Exemple #1
def get_lf(lf, sid, bins, use_smooth_maps=False, use_binvol2 = False):
    # Bin data.  This is only for visualisation and to compare
    # with reported binned values.  
    m = lf.M1450[lf.sid==sid]

    #print 'Originally have {:d} quasars'.format(np.size(m))

    #print 'Should have {:d} quasars'.format(np.size(m[m<-24.0]))
    ms = (bins[1:]+bins[:-1])*0.5

    limit = np.max(ms)
    m = m[m<-24.0]
    # print 'bins=', bins
    #print 'limit=', limit

    #print 'Have {:d} quasars'.format(np.size(m))


    if use_smooth_maps:
        selmaps = [x for x in smoothmaps if x.sid == sid]
        selmaps = [x for x in lf.maps if x.sid == sid]

    v1 = np.array([totBinVol(lf, x, bins, selmaps, use_binvol2=use_binvol2) for x in m])

    v1_nonzero = v1[np.where(v1>0.0)]
    m = m[np.where(v1>0.0)]

    h = np.histogram(m, bins=bins, weights=1.0/(v1_nonzero))

    nums = h[0]
    mags = (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:])*0.5
    dmags = np.diff(h[1])*0.5

    left = mags - h[1][:-1]
    right = h[1][1:] - mags

    phi = nums
    logphi = np.log10(phi) # cMpc^-3 mag^-1

    # Calculate errorbars on our binned LF.  These have been estimated
    # using Equations 1 and 2 of Gehrels 1986 (ApJ 303 336), as
    # implemented in astropy.stats.poisson_conf_interval.  The
    # interval='frequentist-confidence' option to that astropy function is
    # exactly equal to the Gehrels formulas, although the documentation
    # does not say so.
    n = np.histogram(m, bins=bins)[0]
    nlims = pci(n,interval='frequentist-confidence')
    nlims *= phi/n 
    uperr = np.log10(nlims[1]) - logphi 
    downerr = logphi - np.log10(nlims[0])

    # for a in zip(mags, n):
    #     print '{:.2f}  {:d}'.format(a[0], a[1])

    return mags, left, right, logphi, uperr, downerr
def get_lf(lf, sid, z_plot, special='None'):

    # Bin data.  This is only for visualisation and to compare
    # with reported binned values.
    m = lf.M1450[lf.sid == sid]

    selmaps = [x for x in lf.maps if x.sid == sid]

    if sid == 6:
        # Glikman's sample needs wider bins.
        bins = np.array([-26.0, -25.0, -24.0, -23.0, -22.0, -21])
    elif sid == 7:
        bins = np.array([-23.5, -21.5, -20.5, -19.5, -18.5])
    elif sid == 10 or sid == 18:
        bins = np.arange(-30.9, -17.3, 1.8)
    elif special == 'croom_comparison':
        # These M1450 bins result in the Mgz2 bins of Croom09.  The
        # 1.23 converts between the two magnitudes (Eqn B8 of Ross13).
        bins = np.arange(-30, -19.5, 0.5) + 1.23
    elif special == 'croom_comparison_Mgz2':
        # These Mgz2 bins of Croom09.
        bins = np.arange(-30, -19.5, 0.5)
        bins = np.arange(-30.9, -17.3, 0.6)

    v1 = np.array([totBinVol(lf, x, bins, selmaps) for x in m])

    v1_nonzero = v1[np.where(v1 > 0.0)]
    m = m[np.where(v1 > 0.0)]

    h = np.histogram(m, bins=bins, weights=1.0 / (v1_nonzero))

    nums = h[0]
    mags = (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:]) * 0.5
    dmags = np.diff(h[1]) * 0.5

    left = mags - h[1][:-1]
    right = h[1][1:] - mags

    phi = nums
    logphi = np.log10(phi)  # cMpc^-3 mag^-1

    # print 'sid=', sid
    # print 'mags=', mags
    # print 'nums=', nums
    # print 'total=', np.sum(nums)

    # Calculate errorbars on our binned LF.  These have been estimated
    # using Equations 1 and 2 of Gehrels 1986 (ApJ 303 336), as
    # implemented in astropy.stats.poisson_conf_interval.  The
    # interval='frequentist-confidence' option to that astropy function is
    # exactly equal to the Gehrels formulas, although the documentation
    # does not say so.
    n = np.histogram(m, bins=bins)[0]
    nlims = pci(n, interval='frequentist-confidence')
    nlims *= phi / n
    uperr = np.log10(nlims[1]) - logphi
    downerr = logphi - np.log10(nlims[0])

    return mags, left, right, logphi, uperr, downerr
def get_lf_sample(lf, sid, z_plot):

