Exemple #1
def fitswcs_nonlinear(header):
    Create a WCS linear transform from a FITS header.

    header : astropy.io.fits.Header or dict
        FITS Header or dict with basic FITS WCS keywords.
    if isinstance(header, fits.Header):
        wcs_info = read_wcs_from_header(header)
    elif isinstance(header, dict):
        wcs_info = header
        raise TypeError("Expected a FITS Header or a dict.")

    transforms = []
    projcode = get_projcode(wcs_info)
    if projcode is not None:
        projection = create_projection_transform(projcode).rename(projcode)
    # Create the sky rotation transform
    sky_axes, _, _ = get_axes(wcs_info)
    if sky_axes:
        phip, lonp = [wcs_info['CRVAL'][i] for i in sky_axes]
        # TODO: write "def compute_lonpole(projcode, l)"
        # Set a defaul tvalue for now
        thetap = 180
        n2c = astmodels.RotateNative2Celestial(phip, lonp, thetap, name="crval")
    if transforms:
        return functools.reduce(core._model_oper('|'), transforms)
        return None
Exemple #2
def fitswcs_nonlinear(header):
    Create a WCS linear transform from a FITS header.

    header : astropy.io.fits.Header or dict
        FITS Header or dict with basic FITS WCS keywords.
    if isinstance(header, fits.Header):
        wcs_info = read_wcs_from_header(header)
    elif isinstance(header, dict):
        wcs_info = header
        raise TypeError("Expected a FITS Header or a dict.")

    transforms = []
    projcode = get_projcode(wcs_info)
    if projcode is not None:
        projection = create_projection_transform(projcode).rename(projcode)
    # Create the sky rotation transform
    sky_axes, _, _ = get_axes(wcs_info)
    if sky_axes:
        phip, lonp = [wcs_info['CRVAL'][i] for i in sky_axes]
        # TODO: write "def compute_lonpole(projcode, l)"
        # Set a defaul tvalue for now
        thetap = 180
        n2c = astmodels.RotateNative2Celestial(phip, lonp, thetap, name="crval")
    if transforms:
        return functools.reduce(core._model_oper('|'), transforms)
    return None
Exemple #3
def make_fitswcs_transform(header):
    Create a basic FITS WCS transform.
    It does not include distortions.

    header : astropy.io.fits.Header or dict
        FITS Header (or dict) with basic WCS information

    if isinstance(header, fits.Header):
        wcs_info = read_wcs_from_header(header)
    elif isinstance(header, dict):
        wcs_info = header
        raise TypeError("Expected a FITS Header or a dict.")
    wcs_linear = fitswcs_linear(wcs_info)
    projcode = get_projcode(wcs_info['CTYPE'])
    projection = create_projection_transform(projcode)
    projection = projection.rename(projcode)

    # Create the sky rotation transform
    phip, lonp = wcs_info['CRVAL']
    # TODO: write "def compute_lonpole(projcode, l)"
    # Set a defaul tvalue for now
    thetap = 180
    n2c = astmodels.RotateNative2Celestial(phip, lonp, thetap, name="crval")

    return functools.reduce(core._model_oper('|'), [wcs_linear, projection, n2c])
Exemple #4
def make_fitswcs_transform(header):
    Create a basic FITS WCS transform.
    It does not include distortions.

    header : `astropy.io.fits.Header` or dict
        FITS Header (or dict) with basic WCS information

    if isinstance(header, fits.Header):
        wcs_info = read_wcs_from_header(header)
    elif isinstance(header, dict):
        wcs_info = header
        raise TypeError("Expected a FITS Header or a dict.")

    # If a pixel axis maps directly to an output axis, we want to have that
    # model completely self-contained, so don't put all the CRPIXj shifts
    # in a single CompoundModel at the beginning
    transforms = []

    # The tricky stuff!
    sky_model = fitswcs_image(wcs_info)
    linear_models = fitswcs_linear(wcs_info)
    all_models = linear_models
    if sky_model:

    # Now arrange the models so the inputs and outputs are in the right places
    all_models.sort(key=lambda m: m.meta['output_axes'][0])
    input_axes = [ax for m in all_models for ax in m.meta['input_axes']]
    output_axes = [ax for m in all_models for ax in m.meta['output_axes']]
    if input_axes != list(range(len(input_axes))):
        input_mapping = models.Mapping(input_axes)

    transforms.append(functools.reduce(core._model_oper('&'), all_models))

    if output_axes != list(range(len(output_axes))):
        output_mapping = models.Mapping(output_axes)

    return functools.reduce(core._model_oper('|'), transforms)
Exemple #5
def make_fitswcs_transform(header):
    Create a basic FITS WCS transform.
    It does not include distortions.

