Exemple #1
def test_fitting_with_outlier_removal_niter():
    Test that FittingWithOutlierRemoval stops prior to reaching niter if the
    set of masked points has converged and correctly reports the actual number
    of iterations performed.

    # 2 rows with some noise around a constant level and 1 deviant point:
    x = np.arange(25)
    with NumpyRNGContext(_RANDOM_SEED):
        y = np.random.normal(loc=10., scale=1., size=(2, 25))
    y[0, 14] = 100.

    # Fit 2 models with up to 5 iterations (should only take 2):
    fitter = FittingWithOutlierRemoval(
        fitter=LinearLSQFitter(), outlier_func=sigma_clip, niter=5,
        sigma_lower=3., sigma_upper=3., maxiters=1
    model, mask = fitter(models.Chebyshev1D(2, n_models=2), x, y)

    # Confirm that only the deviant point was rejected, in 2 iterations:
    assert_equal(np.where(mask), [[0], [14]])
    assert fitter.fit_info['niter'] == 2

    # Refit just the first row without any rejection iterations, to ensure
    # there are no regressions for that special case:
    fitter = FittingWithOutlierRemoval(
        fitter=LinearLSQFitter(), outlier_func=sigma_clip, niter=0,
        sigma_lower=3., sigma_upper=3., maxiters=1
    model, mask = fitter(models.Chebyshev1D(2), x, y[0])

    # Confirm that there were no iterations or rejected points:
    assert mask.sum() == 0
    assert fitter.fit_info['niter'] == 0
Exemple #2
def test_linear_fit_model_set_common_weight():
    """Tests fitting multiple models simultaneously."""

    init_model = Polynomial1D(degree=2, c0=[1, 1], n_models=2)
    x = np.arange(10)
    y_expected = init_model(x, model_set_axis=False)
    assert y_expected.shape == (2, 10)

    # Add a bit of random noise
    with NumpyRNGContext(_RANDOM_SEED):
        y = y_expected + np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=y_expected.shape)

    fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
    weights = np.ones(10)
    weights[[0, -1]] = 0
    fitted_model = fitter(init_model, x, y, weights=weights)
    assert_allclose(fitted_model(x, model_set_axis=False), y_expected,

    # Check that using null weights raises an error
    # ValueError: On entry to DLASCL parameter number 4 had an illegal value
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match='Found NaNs in the coefficient matrix'):
        with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning,
                          match=r'invalid value encountered in.*divide'):
            fitted_model = fitter(init_model, x, y, weights=np.zeros(10))
Exemple #3
    def test_covariance_std_printing_indexing(self, capsys):
        Test printing methods and indexing.

        # test str representation for Covariance/stds
        fitter = LinearLSQFitter(calc_uncertainties=True)
        mod = models.Linear1D()
        fit_mod = fitter(mod, self.x, mod(self.x)+self.rand)
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "slope    | 0.001" in captured.out
        assert "intercept| -0.006,  0.041" in captured.out

        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "slope    | 0.038" in captured.out
        assert "intercept| 0.203" in captured.out

        # test 'pprint' for Covariance/stds
        print(fit_mod.cov_matrix.pprint(round_val=5, max_lines=1))
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "slope    | 0.00144" in captured.out
        assert "intercept" not in captured.out

        print(fit_mod.stds.pprint(max_lines=1, round_val=5))
        captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert "slope    | 0.03799" in captured.out
        assert "intercept" not in captured.out

        # test indexing for Covariance class.
        assert fit_mod.cov_matrix[0, 0] == fit_mod.cov_matrix['slope', 'slope']

        # test indexing for stds class.
        assert fit_mod.stds[1] == fit_mod.stds['intercept']
Exemple #4
 def test_linear_1d_separate_weights_axis_1(self):
     model = Polynomial1D(1, model_set_axis=1)
     fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
     model = fitter(model, self.x1, self.y1.T,
                    weights=self.w1[..., np.newaxis])
     assert_allclose(model.c0, 0.5, atol=1e-12)
     assert_allclose(model.c1, 2.5, atol=1e-12)
Exemple #5
def test_model_set_axis_outputs():
    fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
    model_set = Polynomial2D(1, n_models=2, model_set_axis=2)
    y2, x2 = np.mgrid[:5, :5]
    # z = np.moveaxis([x2 + y2, 1 - 0.1 * x2 + 0.2 * y2]), 0, 2)
    z = np.rollaxis(np.array([x2 + y2, 1 - 0.1 * x2 + 0.2 * y2]), 0, 3)
    model = fitter(model_set, x2, y2, z)
    res = model(x2, y2, model_set_axis=False)
    assert z.shape == res.shape