    # Bin data.  This is only for visualisation and to compare
    # with reported binned values.

    m = lf.M1450[lf.sid == sid]
    n = m.size
    mlims = (m.min(), m.max())
    theta = np.median(lf.samples, axis=0)
    m = lfsample(theta, n, mlims)

    selmaps = [x for x in lf.maps if x.sid == sid]

    if sid == 6:
        # Glikman's sample needs wider bins.
        bins = np.array([-26.0, -25.0, -24.0, -23.0, -22.0, -21])
    elif sid == 7:
        bins = np.array([-23.5, -21.5, -20.5, -19.5, -18.5])
    elif sid == 10:
        bins = np.arange(-30.9, -17.3, 1.8)
        bins = np.arange(-30.9, -17.3, 0.6)

    v1 = np.array([totBinVol(lf, x, bins, selmaps) for x in m])

    v1_nonzero = v1[np.where(v1 > 0.0)]
    m = m[np.where(v1 > 0.0)]

    h = np.histogram(m, bins=bins, weights=1.0 / (v1_nonzero))

    nums = h[0]
    mags = (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:]) * 0.5
    dmags = np.diff(h[1]) * 0.5

    left = mags - h[1][:-1]
    right = h[1][1:] - mags

    phi = nums
    logphi = np.log10(phi)  # cMpc^-3 mag^-1

    # Calculate errorbars on our binned LF.  These have been estimated
    # using Equations 1 and 2 of Gehrels 1986 (ApJ 303 336), as
    # implemented in astropy.stats.poisson_conf_interval.  The
    # interval='frequentist-confidence' option to that astropy function is
    # exactly equal to the Gehrels formulas, although the documentation
    # does not say so.
    n = np.histogram(m, bins=bins)[0]
    nlims = pci(n, interval='frequentist-confidence')
    nlims *= phi / n
    uperr = np.log10(nlims[1]) - logphi
    downerr = logphi - np.log10(nlims[0])

    return mags, left, right, logphi, uperr, downerr
Exemple #4
def get_lf(zrange, bins):

    z, m, p = np.loadtxt('Data/r13miz2_sample.dat',
                         usecols=(1, 2, 3),
    select = ((z >= zrange[0]) & (z < zrange[1]))
    m = m[select]
    p = p[select]

    area = 2236.0  # deg^2
    dz = 0.05
    dm = 0.1
    zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/r13miz2_selfunc.dat',
                                  usecols=(1, 2, 3),
    vol = volume(zsel, area) * dz

    psel[(zsel < zrange[0]) | (zsel >= zrange[1])] = 0.0

    zv = np.linspace(zrange[0], zrange[1], 50)
    dzv = np.diff(zv)[0]
    v = volume(zv, area) * dzv
    totvol = np.sum(v)

    v1 = np.array(
        [binvol(x, zrange, bins, msel, psel, vol, zsel, totvol) for x in m])

    v1_nonzero = v1[np.where(v1 > 0.0)]
    m = m[np.where(v1 > 0.0)]

    h = np.histogram(m, bins=bins, weights=1.0 / (v1_nonzero))

    nums = h[0]
    mags = (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:]) * 0.5
    dmags = np.diff(h[1]) * 0.5

    left = mags - h[1][:-1]
    right = h[1][1:] - mags

    phi = nums
    logphi = np.log10(phi)  # cMpc^-3 mag^-1

    n = np.histogram(m, bins=bins)[0]

    nlims = pci(n, interval='frequentist-confidence')
    nlims *= phi / n
    uperr = np.log10(nlims[1]) - logphi
    downerr = logphi - np.log10(nlims[0])

    return mags, left, right, logphi, uperr, downerr
Exemple #5
def get_lf(lf, z_plot, sids):

    sample_selection = np.in1d(lf.sid, sids)
    m = lf.M1450[sample_selection]
    p = lf.p[sample_selection]
    sid = lf.sid[sample_selection]
    m = m[p!=0.0]
    p = p[p!=0.0]
    sid = sid[p!=0.0]

    # DR7
    area = 6248.0 # deg^2
    dz = 0.05 
    dm = 0.1
    zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/mcgreer13_dr7selfunc.dat', usecols=(1,2,3), unpack=True)
    vol = volume(zsel, area)*dz
    # def volm(m, msel, psel, vsel):

    #     total_vol = 0.0
    #     bincount = 0
    #     bincount_pnonzero = 0

    #     dm = abs(msel[1]-msel[0])

    #     for i in xrange(msel.size):
    #         if (m >= msel[i]-dm) and (m < msel[i]+dm):
    #             bincount += 1 
    #             if psel[i] > 0.0:
    #                 bincount_pnonzero += 1 
    #                 # total_vol += vsel[i]*psel[i]
    #                 total_vol += vsel[i] # Should this be vsel[i]*dm?