    header : astropy.io.fits.Header or dict
        FITS Header (or dict) with basic WCS information

    if isinstance(header, fits.Header):
        wcs_info = read_wcs_from_header(header)
    elif isinstance(header, dict):
        wcs_info = header
        raise TypeError("Expected a FITS Header or a dict.")
    wcs_linear = fitswcs_linear(wcs_info)
    wcs_nonlinear = fitswcs_nonlinear(wcs_info)
    return functools.reduce(core._model_oper('|'), [wcs_linear, wcs_nonlinear])
Exemple #6
def make_fitswcs_transform(header):
    Create a basic FITS WCS transform.
    It does not include distortions.

    header : astropy.io.fits.Header or dict
        FITS Header (or dict) with basic WCS information

    if isinstance(header, fits.Header):
        wcs_info = read_wcs_from_header(header)
    elif isinstance(header, dict):
        wcs_info = header
        raise TypeError("Expected a FITS Header or a dict.")
    transforms = []
    wcs_linear = fitswcs_linear(wcs_info)
    wcs_nonlinear = fitswcs_nonlinear(wcs_info)
    if wcs_nonlinear is not None:
    return functools.reduce(core._model_oper('|'), transforms)
Exemple #7
This is a temporary home for a bunch of code for removing stuff from CompoundModels

I would imagine this will end up in gwcs or maybe even astropy at somepoint.

from collections import defaultdict

from astropy.modeling import separable
from astropy.modeling.core import BINARY_OPERATORS, _model_oper

OPERATORS = dict((oper, _model_oper(oper)) for oper in BINARY_OPERATORS)

def tree_is_separable(tree):
    Given a tree, convert it to a `CompoundModel` and then return the
    separability of the inputs.
    return separable.is_separable(tree.evaluate(OPERATORS))

def make_tree_input_map(tree):
    Construct a mapping of tree to input names.

    This function iterates over all the inputs of a model and determines which
    side of the tree (left or right) the input corresponds to. It returns a
    mapping of tree to set of all inputs for that side of the tree (which is
    also a tree).
Exemple #8
def fitswcs_linear(header):
    Create a WCS linear transform from a FITS header.

    header : astropy.io.fits.Header or dict
        FITS Header or dict with basic FITS WCS keywords.

    if isinstance(header, fits.Header):
        wcs_info = read_wcs_from_header(header)
    elif isinstance(header, dict):
        wcs_info = header
        raise TypeError("Expected a FITS Header or a dict.")

    wcsaxes = wcs_info['WCSAXES']

    pc = wcs_info['PC']
    # get the part of the PC matrix corresponding to the imaging axes
    sky_axes = None
    if pc.shape != (2, 2):
        sky_axes, _ = get_axes(wcs_info)
        i, j = sky_axes
        sky_pc = np.zeros((2,2))
        sky_pc[0, 0] = pc[i, i]
        sky_pc[0, 1] = pc[i, j]
        sky_pc[1, 0] = pc[j, i]
        sky_pc[1, 1] = pc[j, j]
        pc = sky_pc.copy()

    if sky_axes is not None:
        crpix = []
        cdelt = []
        for i in sky_axes:
        cdelt = wcs_info['CDELT']
        crpix = wcs_info['CRPIX']

    if wcsaxes == 2:
        rotation = astmodels.AffineTransformation2D(matrix=pc, name='pc_matrix')
    #elif wcsaxes == 3 :
        #rotation = AffineTransformation3D(matrix=matrix)
        #raise DimensionsError("WCSLinearTransform supports only 2 or 3 dimensions, "
                          #"{0} given".format(wcsaxes))

    translation_models = [astmodels.Shift(-shift, name='crpix' + str(i + 1)) \
                          for i, shift in enumerate(crpix)]
    translation = functools.reduce(core._model_oper('&'), translation_models)

    if not wcs_info['has_cd']:
        # Do not compute scaling since CDELT* = 1 if CD is present.
        scaling_models = [astmodels.Scale(scale, name='cdelt' + str(i + 1)) \
                          for i, scale in enumerate(cdelt)]

        scaling = functools.reduce(core._model_oper('&'), scaling_models)
        wcs_linear = translation | rotation | scaling
        wcs_linear = translation | rotation

    return wcs_linear