    # Test initializing with integer model_set_axis
    # and evaluating with a different model_set_axis
    model_set = Polynomial1D(1,
                             c0=[1, 2],
                             c1=[2, 3],
    y0 = model_set(xx)
    y1 = model_set(xx.T, model_set_axis=1)
    assert_allclose(y0[0], y1[:, 0])
    assert_allclose(y0[1], y1[:, 1])

    model_set = Polynomial1D(1,
                             c0=[[1, 2]],
                             c1=[[2, 3]],
    y0 = model_set(xx.T)
    y1 = model_set(xx, model_set_axis=0)
    assert_allclose(y0[:, 0], y1[0])
    assert_allclose(y0[:, 1], y1[1])
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemple #6
 def test_linear_2d_common_weights(self):
     model = Polynomial2D(1)
     fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
     model = fitter(model, self.x2, self.y2, self.z2, weights=self.w2)
     assert_allclose(model.c0_0, 1., atol=1e-12)
     assert_allclose(model.c1_0, -0.1, atol=1e-12)
     assert_allclose(model.c0_1, 0.2, atol=1e-12)
Exemple #7
def trace_fit(layout, side='left', degree=1):
    '''Linear fit to describe edge of a spectral trace

    layout : [table]
         a table describing a spectral trace
    side : [str]
         can be 'left', 'right' or 'centre'
    from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial1D
    from astropy.modeling.fitting import LinearLSQFitter

    if side == 'left':
        xpt = layout['x1']
        ypt = layout['y1']
        name = 'left edge'
    elif side == 'centre':
        xpt = layout['x2']
        ypt = layout['y2']
        name = 'trace centre'
    elif side == 'right':
        xpt = layout['x3']
        ypt = layout['y3']
        name = 'right edge'
        raise ValueError('Side ' + str(side) + ' not recognized')

    pinit = Polynomial1D(degree=degree)
    fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
    edge_fit = fitter(pinit, ypt, xpt)
    edge_fit.name = name
    return edge_fit
Exemple #8
 def test_linear_1d_separate_weights(self):
     model = Polynomial1D(1)
     fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
     model = fitter(model, self.x1, self.y1,
                    weights=self.w1[np.newaxis, ...])
     assert_allclose(model.c0, 0.5, atol=1e-12)
     assert_allclose(model.c1, 2.5, atol=1e-12)
Exemple #9
 def test_1d_without_weights_with_sigma_clip(self):
     model = models.Polynomial1D(0)
     fitter = FittingWithOutlierRemoval(LinearLSQFitter(), sigma_clip,
                                        niter=3, sigma=3.)
     fit, mask = fitter(model, self.x1d, self.z1d)
     assert((~mask).sum() == self.z1d.size - 2)
     assert(mask[0] and mask[1])
     assert_allclose(fit.parameters[0], 0.0, atol=10**(-2))  # with removed outliers mean is 0.0
Exemple #10
 def test_linear_2d_separate_weights_axis_2(self):
     model = Polynomial2D(1, model_set_axis=2)
     fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
     model = fitter(model, self.x2, self.y2, np.rollaxis(self.z2, 0, 3),
                    weights=self.w2[..., np.newaxis])
     assert_allclose(model.c0_0, 1., atol=1e-12)
     assert_allclose(model.c1_0, -0.1, atol=1e-12)
     assert_allclose(model.c0_1, 0.2, atol=1e-12)
Exemple #11
 def test_1d_with_weights_with_sigma_clip(self):
     """smoke test for #7020 - fails without fitting.py patch because weights does not propagate"""
     model = models.Polynomial1D(0)
     fitter = FittingWithOutlierRemoval(LinearLSQFitter(), sigma_clip,
                                        niter=3, sigma=3.)
     fit, filtered = fitter(model, self.x1d, self.z1d, weights=self.weights1d)
     assert(fit.parameters[0] > 10**(-2))  # weights pulled it > 0
     assert(fit.parameters[0] < 1.0)       # outliers didn't pull it out of [-1:1] because they had been removed
Exemple #12
 def test_2d_without_weights_with_sigma_clip(self):
     model = models.Polynomial2D(0)
     fitter = FittingWithOutlierRemoval(LinearLSQFitter(), sigma_clip,
                                        niter=3, sigma=3.)
     fit, mask = fitter(model, self.x, self.y, self.z)
     assert((~mask).sum() == self.z.size - 2)
     assert(mask[0, 0] and mask[0, 1])
     assert_allclose(fit.parameters[0], 0.0, atol=10**(-2))
Exemple #13
 def test_2d_linear_with_weights_with_sigma_clip(self):
     """same as test above with a linear fitter."""
     model = models.Polynomial2D(0)
     fitter = FittingWithOutlierRemoval(LinearLSQFitter(), sigma_clip,
                                        niter=3, sigma=3.)
     fit, filtered = fitter(model, self.x, self.y, self.z,
     assert(fit.parameters[0] > 10**(-2))  # weights pulled it > 0
     assert(fit.parameters[0] < 1.0)       # outliers didn't pull it out of [-1:1] because they had been removed
Exemple #14
    def test_1d_set_with_common_weights_with_sigma_clip(self):
        """added for #6819 (1D model set with weights in common)"""
        model = models.Polynomial1D(0, n_models=2)
        fitter = FittingWithOutlierRemoval(LinearLSQFitter(), sigma_clip,
                                           niter=3, sigma=3.)
        z1d = np.array([self.z1d, self.z1d])

