemple #34
def test_monochromatic_inverse_compton(particle_dists):
    test IC monochromatic against khangulyan et al.

    PL = PowerLaw(1 / u.eV, 1 * u.TeV, 3)

    # compute a blackbody spectrum with 1 eV/cm3 at 30K
    Ephbb = np.logspace(-3.5, -1.5, 100) * u.eV
    lambdabb = Ephbb.to("AA", equivalencies=u.equivalencies.spectral())
    T = 30 * u.K
    w = 1 * u.eV / u.cm ** 3
    bb = (blackbody_nu(lambdabb, T) * 2 * u.sr / c.cgs / Ephbb / hbar).to(
        "1/(cm3 eV)"
    Ebbmax = Ephbb[np.argmax(Ephbb ** 2 * bb)]

    ar = (4 * sigma_sb / c).to("erg/(cm3 K4)")
    bb *= (w / (ar * T ** 4)).decompose()

    eopts = {"Eemax": 10000 * u.GeV, "Eemin": 10 * u.GeV, "nEed": 1000}
    IC_khang = InverseCompton(PL, seed_photon_fields=[["bb", T, w]], **eopts)
    IC_mono = InverseCompton(
        PL, seed_photon_fields=[["mono", Ebbmax, w]], **eopts
    IC_bb = InverseCompton(
        PL, seed_photon_fields=[["bb2", Ephbb, bb]], **eopts
    IC_bb_ene = InverseCompton(
        PL, seed_photon_fields=[["bb2", Ephbb, Ephbb ** 2 * bb]], **eopts

    Eph = np.logspace(-1, 1, 3) * u.GeV

    assert_allclose(IC_khang.sed(Eph).value, IC_mono.sed(Eph).value, rtol=1e-2)
    assert_allclose(IC_khang.sed(Eph).value, IC_bb.sed(Eph).value, rtol=1e-2)
        IC_khang.sed(Eph).value, IC_bb_ene.sed(Eph).value, rtol=1e-2
Exemple #35
def test_blackbody_exceptions_and_warnings():
    """Test exceptions."""

    # Negative temperature
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
        blackbody_nu(1000 * u.AA, -100)
    assert exc.value.args[0] == 'Temperature should be positive: -100.0 K'

    # Zero wavelength given for conversion to Hz
    with catch_warnings(AstropyUserWarning) as w:
        blackbody_nu(0 * u.AA, 5000)
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert 'invalid' in w[0].message.args[0]

    # Negative wavelength given for conversion to Hz
    with catch_warnings(AstropyUserWarning) as w:
        blackbody_nu(-1. * u.AA, 5000)
    assert len(w) == 1
    assert 'invalid' in w[0].message.args[0]