def findStars(image): # In order to use the MAD as a consistent estimator for the estimation # of the standard deviation σ, one takes σ = k * MAD where k is a constant # scale factor, which depends on the distribution. For normally distributed # data k is taken to be k = 1.48[26] bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) t = 5 * bkg_sigma daofind = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=3.0, threshold=t) stars = daofind(image) #stars['signal'] = stars['flux'] * t # data = image mask = make_source_mask(data, snr=2, npixels=5, dilate_size=11) mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(data, sigma=3.0, mask=mask) madstd = mad_std(data) snrs = [] for peak in stars['peak']: snrs.append(peak / madstd / 7.4) stars['snr'] = snrs print((mean, median, std, bkg_sigma, t, madstd)) # #print stars return stars
def test_combiner_uncertainty_median_mask(): mad_to_sigma = 1.482602218505602 mask = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.bool_) mask[5, 5] = True ccd_with_mask = CCDData(np.ones((10, 10)), unit=u.adu, mask=mask) ccd_list = [ccd_with_mask, CCDData(np.ones((10, 10))*2, unit=u.adu), CCDData(np.ones((10, 10))*3, unit=u.adu)] c = Combiner(ccd_list) ccd = c.median_combine() # Just the standard deviation of ccd data. ref_uncertainty = np.ones((10, 10)) * mad_to_sigma * mad([1, 2, 3]) # Correction because we combined two images. ref_uncertainty /= np.sqrt(3) # 0.855980789955 ref_uncertainty[5, 5] = mad_to_sigma * mad([2, 3]) / np.sqrt(2) # 0.524179041254 np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ccd.uncertainty.array, ref_uncertainty)
def fitness(h, twindows, swindows): #img_denoise será nossa imagem com o filtro aplicado img_denoise = cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising(img_noise, None, h, twindows, swindows) #Depois pegamos essa imagem com o filtro aplicado, e vemos seu nivel de ruido fit = 1 / mad(img_denoise, axis=None) #fit será o valor do fitness de cada individuo return fit
def test_combiner_uncertainty_median_mask(): mad_to_sigma = 1.482602218505602 mask = np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=np.bool_) mask[5, 5] = True ccd_with_mask = CCDData(np.ones((10, 10)), unit=u.adu, mask=mask) ccd_list = [ccd_with_mask, CCDData(np.ones((10, 10)) * 2, unit=u.adu), CCDData(np.ones((10, 10)) * 3, unit=u.adu)] c = Combiner(ccd_list) ccd = c.median_combine() # Just the standard deviation of ccd data. ref_uncertainty = np.ones((10, 10)) * mad_to_sigma * mad([1, 2, 3]) # Correction because we combined two images. ref_uncertainty /= np.sqrt(3) # 0.855980789955 ref_uncertainty[5, 5] = mad_to_sigma * \ mad([2, 3]) / np.sqrt(2) # 0.524179041254 np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ccd.uncertainty.array, ref_uncertainty)
def findStars(image): # In order to use the MAD as a consistent estimator for the estimation # of the standard deviation σ, one takes σ = k * MAD where k is a constant # scale factor, which depends on the distribution. For normally distributed # data k is taken to be k = 1.48[26] bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) stars = daofind(image, fwhm=3.0, threshold=5 * bkg_sigma) #print stars return stars
def patch_rlrps(array, rank, low_rank_mode, thresh, thresh_mode, max_iter, random_seed, debug=False, full_output=False): """ Patch decomposition based on GoDec/SSGoDec (Zhou & Tao 2011) """ ### Initializing L and S L = array S = np.zeros_like(L) random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_seed) itr = 0 power = 0 while itr <= max_iter: ### Updating L if low_rank_mode == 'brp': Y2 = random_state.randn(L.shape[1], rank) for _ in range(power + 1): Y1 =, Y2) Y2 =, Y1) Q, _ = qr(Y2, mode='economic') Lnew =, Q), Q.T) elif low_rank_mode == 'svd': PC = svd_wrapper(L, 'randsvd', rank, False, False) Lnew =, PC.T), PC) else: raise RuntimeError('Wrong Low Rank estimation mode') ### Updating S T = L - Lnew + S if itr == 0: threshold = np.sqrt(mad(T.ravel())) * thresh if debug: print('threshold level = {:.3f}'.format(threshold)) S = thresholding(T, threshold, thresh_mode) T -= S L = Lnew + T itr += 1 if full_output: return L, S, array - L - S else: return S
def _snr_approx(array, source_xy, fwhm, centery, centerx): """ array - frame convolved with top hat kernel """ sourcex, sourcey = source_xy rad = dist(centery, centerx, sourcey, sourcex) ind_aper = disk((sourcey, sourcex), fwhm / 2.) # noise : STDDEV in convolved array of 1px wide annulus (while # masking the flux aperture) * correction of # of resolution elements ind_ann = circle_perimeter(int(centery), int(centerx), int(rad)) array2 = array.copy() array2[ind_aper] = mad(array[ind_ann]) # mask n2 = (2 * np.pi * rad) / fwhm - 1 noise = array2[ind_ann].std(ddof=1) * np.sqrt(1 + (1 / n2)) # signal : central px minus the mean of the pxs (masked) in 1px annulus signal = array[sourcey, sourcex] - array2[ind_ann].mean() snr_value = signal / noise return sourcey, sourcex, snr_value
def _snr_approx(array, source_xy, fwhm, centery, centerx): """ array - frame convolved with top hat kernel """ sourcex, sourcey = source_xy rad = dist(centery, centerx, sourcey, sourcex) ind_aper =, sourcex, fwhm/2.) # noise : STDDEV in convolved array of 1px wide annulus (while # masking the flux aperture) * correction of # of resolution elements ind_ann = draw.circle_perimeter(int(centery), int(centerx), int(rad)) array2 = array.copy() array2[ind_aper] = mad(array[ind_ann]) # mask n2 = (2 * np.pi * rad) / fwhm - 1 noise = array2[ind_ann].std() * np.sqrt(1+(1/n2)) # signal : central px minus the mean of the pxs (masked) in 1px annulus signal = array[sourcey, sourcex] - array2[ind_ann].mean() snr_value = signal / noise return sourcey, sourcex, snr_value
def patch_rlrps(array, rank, low_rank_mode, thresh, thresh_mode, max_iter, random_seed, debug=False, full_output=False): """ Patch decomposition based on GoDec/SSGoDec (Zhou & Tao 2011) """ ### Initializing L and S L = array S = np.zeros_like(L) random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_seed) itr = 0 power = 0 while itr<=max_iter: ### Updating L if low_rank_mode=='brp': Y2 = random_state.randn(L.shape[1], rank) for _ in range(power+1): Y1 =, Y2) Y2 =, Y1) Q, _ = qr(Y2, mode='economic') Lnew =, Q), Q.T) elif low_rank_mode=='svd': PC = svd_wrapper(L, 'randsvd', rank, False, False) Lnew =, PC.T), PC) else: raise RuntimeError('Wrong Low Rank estimation mode') ### Updating S T = L - Lnew + S if itr==0: threshold = np.sqrt(mad(T.ravel()))*thresh if debug: print('threshold level = {:.3f}'.format(threshold)) S = thresholding(T, threshold, thresh_mode) T -= S L = Lnew + T itr += 1 if full_output: return L, S, array-L-S else: return S
def __plot_degradation(cat, ax, color='blue', label=None, title=None, ylabel=None, force=True): cnames = ['Spirals', 'Ellipticals'] colors = ['blue', 'red'] linestyles = ['-', '-'] for aclass, color, ls, cname in zip([1, 2], colors, linestyles, cnames): mus = [] sigmas = [] for column in np.median(column[np.where( cat.classes == aclass)].compressed().astype(float))) #mu, sigma = np.array([np.where(cat.classes == aclass)].compressed().astype(float))) mus.append( np.median(column[np.where( cat.classes == aclass)].compressed().astype(float))) sigmas.append(1.5 * mad(column[np.where( cat.classes == aclass)].compressed().astype(float))) mus = np.array(mus) sigmas = np.array(sigmas) ax.plot(cat.zs.astype(float), mus, ls, lw=1.5, color=color, label=cname) #ax.plot(cat.zs.astype(float), mus-2*sigmas, '--', lw=1, color=color, label=label) #ax.plot(cat.zs.astype(float), mus+2*sigmas, '--', lw=1, color=color, label=label) ax.fill_between(cat.zs.astype(float), mus - sigmas, mus + sigmas, facecolor=color, alpha=0.5)