        fit, filtered = fitter(model, self.x1d, z1d, weights=self.weights1d)
        assert_allclose(fit.parameters, [0.8, 0.8], atol=1e-14)
Exemple #15
    def poly_solution(self, order):
        from astropy.modeling.fitting import LinearLSQFitter
        from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial1D

        poly = Polynomial1D(order)
        ftr = LinearLSQFitter()
        poly = ftr(poly, list(self.linepixtowl.keys()),
        return poly
Exemple #16
    def setup_class(self):
        self.model = models.Polynomial2D(2)
        self.y, self.x = np.mgrid[:5, :5]

        def poly2(x, y):
            return 1 + 2 * x + 3 * x**2 + 4 * y + 5 * y**2 + 6 * x * y

        self.z = poly2(self.x, self.y)
        self.fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
Exemple #17
def test_linear_fit_model_set_errors():
    init_model = Polynomial1D(degree=2, c0=[1, 1], n_models=2)
    x = np.arange(10)
    y = init_model(x, model_set_axis=False)

    fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        fitter(init_model, x[:5], y)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        fitter(init_model, x, y[:, :5])
Exemple #18
 def test_compound_model_raises_error(self):
     """Test that if an user tries to use a compound model, raises an error"""
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
         init_model1 = models.Polynomial1D(degree=2, c0=[1, 1], n_models=2)
         init_model2 = models.Polynomial1D(degree=2, c0=[1, 1], n_models=2)
         init_model_comp = init_model1 + init_model2
         x = np.arange(10)
         y = init_model_comp(x, model_set_axis=False)
         fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
         _ = fitter(init_model_comp, x, y)
     assert "Model must be simple, not compound" in str(excinfo.value)
Exemple #19
    def test_non_linear_lsq_fitter_with_weights(self, fitter):
        Tests that issue #11581 has been solved.
        fitter = fitter()

        norder = 2

        fitter2 = LinearLSQFitter()

        model = models.Polynomial1D(norder)
        npts = 10000
        c = [2.0, -10.0, 7.0]
        tw = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.0, npts)
        tx = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.0, npts)
        ty = c[0] + c[1] * tx + c[2] * (tx ** 2)
        ty += np.random.normal(0.0, 1.5, npts)

        with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning, match=r'Model is linear in parameters'):
            tf1 = fitter(model, tx, ty, weights=tw)
        tf2 = fitter2(model, tx, ty, weights=tw)

        assert_allclose(tf1.parameters, tf2.parameters,
                        atol=10 ** (-16))
        assert_allclose(tf1.parameters, c,
                        rtol=10 ** (-2), atol=10 ** (-2))

        model = models.Gaussian1D()
        if isinstance(fitter, TRFLSQFitter) or isinstance(fitter, LMLSQFitter):
            with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning, match=r'The fit may be unsuccessful; *.'):
                fitter(model, tx, ty, weights=tw)
            fitter(model, tx, ty, weights=tw)

        model = models.Polynomial2D(norder)
        nxpts = 100
        nypts = 150
        npts = nxpts * nypts
        c = [1.0, 4.0, 7.0, -8.0, -9.0, -3.0]
        tw = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.0, npts).reshape(nxpts, nypts)
        tx = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.0, npts).reshape(nxpts, nypts)
        ty = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.0, npts).reshape(nxpts, nypts)
        tz = c[0] + c[1] * tx + c[2] * (tx ** 2) + c[3] * ty + c[4] * (ty ** 2) + c[5] * tx * ty
        tz += np.random.normal(0.0, 1.5, npts).reshape(nxpts, nypts)

        with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning, match=r'Model is linear in parameters'):
            tf1 = fitter(model, tx, ty, tz, weights=tw)
        tf2 = fitter2(model, tx, ty, tz, weights=tw)

        assert_allclose(tf1.parameters, tf2.parameters,
                        atol=10 ** (-16))
        assert_allclose(tf1.parameters, c,
                        rtol=10 ** (-2), atol=10 ** (-2))
def measure_SNR(spex_path, data_path, plot_path, star, ranges):
    Measure the SNR of a spectrum, by fitting straight lines to pieces of the spectrum
    # plot the spectrum to define regions without spectral lines
    fig, ax = plot_spectrum(star, data_path, range=[0.75, 5.6], log=True)