    #     return total_vol

    def volm(m, msel, psel, vsel):

        total_vol = 0.0

        bins = np.array([-28.23, -27.73, -27.23, -26.73, -26.23, -25.73])
        idx = np.searchsorted(bins, m, side='right')
        mlow = bins[idx-1]
        mhigh = bins[idx]

        dm = abs(msel[1]-msel[0])
        n = int(abs(mhigh-mlow)/dm)+1

        for i in xrange(msel.size):
            if (mlow >= msel[i]-dm) and (mlow < msel[i]+dm):
                for j in range(n):
                        total_vol += vsel[i+j]*psel[i+j]*dm
                        total_vol += 0.0 

        return total_vol

    v1 = np.array([volm(x, msel, psel, vol) for x in m])

    bins = [-28.23, -27.73, -27.23, -26.73, -26.23, -25.73]
    # h = np.histogram(m,bins=bins,weights=1.0/(p*v1))
    h = np.histogram(m,bins=bins,weights=1.0/v1)
    print m[v1==0.0]
    print p[v1==0.0]
    # print volm(-26.73, msel, psel, vol, pd=True)
    print '----'
    # # Stripe 82 
    # area = 235.0 # deg^2
    # dz = 0.05
    # dm = 0.1
    # zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/mcgreer13_s82selfunc.dat', usecols=(1,2,3), unpack=True)
    # vol = volume(zsel, area)*dz

    # mask = np.ones(len(M1450), dtype=bool)
    # mask[dr7] = False 
    # v2 = np.array([volm(x, msel, psel, vol) for x in m[mask]])

    # v = np.where(mask, v2, v1)
    # bins = [-26.0, -25.0, -24.0, -23.0, -22.0, -21]
    # h = np.histogram(m[1:],bins=bins,weights=1.0/(p[1:]*v[1:]))
    nums = h[0]
    mags = (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:])*0.5
    dmags = np.diff(h[1])*0.5

    left = mags - h[1][:-1]
    right = h[1][1:] - mags
    phi = nums/np.diff(h[1])
    logphi = np.log10(phi) # cMpc^-3 mag^-1

    # Calculate errorbars on our binned LF.  These have been estimated
    # using Equations 1 and 2 of Gehrels 1986 (ApJ 303 336), as
    # implemented in astropy.stats.poisson_conf_interval.  The
    # interval='frequentist-confidence' option to that astropy function is
    # exactly equal to the Gehrels formulas, although the documentation
    # does not say so.
    n = np.histogram(m,bins=bins)[0]

    print n 

    nlims = pci(n,interval='frequentist-confidence')
    nlims *= phi/n 
    uperr = np.log10(nlims[1]) - logphi 
    downerr = logphi - np.log10(nlims[0])

    print mags
    print logphi 

    return mags, left, right, logphi, uperr, downerr
Exemple #6
def get_lf(zrange, bins, old=True):

    if old:
        z, m, p = np.loadtxt('Data/glikman11qso.dat',
                             usecols=(1, 2, 3),
        z, m, p = np.loadtxt('Data/glikman11debug.dat',
                             usecols=(1, 2, 3),
    select = ((z >= zrange[0]) & (z < zrange[1]))
    m = m[select]
    p = p[select]

    area = 1.71  # deg^2
    dz = 0.02
    dm = 0.05
    if old:
        zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/glikman11_selfunc_ndwfs_old.dat',
                                      usecols=(1, 2, 3),
        zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/glikman11_selfunc_ndwfs.dat',
                                      usecols=(1, 2, 3),
    vol = volume(zsel, area) * dz

    psel[(zsel < zrange[0]) | (zsel >= zrange[1])] = 0.0

    # m[:12] because only those qsos are from NDWFS
    v1 = np.array(
        [binvol(x, zrange, bins, msel, psel, vol, zsel) for x in m[:12]])

    area = 2.05  # deg^2
    if old:
        zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/glikman11_selfunc_dls_old.dat',
                                      usecols=(1, 2, 3),
        zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/glikman11_selfunc_dls.dat',
                                      usecols=(1, 2, 3),
    vol = volume(zsel, area) * dz