def tag_outliers(data, window_size, axis, sigma=10): assert window_size % 2 == 0 data_mad = np.zeros_like(data) data_med = np.zeros_like(data) #data_tag = np.zeros_like(data).astype(bool) pad_width = np.zeros((len(data.shape), 2)).astype(int) pad_width[axis] = (window_size // 2, window_size // 2) data_pad = np.pad(data, pad_width, mode='constant', constant_values=np.nan) # compute rolling MAD and median for i in range(data_mad.shape[0]): data_mad[i] = mad(data[i:i + window_size], axis=axis, ignore_nan=True) data_med[i] = np.nanmedian(data[i:i + window_size], axis=axis) # tag data_tag = np.abs(data - data_med) / data_mad > sigma * 0.67449 # print('Rejecting MAD >', sigma * 0.67449) # print('Total rejected in each IF:', data_tag.sum(0)) return data_tag
def snrmap(array, fwhm, plot=False, mode='sss', source_mask=None, nproc=None): """Parallel implementation of the SNR map generation function. Applies the S/N function (small samples penalty) at each pixel. Parameters ---------- array : array_like Input frame. fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. plot : {False, True}, bool optional If True plots the SNR map. mode : {'sss', 'peakstddev'}, string optional 'sss' uses the approach with the small sample statistics penalty and 'peakstddev' uses the peak(aperture)/std(annulus) version. source_mask : array_like, optional If exists, it takes into account existing sources. The mask is a ones 2d array, with the same size as the input frame. The centers of the known sources have a zero value. nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. Returns ------- snrmap : array_like Frame with the same size as the input frame with each pixel. """ start_time = timeInit() if not array.ndim==2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a 2d array or image.') if plot: plt.close('snr') sizey, sizex = array.shape snrmap = np.zeros_like(array) width = min(sizey,sizex)/2 - 1.5*fwhm mask = get_annulus(array, (fwhm/2)+1, width) mask = yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = zip(xx,yy) if not nproc: nproc = int((cpu_count()/2)) # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if mode == 'sss': F = snr_ss elif mode == 'peakstddev': F = snr_peakstddev else: raise TypeError('\nMode not recognized.') if source_mask is None: pool = Pool(processes=int(nproc)) res =, itt.izip(itt.repeat(F),itt.repeat(array), coords, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool.close() yy = res[:,0] xx = res[:,1] snr = res[:,2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr else: # checking the mask with the sources if not array.shape == source_mask.shape: raise RuntimeError('Source mask has wrong size.') if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] == 0: msg = 'Input source mask is empty.' raise RuntimeError(msg) if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] > 20: msg = 'Input source mask is too crowded. Check its validity.' raise RuntimeError(msg) soury, sourx = np.where(source_mask == 0) sources = [] ciry = []; cirx = []; anny = []; annx = [] array_sources = array.copy() centery, centerx = frame_center(array) for (y,x) in zip(soury,sourx): radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) if int(np.floor(radd)) < centery - np.ceil(fwhm): sources.append((y,x)) for source in sources: y, x = source radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) tempay, tempax = get_annulus(array, int(np.floor(radd-fwhm)), int(np.ceil(2*fwhm)), output_indices=True) tempcy, tempcx =, x, int(np.ceil(1*fwhm))) # masking the source position (using the MAD of pixels in annulus) array_sources[tempcy, tempcx] = mad(array[tempay, tempax]) ciry += list(tempcy); cirx += list(tempcx) anny += list(tempay); annx += list(tempax) # coordinates of annulus without the sources coor_ann = [(y,x) for (y,x) in zip(anny, annx) if (y,x) not in zip(ciry, cirx)] # coordinates of the rest of the frame without the annulus coor_rest = [(y,x) for (y,x) in zip(yy, xx) if (y,x) not in coor_ann] pool1 = Pool(processes=int(nproc)) res =, itt.izip(itt.repeat(F),itt.repeat(array), coor_rest, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool1.close() yy = res[:,0] xx = res[:,1] snr = res[:,2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr pool2 = Pool(processes=int(nproc)) res =, itt.izip(itt.repeat(F), itt.repeat(array_sources), coor_ann, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool2.close() yy = res[:,0] xx = res[:,1] snr = res[:,2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr if plot: pp_subplots(snrmap, colorb=True, title='S/N map') print "S/N map created using {:} processes.".format(nproc) timing(start_time) return snrmap
def fit_sources(image1d, psfbase, shape, normperim, medianim, mastermask, threshold=12, **kwargs): '''find and fit sources in the image perform PSF subtraction and then find and fit sources see comments in code for details Parameters ---------- image1d : ndarray flattened, normalized image psfbase : ndarray 2d array of psf templates (PSF library) threshold : float Detection threshold. Higher numbers find only the stronger sources. Experiment to find the right value. kwargs : dict or names arguments arguments for daofind (fwmh, min and max roundness, etc.) Returns ------- fluxes_gaussian : astropy.table.Table imag : PSF subtracted image scaled_im : PSF subtracted image in daofind scaling ''' psf_coeff = psf_from_projection(image1d, psfbase) im = image1d -, psf_coeff) bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(im) # Do source detection on 2d, scaled image scaled_im = remove_normmask(im.reshape((-1, 1)), np.ones(1), np.ones_like(medianim), mastermask).reshape(shape) imag = remove_normmask(im.reshape((-1, 1)), normperim, medianim, mastermask).reshape(shape) sources = photutils.daofind(scaled_im, threshold=threshold * bkg_sigma, **kwargs) if len(sources) == 0: return None, imag, scaled_im else: # insert extra step here to find the brightest source, subtract it and # redo the PSF fit or add a PSF model to psfbase to improve the PSF fit # I think 1 level of that is enough, no infinite recursion. # Idea 1: mask out a region around the source, so that this does not # influence the PSF fit. newmask = deepcopy(mastermask).reshape(shape) for source in sources: sl, temp = overlap_slices(shape, [9,9], [source['xcentroid'], source['ycentroid']]) newmask[sl[0], sl[1]] = True newmask = newmask.flatten() psf_coeff = psf_from_projection(image1d[~(newmask[~mastermask])], psfbase[~(newmask[~mastermask]), :]) im = image1d -, psf_coeff) scaled_im = remove_normmask(im.reshape((-1, 1)), np.ones(1), np.ones_like(medianim), mastermask).reshape(shape) imag = remove_normmask(im.reshape((-1, 1)), normperim, medianim, mastermask).reshape(shape) # cosmics in the image lead to high points, which means that the # average area will be overcorrected imag = imag - # do photometry on image in real space psf_gaussian = photutils.psf.GaussianPSF(1.8) # width measured by hand # default in photutils is to freeze this stuff, but I disagree # psf_gaussian.fixed['sigma'] = False # psf_gaussian.fixed['x_0'] = False # psf_gaussian.fixed['y_0'] = False fluxes_gaussian = photutils.psf.psf_photometry(imag, sources['xcentroid', 'ycentroid'], psf_gaussian) '''Estimate flux of Gaussian PSF from A and sigma. Should be part of photutils in a more clever (analytic) implementation. As long as it's missing there, but in this crutch here. ''' x, y = np.mgrid[-3:3, -4:4] amp2flux = np.sum(psf_gaussian.evaluate(x, y, 1, 1, 0, 1.8)) # 1.8 hard-coded above fluxes_gaussian.add_column(MaskedColumn(name='flux_fit', data=amp2flux * fluxes_gaussian['amplitude_fit'])) return fluxes_gaussian, imag, scaled_im