    # read in all bands and spectra for this star
    starobs = StarData("%s.dat" % star.lower(), path=data_path, use_corfac=True)

    # obtain flux values at a few wavelengths and fit a straight line through the data
    waves, fluxes, uncs = starobs.get_flat_data_arrays(["SpeX_SXD", "SpeX_LXD"])
    for range in ranges:
        min_indx = np.abs(waves - range[0]).argmin()
        max_indx = np.abs(waves - range[1]).argmin()
        func = Linear1D()
        fit = LinearLSQFitter()
        fit_result = fit(func, waves[min_indx:max_indx], fluxes[min_indx:max_indx])
        residu = fluxes[min_indx:max_indx] - fit_result(waves[min_indx:max_indx])

        # calculate the SNR from the data
        data_sxd = Table.read(
            spex_path + star + "_sxd.txt",
        data_lxd = Table.read(
            spex_path + star + "_lxd.txt",
        data = vstack([data_sxd, data_lxd])
        print("wave_range", range)
        min_indx2 = np.abs(data["col1"] - range[0]).argmin()
        max_indx2 = np.abs(data["col1"] - range[1]).argmin()

        SNR_data = np.nanmedian((data["col2"] / data["col3"])[min_indx2:max_indx2])
        print("SNR from data", SNR_data)

        # calculate the SNR from the noise around the linear fit
        mean, median, stddev = sigma_clipped_stats(residu)
        SNR_fit = np.median(fluxes[min_indx:max_indx] / stddev)
        print("SNR from fit", SNR_fit)

        # plot the fitted lines on top of the spectrum
        fig.savefig(plot_path + star + "_SNR_measure.pdf")
Exemple #21
def test_linear_fitter_with_weights():
    """Regression test for #7035"""
    Xin, Yin = np.mgrid[0:21, 0:21]
    fitter = LinearLSQFitter()

    with NumpyRNGContext(_RANDOM_SEED):
        zsig = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=Xin.shape)

    p2 = models.Polynomial2D(3)
    p2.parameters = np.arange(10)/1.2
    z = p2(Xin, Yin)
    pmod = fitter(models.Polynomial2D(3), Xin, Yin, z + zsig, weights=zsig**(-2))
    assert_allclose(pmod.parameters, p2.parameters, atol=10 ** (-2))
Exemple #22
def test_linear_fit_2d_model_set_common_weight():
    init_model = Polynomial2D(degree=2, c1_0=[1, 2], c0_1=[-0.5, 1],
                              fixed={'c1_0': True, 'c0_1': True})

    x, y = np.mgrid[0:5, 0:5]
    zz = np.array([1+x-0.5*y+0.1*x*x, 2*x+y-0.2*y*y])

    fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
    fitted_model = fitter(init_model, x, y, zz, weights=np.ones((5, 5)))

    assert_allclose(fitted_model(x, y, model_set_axis=False), zz,
Exemple #23
    def test_linear_fit_fixed_parameter(self):
        Tests fitting a polynomial model with a fixed parameter (issue #6135).
        init_model = models.Polynomial1D(degree=2, c1=1)
        init_model.c1.fixed = True

        x = np.arange(10)
        y = 2 + x + 0.5*x*x

        fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
        fitted_model = fitter(init_model, x, y)
        assert_allclose(fitted_model.parameters, [2., 1., 0.5], atol=1e-14)
Exemple #24
def test_linear_fitter_with_weights_flat():
    """Same as the above #7035 test but with flattened inputs"""
    Xin, Yin = np.mgrid[0:21, 0:21]
    Xin, Yin = Xin.flatten(), Yin.flatten()
    fitter = LinearLSQFitter()

    with NumpyRNGContext(_RANDOM_SEED):
        zsig = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=Xin.shape)