    psel[(zsel < zrange[0]) | (zsel >= zrange[1])] = 0.0

    # m[12:] because only those qsos are from DLS
    v2 = np.array(
        [binvol(x, zrange, bins, msel, psel, vol, zsel) for x in m[12:]])

    v = np.concatenate((v1, v2))
    print v.size
    v_nonzero = v[np.where(v > 0.0)]
    print v_nonzero.size
    m = m[np.where(v > 0.0)]

    h = np.histogram(m, bins=bins, weights=1.0 / (v_nonzero))

    nums = h[0]
    mags = (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:]) * 0.5
    dmags = np.diff(h[1]) * 0.5

    left = mags - h[1][:-1]
    right = h[1][1:] - mags

    phi = nums
    logphi = np.log10(phi)  # cMpc^-3 mag^-1

    n = np.histogram(m, bins=bins)[0]

    print n

    nlims = pci(n, interval='frequentist-confidence')
    nlims *= phi / n
    uperr = np.log10(nlims[1]) - logphi
    downerr = logphi - np.log10(nlims[0])

    mags, b, c = bs(m, m, bins=bins)
    left = mags - b[:-1]
    right = b[1:] - mags

    return mags, left, right, logphi, uperr, downerr
Exemple #7
def rhoqso3(lfs, mag_threshold, bins, **kwargs):

    zs = []
    rhos = [] 
    uerr = []
    lerr = []
    for x in lfs:

        z = (x.zlims[0]+x.zlims[1])/2
        sids = np.unique(x.sid)

        logphis = []
        for sid in sids: 
            mags, left, right, logphi, uperr, downerr = get_lf(x, sid, bins, **kwargs)

        Nbins = np.size(mags)
        Nsamples = len(logphis)
        print('Nbins=', Nbins)
        print('Nsamples=', Nsamples)
        total_phi = np.zeros(Nbins)
        for i in range(Nbins):
            vals = []
            nonzero_counter = 0 
            for j in range(Nsamples):
                if logphis[j][i] > 0.0:
                    nonzero_counter += 1 
            if nonzero_counter > 0:
                total_phi[i] = np.mean(np.array(vals))
            # print i, total_phi[i]

        #     N = len(logphis)
        # if N > 2:
        #     print 'We have a problem: N > 2!!!'
        # if N > 1:
        #     total_phi = logphis[0]
        #     for ns in range(1,N):
        #         for i, p in enumerate(logphis[ns]):
        #             if total_phi[i] == 0.0:
        #                 total_phi[i] = total_phi[i] + p
        #             elif p > 0.0:
        #                 total_phi[i] = (total_phi[i] + p)/2 
        #     logphi = total_phi
        # else:
        #     logphi = np.sum(logphis, axis=0)

        logphi = total_phi 
        #row1 = logphis[0]
        #row2 = logphis[1]

        # logphi = np.sum(logphis, axis=0)

        # #logphi = total_phi 

        # logphi_test = np.mean(logphis, axis=0)

        #for phivalue in zip(row1, row2, logphi):
         #   print '{:.2e}  {:.2e}  {:.2e}'.format(*phivalue)
            #print logphi 

        dm = left + right
        phidm = logphi * dm 
        intphidm = np.cumsum(phidm)

        # for omega in zip(mags, logphi):
        #     print '{:.2f}  {:.2e}'.format(omega[0], omega[1])

        # print 'mags=', mags
        # print 'logphi=', logphi 
        assert(np.all(np.diff(mags) > 0))
        # rho = np.interp(mag_threshold, mags, intphidm)
        rho = intphidm[-1]
        nqso = np.size(x.M1450[x.M1450 < mag_threshold])

        if nqso > 0: 
            nlims = pci(nqso,interval='frequentist-confidence')
            nlims *= rho/nqso
            uperr = nlims[1] - rho
            downerr = rho - nlims[0]
            uperr = 0.0
            downerr = 0.0
        if np.max(mags[logphi > 0.0]) < mag_threshold:
            # not reaching threshold
            rho = 0.0
            uperr = 0.0
            downerr = 0.0

    return zs, rhos, uerr, lerr
Exemple #8
def get_lf(lf, z_plot, sids):

    sample_selection = np.in1d(lf.sid, sids)
    m = lf.M1450[sample_selection]
    p = lf.p[sample_selection]
    sid = lf.sid[sample_selection]

    print m
    print np.sort(m)
    m = m[p!=0.0]
    p = p[p!=0.0]
    sid = sid[p!=0.0]