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5, 3.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) idx = np.isfinite(np.log10((t['13co10']) / t['12co32'])) t2 = t[idx] corner.hist2d(np.log10(t[idx]['flux']), np.log10((t[idx]['13co10']) / t[idx]['12co32']), ax=ax) # ax.scatter(t['flux'], t['13co10']/t['12co32'], edgecolor='k', # facecolor='gray', alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylim(-3, 0) ax.set_xlabel( r'$\log_{10}[F_{\mathrm{CO(3-2)}}/(\mathrm{K\ km\ s^{-1}\ pc^{2}})]$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\log_{10}[F_{\mathrm{{}^{13}CO(1-0)}}/F_{\mathrm{CO(3-2)}}]$') plt.tight_layout() #ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') #ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip') idx2 = t2['flux'] > 1e3 print(np.median(t2[idx2]['13co10'] / t2[idx2]['12co32'])) print(mad(np.log(t2[idx2]['13co10'] / t2[idx2]['12co32']))) count = idx2.sum() print('Number of clouds: {0}'.format(count)) plt.savefig('R13.pdf') # sns.jointplot(np.log10(t[idx]['flux']), # np.log10((t[idx]['13co10'])/t[idx]['12co32']), # kind="hex") # plt.ylim(-3,1)
def getThreshold(path, index=0): fp = hdu = fp[index] image ='float32') bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) return 5 * bkg_sigma
def snrmap(array, fwhm, plot=False, mode='sss', source_mask=None, nproc=None, save_plot=None, plot_title=None, verbose=True, array2=None, use2alone=False): """Parallel implementation of the S/N map generation function. Applies the S/N function (small samples penalty) at each pixel. Parameters ---------- array : 2d array_like Input frame. fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. plot : bool, optional If True plots the S/N map. False by default. mode : {'sss', 'peakstddev'}, string optional 'sss' uses the approach with the small sample statistics penalty and 'peakstddev' uses the peak(aperture)/std(annulus) version. source_mask : array_like, optional If exists, it takes into account existing sources. The mask is a ones 2d array, with the same size as the input frame. The centers of the known sources have a zero value. nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. save_plot : string If provided, the S/N map is saved to this path. plot_title : string If provided, the S/N map plot is titled. verbose: bool, optional Whether to print timing or not. array2 : array_like, 2d, opt Additional image (e.g. processed image with negative derotation angles) enabling to have more noise samples. Should have the same dimensions as array. use2alone: bool, opt Whether to use array2 alone to estimate the noise (might be useful to estimate the snr of extended disk features) Returns ------- snrmap : 2d array_like Frame with the same size as the input frame with each pixel. """ if verbose: start_time = time_ini() if array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a 2d array or image.') if plot: plt.close('snr') sizey, sizex = array.shape snrmap = np.zeros_like(array) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm mask = get_annulus_segments(array, (fwhm / 2) + 2, width, mode="mask")[0] mask = # by making a bool mask *after* applying the mask to the array, we also mask # out zero values from the array. This logic cannot be simplified by using # mode="ind"! yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = zip(xx, yy) if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if mode == 'sss': func = snr_ss elif mode == 'peakstddev': func = snr_peakstddev else: raise TypeError('\nMode not recognized.') if source_mask is None: pool = Pool(processes=nproc) res =, zip(itt.repeat(func), itt.repeat(array), coords, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True), itt.repeat(array2), itt.repeat(use2alone))) res = np.array(res) pool.close() yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr else: # checking the mask with the sources if array.shape != source_mask.shape: raise RuntimeError('Source mask has wrong size.') if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] == 0: msg = 'Input source mask is empty.' raise RuntimeError(msg) if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] > 20: msg = 'Input source mask is too crowded. Check its validity.' raise RuntimeError(msg) soury, sourx = np.where(source_mask == 0) sources = [] ciry = [] cirx = [] anny = [] annx = [] array_sources = array.copy() centery, centerx = frame_center(array) for (y, x) in zip(soury, sourx): radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) if int(radd) < centery - np.ceil(fwhm): sources.append((y, x)) for source in sources: y, x = source radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) tempay, tempax = get_annulus_segments(array, int(radd-fwhm), int(np.ceil(2*fwhm)))[0] tempcy, tempcx =, x, int(np.ceil(1*fwhm))) # masking the source position (using the MAD of pixels in annulus) array_sources[tempcy, tempcx] = mad(array[tempay, tempax]) ciry += list(tempcy) cirx += list(tempcx) anny += list(tempay) annx += list(tempax) # coordinates of annulus without the sources coor_ann = [(y, x) for (y, x) in zip(anny, annx) if (y, x) not in zip(ciry, cirx)] # coordinates of the rest of the frame without the annulus coor_rest = [(y, x) for (y, x) in zip(yy, xx) if (y, x) not in coor_ann] pool1 = Pool(processes=nproc) res =, zip(itt.repeat(func), itt.repeat(array), coor_rest, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True), itt.repeat(array2), itt.repeat(use2alone))) res = np.array(res) pool1.close() yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr pool2 = Pool(processes=nproc) res =, zip(itt.repeat(func), itt.repeat(array_sources), coor_ann, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True), itt.repeat(array2), itt.repeat(use2alone))) res = np.array(res) pool2.close() yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr if plot: pp_subplots(snrmap, colorb=True, title='S/N map') # Option to save snrmap in angular scale, using Keck NIRC2's ~0.01 pixel # scale. In this case, set plot = False elif save_plot is not None: pp_subplots(snrmap, colorb=True, title=plot_title, save=save_plot, vmin=-1, vmax=5, angscale=True, getfig=True) if verbose: print("S/N map created using {} processes.".format(nproc)) timing(start_time) return snrmap
import numpy as np from photutils import datasets print "Python version:", sys.version print "Astropy version:", astropy.__version__ hdu = datasets.load_star_image() image =[500:700, 500:700] image = print np.median(image) image -= np.median(image) from photutils import daofind from astropy.stats import median_absolute_deviation as mad bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) sources = daofind(image, fwhm=4.0, threshold=3*bkg_sigma) print sources for s in sources: print s figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) matplotlib.pyplot.title("Sample image") matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(image, cmap='gray') #matplotlib.pyplot.gca().invert_yaxis() ax=figure.add_subplot(1,1,1) matplotlib.pyplot.axis('off')
timeLeft = etaTime - currentTime (hours, mins, secs) = ultracamutils.timedeltaHoursMinsSeconds(timeLeft) timeLeftString = str(hours).zfill(2) + ":" + str(mins).zfill(2) + ":" + str(secs).zfill(2) ccdFrame = rdat() statusString = "\r%s Frame: [%d/%d]"%(timeLeftString, trueFrameNumber, frameRange) sys.stdout.write(statusString) sys.stdout.flush() windows = ccdFrame[0] for windowIndex, w in enumerate(windows): image = w._data allWindows[windowIndex].addData(image) bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) sources = daofind(image, fwhm=4.0, threshold=2.5*bkg_sigma) sources.pprint() filteredSources = [] for index, s in enumerate(sources): newSource = {} new = True newSource = (s['xcentroid'], s['ycentroid'], s['flux']) if index==0: filteredSources.append(newSource) for f in filteredSources: if f[0]==newSource[0] and \ f[1]==newSource[1] and \