    p2 = models.Polynomial2D(3)
    p2.parameters = np.arange(10)/1.2
    z = p2(Xin, Yin)
    pmod = fitter(models.Polynomial2D(3), Xin, Yin, z + zsig, weights=zsig**(-2))
    assert_allclose(pmod.parameters, p2.parameters, atol=10 ** (-2))
Exemple #25
def test_fitting_shapes():
    """ Test fitting model sets of Linear1D and Planar2D."""
    fitter = LinearLSQFitter()

    model = Linear1D(slope=[1, 2], intercept=[3, 4], n_models=2)
    y = model(xx)
    fit_model = fitter(model, x, y)

    model = Linear1D(slope=[[1, 2]], intercept=[[3, 4]], n_models=2, model_set_axis=1)
    fit_model = fitter(model, x, y.T)

    model = Planar2D(slope_x=[1, 2], slope_y=[1, 2], intercept=[3, 4], n_models=2)
    y = model(xx, xx)
    fit_model = fitter(model, x, x, y)
Exemple #26
    def test_linear_fit_fixed_parameter(self):
        Tests fitting a polynomial model with a fixed parameter (issue #6135).
        init_model = models.Polynomial1D(degree=2, c1=1)
        init_model.c1.fixed = True

        x = np.arange(10)
        y = 2 + x + 0.5 * x * x

        fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
        with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning,
                          match=r'The fit may be poorly conditioned'):
            fitted_model = fitter(init_model, x, y)
        assert_allclose(fitted_model.parameters, [2., 1., 0.5], atol=1e-14)
Exemple #27
    def test_linear_fit_2d_model_set_fixed_parameters(self):
        Tests fitting a 2d polynomial model set with fixed parameters (#6135).
        init_model = models.Polynomial2D(degree=2, c1_0=[1, 2], c0_1=[-0.5, 1],
                                         fixed={'c1_0': True, 'c0_1': True})

        x, y = np.mgrid[0:5, 0:5]
        zz = np.array([1+x-0.5*y+0.1*x*x, 2*x+y-0.2*y*y])

        fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
        fitted_model = fitter(init_model, x, y, zz)

        assert_allclose(fitted_model(x, y, model_set_axis=False), zz,
Exemple #28
    def test_linear_fit_model_set_fixed_parameter(self):
        Tests fitting a polynomial model set with a fixed parameter (#6135).
        init_model = models.Polynomial1D(degree=2, c1=[1, -2], n_models=2)
        init_model.c1.fixed = True

        x = np.arange(10)
        yy = np.array([2 + x + 0.5*x*x, -2*x])

        fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
        fitted_model = fitter(init_model, x, yy)

        assert_allclose(fitted_model.c0, [2., 0.], atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(fitted_model.c1, [1., -2.], atol=1e-14)
        assert_allclose(fitted_model.c2, [0.5, 0.], atol=1e-14)
Exemple #29
    def test_linear_fit_model_set(self):
        """Tests fitting multiple models simultaneously."""

        init_model = models.Polynomial1D(degree=2, c0=[1, 1], n_models=2)
        x = np.arange(10)
        y_expected = init_model(x, model_set_axis=False)
        assert y_expected.shape == (2, 10)

        # Add a bit of random noise
        with NumpyRNGContext(_RANDOM_SEED):
            y = y_expected + np.random.normal(0, 0.01, size=y_expected.shape)

        fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
        fitted_model = fitter(init_model, x, y)
        assert_allclose(fitted_model(x, model_set_axis=False), y_expected,
Exemple #30
def trace_fibres(data,

    if polynomial_order >= len(slice_positions):
            "Polynomial order ({}) >= number of slices ({}), under-constrained."
            .format(polynomial_order, len(slice_positions)))

        # Convert CCDData or similar to masked array
        data = np.ma.array(data.data, mask=data.mask)
    except AttributeError:
        data = np.ma.array(data)

    slice_half_width = slice_width // 2
    slice_peaks = []

    for i, slice_position in enumerate(slice_positions):
        start = slice_position - slice_half_width
        stop = slice_position + slice_half_width + 1
        if spectral_axis == 0:
            data_slice = data[start:stop, :]
            data_slice = data[:, start:stop]
        projection = data_slice.sum(axis=spectral_axis)
        if first_peak_position:
            peak_kwargs.update({'first_peak_position': first_peak_position})
        peaks = find_taipan_peaks(projection, **peak_kwargs)
        # Store first peak from peak finder to use for next slice
        first_peak_position = peaks.data[0]

    slice_peaks = np.array(slice_peaks)
    n_fibres = slice_peaks.shape[1]

    traces_init = Polynomial1D(degree=polynomial_order,
    trace_fitter = LinearLSQFitter()
    traces = trace_fitter(traces_init, slice_positions, slice_peaks.T)

    return traces