    # Jiang 2008 
    area = 260.0 # deg^2
    dz = 0.025 
    dm = 0.1
    zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/jiang08_sel.dat', usecols=(1,2,3), unpack=True)
    vol = volume(zsel, area)*dz
    # def volm(mag, magsel, probsel, volsel, zsel):
    #     # Below, np.isclose() selects the tile to which this magnitude
    #     # belongs at each redshift.  We then select the tiles for
    #     # which selection probability is non-zero (probsel[t]>0.0) and
    #     # sum the volume of all those tiles.
    #     t = np.isclose(magsel, mag, rtol=0.0, atol=dm*0.5)
    #     rs = zsel[t][probsel[t]>0.0]
    #     vl = volsel[t][probsel[t]>0.0]
    #     return np.trapz(vl, rs) 
    #     # return np.sum(volsel[t][probsel[t]>0.0], dtype=np.float64)

    # def volm(mag, magsel, probsel, volsel, zsel):
    #     # Below, np.isclose() selects the tile to which this magnitude
    #     # belongs at each redshift.  We then select the tiles for
    #     # which selection probability is non-zero (probsel[t]>0.0) and
    #     # sum the volume of all those tiles.
    #     t = np.isclose(magsel, mag, rtol=0.0, atol=dm*0.5)
    #     return np.sum(volsel[t][probsel[t]>0.0], dtype=np.float64)

    # def volm(mag, magsel, probsel, volsel, zsel):
    #     # Below, np.isclose() selects the tile to which this magnitude
    #     # belongs at each redshift.  We then select the tiles for
    #     # which selection probability is non-zero (probsel[t]>0.0) and
    #     # sum the volume of all those tiles.
    #     t = np.isclose(magsel, mag, rtol=0.0, atol=dm*0.5)
    #     return np.sum(volsel[t]*probsel[t], dtype=np.float64)

    bins = [-26.25, -25.35, -24.85]

    def volm(mag, magsel, probsel, volsel, zsel):
        # Below, np.isclose() selects the tile to which this magnitude
        # belongs at each redshift.  We then select the tiles for
        # which selection probability is non-zero (probsel[t]>0.0) and
        # sum the volume of all those tiles.
        bn = np.searchsorted(bins, mag)
        t = ((magsel < bins[1]) & (mag >= bins[0]))
        return np.sum(volsel[t]*probsel[t], dtype=np.float64)

    m1 = np.concatenate((m[:2],m[3:6]))
    v1 = np.array([volm(x, msel, psel, vol, zsel) for x in m1])
    print 'v1=', v1 

    # Jiang 2009
    area = 195.0 # deg^2
    dz = 0.025 
    dm = 0.1
    zsel, msel, psel = np.loadtxt('Data/jiang09_sel.dat', usecols=(1,2,3), unpack=True)
    vol = volume(zsel, area)*dz

    v2 = np.array([volm(x, msel, psel, vol, zsel) for x in m[6:]])

    v = np.concatenate((v1, v2))     
    bins = [-26.25, -25.35, -24.85]
    # h = np.histogram(m,bins=bins,weights=1.0/(p*v))
    # h = np.histogram(np.concatenate((m[:2],m[3:])),bins=bins,weights=1.0/(np.concatenate((p[:2],p[3:]))*v))
    h = np.histogram(np.concatenate((m[:2],m[3:])),bins=bins,weights=1.0/v)
    nums = h[0]
    mags = (h[1][:-1] + h[1][1:])*0.5
    dmags = np.diff(h[1])*0.5

    left = mags - h[1][:-1]
    right = h[1][1:] - mags
    phi = nums/np.diff(h[1])
    logphi = np.log10(phi) # cMpc^-3 mag^-1

    # Calculate errorbars on our binned LF.  These have been estimated
    # using Equations 1 and 2 of Gehrels 1986 (ApJ 303 336), as
    # implemented in astropy.stats.poisson_conf_interval.  The
    # interval='frequentist-confidence' option to that astropy function is
    # exactly equal to the Gehrels formulas, although the documentation
    # does not say so.
    n = np.histogram(m,bins=bins)[0]

    nlims = pci(n,interval='frequentist-confidence')
    nlims *= phi/n 
    uperr = np.log10(nlims[1]) - logphi 
    downerr = logphi - np.log10(nlims[0])

    # mags, b, c = bs(m, m, bins=bins)

    # left = mags - b[:-1]
    # right = b[1:] - mags
    print mags
    print phi 
    return mags, left, right, logphi, uperr, downerr