def snrmap(array, fwhm, plot=False, mode='sss', source_mask=None, nproc=None, array2=None, use2alone=False, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Parallel implementation of the S/N map generation function. Applies the S/N function (small samples penalty) at each pixel. Parameters ---------- array : numpy.ndarray Input frame (2d array). fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. plot : bool, optional If True plots the S/N map. False by default. mode : {'sss', 'peakstddev'}, string optional 'sss' uses the approach with the small sample statistics penalty and 'peakstddev' uses the peak(aperture)/std(annulus) version. source_mask : array_like, optional If exists, it takes into account existing sources. The mask is a ones 2d array, with the same size as the input frame. The centers of the known sources have a zero value. nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. array2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Additional image (e.g. processed image with negative derotation angles) enabling to have more noise samples. Should have the same dimensions as array. use2alone: bool, optional Whether to use array2 alone to estimate the noise (might be useful to estimate the snr of extended disk features). verbose: bool, optional Whether to print timing or not. **kwargs : dictionary, optional Arguments to be passed to ``plot_frames`` to customize the plot (and to save it to disk). Returns ------- snrmap : 2d array_like Frame with the same size as the input frame with each pixel. """ if verbose: start_time = time_ini() if array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a 2d array or image.') if plot: plt.close('snr') sizey, sizex = array.shape snrmap = np.zeros_like(array) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm mask = get_annulus_segments(array, (fwhm / 2) + 2, width, mode="mask")[0] mask = # by making a bool mask *after* applying the mask to the array, we also mask # out zero values from the array. This logic cannot be simplified by using # mode="ind"! yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = zip(xx, yy) if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if mode == 'sss': func = snr_ss elif mode == 'peakstddev': func = snr_peakstddev else: raise TypeError('\nMode not recognized.') if source_mask is None: res = pool_map(nproc, func, array, iterable(coords), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone) res = np.array(res) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr else: # checking the mask with the sources if array.shape != source_mask.shape: raise RuntimeError('Source mask has wrong size.') if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] == 0: msg = 'Input source mask is empty.' raise RuntimeError(msg) if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] > 20: msg = 'Input source mask is too crowded. Check its validity.' raise RuntimeError(msg) soury, sourx = np.where(source_mask == 0) sources = [] ciry = [] cirx = [] anny = [] annx = [] array_sources = array.copy() centery, centerx = frame_center(array) for (y, x) in zip(soury, sourx): radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) if int(radd) < centery - np.ceil(fwhm): sources.append((y, x)) for source in sources: y, x = source radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) tempay, tempax = get_annulus_segments(array, int(radd - fwhm), int(np.ceil(2 * fwhm)))[0] tempcy, tempcx =, x, int(np.ceil(1 * fwhm))) # masking the source position (using the MAD of pixels in annulus) array_sources[tempcy, tempcx] = mad(array[tempay, tempax]) ciry += list(tempcy) cirx += list(tempcx) anny += list(tempay) annx += list(tempax) # coordinates of annulus without the sources coor_ann = [(y, x) for (y, x) in zip(anny, annx) if (y, x) not in zip(ciry, cirx)] # coordinates of the rest of the frame without the annulus coor_rest = [(y, x) for (y, x) in zip(yy, xx) if (y, x) not in coor_ann] res = pool_map(nproc, func, array, iterable(coor_rest), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone) res = np.array(res) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr res = pool_map(nproc, func, array_sources, iterable(coor_ann), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone) res = np.array(res) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr if plot: plot_frames(snrmap, colorbar=True, title='S/N map', **kwargs) if verbose: print("S/N map created using {} processes.".format(nproc)) timing(start_time) return snrmap
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5,3.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) idx = np.isfinite(np.log10((t['13co10'])/t['12co32'])) t2 = t[idx] corner.hist2d(np.log10(t[idx]['flux']), np.log10((t[idx]['13co10'])/t[idx]['12co32']), ax=ax) # ax.scatter(t['flux'], t['13co10']/t['12co32'], edgecolor='k', # facecolor='gray', alpha=0.2) ax.set_ylim(-3,0) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\log_{10}[F_{\mathrm{CO(3-2)}}/(\mathrm{K\ km\ s^{-1}\ pc^{2}})]$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\log_{10}[F_{\mathrm{{}^{13}CO(1-0)}}/F_{\mathrm{CO(3-2)}}]$') plt.tight_layout() #ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip') #ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip') idx2 = t2['flux']>1e3 print(np.median(t2[idx2]['13co10']/t2[idx2]['12co32'])) print(mad(np.log(t2[idx2]['13co10']/t2[idx2]['12co32']))) count = idx2.sum() print('Number of clouds: {0}'.format(count)) plt.savefig('R13.pdf') # sns.jointplot(np.log10(t[idx]['flux']), # np.log10((t[idx]['13co10'])/t[idx]['12co32']), # kind="hex") # plt.ylim(-3,1)
def snrmap(array, fwhm, plot=False, mode='sss', source_mask=None, nproc=None, save_plot=None, plot_title=None, verbose=True): """Parallel implementation of the S/N map generation function. Applies the S/N function (small samples penalty) at each pixel. Parameters ---------- array : array_like Input frame. fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. plot : bool, optional If True plots the S/N map. False by default. mode : {'sss', 'peakstddev'}, string optional 'sss' uses the approach with the small sample statistics penalty and 'peakstddev' uses the peak(aperture)/std(annulus) version. source_mask : array_like, optional If exists, it takes into account existing sources. The mask is a ones 2d array, with the same size as the input frame. The centers of the known sources have a zero value. nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. save_plot : string If provided, the S/N map is saved to this path. plot_title : string If provided, the S/N map plot is titled. verbose: bool, optional Whether to print timing or not. Returns ------- snrmap : array_like Frame with the same size as the input frame with each pixel. """ if verbose: start_time = time_ini() if array.ndim != 2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a 2d array or image.') if plot: plt.close('snr') sizey, sizex = array.shape snrmap = np.zeros_like(array) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm mask = get_annulus(array, (fwhm / 2) + 1, width) mask = yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = zip(xx, yy) if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if mode == 'sss': func = snr_ss elif mode == 'peakstddev': func = snr_peakstddev else: raise TypeError('\nMode not recognized.') if source_mask is None: pool = Pool(processes=nproc) res = EFT, zip(itt.repeat(func), itt.repeat(array), coords, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool.close() yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr else: # checking the mask with the sources if array.shape != source_mask.shape: raise RuntimeError('Source mask has wrong size.') if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] == 0: msg = 'Input source mask is empty.' raise RuntimeError(msg) if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] > 20: msg = 'Input source mask is too crowded. Check its validity.' raise RuntimeError(msg) soury, sourx = np.where(source_mask == 0) sources = [] ciry = [] cirx = [] anny = [] annx = [] array_sources = array.copy() centery, centerx = frame_center(array) for (y, x) in zip(soury, sourx): radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) if int(radd) < centery - np.ceil(fwhm): sources.append((y, x)) for source in sources: y, x = source radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) tempay, tempax = get_annulus(array, int(radd - fwhm), int(np.ceil(2 * fwhm)), output_indices=True) tempcy, tempcx =, x, int(np.ceil(1 * fwhm))) # masking the source position (using the MAD of pixels in annulus) array_sources[tempcy, tempcx] = mad(array[tempay, tempax]) ciry += list(tempcy) cirx += list(tempcx) anny += list(tempay) annx += list(tempax) # coordinates of annulus without the sources coor_ann = [(y, x) for (y, x) in zip(anny, annx) if (y, x) not in zip(ciry, cirx)] # coordinates of the rest of the frame without the annulus coor_rest = [(y, x) for (y, x) in zip(yy, xx) if (y, x) not in coor_ann] pool1 = Pool(processes=nproc) res = EFT, zip(itt.repeat(func), itt.repeat(array), coor_rest, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool1.close() yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr pool2 = Pool(processes=nproc) res = EFT, zip(itt.repeat(func), itt.repeat(array_sources), coor_ann, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool2.close() yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr = res[:, 2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr if plot: pp_subplots(snrmap, colorb=True, title='S/N map') # Option to save snrmap in angular scale, using Keck NIRC2's ~0.01 pixel # scale. In this case, set plot = False elif save_plot is not None: pp_subplots(snrmap, colorb=True, title=plot_title, save=save_plot, vmin=-1, vmax=5, angscale=True, getfig=True) if verbose: print("S/N map created using {} processes.".format(nproc)) timing(start_time) return snrmap
def snrmap(array, fwhm, approximated=False, plot=False, known_sources=None, nproc=None, array2=None, use2alone=False, exclude_negative_lobes=False, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Parallel implementation of the S/N map generation function. Applies the S/N function (small samples penalty) at each pixel. The S/N is computed as in Mawet et al. (2014) for each radial separation. *** DISCLAIMER *** Signal-to-noise ratio is not significance! For a conversion from snr to n-sigma (i.e. the equivalent confidence level of a Gaussian n-sigma), use the significance() function. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input frame (2d array). fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. approximated : bool, optional If True, an approximated S/N map is generated. plot : bool, optional If True plots the S/N map. False by default. known_sources : None, tuple or tuple of tuples, optional To take into account existing sources. It should be a tuple of float/int or a tuple of tuples (of float/int) with the coordinate(s) of the known sources. nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. array2 : numpy ndarray, optional Additional image (e.g. processed image with negative derotation angles) enabling to have more noise samples. Should have the same dimensions as array. use2alone: bool, optional Whether to use array2 alone to estimate the noise (might be useful to estimate the snr of extended disk features). verbose: bool, optional Whether to print timing or not. **kwargs : dictionary, optional Arguments to be passed to ``plot_frames`` to customize the plot (and to save it to disk). Returns ------- snrmap : 2d numpy ndarray Frame with the same size as the input frame with each pixel. """ if verbose: start_time = time_ini() check_array(array, dim=2, msg='array') sizey, sizex = array.shape snrmap_array = np.zeros_like(array) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm mask = get_annulus_segments(array, (fwhm / 2) + 2, width, mode="mask")[0] mask = # by making a bool mask *after* applying the mask to the array, we also mask # out zero values from the array. This logic cannot be simplified by using # mode="ind"! yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = zip(xx, yy) if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if known_sources is None: # proxy to S/N calculation if approximated: cy, cx = frame_center(array) tophat_kernel = Tophat2DKernel(fwhm / 2) array = convolve(array, tophat_kernel) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm mask = get_annulus_segments(array, (fwhm / 2) + 1, width - 1, mode="mask")[0] mask = yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = [(int(x), int(y)) for (x, y) in zip(xx, yy)] res = pool_map(nproc, _snr_approx, array, iterable(coords), fwhm, cy, cx) res = np.array(res) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 2] snrmap_array[yy.astype(int), xx.astype(int)] = snr_value # computing s/n map with Mawet+14 definition else: res = pool_map(nproc, snr, array, iterable(coords), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone, exclude_negative_lobes) res = np.array(res) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, -1] snrmap_array[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr_value # masking known sources else: if not isinstance(known_sources, tuple): raise TypeError("`known_sources` must be a tuple or tuple of " "tuples") else: source_mask = np.zeros_like(array) if isinstance(known_sources[0], tuple): for coor in known_sources: source_mask[coor[::-1]] = 1 elif isinstance(known_sources[0], int): source_mask[known_sources[1], known_sources[0]] = 1 else: raise TypeError("`known_sources` seems to have wrong type. It " "must be a tuple of ints or tuple of tuples " "(of ints)") # checking the mask with the sources if source_mask[source_mask == 1].shape[0] > 50: msg = 'Input source mask is too crowded (check its validity)' raise RuntimeError(msg) soury, sourx = np.where(source_mask == 1) sources = [] coor_ann = [] arr_masked_sources = array.copy() centery, centerx = frame_center(array) for y, x in zip(soury, sourx): radd = dist(centery, centerx, int(y), int(x)) if int(radd) < centery - np.ceil(fwhm): sources.append((y, x)) for source in sources: y, x = source radd = dist(centery, centerx, int(y), int(x)) anny, annx = get_annulus_segments(array, int(radd - fwhm), int(np.round(3 * fwhm)))[0] ciry, cirx = disk((y, x), int(np.ceil(fwhm))) # masking the sources positions (using the MAD of pixels in annulus) arr_masked_sources[ciry, cirx] = mad(array[anny, annx]) # S/Ns of annulus without the sources coor_ann = [(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(annx, anny) if (x, y) not in zip(cirx, ciry)] res = pool_map(nproc, snr, arr_masked_sources, iterable(coor_ann), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone, exclude_negative_lobes) res = np.array(res) yy_res = res[:, 0] xx_res = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 4] snrmap_array[yy_res.astype('int'), xx_res.astype('int')] = snr_value coor_ann += coor_ann # S/Ns of the rest of the frame without the annulus coor_rest = [(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(xx, yy) if (x, y) not in coor_ann] res = pool_map(nproc, snr, array, iterable(coor_rest), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone, exclude_negative_lobes) res = np.array(res) yy_res = res[:, 0] xx_res = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 4] snrmap_array[yy_res.astype('int'), xx_res.astype('int')] = snr_value if plot: plot_frames(snrmap_array, colorbar=True, title='S/N map', **kwargs) if verbose: print("S/N map created using {} processes".format(nproc)) timing(start_time) return snrmap_array
def linechart(df, plot_label, line=True, full=False): """ Function to build a linechart and export a PNG and an SVG of the image. Parameters ---------- df : pandas dataframe dataframe to plot plot_label : string plot title line : boolean True for lineplot, False for scatterplot full : boolean True for ylim=[0, 1], False for ylim=[0, 3×max(mad) Returns ------- plotted : boolean True if data plotted, False otherwise Outputs ------- inline plot """ try: start = min(df.index.values) except: print("End of data.") return False stop = max(df.index.values) print("Plotting...") print(plot_label) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8), dpi=75) plt.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = 10000 ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_ylabel('unit cube normalized vector length') mad_values = [] ci = [0, 0] cls = list(color_palette.keys()) for i, device in enumerate(list(df.columns)): if device.startswith('normalized'): d2 = device[25:] else: d2 = device plot_line = df[[device]].dropna() mp = mad(plot_line) if mp > 0: print(mp) mad_values.append(mp) else: mp = plot_line.std()[0] if mp > 0: print(mp) mad_values.append(mp) else: print(max(plot_line[[device]])) mad_values.append(max(plot_line[[device]])) label = d2 for c in color_key: if c in d2 or d2 in c: cmap = color_key[c] if not cmap: cmap = color_palette[cls[ci[0]]][ci[1]] if ci[1] < len(color_palette[cls[ci[0]]]) - 1: ci[1] = ci[1] + 1 else: ci[0] = ci[0] + 1 if ci[0] < (len(color_palette.keys()) - 1) else 0 ci[1] = 0 if line: ax.plot_date(x=plot_line.index, y=plot_line, alpha=0.4, label=label, marker="", linestyle="solid", color=cmap) else: ax.plot_date(x=plot_line.index, y=plot_line, alpha=0.4, label=label, marker="o", linestyle="None", color=cmap) ax.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) try: ylim = max(mad_values) except: ylim = 0 if full or ylim == 0: ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) else: try: ax.set_ylim([0, 3 * ylim]) except: ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%H:%M:%S')) plt.suptitle(plot_label) plt.xticks(rotation=65) return True
def snrmap(array, fwhm, approximated=False, plot=False, known_sources=None, nproc=None, array2=None, use2alone=False, verbose=True, **kwargs): """Parallel implementation of the S/N map generation function. Applies the S/N function (small samples penalty) at each pixel. Parameters ---------- array : numpy ndarray Input frame (2d array). fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. approximated : bool, optional If True, an approximated S/N map is generated. plot : bool, optional If True plots the S/N map. False by default. known_sources : None, tuple or tuple of tuples, optional To take into account existing sources. It should be a tuple of float/int or a tuple of tuples (of float/int) with the coordinate(s) of the known sources. nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. array2 : numpy ndarray, optional Additional image (e.g. processed image with negative derotation angles) enabling to have more noise samples. Should have the same dimensions as array. use2alone: bool, optional Whether to use array2 alone to estimate the noise (might be useful to estimate the snr of extended disk features). verbose: bool, optional Whether to print timing or not. **kwargs : dictionary, optional Arguments to be passed to ``plot_frames`` to customize the plot (and to save it to disk). Returns ------- snrmap : 2d numpy ndarray Frame with the same size as the input frame with each pixel. """ if verbose: start_time = time_ini() check_array(array, dim=2, msg='array') sizey, sizex = array.shape snrmap_array = np.zeros_like(array) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm mask = get_annulus_segments(array, (fwhm / 2) + 2, width, mode="mask")[0] mask = # by making a bool mask *after* applying the mask to the array, we also mask # out zero values from the array. This logic cannot be simplified by using # mode="ind"! yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = zip(xx, yy) if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() // 2 # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if known_sources is None: # proxy to S/N calculation if approximated: cy, cx = frame_center(array) tophat_kernel = Tophat2DKernel(fwhm / 2) array = convolve(array, tophat_kernel) width = min(sizey, sizex) / 2 - 1.5 * fwhm mask = get_annulus_segments(array, (fwhm / 2) + 1, width - 1, mode="mask")[0] mask = yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = [(int(x), int(y)) for (x, y) in zip(xx, yy)] res = pool_map(nproc, _snr_approx, array, iterable(coords), fwhm, cy, cx) res = np.array(res) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 2] snrmap_array[yy.astype(int), xx.astype(int)] = snr_value # computing s/n map with Mawet+14 definition else: res = pool_map(nproc, snr, array, iterable(coords), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone) res = np.array(res) yy = res[:, 0] xx = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, -1] snrmap_array[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr_value # masking known sources else: if not isinstance(known_sources, tuple): raise TypeError("`known_sources` must be a tuple or tuple of " "tuples") else: source_mask = np.zeros_like(array) if isinstance(known_sources[0], tuple): for coor in known_sources: source_mask[coor[::-1]] = 1 elif isinstance(known_sources[0], int): source_mask[known_sources[1], known_sources[0]] = 1 else: raise TypeError("`known_sources` seems to have wrong type. It " "must be a tuple of ints or tuple of tuples " "(of ints)") # checking the mask with the sources if source_mask[source_mask == 1].shape[0] > 50: msg = 'Input source mask is too crowded (check its validity)' raise RuntimeError(msg) soury, sourx = np.where(source_mask == 1) sources = [] coor_ann = [] arr_masked_sources = array.copy() centery, centerx = frame_center(array) for y, x in zip(soury, sourx): radd = dist(centery, centerx, int(y), int(x)) if int(radd) < centery - np.ceil(fwhm): sources.append((y, x)) for source in sources: y, x = source radd = dist(centery, centerx, int(y), int(x)) anny, annx = get_annulus_segments(array, int(radd-fwhm), int(np.round(3 * fwhm)))[0] ciry, cirx =, x, int(np.ceil(fwhm))) # masking the sources positions (using the MAD of pixels in annulus) arr_masked_sources[ciry, cirx] = mad(array[anny, annx]) # S/Ns of annulus without the sources coor_ann = [(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(annx, anny) if (x, y) not in zip(cirx, ciry)] res = pool_map(nproc, snr, arr_masked_sources, iterable(coor_ann), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone) res = np.array(res) yy_res = res[:, 0] xx_res = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 4] snrmap_array[yy_res.astype('int'), xx_res.astype('int')] = snr_value coor_ann += coor_ann # S/Ns of the rest of the frame without the annulus coor_rest = [(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(xx, yy) if (x, y) not in coor_ann] res = pool_map(nproc, snr, array, iterable(coor_rest), fwhm, True, array2, use2alone) res = np.array(res) yy_res = res[:, 0] xx_res = res[:, 1] snr_value = res[:, 4] snrmap_array[yy_res.astype('int'), xx_res.astype('int')] = snr_value if plot: plot_frames(snrmap_array, colorbar=True, title='S/N map', **kwargs) if verbose: print("S/N map created using {} processes".format(nproc)) timing(start_time) return snrmap_array
def make_master_map(self, ls, fname, path=''): ''' Will create a master nonlinearity map Parameters ---------- ls : TYPE DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. ''' lsuid = [basename(f).replace('.nl.fits', '') for f in ls] if path == '': path = getcwd() from astropy.stats import median_absolute_deviation as mad from datetime import datetime nb_ext = fits.getdata(ls[0]).shape[0] nl = np.zeros((3, 4096, 4096)) res = np.asarray([fits.getdata(f)[2, :, :] for f in ls]) chi2 = np.asarray([fits.getdata(f)[3, :, :] for f in ls]) md = np.median(res, axis=0) msd = mad(res, axis=0) top = md + 5 * msd mask_outliers = np.asarray( [np.where(im > top, True, False) for im in res], dtype=bool) mask_chi2 = np.asarray( [np.where(im >= 1.1, True, False) for im in chi2], dtype=bool) bc2 = np.all(mask_chi2, axis=0) nl[2] = np.asarray(bc2, dtype=int) mask3d = mask_outliers | mask_chi2 for i in range(2): ext = np.asarray([fits.getdata(f)[i] for f in ls]) a =, mask=mask3d) mean_ext = a.mean(axis=0) nl[i, :, :] = def make_file(nl, name, ls=[], path=''): hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() = nl time = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") uid = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%y%m%d%H%M%S") hdu.header['DATE'] = (time, "Creation time") hdu.header['UNIQUEID'] = (uid, "Unique identification number.") hdu.header.add_comment("Built using:") for u in lsuid: hdu.header.add_comment(u) if len(ls) > 0: for f in ls: hdu.header.add_comment(f) if path == '': path = getcwd() hdu.writeto(join(path, name), overwrite=True) make_file(nl, fname, path=path)
def aspcap_residue_plot(self, test_predictions, test_labels, test_pred_error=None, test_labels_err=None): """ NAME: aspcap_residue_plot PURPOSE: plot aspcap residue INPUT: test_predictions (ndarray): Test result from neural network test_labels (ndarray): Gound truth for tests result test_pred_error (ndarray): (Optional) 1-sigma error for tests result from Baysian neural network. test_labels_err (ndarray): (Optional) Ground truth for tests result OUTPUT: None, just plots to be saved HISTORY: 2018-Jan-28 - Written - Henry Leung (University of Toronto) """ import pylab as plt import numpy as np import seaborn as sns print("Start plotting residues") resid = test_predictions - test_labels # Some plotting variables for asthetics plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'white' sns.set_style("ticks") plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = True plt.rcParams['grid.color'] = 'gray' plt.rcParams['grid.alpha'] = '0.4' x_lab = 'ASPCAP' y_lab = 'astroNN' fullname = self.targetname aspcap_residue_path = os.path.join(self.fullfilepath, 'ASPCAP_residue') if not os.path.exists(aspcap_residue_path): os.makedirs(aspcap_residue_path) mad_labels = np.zeros(test_labels.shape[1]) for i in range(test_labels.shape[1]): not9999_index = np.where(test_labels[:, i] != MAGIC_NUMBER) mad_labels[i] = mad((test_labels[:, i])[not9999_index], axis=0) if test_pred_error is None: # To deal with prediction from non-Bayesian Neural Network test_pred_error = np.zeros(test_predictions.shape) for i in range(self._labels_shape): plt.figure(figsize=(15, 11), dpi=200) plt.axhline(0, ls='--', c='k', lw=2) not9999 = np.where(test_labels[:, i] != -9999.)[0] plt.errorbar((test_labels[:, i])[not9999], (resid[:, i])[not9999], yerr=(test_pred_error[:, i])[not9999], markersize=2, fmt='o', ecolor='g', capthick=2, elinewidth=0.5) plt.xlabel('ASPCAP ' + target_name_conversion(fullname[i]), fontsize=25) plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta$ ' + target_name_conversion(fullname[i]) + '\n(' + y_lab + ' - ' + x_lab + ')', fontsize=25) plt.tick_params(labelsize=20, width=1, length=10) if self._labels_shape == 1: plt.xlim([ np.min((test_labels[:])[not9999]), np.max((test_labels[:])[not9999]) ]) else: plt.xlim([ np.min((test_labels[:, i])[not9999]), np.max((test_labels[:, i])[not9999]) ]) ranges = (np.max((test_labels[:, i])[not9999]) - np.min( (test_labels[:, i])[not9999])) / 2 plt.ylim([-ranges, ranges]) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", fc="w", ec="k", lw=2) bias = np.median((resid[:, i])[not9999], axis=0) scatter = mad((resid[:, i])[not9999], axis=0) plt.figtext(0.6, 0.75, r'$\widetilde{m}$=' + '{0:.3f}'.format(bias) + r' $\widetilde{s}$=' + '{0:.3f}'.format(scatter / float(mad_labels[i])) + ' s=' + '{0:.3f}'.format(scatter), size=25, bbox=bbox_props) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(aspcap_residue_path + f'/{fullname[i]}_test.png') plt.close('all') plt.clf() if test_labels_err is not None: for i in range(self._labels_shape): plt.figure(figsize=(15, 11), dpi=200) plt.axhline(0, ls='--', c='k', lw=2) not9999 = np.where(test_labels[:, i] != -9999.)[0] plt.scatter((test_labels_err[:, i])[not9999], (resid[:, i])[not9999], s=0.7) plt.xlabel(r'ASPCAP Error of ' + target_name_conversion(fullname[i]), fontsize=25) plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta$ ' + target_name_conversion(fullname[i]) + '\n(' + y_lab + ' - ' + x_lab + ')', fontsize=25) plt.tick_params(labelsize=20, width=1, length=10) if self._labels_shape == 1: plt.xlim([ np.percentile((test_labels_err[:])[not9999], 5), np.percentile((test_labels_err[:])[not9999], 95) ]) else: plt.xlim([ np.min((test_labels_err[:, i])[not9999]), np.percentile((test_labels_err[:, i])[not9999], 90) ]) ranges = (np.percentile( (resid[:, i])[not9999], 5) - np.percentile( (resid[:, i])[not9999], 95)) plt.ylim([-ranges, ranges]) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(aspcap_residue_path + f'/{fullname[i]}_test_err.png') plt.close('all') plt.clf() print("Finished plotting residues")
print list print '' ################## paths = [ '/mnt/hgfs/data/k12h02h/00000339.2012FU62.REDUCED.FIT', '/mnt/hgfs/data/k12h02h/stack-2.fits', '/mnt/hgfs/data/k12h02h/stack-4.fits', '/mnt/hgfs/data/k12h02h/stack-6.fits', '/mnt/hgfs/data/k12h02h/stack-9.fits', '/mnt/hgfs/data/k12h02h/stack-16.fits', ] for path in paths: image = getImage(path) #print np.median(image), mad(image) bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) print mad(image), 5 * bkg_sigma ################## path = '/mnt/hgfs/data/k12h02h/00000339.2012FU62.REDUCED.FIT' index = 0 image = getImage(path, index) stars = findStars(image) stars.sort('flux') stars.reverse() list = stars[:3] positions = zip(list['xcentroid'], list['ycentroid']) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=6) annuli = CircularAnnulus(positions, r_in=18, r_out=24) phot_table = aperture_photometry(image, [apertures, annuli])
cube_empire = SpectralCube(, header=hdu.header, wcs=wcs.WCS(hdu.header)) empire_mask = np.isfinite( cube_empire = cube_empire.with_mask(empire_mask) channel_ratio = ((cube_degas.spectral_axis[1] - cube_degas.spectral_axis[0]) / (cube_empire.spectral_axis[1] - cube_empire.spectral_axis[0])).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value kernel = Box1DKernel(channel_ratio) cube_empire = cube_empire.spectral_smooth(kernel) cube_empire = cube_empire.spectral_interpolate(cube_degas.spectral_axis) cube_empire = cube_empire.reproject(cube_degas.header) cube_degas = cube_degas.convolve_to(cube_empire.beam) noise_empire = mad(cube_empire.filled_data[:].value, ignore_nan=True) noise_degas = mad(cube_degas.filled_data[:].value, ignore_nan=True) bools = mask.filled_data[:] > 1 degas_vals = cube_degas.filled_data[bools].value empire_vals = cube_empire.filled_data[bools].value idx = np.isfinite(degas_vals) * np.isfinite(empire_vals) ax.plot(empire_vals * sf, degas_vals * sf,'ro', alpha=0.5, markeredgecolor='k', label=molecule) xlims = ax.get_xlim() ylims = ax.get_ylim() ax.plot([np.min([xlims[0],ylims[0]]), np.max([xlims[1], ylims[1]])], [np.min([xlims[0],ylims[0]]), np.max([xlims[1], ylims[1]])]) ax.set_xlabel('EMPIRE (mK)')
def snrmap(array, fwhm, plot=False, mode='sss', source_mask=None, nproc=None): """Parallel implementation of the SNR map generation function. Applies the SNR function (small samples penalty) at each pixel. Parameters ---------- array : array_like Input frame. fwhm : float Size in pixels of the FWHM. plot : {False, True}, bool optional If True plots the SNR map. mode : {'sss', 'peakstddev'}, string optional 'sss' uses the approach with the small sample statistics penalty and 'peakstddev' uses the peak(aperture)/std(annulus) version. source_mask : array_like, optional If exists, it takes into account existing sources. The mask is a ones 2d array, with the same size as the input frame. The centers of the known sources have a zero value. nproc : int or None Number of processes for parallel computing. Returns ------- snrmap : array_like Frame with the same size as the input frame with each pixel. """ start_time = timeInit() if not array.ndim==2: raise TypeError('Input array is not a 2d array or image.') if plot: plt.close('snr') sizey, sizex = array.shape snrmap = np.zeros_like(array) width = min(sizey,sizex)/2 - 1.5*fwhm mask = get_annulus(array, (fwhm/2)+1, width) mask = yy, xx = np.where(mask) coords = [(x,y) for (x,y) in zip(xx,yy)] if not nproc: nproc = int((cpu_count()/2)) # Hyper-threading doubles the # of cores if mode == 'sss': F = snr_ss elif mode == 'peakstddev': F = snr_peakstddev else: raise TypeError('\nMode not recognized.') if source_mask is None: pool = Pool(processes=int(nproc)) res =, itt.izip(itt.repeat(F),itt.repeat(array), coords, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool.close() yy = res[:,0] xx = res[:,1] snr = res[:,2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr else: # checking the mask with the sources if not array.shape == source_mask.shape: raise RuntimeError('Source mask has wrong size.') if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] == 0: msg = 'Input source mask is empty.' raise RuntimeError(msg) if source_mask[source_mask == 0].shape[0] > 20: msg = 'Input source mask is too crowded. Check its validity.' raise RuntimeError(msg) soury, sourx = np.where(source_mask == 0) sources = [] ciry = []; cirx = []; anny = []; annx = [] array_sources = array.copy() centery, centerx = frame_center(array) for (y,x) in zip(soury,sourx): radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) if int(np.floor(radd)) < centery - np.ceil(fwhm): sources.append((y,x)) for source in sources: y, x = source radd = dist(centery, centerx, y, x) tempay, tempax = get_annulus(array, int(np.floor(radd-fwhm)), int(np.ceil(2*fwhm)), output_indices=True) tempcy, tempcx =, x, int(np.ceil(1*fwhm))) # masking the source position (using the MAD of pixels in annulus) array_sources[tempcy, tempcx] = mad(array[tempay, tempax]) ciry += list(tempcy); cirx += list(tempcx) anny += list(tempay); annx += list(tempax) # coordinates of annulus without the sources coor_ann = [(y,x) for (y,x) in zip(anny, annx) if (y,x) not in zip(ciry, cirx)] # coordinates of the rest of the frame without the annulus coor_rest = [(y,x) for (y,x) in zip(yy, xx) if (y,x) not in coor_ann] pool1 = Pool(processes=int(nproc)) res =, itt.izip(itt.repeat(F),itt.repeat(array), coor_rest, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool1.close() yy = res[:,0] xx = res[:,1] snr = res[:,2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr pool2 = Pool(processes=int(nproc)) res =, itt.izip(itt.repeat(F), itt.repeat(array_sources), coor_ann, itt.repeat(fwhm), itt.repeat(True))) res = np.array(res) pool2.close() yy = res[:,0] xx = res[:,1] snr = res[:,2] snrmap[yy.astype('int'), xx.astype('int')] = snr if plot: pp_subplots(snrmap, colorb=True, title='SNRmap') print "SNR map created using {:} processes.".format(nproc) timing(start_time) return snrmap
# Reconstruct the full frame from the windows stackedFigure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) matplotlib.pyplot.title("Initial 10 frame stacked image") boostedFullFrame = numpy.zeros((fullFrameysize, fullFramexsize)) fullFrame = numpy.zeros((fullFrameysize, fullFramexsize)) for w in allWindows: boostedImage = ultracamutils.percentiles(w.stackedData, 10, 99.8) image = w.stackedData xll = w.xll/w.xbin - xmin xsize = w.nx yll = w.yll/w.ybin - ymin ysize = w.ny boostedFullFrame[yll:yll+ysize, xll:xll+xsize] = fullFrame[yll:yll+ysize, xll:xll+xsize] + boostedImage fullFrame[yll:yll+ysize, xll:xll+xsize] = fullFrame[yll:yll+ysize, xll:xll+xsize] + image bkg_sigma = 1.48 * mad(image) print "bkg_sigma", bkg_sigma sources = daofind(image, fwhm=4.0, threshold=3*bkg_sigma) print "Num sources in this window:", len(sources) w.setSourcesAvoidBorders(sources) # Get the source list from this image # Combine the sources in all of the windows allSources = [] for index, w in enumerate(allWindows): xll = w.xll/w.xbin - xmin yll = w.yll/w.ybin - ymin sources = w.getSources() positions = zip(sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['flux']) new_positions = [(x + xll, y + yll, flux) for (x, y, flux) in positions]
def slice_residual(): NS_r_XX = [] NS_r_YY = [] EW_r_XX = [] EW_r_YY = [] for tile in tiles: for pol in ["XX", "YY"]: f_tile = f"{map_dir}/{tile}{pol}_rf1{pol}_tile_maps.npz" try: map_slices = beam_slices(f_tile, fee_map, nside) # pointings = ["0", "2", "4"] pointings = ["0"] for i, p in enumerate(pointings): slices = map_slices[i] NS_slices = slices[0] fee_slice = NS_slices[1][0] NS_med = NS_slices[0][0] nulls = np.where(fee_slice < -30) fee_slice[nulls] = np.nan NS_med[nulls] = np.nan NS_resi = np.array(NS_med - fee_slice) if pol == "XX": NS_r_XX.append(NS_resi) else: NS_r_YY.append(NS_resi) EW_slices = slices[1] fee_slice = EW_slices[1][0] EW_med = EW_slices[0][0] nulls = np.where(fee_slice < -30) fee_slice[nulls] = np.nan EW_med[nulls] = np.nan EW_resi = np.array(EW_med - fee_slice) if pol == "XX": EW_r_XX.append(EW_resi) else: EW_r_YY.append(EW_resi) except Exception as e: print(e) NS_XX_res = np.nanmedian(np.array(NS_r_XX), axis=0) NS_YY_res = np.nanmedian(np.array(NS_r_YY), axis=0) EW_XX_res = np.nanmedian(np.array(EW_r_XX), axis=0) EW_YY_res = np.nanmedian(np.array(EW_r_YY), axis=0) NS_XX_mad = mad(np.array(NS_r_XX), axis=0) NS_YY_mad = mad(np.array(NS_r_YY), axis=0) EW_XX_mad = mad(np.array(EW_r_XX), axis=0) EW_YY_mad = mad(np.array(EW_r_YY), axis=0) # Only used to extract za arrays f_tile = f"{map_dir}/S06XX_rf0XX_tile_maps.npz" map_slices = beam_slices(f_tile, fee_map, nside) za = map_slices[0][0][0][2] NS_XX_fit = poly_fit(za, NS_XX_res, NS_XX_res, 2) NS_YY_fit = poly_fit(za, NS_YY_res, NS_YY_res, 2) EW_XX_fit = poly_fit(za, EW_XX_res, EW_XX_res, 2) EW_YY_fit = poly_fit(za, EW_YY_res, EW_YY_res, 2) # Plotting stuff #"seaborn") # nice_fonts = { # "": "sans-serif", # "axes.labelsize": 8, # "axes.titlesize": 9, # "font.size": 8, # "legend.fontsize": 6, # "xtick.labelsize": 8, # "ytick.labelsize": 8, # } # plt.rcParams.update(nice_fonts) # plt.figure(figsize=(3.6, 2.4)) # colors = _spec(np.linspace(0.17, 0.9, 4)) colors = _spec([0.14, 0.77, 0.66, 0.35]) # plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) # plt.errorbar( # za, # NS_XX_res, # yerr=NS_XX_mad, # fmt=".", # ms=7, # alpha=0.88, # color=colors[0], # elinewidth=1.4, # capsize=1.4, # capthick=1.6, # ) # plt.errorbar( # za, # NS_YY_res, # yerr=NS_YY_mad, # fmt=".", # ms=7, # alpha=0.88, # color=colors[1], # elinewidth=1.4, # capsize=1.4, # capthick=1.6, # ) # plt.errorbar( # za, # EW_XX_res, # yerr=EW_XX_mad, # fmt=".", # ms=7, # alpha=0.88, # color=colors[2], # elinewidth=1.4, # capsize=1.4, # capthick=1.6, # ) # plt.errorbar( # za, # EW_YY_res, # yerr=EW_YY_mad, # fmt=".", # ms=7, # alpha=0.88, # color=colors[3], # elinewidth=1.4, # capsize=1.4, # capthick=1.6, # ) plt.scatter( za, NS_XX_res, s=16, alpha=0.88, edgecolor="black", linewidth=0.2, color=colors[0], ) plt.scatter( za, NS_YY_res, s=16, alpha=0.88, edgecolor="black", linewidth=0.2, color=colors[1], ) plt.scatter( za, EW_XX_res, s=16, alpha=0.88, edgecolor="black", linewidth=0.2, color=colors[2], ) plt.scatter( za, EW_YY_res, s=16, alpha=0.88, edgecolor="black", linewidth=0.2, color=colors[3], ) plt.plot(za, NS_XX_fit, label="NS_XX", linewidth=2, color=colors[0]) plt.plot(za, NS_YY_fit, label="NS_YY", linewidth=2, color=colors[1]) plt.plot(za, EW_XX_fit, label="EW_XX", linewidth=2, color=colors[2]) plt.plot(za, EW_YY_fit, label="EW_YY", linewidth=2, color=colors[3]) leg = plt.legend(loc="upper right", frameon=True, markerscale=4, handlelength=1) leg.get_frame().set_facecolor("white") for le in leg.legendHandles: le.set_alpha(1) plt.ylim([-4, 4]) # plt.xlabel("Zenith Angle [degrees]") plt.ylabel("Residual Power [dB]") # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig("ref_rot/rot_resi.pdf") return plt